Why Trump won, and McCain lost (in 2012)? Rand Paul nailed it: McCain ran on a platform of world hegemony advocated by Washington's one-party system while Trump went out to see what the American people wanted!
(too old to reply)
lo yeeOn
2017-02-19 22:17:33 UTC
McCain ignored the people in 2012. Trump continues to be in touch
with the people, even after he won the election.

lo yeeOn


Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) ripped fellow Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.)
on Sunday after McCain criticized President Trump’s
escalating war of words with the media.

He argued that the nation is "very lucky" that Trump is president and
not McCain, who won the 2008 GOP nomination but lost to Barack Obama
in the general election.

Paul said that McCain's recent criticisms of Trump are driven by his
"personal dispute" with the president over foreign policy.

He added that McCain and Trump are at odds because McCain supports the
wide deployment of U.S. troops to protect and promote American
interests abroad while he characterized Trump’s views as
closer to a realpolitik approach to foreign policy.

"Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own
personal dispute he's got running with President Trump, and it should
be taken with a grain of salt, because John McCain's the guy who's
advocated for war everywhere," Paul said on ABC's "This Week".

"He would bankrupt the nation. We're very lucky John McCain's not in
charge, because I think we'd be in perpetual war," Paul added.

. . .

Paul said there has [been] no effort by the Trump administration to
suppress the media, noting that no legislation has been offered to
curb press freedoms.

Paul argued that McCain has a history of being wrong [about] major
foreign policy questions.

"I would say John McCain's been wrong on just about everything over
the last four decades. He advocated for the Iraq War, which I think
destabilized the Middle East," he said.

"If you look at the map, there's probably at least six different
countries where John McCain has advocated for us having boots on the
ground," he added.
2017-02-19 22:24:45 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.)
Is as corrupt partisan hack as can be...

He doesn't want to investigate Trump's connections with Russia - he
wants to investigate the leaks instead...
lo yeeOn
2017-02-19 23:22:20 UTC
Post by TT
Post by lo yeeOn
Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.)
Is as corrupt partisan hack as can be...
Paul does not have a reputation of being either corrupt or a partisan
hack - after all, he has been a long time war critic, despite the fact
that most GOP members in Washington have been sycophants of the neocon
Terror War.
Post by TT
He doesn't want to investigate Trump's connections with Russia - he
wants to investigate the leaks instead...
As for the (Intelli Community) leaks that you blame him for wanting to
investigate, it is not only a serious national security matter, we can
listen to Dennis Kucinich explain why these leaks are so threatening
to our democracy.

Dennis Kucinich Discusses The Deep State's War On Trump 02 14 2017

So you see here that Kucinich is a long time progressive Democrat
while Rand Paul and his father Ron have been leaders of the
libertarian wing of the Republicans for decades. A further proof that
Rand is no partisan hack as you claimed.

lo yeeOn

(As to the Russian ties investigation, we've already been through the
McCarthy era, and that first time through damaged this country enough.)
2017-02-19 23:37:30 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
A further proof that
Rand is no partisan hack as you claimed.
Sure he is, doesn't seem to care about treason as long as he has a
Republican president...

Doesn't get more partisan than that.
Post by lo yeeOn
(As to the Russian ties investigation, we've already been through the
McCarthy era, and that first time through damaged this country enough.)
And which country is that... Russia or China?
lo yeeOn
2017-02-20 01:23:40 UTC
Post by TT
Post by lo yeeOn
A further proof that
Rand is no partisan hack as you claimed.
Sure he is, doesn't seem to care about treason as long as he has a
Republican president...
Doesn't get more partisan than that.
Post by lo yeeOn
(As to the Russian ties investigation, we've already been through the
McCarthy era, and that first time through damaged this country enough.)
And which country is that... Russia or China?
Of course McCarthy's witchhunt damaged this country - not Russia, much
less China.

McCarthy's witchhunt damaged this country by driving very bright young
Chinese rocket scientists to go back to Mao's China. The loss to this
country became the gain for China. The witchhunt also caused many
pre-eminent US scientists' early demise.

The damage was a self-inflicted wound - just as the huge long-term
economic decline this country is now going through because of the
endless Terror War the Deep State is forcing on us.

You keep talking about treason. Where is the proof? If there were
any real evidence of treasonous activities, the neocons like the NYT's
Nicholas Kristof would have been leading the charge to impeach Trump
and put him in prison.

One pro-American leader in a foreign country called me up the other
day and skipped the preliminaries, starting with: "What the
[expletive] is wrong with your country?"

Read "How Can We Get Rid of Trump?" Nicholas Kristof for the NYT

Think about it for a moment... What "foreign leader" would give an
American journalist such a call and denounce the whole country like

To me, not only has this "foreign leader" insulted the American people
and the democratic institutions of this country but also exposed a
strange, incongruous divide that exists between the people who have
made their voice heard and the Deep State which ignores that voice and
insists on retaining its control of the country.

What is ironically interesting is that the modus operandi this guy is
using is the same as that of the Intelli Community: quoting unnamed
sources they tell you is true! What truth? Whatever they want to
tell you!

It's frightening to see that the NYT has Nicholas Kristof, and all the
neocons writing opinions and accusations hidden behind unnamed sources.

In the mean time a fellow poster ***@yahoo.com.sg might have
something to tell you:

Most important of all:

It was not exactly a fight between Clinton and Trump. ..the real
fight is between the frustrated Voters vs the Establishment (both
Republican and Democrats).

Fed up with what is happening in Washington..being let down badly by
politicians elected previously by them...the frustrated voters
wanted a change..wanted an OUTSIDER. Trump was THE outsider...Trump
was smart to surf with the mood of the voters..and duly become their
chosen candidate.

From then on, Trump could do no wrong...the voters just ignored
everything Clinton and her party could throw at him...ignored the
billions of dollars adverts and daily media lies to demonize him
(from special interests) ...the voters (except those from California
and New York States)...painted the whole USA map red...and gave Trump
the mandate to rule.

. . .

I think janmanchow has much you, TT, can learn from.


lo yeeOn


How Can We Get Rid of Trump? By Nicholas Kristof FEB. 18, 2017

We're just a month into the Trump presidency, and already so many are
wondering: How can we end it?

One poll from Public Policy Polling found that as many Americans - 46
percent - favor impeachment of President Trump as oppose it.
Ladbrokes, the betting website, offers even odds that Trump will
resign or leave office through impeachment before his term ends.

Sky Bet, another site, is taking wagers on whether Trump will be out
of office by July.

There have been more than 1,000 references to "Watergate" in the news
media in the last week, according to the Nexis archival site, with
even some conservatives calling for Trump's resignation or warning
that he could be pushed out. Dan Rather, the former CBS News anchor
who covered Watergate, says that Trump's Russia scandal isn't now at
the level of Watergate but could become at least as big.

Maybe things will settle down. But what is striking about Trump is not
just the dysfunction of his administration but also the - vigorously
denied - allegations that Trump's team may have cooperated with
Vladimir Putin to steal the election. What's also different is the
broad concern that Trump is both: A) unfit for office, and B)
dangerously unstable. One pro-American leader in a foreign country
called me up the other day and skipped the preliminaries, starting
with: "What the [expletive] is wrong with your country?"

. . .
2017-02-20 15:58:43 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
Post by TT
Post by lo yeeOn
A further proof that
Rand is no partisan hack as you claimed.
Sure he is, doesn't seem to care about treason as long as he has a
Republican president...
Doesn't get more partisan than that.
Post by lo yeeOn
(As to the Russian ties investigation, we've already been through the
McCarthy era, and that first time through damaged this country enough.)
And which country is that... Russia or China?
Of course McCarthy's witchhunt damaged this country - not Russia, much
less China.
The points is that you're a Chinese troll, not American.

A 50 center of sorts...

And no, Trump's staff dealings with Russian intelligence officials etc
have nothing to do with witch-hunts, they're factual.

2017-02-19 22:21:36 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
McCain ignored the people in 2012. Trump continues to be in touch
with the people, even after he won the election.
lo yeeOn
Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) ripped fellow Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.)
on Sunday after McCain criticized President Trump’s
escalating war of words with the media.
He argued that the nation is "very lucky" that Trump is president and
not McCain, who won the 2008 GOP nomination but lost to Barack Obama
in the general election.
Paul said that McCain's recent criticisms of Trump are driven by his
"personal dispute" with the president over foreign policy.
He added that McCain and Trump are at odds because McCain supports the
wide deployment of U.S. troops to protect and promote American
interests abroad while he characterized Trump’s views as
closer to a realpolitik approach to foreign policy.
"Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own
personal dispute he's got running with President Trump, and it should
be taken with a grain of salt, because John McCain's the guy who's
advocated for war everywhere," Paul said on ABC's "This Week".
"He would bankrupt the nation. We're very lucky John McCain's not in
charge, because I think we'd be in perpetual war," Paul added.
. . .
Paul said there has [been] no effort by the Trump administration to
suppress the media, noting that no legislation has been offered to
curb press freedoms.
Paul argued that McCain has a history of being wrong [about] major
foreign policy questions.
"I would say John McCain's been wrong on just about everything over
the last four decades. He advocated for the Iraq War, which I think
destabilized the Middle East," he said.
"If you look at the map, there's probably at least six different
countries where John McCain has advocated for us having boots on the
ground," he added.
Excellent post.
Even the title itself is enough.
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