95% of factories are closed, 93% of water is polluted - Fuck you too America, fuck you too
(too old to reply)
Rare Breed
2010-06-15 03:09:22 UTC
"The U.S. wins the right to abduct innocent people with impunity"

/ / In Marbury v. Madison, the US Supreme
Court affirmed the Constitution as the
supreme law of the land \ \


This is Antichrist bushite tyranny now.
Americans will die forsaken all because
they refused to speak for fairness. I'll
beg readers to forward this, I'll beg
Peoples to challenge the DEMON enemy
George Noory, and Americans, on the
whole, will refuse truth, will refuse
Justice, will refuse God. And like the
NWOer tea baggers, they'll blame the do
gooders, immigrants, liberals, the
elderly who deserve their fair share
of Social Security. Never to blame the
GUILTY war criminals Bush and Cheney, the
KBR rapists, the pimping child rapist
Blackwater torturers, the extortionist
banksters, the terrorist Zionist bombers
of the Air Force headed by Israeli
Satanists that get off on killing millions
indiscriminately for stolen gains. Fuck
you too America, fuck you too.

BP Death Clouds Already Onshore!
Benzene-3400ppb & Hyrdrogen Sulfide-1200ppb TOXIC AIR ALERT

Science as reason, is what a Conservative
Republican Libertarian nazi hates the Public
to understand, and corporate TV America will
never bare allowing a wise man or woman to
speak freely. America is a nation of evil
bigots without an ounce of concern for
defending real freedom, so what do you
figure will happen if they continue to
remain silent on Justice being the only
fair answer to tyranny?? They hate US not
because we are bad, but because we are good.
And as hateful of GOD, Zionist war criminal
American bigots who sacrifice their kids for
Bush and Cheney's escape for 911, just don't
care. America can't except the right to
defend themselves honorably. That is that.
Here's a big FUCK YOU to Nazi Amerika. I
hope you choke on it and die rightly, before
more innocent victims fall to your ungodly
lawlesness. Now, before you rightly die from
self contempt, go spend big to sit at Nascar
an pay an aditional six dollars for watered
down draft as daft. Charlie Daniels will be
there playing his Johnny song! Love him
to death, love him to death. Not Johnny,
no Charlie Daniels, who'll encourge you
kill your own kids for more stolen gains.
Fuck you too America, fuck you too.

"Gaza: 95% of factories are closed, 93% of water is polluted"

Nazi Israel

Fuck you too America, fuck you too.


Eat up dumfuk lying Mr. Bush bitches, eat up.

"BP counts its costs. Who cares about yours."

BP, "who cares"

This is not responsible. America doesn't need
more lies to hide from their painful reality
they criminally inflict against our world. BP
knew what they were doing would jeopardize
America and wrote, "who cares". And really,
who does? The evidence is overwhelming, and
still, nobody in TV America is calling for
their formal arrests. 'Who cares' as BP says.
Did you know that BP wasn't even paying royalties
on enough oil to provide America for a century?
American land, no royalties. It's like BP
finding trillions of gallons of oil in your
back yard as saying, yippee, $80 a barrel
please. Do you care dying American victims?
Why not support my demand for open free
Communications on Coast to Coast radio,
Where now, the demon traitor to America
resides Denying life and Liberty? You

BP, "who cares"

AIPAC is paid by blindedly with
American taxes, to lie as demon evil for more war
crimes that they have become extremely wealthly
because of.

My dear friends, we have a serious issue here
that needs leadership that doesn't divide like an
American bigot does.

I thought the Tea Party wanted Justice?

Violent Assault on Tea Party

/ / To Lefties they see it as black people
white people. They can't look beyond race. \ \

The black guy needed not to throw punch, however.

TV America is a nation of evil bigots. Besides,
without even watching but the first two seconds,
why does the guy who turns to move his camera,
throw the first push, then hidden he puts his
fist up to the black man that blocks it, then
runs BEHIND! his wife, yet, no one can see any
of that? As like, where's HIS vid then? You
peoples all are retards being divided by the
NWOers for escape of Bush and Cheney for 9/11.
Read the comments about how they as some, want to
shoot each other, before a punch is thrown by any
unknown stranger, (ANTICHRIST BUSH TACTIC) before
allowing a wiser man or women to speak truth as
power. Bailing out banksters in the crime of
extortion that America refuses to repeat, for
fear Johnny may look as wise as he truly is, and
they, a nation of racists and bigots, evil doers
like Ted Nugent, Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams
Jr. and shit for brains liar, UFC's heavy weight
Champion can't have that for themselves. They'd
rather die victims to their own self contempt.
Life on Earth isn't just Amerika's two party camp
of automatons, the illiterate NWOers who all
puppet "puppet, puppet, puppet" like it actually
means something important to escape a first
degree mass murderer, an un-elected dictator, as
a group who play pretends they champion something
on the radio by not supporting following probable
cause, and their "lefties". That don't actually
exist under a label that has no established rules
to measure. Example: Canada, Castro, Greece,
Stalin, Sweden, Mao, traffic lights and so on...
Dumfuks, a nation of goose stepping think all
alike bigot Conservative Libertarian Republican
dumb scums, who truly hate a wise man or woman
like me who states facts they can't in the light
of day, compete against as therefore LIARS EXPOSED.
(Example: Ron 'I always failing' Paul WON! the
Republican National Convention.) We demand the
arrest of those that committed the terrorist
crimes of 9/11, starting with Bush and Cheney,
Condi and Rumsfeld for obstruction, plus for
other things. And Obama and company for
extortion. Especially those too, who are rigging
these bogus elections. We will have our way.

okay I've watched several more secs..

The black guy needed not to throw punch, however.

See the Tea Party pirate doesn't care about Bush
including dead teen grunters ect.. HE appears to
LIE about the black man pushing his wife, IT'S
ALL RIGHT THERE! (he speaks as in that moment)
Holy fuk, you people are retarded. He made the
first move with a lie then an attempt with his
faggot punch, a LIE that the "Obamatron" had
pushed his wife, where CLEARLY, he hadn't from
what is proved. lying and lying and lying and
lying doesn't just make something true eventually
THINK! That kind of lie would have had me
laughing mad about the typical tea bagger liar, a
far better move at that stage against those who
advance war crimes for stolen values, like demon
whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin. What
the fuk is wrong with all you people? BLIND TO

NWOer Americans are too stupid. But listen: how
is it that this guy who spoke against lawless
Bush is therefore auto "Obamatron"? And really,
really, what does that loosely mean? We all know
what a Bushite soulless whore for evil is, but
what is an Obamatron? A person who thinks
something is wrong with the Bushmob, or Health
care?, and now sees Obama is not addressing the
issue honestly for the Nation's benefit?, as
doing just like a conservative who always tries
to divide the masses unfairly would, to escape
the for sure guilty party? Obama is an extreme
right wing facist, largely because he doesn't
have the skills to call on our help as an equal
to the body politic.

King I am, howdy.

from prisonplanet.com page right on the button.



/ / What I find totally unacceptable is the fact
that he let the guy push his wife THREE times \ \
ahhh.. pulling a pro Rand Paul, as 'we can't
compete honestly, so let's lie to everyone who
can't know either way ploy., we'll show them!'
Evil is naked.

Remember: AJ states America's health care is the
best in the world, and nobody yet, has been
capable of corecting him simply with our reality,
that he would likely, deny. Despite the
mathimatical facts, and rampant curuption, as PR
poisons. Canada by the way is ranked near the
very bottom of Nations for Health Care on Earth
(something near 40), of Nations that are smart
enough to know as the Publicly governed; a
private insurance company that pockets 70 percent
to pay off an Alex Jones for favorable press,
makes little of no sense but to the bad guys who
would rather see you die. Still, as near dead
last, Canada pays half as much as Americans per
capita, and gets universal coverage, while
Americans are expected to go out and purchase
private insurnace then. Why? Simply for the
fact, we don't have a middle man taking our
investments, then bribing Congress. Alex Jones,
is strangely stupid often like this, where
instead of defending freedom for everyone, he
thinks he's playing football. Where the team
isn't Freedom from Tyranny, but HIS
"Conservativism" is better than all the
"Liberals" who think exactly as he says they
does. His issues are generally our top notch,
but his conclusions are easiliy 85% false. A
cult it is almost, where you must except Pope AJ
blindly is infallible without questioning.
Weirdly stupid when he states that, (and he has
many times) but, well, whatever. We all have
issues. I want Justice. Carry on..


Treason Warranting Death

/ / Congressmen Brad Sherman call for Americans on
the flotilla to be arrested for helping “terrorists.” \ \

Treason warranting death. Why do Americans have
laws at all, if we as Humanity let this demon
monster freely breathe our air, advancing as a
"Law Man" ungodly evil war criminal TYRANNY
unchallenged by the corporate snooze elites? We
want him publicly arrested, publicly tried, and
publicly executed without delay all Americans
say. Israeli Nazis broke the truce. They target
helpless innocent children with white phosphorous
for stolen profit as Zionist. They steal candy
from babies. Do not let Brad Sherman profit off
these Satanic mass murders at the loss of further
innocent victims. Death to the bushite war
criminals. It is good to be we.


When they get us corralled, they have to ensure
we blame welfare mothers, or those that want
their fair share they've contributed to social
security, or those with big fat "lost" pensions
also. Don't let them steal Justice from

bailing out banksters is the crime called extortion

acoustic switch, cashed blow out preventer,
safety fluid removed, relief well = minimally
criminal negligence

"Hoax: Video Showing Heavy Weapons Discovered on Mavi Marmara is a
"Italian flotilla journalist: My credit card was used after IDF
confiscated it"
"videos showing Israeli commanders obviously not under any threat
shooting point blank at passengers who are down."
ect. ect. ect.

What is consistent? They are demon liars who
cheat us the respect we have for innocent life.
Again, Satanic enemies of God and Man are the
Zionist betrayers to truth, to Justice. Thieves
as God speaks in the Bible about these Satanic
demon enemies of the Jew's Messiah.

/ / The Obama Administration has formally abandoned
its public calls for an international probe of the
Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid ship \ \

Only because we know the guilty parties need to
be arrested, tried, and executed without delay.
An American was murdered by a Zionist who was
given a shiny gold medal for shooting innocent NO
THREAT Humanitarian workers in the back. Sound
like 'Liberty'? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Caost
radio Host! Vote early and vote often!

"Mexico condemns Border Patrol shooting of teen"
Demand death to the bushite who shot the child.


'Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75
countries across world against al-Qaeda' but not
to kill KBR for raping Americans?

War crimes. Kill a bushite and be blessed by
God. Bushites are demon enemy thieves of
Freedom, who war to torture, who war to mass
murder, who war to rape American women as
escaping Bush and Cheney for treason. Kill a
bushite for the love of our Humanity. Kill a
bushite liar and be blessed by all. Thank you.


This of course is fantastic. Good work makes
for a better life.



Chuck Schumer On Gaza: 'Strangle' Them Economically, 'They Don't
Believe In The Torah'

"You know, my name [Chuck Schumer] ..
comes from the word shomer, guardian,
watcher. My ancestors were guardians
of the ghetto wall in Chortkov."



Whell Shoom, it certainly would have been
advantages of you to speak against these war
crime forces of evil to God Loving Jews as
Pirated then. right? "The Torah". Shoom knows,
that the first strike targets in Lebanon were the
Jewish communities, and that Nazi Israeli broke
the truce to get Jews killed for more charity
that they will of course, use elsewhere while
mocking their innocent victims with, 'A Jew Did
This', calling card. Where is our vigilant words
when the bodies count Shoom? Like as, why would
any God loving Jew, steal from others as a sin to
Moses? A sin to Nature? They wouldn't. But a
Zionist Pirate of the Jewish Messiah would, (it's
in the Koran also for jiminy crickets folks),
the, Holy Christ is the King of the Jew's
Messianic Faith figure from scriptures all over,
as pure Red, White and Blue also - an equal
rights for all kind of a guy.. For Shoom to say
quietly, a defense of Israel is to watch silently
as innocent Jews are sacrificed for the greater
criminal Zionist gains, should be seen by just
about every single last one of us, something
horribly evil in our worlds suffering for a
blindly sold ignorance of being treated unjustly,
as the absence of shame for the Zionist war
mongering cold hearted evil sum of Satan's LIAR
minions. Hey! a just world where our rights are
tuly honored as respected, could be a much better
place than what we are stuck with currently.
Shoom how could you do that to your fellow Human?
How could anyone truly? Especially if CNN and
CBC and FOXNEWS had been ridiculing you all for
it.. fat chance. Fat chance now anyway..

Holy FuK,
I am who I am

Your Servant
King Johnny

"He died four years before the [BP] plan was published"


P.S. we need better plans with more money on
this oil in the gulf region issue. All available
tankers world wide must be commissioned at double
pay weeks ago already. BP is criminally
negligent to defending our public image.

/ / how libertarian "principle" all too often,
and all too consistently, essentially gives
unbridled permission to behavior and actions that
are toxic to our communities and their well-being \ \

I am not alone..


Torture Of Palestinian Child Prisoners
"Widespread And Institutionalised"

Don't you too, hate those Satanic with
everything you are?

/ / The oil company has told workers not to
wear respirators because it's bad for public
relations, according to one human rights group. \ \


Fight Back. We need BP assets seized, and the
formal arrest of management for crimes against
Life. They KNEW the rig was going to blow, and
did nothing to stop the carnage from happening,
just as, they are doing minimally today. Stop
with the TOXIC dispersants, and get with the
available tankers world wide to pick up the oil
then conveniently on the surface.

BP's violations of American law, dwarfs every
other oil company on the planet. Well, except
maybe Dutch Shell with a longer term view,
regardless, BP has had near 800 SERIOUS life
threatening violations compared to the second
worse violator at a sum of 8ish. This is not
incompetence, this is definitely criminal
malfeasances in cahoots with Goldman Sachs and
Cheney of all players. It's a good thing I was
here. Les getter dun for US out there who
believe in a greater America where freedom
reigns. Please. Thanks.

Rand Paul: Obama's criticism of BP 'un-American'

Forbidden NWOer knowledge:
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441.

Remember: Ron Paul calls these war crimes of
millions indiscriminately mass murdered, all for
the TREASONOUS LIES of the grandson to Hitler's
banker, simply, "a Police Action"

'all liberals think this, and that's why my
judgment of them is bad' American goose stepping
"Conservatives" think retardedly

"76 US Senators Sign on to Israel Letter"

FIGHTBACK. Demand these Zionist TRAITORS be
exposed publicly as war criminals who fund the
willful mass murder of innocent, INNOCENT
Christians for their stolen kick back riches.


"Baltimore Homes Confiscated Over Bills Of Less Than $1000"

Sound just? For whom?

"Video Shows Israeli Commando Executing American"

You'd think, if corporate News America, was as
concerned for American freedoms, as they claim,
"taking our calls", "treading our e-mails" this
would be a public interest story worth demanding
a public trial for death sentence against the
Nazi Israeli war party, guilty of pre-meditated
first degree murder(s)? Why give the murderer a
cash prize from dying American tax payers, all to
celebrate Satanic victory of lawlessly cheating
US over God's will to be just towards ourselves
freely as mankind. ? I don't think so.

Get real. Christ we are something, who knew?

Anyway, Intelligence is not separate from
existence ourselves. Why they don't care, many
great philosophers tell ourselves as is for,
lacking a Humanity, when we do not act to express
care here where we suffer as unjustly
unrepresented. This battle is won a great long
time ago with ideas of Law that stand strong for
good reason. Would God's Will Be Just, or no as
is described Satanic in Scriptures about a
criminal cabal hiding out in a place called
Israel, a Peoples pirated by those stealing the
title of "Jews" from Jews, to commit the most
egregious war crimes ever known of. Craving the
Zionist is, for the blaming of all "Jews" by
bigots and racists who's minds are too weak to
see their real world divisions every one else
lives in as fairer accordance with the respect
for the Rights of Man. Johnny says "It is not
Jewish to 'escape' from God as heinous war
criminals, who routinely target civilian
populations to profit off the mass murders." Not
Jewish. Example. U.N. Girls School, breaking
truces, and the attempted Genocide of all the
Semitic groupings. Crimes only the hoodwinked
German Nazis too, could take pride in without
international satellite television dying Germany
in darkness near all in for the big picture
there, where demon Antichrist Bush's Bankster
grandfather escaped with his family line left in
high Republican pro gang raping regard. We need
King Johnny, and here I am. Pass me along to
sing this song of liberation to the folks who use
the internet for something other than this. Like
98% or so it seems. Keep up the good work folks,
you know we loved you, and I hope we'll get
through this together to a better future, side by
side we ride with the suffering world in need of
real leadership that just doesn't forget how
incredible we could be with honesty as policy.
With our stolen trillions returned to the proper
owners. With Justice as Victory over war
criminals escaping for slavery in tyranny. The
choice is simple in this regard, are you with
yourself to believe as much, or will you decide
to live in lies to profit the bad guys? You

King for good reason that I am for everyone
listening, of a great story of heroic deeds where
our lives were not further jeopardized. Where
for Justice we would not refuse any climb, as
freedom is to be defended, to our last dying
breathes against the unlawful tyrants.. Then God
shows up as his crazy one son, an equal among all
with answers for everything as trying to save a
day for something special. Who comes up with
this stuff eh? oh yeah, we do. Man, could I
tell you people some stories you'd never believe,
if just people could find an interest in
defending our species under attack by 'lawless'
minions of the evil demon enemy Antichrist,
escaping the 9/11 conspirators as traitors. Send
this post to a friend who cared enough to say,
thanks man, this post is incredible. Why do I
know that? Because I am me see? King Johnny!
Hi everyone! Boo!


BBC - Israel Mossad did 911 and Iran does not want Nukes

Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart!!!

Let's nominate the fellow for something
really big..

Remember though, Bush and Cheney closed Official
911 Police Investigations. When asking bushite,
they'll likely tell dying for their evil demon
lies, "I don't care." How about you? Do you care
as an American, no one can be ever arrested for
mass murder in New York City on 911 until the
Police are brought back to following probable
cause to nab the FOR SURE war criminals
responsible? Starting with Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction. This is
not a rocket.

bosses knew Gulf oil rig disaster was 'gonna happen': report

Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You

The Truth

Let US unite on arresting Joe Lieberman and
McCain for treason. It is without reason that
America wills to imprison themselves as innocent
persons indefinitely to prosper the zionist
peenacker neocon CRIMINALS. Old school Humans
use to call that crime kidnapping. It is still
on the books however as un-American. Who are
ever going to believe in American, if not
Americans? This McCainiac move is patently dumb,
as it is way down low tyrannically evil, and very
very very much illegal. To everyone.


Should Israel Allow Humanitarian Aid To Be Delivery To Palestinians?

Survey Results Yes 72% No 28%

Why must we pain to explain why this is as evil
as it gets? Nazi Israel states, "No cookies for
good children". You can't get any more mean and
ungodly evil than that but for when they
diliberately burn them alive with white
phosphorous. TV Americans who fund this couldn't
care, for they are denied our Humanity. Why must
you, my reader, continue to refuse to forward my
calls? Why must you forsake me also on all this
brings by offering no support to this freedom
cause? Do you hate me for my wisodm more than
you'll hate the bushite grunter lawlessly raping
your family? Remember, for then, it will be too
late for ayone to care. KBR are gang raping
American women today, and what does the American
male have to say in writing, on talk radio, or
their magic TVs? Not enough.

IDF denies disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted

Israel caught STEALING 80% of all charity given!!

This is an issue that will refuse to go away.
They thieve, they torture, they mass murder as
Satanic enemies of God and Humanity. They ADMIT
to breaking the truce, and then fire bombing
children on purpose. Not an accident, THEIR
STORY. Then, murdering more than 239 Police
Officers, while spewing, 'Jews are anti-Semites
to have a concern for the innocent Semitic
Peoples of Palestine'. Look, these Satanic
Zionists that truly hate Jews are Caucasian! Not
SEMITIC, war crimminals.

"Israeli Court: Firing On Unarmed Peace Activists Is OK"

Do you really need the Bible, and the Messiah to
come down here to tell you how Satanic as evil a
Zionist enemy of the Jew really is? They murder
our spouses, they murder our children, not
accidentally, but on purpose, to steal our lands,
to steal our money, then tell us all, it wasn't
their fault as the truce breaker (dying Jews),
but our own for trusting they were honorable.

The Zionist Enemies of GOD and Man


/ / They [the Zionist LIAR enemies of God] had
a rightful claim to the land because thousands
of years earlier they once had lived there. \ \

Who once lived where?

/ / If I stole your diamond ring and said that
G-d told my grandfather that the diamond ring
was his, so therefore it is now mine. I think
we would have ourselves a conflict. [..]
Your Honor, that diamond-ring is mine.\ \ "STOLE"!

No, the Zionist should be in prison as a thief,
or publicly executed an ungodly murdering evil
demon NAZI fuck. Hellen Thomas resigned because
of this thing's high moral standards as the Nazi
Israel of today, and America says what to happy
George "The traitor" Norry, who lies, cheats, who
steals to kill more teen grunts for Bush and
Cheney's escaping?


/ / This is the online version of the article,
"The 13th Tribe" which details the Khazar
heritage of the Ashkenazi. Because the fact that
the Ashkenazi are the descendants of people who
converted to Judaism in 800AD and NOT the direct
descendants of the biblical Hebrews contradicts
official Israeli claims to "own" Palestine, the
megaphones have gone out and used WOT to smear
any sites that discuss the matter. \ \

No plumes? They are releasing the dispersants
right at the well head. Arrest them for crimes
against God and Humanity.

Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones 'It's natural.
It's as natural as the ocean water is.'

Vapour from oil 'not toxic'

It freakishly seems, some of the NWOers are
suggesting oil, because it is natural, is not
something any should be too worried about for the
next thousand years. I feel ashamed at our
standards to not be more informed that volcanos
like earthquakes or comets are natural also like
zillions of natural poisons that can destroy
systems easily. But, toxic Oil will
harm Americans who can't be bothered to speak
factually today for their own defense, never mind
a hazyier huffing tomorrow. And not blaming Dick
Cheney for removing the Laws is just crazy man
crazy. But Mr. Bush is America's deity they die
their innocent children for willingly, to torture
and or rape, to push heroin for life term prison
stints, robbing everyone, so what can we expect
further without freedom speaking nationally for
open polite debate on the facts that matter most?


soldiers killing American! And Obama does nothing

Video of the killing, and remember, the Zionist
murderer got a shiny medal paid for by all dying
American taxing payers.

"Israeli request for more arms from US"



"Intelligence Chief"


/ / Obama’s pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \

How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States of America? Do you think as I, that
President Obama needs a friend like us to better
judge our options here? Justice is what we will
to defend our freedoms understood. (WMDs was a
con, a con naked, a con treasonous. The bushmob
doctored the NIE for example) Not to war denying
others a right to liberty with false accusations,
false arrests, torture, bankster extortions and
so on far into realms a repuglicon demonrat
refuses as fathomable. Anyway, I'm King Johnny.
I am neither one without another even fancier
label system as a dynamically alive individual, I
am not left at the exception of being measured
correct, or right when I say, blind loyalty for
bribe money as stolen gain with fuzzy facts not
corrected as unstable in corporate America is
boulder dash. It's the groupings of celebrated
truly blind Ideologues, who insist their narrow
limited view like a bigot or racist does, could
stand as long as those who know better,
mathematically or as such logically, are not
allowed polite speech through open public debate
in defense of the innocent left victimized.
Starting firstly with, the deeply illiterate,
(fan of demon whore of Satan Palin for example)
on the issues that are highly important to
everyone. Peace. Debates on our political
stages to garner the minimal facts for action,
could be a great windfall if we put our minds
together fairly for actual freedom for any
individual. Not flailing madly through the
maelstrom of hell laughing at the passing of gas
plumes. I stand on my own sides. I'm old school
human. Multi dimensionally. No evidence person
innocent. A free man shall not be imprisoned..
While torturers are the serious bad guys with
Bush and Cheney we must bag as the law Publicly
demands. Do not except their broked excuses to
our public without shallow meditations on who you
really are here left without the rights that life
freely grants you among the stars in Heaven.
Treat yourselves better to know, we need to Start
effectively addressing the oil spill on actions
to commission a massive world wide effort to try
mitigating the further poisoning of our Oceans,
while simultaneously working with all Police
world wide on Justice for 9/11 starting with Bush
and Cheney, Condi and Rumsfeld. During this
time, we will have daily international debates on
the fact that these private trillioniare
banksters do not even cover our loans, so what
the hell is anyone paying them back for, but our
stolen rights to objectively complain, cause you
need be at least a god like genius apparently to
explain it so simply. Don't forsake your worth,
as the effort to defend as the innocent now.
Soldiers who serve to kidnap innoncet persons for
torture are demonic traitors to God and Man.
Who truly serve to die beofer anyone else. That's
a fact. Kill a bushite and be blessed.

"A New World Order Based Upon Collective Action"
is not as the blind ideologue claim, always must
be a failure to conclude what they can not
comprehend where they fear. Ergo, Alex Jones has
a huge list of forbidden subjects that he
believes shouldn't be heard, denied all to defend
his quacky nonsenses. Like Ron Paul winning the
Republican convention. Or, about Bush's personal
criminal actions that stole America's freedom to
be. The State is God, good or bad. You choose.

Unbound as forever,

Johnny Justice


Waveland, Mississippi is ankle-deep in dead fish

you can't investigate Enron - John Loftus

Obama hasn't talked to Tony Hayward

No plumes?

"if laws are insufficient, they'll be changed."

790 violations - no death sentences

blow out preventer broken, no relief well,
acoustic swtich removed by Cheney, safety fluid

"Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf"



Stop with the dispersants, get all the tankers
world wide to pick up the oil then conveniently
on the surface. Arrest BP for giving out 10
billion dollars in bonuses this last week, and by
refusing to stop dumping their toxic poisons as
ordered by the EPA. No plumes? They are
releasing the poison right at the well head. Oil
is poison too if American Nascar junkies didn't
know nothing cause theys brain deaders. Love the
make believe TV Crp. fantasy to death they do.

British Petroleum in Colombia:
Colombian Army Attacks Striking BP Workers

'Federal Complaint Seeking Investigation of
Torturing innocent Peoples to death by bushite
for pleasure' ex. Cory E. Jones, or Willie
Brand as unarrested torturers, walking free with
TV Hero status still torturing, still raping,
still the enemy deserving of death as Reagan
Commands, done so more of our loved ones don't
fall victim. Kill a bushite and be blessed by
American said God.



/ / Israel executed wounded, abused corpses and
emptied automatic weapons into bodies at point
blank range. These were the acts of brutal
animals, not humans. \ \ Bushite in Fallujah
were responsible for bombing bodies of innocent
women and children to pieces to make it look good
to the demon enemies over at TV America that
steals our would be, true concern over these
bushite grunters walking free anywhere. When a
bushite dies, all of Human kind benefits.
Understand, they stole the Iraqi Development Fund
while propping a military dictatorship, where the
dictator admits to blowing up Iraq school kids
and ordering grunts to target doctors and nurses,
in Fallujah and Sammara he ran cover for the most
heinous of war crimes in History, and, Allawi is
the monster who sold/stole all of Iraq's future,
to the 'privatize always' IMF (Banksters with
Goldman Sachs). Why would only the worst of war
criminals play US for innocent victims? Because
the bushite FOXNEWS FAN knows, men in America are
too weak to express a true concern for their own
criminal downfalls. Bush and Cheney closed
official 911 Police Investigations, and "men" in
TV America can't raise the phone to demand truths
be spoken for the benefits of all. Justice is


"Heroic" U.S. pilot seen firing on [innocent] people in Iraq

'Listen to the laughter and hatred'

Understand, these bush bitches are called heroic
brave warriors in America's movies and news

WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

"Obama's Budget Calls for Billions in New Spending for Drones"

After we all learning these weapons are used
exclusively to indiscriminately murder us peoples
at random with what the heroin pushers term a
"suspect"? learned only to be so by anonymous
sources they brag as demon evil of Satanic
threat. These are ungodly war crimes perpetrated
by bushite nazi zionist grunters through NATO and
the Blackwater of "CIA", who war America's
Freedom as rapists for the escape of the neocon
peenackers responsible for 911. AS REPORTED
WORLDWIDE: Bush and Cheney closed 911 Police
investigations once it was revealed, to have been
orchestrated as funded by General Ahmad. The
General who was formally reported to be at hand
on Sept. 9th, over at the white house visiting
friends, where of that same day as reported by
MSNBC, Condi was putting the finishing touches
with her signature on the 'Top Secret
Presidential War Directive' DOCUMENTED WAR CRIME
PLAN designed to invade Afghanistan for pension
thievers Enron scammers. Premised on not giving
evidence against any accused as responsible,
would secure occupation for a desperately needed
liquefied natural gas pine line for a power plant
in India. Escaping those truly responsible for a
crime that hadn't even happened yet when penned!
All for a power plant owned by Enron. The Dubal
Working Group was run by Cheney in the lead up,
as to having grunts, the evil nazi fuks who
mumble nothing but contempt for Freedom,
stationed just outside Afghanistan readying to
war, waiting for the mass murder of America
strike to blitz, so they could go in and murder
anyone too. To torture, to thieve, to hate Life,
to hate Love, to hate God. See, Enron, who was
facing imminent arrests and possible life
sentences for STEALING SO MUCH of every American
family conned to die, (were even publicly
desperate.), being Mr. Bush's biggest financial
contributors, they were worried Americans might
be smart enough to catch on.. You remember?,
Pension thievers Enron who AS CRIMINALS,
quadrupled the cost for electricity in California
to all become billionaires? who ended up
escaping for near everything - didn't even have
to give back the stolen pensions to America, nor
even go bankrupt for Christ sake fuck you.
(banksters cashed in however) Anyway, the General
was the guy who went over to Afghanistan in
person, to let the Taliban know, no evidence
would ever be brought against the accused, and
that they were Muslims. When questioned, General
Ahmad resigned in embarrassment over getting
caught red handed.. Like when a Ron Paul or TV
pro says, 'yeh, they, sorry people, they lost the
money, golly shucks. go away now I'm a loser
like all of everyone else can be ever cause
Government is bad', not individual criminals,
never with a Libertarian, no, it's big bad
government. Fraud due to waste? no no no, it's
just big - can't fathom it so - only one precept
away to the know nothings of anarchy rulze,
'we're cool', suits them good too. While the
TRUE PATRIOTS who appose lawless indiscriminate
warfare against the INNOCENT of Humanity are
called, "Anti-War Left-Wing Traitors" by the
tough guys, who will to rape your child, who will
to rape your wife. To torture to thieve from
America. (just to be clear, I don't really
allege Ron Paul is like an, all out bad guy here
- it's too bad he doesn't speak for Justice to
preserve a free society, but that's pretty much
what America is portrayed as trained - and you
need to be near a free thinkin god i guess to be
able to conceive these histories off the beating
trails of TV passivity. i guess, or all you
people are just idiots to take these war
criminals lying down.. God is good man, god is

Core Of Corruption Volume 1 - In The Shadows

Okay, you may have heard me hype stuff before,
but this is so beyond the scopes of the entire
Patriot NWOer Community including myself, I
thought, we'd be amiss to not see this. I.. my
'universe' like, went wow, now I know near much
more than I did before times three or four. This
info is like a treasure of horrific self
discovery that we have a one cause job to get to
the bottom of this without delay to lock the bad
guys away for mass murder on 9/11 and 7/7. Once
we arrest the principle suspects, and try them
for their murderous treasons, we should then,
consider teaching this struggle in classrooms all
over the world. I haven't even finished watching
this yet, but I felt a need to say this here and
now. Exceptional. It's all in what you make of
life, that can lead us to a better world.
Justice for you is justice for me, as free to be
we in this universe of great suffering, left
absent wonder in the possibilities of it all
without our sad poor King fretting as he does
near all day long about our bleaker futures.
Freedom is Justice is Victory is Wow!, back to
work my friends, back to work. Let's save the
world!, no, seriously. Before it is too late.
Freedom to speak the facts is where we is at.
How about You? everybody loves us truly
somewhere I'm sure. After all, we are who we are
by being incredible.


Rand Paul Compares Himself To Martin Luther King Jr.

The Iraq war is a war crime, does he care? Nope.
Just says, he'd vote against it. WAR CRIMES.

911? Nope.

Bankster Extortions? Nope.

Torture? Nope.

Vaccines? Nope.

"I cheer Lerone Bennet when he argues that the
right of habeas corpus guaranteed in the
Constitution" Cheer for the torture victims
granted a day for Justice then you two face.

Raping women, and hating blacks or Jews is
something he claims he wouldn't support himself,
but American Nazis, the KKK, and like-wise, go at
er he won't complain. he's your ticket. Ergo,
he is funded by hate groups that he has no
problem backing as illiterate savages who play
right in on the Zionist agenda. (evil is the
deceived disguised)


"Should a small business in a two-story building
have to put in a costly elevator," So, don't let
black men, or Jews eat anywhere we the public
afford ourselves?

What an asshole. Again ZERO commitment to defend
America judicially, just wants millions donated
like his father to fight the NWO by backing the
murder of anyone and everyone for ungodly
Zionism. Why does Alex whore his NWOer cult for
this pro-racist Nazi monster? Everybody agrees,
the guy doesn't care for the plight of the Black
man, the Jew, the Christian, 911 victims, while
assisting as a TRAITOR to rob Social Security
TODAY. !!!!! Pro torture is an act of high
treason warranting death by President Reagan,
so.. what's he doing there in all the fixed
polls of fixed elections that he has no words for
either? Bush and Cheney closed 911 Police
Investigations, and he don't care as TV America
sells to the dying NWO suckers also. So, why oh
why, would Alex Jones and the NWOers back this
asshole who holds nothing about defending America
from war criminals? From Banksters who have
extorted trillions? Give me a break.

"At BP’s Texas City refinery, more than 400 pounds a day of benzene"

They appear to be trying to kill US. Do you
care? We asked a bushite if he cared that Bush
and Cheney were escaping for the treason of 9/11,
and you know what he said, to the bright light of
all who were listening? "I don't care." Fight
back by demanding open communications absent
censorship on Justice securing our Freedoms. I
love Texas on a good day. Men, we have a job to

RETARD ALERT : Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush." for mass
murdering Humanity as never elected demon enemy of God he means?

Obama's Scheme to Kill Public Housing and Give the Land to Banks

Again, Obama the extortionist is a 'lefty'?

'Another KBR employee says she was raped'

Obama a 'lefty' by refusing to order grunts to
kill all still remaining at KBR for this? I
would tell, quit, for in two days, we'll as the
world's men, be hunting them down to the ends of
Earth for these rapes they FALSELY believe they
are 'magically' never to be held account for,
just because those 30 Republicans ruled so as war
criming traitors to the flag, and on all we stand
United. ? Paleeze.

'Reid defends Israel, blames activists for their deaths'

"Israel’s Crude Forgery of Tape Backfires"

Holy fuk, no wonder G-D calls these
unlawful demon enemies of all Satanic.. eh?

SHOCK: Israel Taps Every Single Phone In America

IDF Admits It [demonically] Doctored the Audio Tapes

Israel accused of fabricating flotilla video [as ungodly evil doers]

These youtube totals are bullshit.

*EXCLUSIVE* israeli Commandos OWNED, CAPTURED and Crying like COWARDS
aboard Mavi Marmara.

A real, honest to Life HERO!

I'd nominate him an award, but he's already
earned it. What a man. All is possible. The
American Elected President should throw him a
five million dollar bonus just for being there
for US. If I had the money, you'd know, we'd be
calling up Everyone about this on the World Wide
Work of Wonder by Justice for Freedom is the
Answer, International radio Jam, with your side
kick, Johnny America - The True Patriot - coming
through - to you - LIVE! taking Your calls on
what happens next when freedom from tyranny
rings. What do we know?, could happen.

*EXCLUSIVE* israeli Commandos OWNED, CAPTURED and Crying like COWARDS
aboard Mavi Marmara.

A real, honest to Life HERO!


“Suck it fishes and birdies” – BP decisions making Goldman’s
“prophesy” our WTF reality

“One oil rig goes down and we’re going to be
rolling in dough,” Mr. Tourre wrote in one
email. “Suck it, fishies and birdies!”

We will not stop until we see Justice done
for US. God, and everyone else.

Justice is Victory.


Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

I wish Humanity could understand how serious
these crimes are. 1 in 5 children of America
were reported to have received these shots
containing mercury. Not a liberal socialist
theory, but a scientific certainty that it did
nothing to prevent the "flu", but caused for
sure, massive brian damage. More recruits of the
bushite minions we can only presume. It is still
a crime against Humanity despite the fact that
CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS and others will deny our
humanity the science on any subject as truly
concerned. Especially maths. 2% on S.S. for
example. A trust fund. 2%. Fight back for the
truth to will out over the nazi grunting
illiterate liars who can't compete, so call
themselves "Conservatives", or "Republicans" or
"Libertarians", all tuned to hold the American
Constitution in contempt. Bush and Cheney closed
9/11 Police Investigations. 1441. The Banksters
don't cover our loans. Free debates must be
demanded for freedom to rule fairly in our
benefits. Bigots and racists are weaker minded
fools, that don't want Justice ruling, where they
are exposed for the cons they truly are to
themselves. Have no fear. I am a pro.
This is old school Human: Justice is Victory.

'There are 17 passengers and crew from the flotilla still unaccounted

Presumed MURDERED.

Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World

Ah yes, but did you know: That in ungodly
Satanic Israel, if you as a child, think stealing
from others is unholy, they put you in prison for
refusing to steal from others, or to bomb our
Humanity without justified reason as a bone to
pick? Nazi Israeli openly confess to breaking
the truce by fire bombing our loved children.
Seven million land mines they dropped on Lebanon,
in more than 140 towns and cities. Israeli Nazi
prisons are filled with Jews who believe in
Scripture, who are honest, who are God loving,
who are INNOCENT. First strike targets in
Lebanon? Jews. Satanic just as is explained in
the Bible. NOT JEWS, war criminals.

We exist. Life could be something greater.

AIPAC and PNAC are who America must demand
Justice be taken against naked traitors, that
will innocent peoples be murdered, so they can
profit off the kick backs. Let's defend
everybody on this issue, by demanding their
formal public arrests, public trials, and public
convictions. Easier than pie.

Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill innocent Americans

Remember, this demon enemy also supports gang
raping American women with FOX. And American men
don't care enough to murmer a concern, let alone
demand his head for treason. Again, all American
women, you need to find a real man like me who
will stand in defense of all that is right, as
all that is beautiful. Bushites deserve to die
for their treasonous crimes of mass murder and
torture against the targeted innocent done to
escape TRAITOR Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bushite
are enemies of our Humanity, and God.

/ / What is the mainstream media trying to
convince us of? That these brave women soldiers
are just there to help a bunch of ignorant
savages who are making bad food choices?
Yeah…that’s what they’re trying to tell us. \ \

"Savages" who war to bring freedom to America, by
Rightly killing enemy Nazis as demanding evidence
to form a conclusion on anyone's guilt or
innocence. Kill an ungodly evil bushite and be
blessed by God and Humanity. Die bushite die.

Cheney, told American Police agencies, that if
they dared looking into Enron, they would be all

What Congress Does Not Know about Enron and 9/11
see kids? Cheney is a bad man.

Look. Bush [Powell handled the money] gave the
Taliban 47 million dollars in August 2001. This
after learning from Tenet in JULY, al-qeada in
Afghanistan with ol' bin Laden, were in the final
states of an imminent terror strike! as he
reported dutifully on that 60 minutes interview.
Then according to federal prosecutor John Loftus,
Cheney, told Americans, that if they dared
looking into Enron, they would all be arrested.
I knew about W199I, sure, but I wasn't aware that
that included Enron. IT'S A GOOD THING WE'RE
HERE. If I had spoke on Coast to Coast once a
week for five hours since 2001, someone most
certainly would have told me about this Mr.
Loftus character, and we wouldn't be lost in a
decade of indiscriminate lawless warfare against
God and Humanity by Amerikan Zombie Inc.

War Crimes against Innocent Children by Bushite Nazi Grunt
"it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle"

/ / Why would the Taliban (a word which means
students) attack school children, knowing that
this would destroy local public support for them?
This is like George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson opening fire on an American school in
the war against Britain. Does it make any sense? \ \

The Taliban had opened schools for girls, had
women allowed to be doctors or nurses, and had
women working at the Kabal newspaper where they
didn't have to wear the Burka - DESPITE NAZI
American tea Bagger LIARS who LIE to murder the
innocent in attempt to escape Bush and Cheney for
911. The Taliban would kill rightly a bushite
nazi rapist - unlike the grunts, who war
Afghanistan to rape women and children without
complaint to steal all our charitable aids - all
the while, pushing heroin to life imprison
American teens for simple possession. Kill a
bushite for the Love of God. Kill a bushite for
the Love of Country. Kill a bushite for the love
of anyone.

America is the nation of the AntiChrist

Peoples of Humanity, when a bushite was asked
about defending America from plunder, he
responded as near all who serve likewise in the
Air Force who enjoy bombing our families at
Church services, "I don't care". Bushite don't
care to see you suffer and die unjustly for their
stolen profits. America is the nation of the
AntiChrist, ungodly, unholy, and evil in their
silence against the torturing of US innocent
Peoples, while STEALING all of Iraqi assets, and
the billions in charity given by good will from
everyone to Afghanistan. Kill a bushite grunter
who stays silent on this issue, and you'll be
doing US all a great big favor. A dead bushite,
means more lives saved, means one fewer FOXSNEWS
fan of evil gone from our scene spewing it's
hatred for true Justice in America to defend our
dying Freedoms.

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

Real American soldiers will war for his release
from the clutches of the lawless war criminal
Obamanoids. The drone flyers striked the guy who
threw his shoe at Bush. Murder charges that will
warrant the hunting for death of every last bush
bitch demon whore responsible in the Air Force,
hunted for their contempt for Man, and our flag.
These are crimes against Humanity. These were
war crimes against innocent children, innocent
women, innocent men. They killed dogs for fun.
They chased down one child from a church service
with no less than $500,000 worth of bombs. A
CHILD. Die bushite die, America is coming for
you demon fuks, die bushite die.


Clarifying [pro-racist but not a racist himself] Rand's Position on

/ / Should we release KSM because he was tortured? \ \

What is he guilty of demon fuk, and shouldn't we
try Rand for treason to suggest any other such
thing? He was tortured, as Rand wills against
innocent Americans to officially suffer his
criminal consequences. Libertarians are an evil
fuk, who as cowards, only suggest the escape of
those that truly do America wrong. The NWOers
are a bit of a fukhead on this also. That is
what a facist nazism is all about. Don't fight
to defend the rights of innocent victims by
demanding the arrest of Bush and Cheney,

[UN-CONSTITUTIONAL - where's Ron Paul and the
"Constitutionalists" here?]

no, torture innocent peoples to Death with
private mecenary Cofer Black while pimping child
rape. Just keep it hidden from US, the Public
like they do regarding banking, vaccines, and the
notorious VLT. Ergo, Palin and her crew go, 'no
public option! no public option!' and the self
labeled Libertarians, the Conservatives, the
Republcans, with the Tea Bagger racists and
bigots, rapists and Satanists all chiming in
unison - no fair share. No to the Public having
a fair say in these matters of your survival.
Still don't care to get involved in forwarding
these concerns as Your own? You'd better. I'm
just saying is all.

Signed, Johnny America - The True Patriot

The Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1
Million Gallons

Crimes against Life, crimes against God. BP
execs need to be arrested for this. Serious.
They could scoop the oil at the site, instead
they poison our world for generations with a plan
from Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs who have
stolen trillions from America. Trillions.
Demand free open communications with the facts.


IDF Released Several Faked Photos – How Can They Be Trusted in ANY

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

On March 7th, 2003, the UN reported WE had
complete 100 percent access to go where ever we
please through out Iraq, without delay, including
Saddam's more than complete co-operation,
including the offer of televising the demon
antichrist false accusers across the entire
nation, but the ungodly enemy liar of All Free
Peoples refused. Demon Bush simply LIED that
Saddam wouldn’t let our UN inspectors in. Saddam
was never found in violation of UN resolution
1441. Saddam did everything that was asked of
him, plus more. so bombing the country
indiscriminately only LOWERED the ability to set
out what the bushite traitors say is the reason
for liberating/thieving there. Anyway, we know
now the bushmob KNEW FOR SURE Saddam was no
threat, so lied Americans away from 911's Ahmad,
by doctoring the NIE (National Intelligence
Estimate), to die cowardly for the media praised
neocon betrayers. The ungodly enemies of all
Humanity. The demon liars who refuse to
acknowledge 911 was financed by General Ahmad,
and that we have video of iron flowing like water
from the towers. Who, as TRAITORS, refuse our
humanity the Rights to hunt down who did US wrong
on 911 by Public trial, then hangings. Who
instead publicly promote with Palin the wanting
to deny the falsely imprisoned, rights to speak
legally against the bushites 'global' tyranny.

Again, CBC, CNN, and FOX REFUSE to simply correct
these demon witches who LIE with impunity to
murder our families.


5 of 9 people killed on gaza flotilla were shot in the back

Update: AIPAC lobbies lawmakers, links flotilla to Qaeda

Satanic evil enemies of both Man and God. Do
Americans care for the lies they suffer for, by
remaining silent in the demands to have every
last AIPAC member arrested, tried, and executed
as WAR CRIMINALS? They broke the truce, and fire
bombed children as planned, and Jews, while
warning Zionist Hamas when they would strike near
their homes. AIPAC is paid by blindedly with
American taxes, to lie as demon evil for more war
crimes that they have become extremely wealthly
because of. American taxes paying for the fire
bombings of innocent families. To starve Jews in
garbage dumps. Fight back for Christ sake God
damn you.


Stop with the dispersants, get all the tankers
world wide to pick up the oil then conveniently
on the surface. Arrest BP for giving out 10
billion dollars in bonuses this last week, and by
refusing to stop dumping their toxic poisons as
ordered by the EPA. Why is BP not qualified?
They tell us there isn't any under water plumes,
while they are dumping 100s of 1000s of gallons
of toxic poison to do just that AT THE SITE
have a working blow out preventer, an acoustic
switch, or a relief well as required every where
else in the developed world, but for the fact
that they bribed Tea Bagger type Republicans to
remove those "Socialist" regulations THEY KNEW
were there to prevent this tragedy of horrific
proportions. Don’t allow them to give themselves
bonuses. Please.

You know God, I'm not liking these Americans much
for refusing to forward these wise words.. it's
like they suffer themselves for self contempt.
They'd rather die victims, then defend the
innocent. Bush and Cheney closed Official 911
police investigations. -

NY Times confirms Israel started hostilities on flotilla!

Flotilla activists 'shot 30 times'


/ / Israel violated international law. It did
not even wait to see if the ships would enter its
so-called "military exclusion zone" before

According to reports from freed Kuwaiti
parliamentarians and activists, the ships were
going to negotiate their entry with Israel. \ \

Innocent Gaza activists were shot in head at close range

First degree mass murder. Americans target AIPAC
and PNAC for war crimes charges warranting death
by Public War Crimes Trial.



/ / According to testimony of the passengers,
individuals who surrendered were killed, while a
white flag was flying. Because some activists in
critical condition were refused aid by the
Israelis, they also died. \ \

Israelis subdued captain by pointing gun at a child

America's Netanyahu "Holocaust teaches that
murderers must be stopped before they act"

Ah ha. Evil IS the deceived disguised. The
trick here is your suppose to go in your mind,
'but that doesn't apply to Netanyahu because he
said it, naah naahnahnaah naah.' EVIL. Netanyahu
must be tried the war criminal he for sure is,
and executed without delay, as the Holocaust did
teach US Jews against a Nazi demon like mass
murderer Netanyahu, who KNOWS he broke the truce,
and ordered the indiscriminate murder of our
Humanity to financially gain off the suffering
and DEATHS of Jews. Dead men do tell tales.


King Johnny Blues

Even if you refuse to believe in Justice as
Freedom - Bush and Cheney halted 911 Police
Conclusions for PUBLIC CONVICTIONS on who did
truly US wrong partners. Criminal (no cause)
Wars (not necessary) of tyranny by torture for
slavery are actual, for real war crimes. Why?
Innocent victim KSM has nothing to do with the
crime of 911's ample leads right back to the
charge of Obstruction by Bush and Cheney - on,
free to go General Ahmad who funded Atta, as sent
he was by the Bushmob, to go telling the Taliban
as highjacked America, that, 'no evidence would
be forthcoming to support the true arrest of
anyone' - as we's be shuttin' everything down
right here and now.'. We're not as shouldn't be,
all trapped in blinded confusion here. We need
to know who was responsible for these serious
mass murder crimes against America, not go
blindly in faith that anyone can possibly know..
Read that last sentence again. 9/11 Police
Investigations were STOPPED from official
conclusion. We must have an understanding of
just what the hell is going on here as ourselves
being cheated a better life, a better promise, a
better future where we truly respect ourselves.
Justice for the 911 victims, victims who could
have just as soon, being any of you, must be
demanded against the irrational bushite nazi
grunters who instead, lawlessly bomb our
countries to thieve from all as murderous enemies
of Life in America, as on all she gloriously
stands big time for Liberty. Freedom is Justice
for all. Bushite are losers to themselves who we
all know can't fairly compete criminally. To
commit henious war crimes against Nature and God,
is where they are blinded, led in leadership that
doesn't direct the WILL, to demand the arrest of
Bush and Cheney for obstruction on 911. They
should decide that schooling is the answer when
they tell instead, 'facts are for the stupid
people'. Justice Is, as insuring, that serious
capital offense criminals, don't happen to
attempt their get-aways, while we can't say
officially for sure nothing either way. Hear
where seeking probable cause on 911 was
officially stopped. Wrong move cheats, we won.
Justice is victory over war crime tyranny.
Tyranny that just will never do. Justice for
murder is a must all would naturally call for, if
we had a voice to say so fairly as US all riding
with the King.

Meet the 19-Year-Old American Killed in the Flotilla Attack

Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into sea, witnesses say

Reporters Without Borders: 15 journalists still missing

Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head

Israel Bombs Gaza School Intentionally

/ / Israel’s deputy ambassador to the United
Nations, Daniel Carmon, "Israel enforced a
maritime blockade, which is a measure that is
totally legal in international law \ \ To break
the truce, murder Police officers, and
intentionally fire bomb defenseless innocent
children, suffering in a concentration death
camp. So, in other words, Hitler was right?

Satanic evil enemies of Life that intentionally
attacked helpless children. Satanic enemies of
LIFE. Not Jews, war criminals.



/ / We don't need an investigation. There are
four US taxpayer paid for bullets inside the head
of a 19 year old man born in New York, from US
taxpayer paid for guns in the hands of Israelis
who hijacked a US flagged ship in international
waters and kidnapped 12 Americans in the process.

This attack by Israel was an act of war not only
against the US, Greece and Turkey but against all
of NATO. \ \

American Citizen Killed by Israeli Navy

/ / If you are not upset by this, your tea is
weak, man. Weak. \ \


www.washingtonpost.com - OBAMA KNEW IN ADVANCE ?


/ / So, the Obama administration KNEW IN ADVANCE
that Israel was going to attack the aid fleet,
and chose not to protect a US flagged ship and 12
Americans in international waters.

The whole reason to have a military, a Pentagon,
and a Commander in Chief is to PROTECT AMERICAN


Top Al-Qaeda leader killed.... For the third time

See? A bushite LIAR, lies to mass murder
innocent defenseless families. Our families.
Never to speak of Bush and Cheney's escape for
halting our Police Services to complete our tasks
of victory over the terrorists of 911 at hand.
Take it from me, bushite dope pushers are
un-American evil. Recruited from third world
military dictatorships in who knows how many
cases as wearing our great flag, while picking
off Peoples randomly. Plus, KBR gang rapists
can't look good on any resume for a real man's
job to free ourselves of tyranny through Justice
supreme, but what do we know right?

U.N. Chief Says Israel Is Blocking Most Gaza Aid

last I heard, was that
they will only allow 1/4 the ammount to sustain
life there.

'Blackstone, Apollo and Goldman Sachs to acquire Ondeo NALCO' (COREXIT

Israel: "We Control America"

Israelis celebrating attack on Turkish Aid Ship

And who is going to tell God, this isn't the
actions of those truly Satanic? What EVIL this
is, from Nazi vermin who do not deserve to live
as murderous thieves.

Israelis are holding nine Americans kidnapped

/ / a document which shows that a death list had
been prepared in advance by the Israelis, showing
names and pictures of people on board of the
ships to be murdered, who, according to Israel,
were “involved in the International humanitarian
aid for Gaza”. \ \ To feed those made to starve
to death by THIEVES Nazi Israel, who randomly
murders innocent others near daily while when
targeting, loyal Police officers. Done by
blaming all others without a voice found as just
Cause on Amerikan corporate snewze TV, that
openly aligns it self to the criminal escape of
Bush and Cheney for 911.

IDF opened fire on the flotilla even before boarding it.

Don't let these Satanic
enemies of God and Man escape our authority to
see the proper Zionist culprits tried and
executed for this. We will not stop until we see
Justice done for US. God, and everyone else.
Death to the war criminal ungodly Zionist enemies
of Christ. Christ, we is Jewish. AIPAC AND PNAC
Zionists must be all arrested without bail, and
tried for high treason as mass murdering Satanic
enemies of everyone and everything, once easily
convicted, executed gloriously in a true act of
Love for Humanity, as this, our dying breaths.

"6000 Veterans Committed Suicide Last Year"

No no no no. We have ending far more bushite
than that.. THINK: who wouldn't kill a bushite?

"International activists cause their own deaths by
attacking nonconfrontational Israeli commandos"

The murder victims were a threat to life of the
lying demon evil Pirates of Religion? Where a
belief in God, is but only a false hope for those
who suffer foolishly as cowards in tyranny? Not
me. I will not live in tyranny for Satanic
Zionism, my worth is too great to not Liberate.
Bushite who murder our loved ones, are not
strong, but weak pathetic nazi grunters who in
the Octagon, a child of six would rip limb from
limb, but let me do it. I want a death match
with these UFC "warriors" who war to sell,
bushite grunters don't deserve immediate deaths
sentences as the enemy of God and Country.
Deserving of death for the crimes they continue
in our stolen names with. Christians in America?

Why is America such a evil dying place? Because
People refuse to stand up for People. Justice is
what must be willed now. We don't need the
NWOers causing divisions among innocent Mexicans,
Blacks, Gays, Potheads, Atheists, wiser women and
men, Liberals, Socialists, (anything but a goose
stepping faggot Amnerikan "Conservative") and so
on. We need Justice where all peoples deserve
the self respect we have for one another to be as
we will. Free from tyranny. Example: how is it
possible that Alex Jones now supports a police
state to deprive freedom from innocent others?
He figures it's just some innocent Mexican kid
poisoned at home by corporate America, but the
"Cop" could be a third world military
dictatorship thug, back from raping women and
children in Afghanistan and Iraq, then what are
you going to do, when the bushite "Hero" asks,
"Where's your papers family?" You say, "Right
here." Bushite Nazi Grunter with erection says,
"Where are your papers?" We have Republican
rapists in Congress who believe TV'ed America
will not see them tried as such immediately. Get
on it. There are thirty of these Republicans who
Publicly support the gang raping of American
Women, and several hundred million of US. It
really is a shame AJ can't see this.., however,
we can. A Police State of war criminals who rape
and torture is a bad State Rights policy if you
asked me, but what do I know.. I'm just the guy
who Life has super naturally brought to be, to
hunt bushite for as far as we can see.

The NWOers will let all America die, before Bush,
their cash cow deity is brought up on charges for
the war crimes he is for sure guilty of. Freedom
is what I bring, how about You?

Facebook Members Rally around Tortured American Soldier

He claimed Canadian Health Care is like it is in
the Third World, the Third World of Puerto Rico
he claimed! See? Bushite dumfuk enemies of Man,
are enemies of everything Americana - in the
nation that didn't correct the evil enemy fuk.
Where was the UFC "Warriors" to call the dog shit
out? It's only suffering American lives he
attacks with his evil lies. And the TRUTH was
that American health pros misdiagnosed his
ailment of eatin' too much buck shot, where in
Canada, they told him, he's sorely full of shit,
and should get that looked at by a real Doctor.
So what did he do? Blamed Canada! For the small
town he was hiding out in, did not have a
colonoscope sized to fit his colossal asshole!
learn of real terror, watch and learn. The Devil
can't hold a candle to me, when I get angry.
Bushites killed by their mothers, or maybe in was
their fathers, or brother, sisters, cousins, or
old high school chums back from the 80's. I want
a UFC death match with these marine "Warriors" of
the UFC, televised world wide. I want them dead
for celebrating their war crimes against my
suffering world of tyranny though censorship of
MY great strength. Welcome to the show. We've
tried being the communications guy, and all
American Internet bush whores do, is nothing but
beat off to war porn, or hail the new Alex Jones
who is in full blind support of a Police State
now - anything to escape Antichrist Bush and
Cheney they will as cowardly evil doers. Well,
maybe this will get their priorities in proper
prospective. Hunting Bushite is what all
Christians were born to do. Justice for 911
means a Heaven on Earth, as with the death of
bushites, every one wins see? The Iraq war has
NO CAUSE. Answer: there is NO liar's excuse
we're willing to buy for a stolen nickel. Life
is too valuable to waste our breath, but to bring
death to evil war criminals who truly deserve to
die before their next innocent victim falls. I
am never mocked for MY truly Heroic deeds. They
mass murdered under the criminal orders of
Sattler, more than 300,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE in
Fallujah without cause. They bombed Samara
without cause. They bombed Iraq without cause.
Mattis targeted a wedding party, then ordered
grunts to double tap infants and old ladies.
They torture, they rape, they thieve, they bomb
our Humanity as godless demon enemies of everyone
hanging on for our dear precious Life they still
intent to torture to death as the innocent
forsaken. Kill a bushite and be blessed. Die
bushite die.

Col Gregory Gonzalez, project manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems



"BP Refuses EPA Order To Stop Toxic Oil Dispersant"

Crimes against Humanity. Crimes against Life.



/ / WE DEMAND an immediate public apology to
Israel from the organizations involved in the
incident and the governments that supported them. \ \

God does tell that Satanic enemies of Life do
exist, to rape steal and mass murder in the
stolen name of Jew. When You war to defend all
that are innocent, by joyously having arrested
American Zionists for a rightful execution, you
defend their next targeted innocent murder
victims. Such as Jews. Jews were the first
strike targets in Lebanon, and Jews are left to
starve in the garbage dumps of Israel, all to
attract more Amerikan charitable aid they, the
Nazis can use elsewhere to steal even further.
Salvation Army for example, is a multi billion
dollar charity that charges big money for the
homeless to eat the food that was donated. No
money?, you die during a Canadian winter, while
Salvation Army reps live in the largest mansions
on our planet in some likelihood, like American
Church leaders do. Why or how do they as Satanic
get away with it? People refuse to support
Justice, or a wise man or women speaking.
Billions of dollars they have stole from each and
everyone of us during the giving spirit of
Christmas. Still don't believe in God cause it's
too difficult, and with Satanic evil Zionists,
you can pretend your human to remain silent over
the truth, that NAZI ISRAEL admits to breaking
the truce with Gaza, by burning alive, Christian
children they specifically targeted for stolen
cash profits. NOT JEWS, war criminals.
Murderous enemies of our entire species. Evil
ungodly Zionist Nazis are the enemies of YOU.
Even if you refuse to believe in Justice as
Freedom, or God from Scripture.

Nazi Israel attacks Emergency Aid - Murders Aid Workers

/ / The Israeli military denied that its forces
attacked the boats but said they would enforce
the decision to keep them away from [INNOCENT]
Gaza. [SUFFERING] \ \ While defending Hamas from
their indiscriminate shootings..

For that would be a capital crime of mass murder.
Perhaps, they like Conservative TV America, will
blindly blame al-qeada, or immigrants, or the
Blacks before an ungodly Zionist war criminal?

The Zionist's Message to the Son of God's Peace Activist

/ / Let this be a message to any "peace
activists" who try to aid and abet the enemies of
the Jewish people and Israel. \ \ Kill a Zionist
demon liar, and be blessed by GOD and a Humanity

These are the crimes of Satan. Anyone world wide
who, as like a bushite grunting enemy, argues for
their escape on these mass murder charges, should
be executed too, no? You decide. They attacked
life saving emergency aid destined to assist our
innocent Humanity in the suffering for America's
AIPAC PNAC evil enemy forces of GOD. Why should
all of our Humanity suffer further for Florida's
continuing belligerence, with Corporate News
America, insisting these war actions against good
Peoples don't deserve public trials for death
sentences meted out against every last ungodly
AIPAC PNAC Zionist living the high life in
Florida as cop killers and torturers? Who could
possibly disagree but your typical, 'who cares
for anyone' American conservatives who murder for
stolen money in cash bribes? I am angry at
George Noory's soon to be even greater happiness,
I am angry at evil Rush Limbaugh, I am angry at
an America who refuses to complain for care of
anyone with Justice as our sides we do proclaim,
freedom for all.

Look TV America, you demon fuckers, Israel, who
is funded to survive as war criminals by US
taxing payers, commits crimes against our species
on a daily basis, and Americans must be as
demanding, Justice rule our ways for better
outlooks. Freedom. Why must Nazi Israel get
away from US on this, knowing we all know of
their ungodly evil crimes, yet, the magic TV with
George Noory and the bunch don't think it worthy
your Life to defend. Innocent Peoples assaulted
by Nazis, who war to see our Humanity suffer the
loss of our rights OFFICIALLY - as our homes, our
food and water, our lives. They are NOT JEWS,
but AIPAC PNAC thieves labeled Zionists, is the
answer from up on high it is said here and now.
Forever. So, who are you going to believe?
Justice we must demand for Jews against the
criminal actions of the ungodly as evil Zionists.

"Netanyahu vows never to let Israelis be tried for war crimes"

So he WANTS a godless nation run by war criminals
who torture and murder innocent others for stolen
money? Vile demon enemy of God and Humanity the
Zionist OPENLY is. Don't take my words for it,
or of God in the Old Testament, Just honestly
hear it. Satanic Israeli ADMIT to breaking the
truce with Gaza, to have die, innocent Jews for
stolen money. They warned Hamas when they would
strike near their homes, while murdering,
ADMITTINGLY, at least, 239 Police Officers.

Nazi Israel


"Zionists believe Israel should not be defended
from war criminals who bomb Jewish communities
indiscriminately to murder children with millions
of landmines."

P.S. First strike war crime targets in Lebanon
were the Jewish communities. Take it from God in
the Bible, or as the fully documented History,
these ungodly Zionist demon enemies of everyone
are truly Satanic. NOT JEWS. Justice is

Obama: I will never waver from supporting Israel

To give money to target for murder the innocent
peoples with, does not support Israel, but to
bring the death of Jews to profit the Zionist
ungodly liars of Satan. In fact, it makes Obama
a WAR CRIMINAL for funding such as the willful
theft of innocent Christian Homes to please a
Zionist enemy of Life. Who the fuk does he think
he's lying to here? Just Johnny? The King of
the Jews is True Red White and Blue

"A Tea Party greets Obama in San Francisco
and the left is not happy about it"

Divide the masses who want Justice by claiming
Obama is a leftist? How so? It's ego before
facts, it's ego before Country. Rather see
America die, before a retard Conservative tea
bagging Libertarian is confronted directly for
their contempt for the Constitution, for the
flag, and on all we stand United. Justice for
911. Tea Bagging Retard "Bush is just a puppet,
and Obama is.. is... wahhh! I want my mommy!"

"Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay, Tea Party Go Away!"

Note : the Tea Party was started in Boston to
redirect America to demand Justice for 911.
Then, multi-millioniare Ron Paul with Alex Jones
took it to be, no bad guys exist in American
politics while illiterate teen soldiers die for
nothing but evil as blinded in tyranny, then
Palin, demon whore of Satan stated, tea baggers
were about denying Justice for terrorists - and
the crowd of 666 televised world wide chanted,
whore yeah, whore yeah!


"Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf"

"Obama administration blocked efforts to stop BP oil drilling before

would such a decision be made without concern for
why we have any rule of law? No justice for
terrorists to let the war criminals in government
escape, you thence live as such, dying in self

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police
investigations. That is where we should make our
claim to shame. Then, acknowledging the Iraq war
is a crime because, Saddam is not in violation of
1441. He is doing ALL THAT IS ASKED of himself,
getting things done without delay. To mass
murder Iraqis indiscriminately massively LOWERS
an ability to do anything the FALSE ACCUSING WAR
CRIMINALS argue with censorship to suggest there
is any reason whatsoever, for these crimes
against God and Humanity. Wars of torture, wars
of thieves, wars of the enemy. Kill a
dishonorable Bushite Nazi grunting enemy of
Freedom and be truly Blessed by God in Christ.
Die bushite die.

/ / a ship captain with 15 years of drilling
experience told the joint investigative panel
that he doesn't know why a rig would displace the
protective column of heavy mud with light
seawater before closing off a well. \ \

Interior Department Exempted BP Drilling From Environmental Review

/ / exclusions are only to be used when a project will have
"minimal or nonexistent" environmental impacts.

MMS issued its one-page approval letter to BP on April 6, 2009. \ \


/ / Acoustic Preventers, mandated in every other
oil-producing nation, are optional in the [nazi
evil we hate Johnny GOD and Nature] US \ \

"AIR UNSAFE Gulf Oil Spill Warning"

We know the bushite grunts are going to say, 'no
body cares'. As we full knowing they do when
dropping bombs from our sky onto Humanity
indiscriminately, to die US for evil as the
godless minions of the enemy Antichrist, so what
can we, as forsaken Humanity expect here on this
issue? The air quality down South needs to be
tested for toxicity, and if so, we could have a
incredibly dangerous situation that will require
minimally respirators for those charged to
attempt mitigating this onslaught from the front
lines, The Gulf Coast's once great Habitat for
wild life. BP has dumped an estimated 700,000+
cans of toxic deadly poison onto our Ocean's
surface for the windfalls of a Goldman Sachs
contract, instead of sucking up the oil spill
with huge tankers designed specifically to do so,
available world wide. To know that this is what
they for sure didn't do should take us all aback
somewhat. Who's in charge here?

Why is this happening?

Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. Understand, Republicans don't have a
TV problem with gang rapists of American women
walking free in our America (as bribers KBR)
either, so counting on a Republican for honorable
commentary regarding this serious Life issue on
where they wish to further steal ourselves away
from a just rule, should be aptly considered when
we start taking calls on what all needs being
done intelligently to save our planet from these
lawless scoundrels, these liars, who pirate our
air spaces from free communications ruling. Let
Justice be our defense of Freedom.

Rush Limbaugh "It's natural. It's as natural as
the ocean water is."

Note to the World: Rush Limbaugh, is America's
most popular national radio host. America pays
him millions and millions each year, to tale how
Justice doesn't matter, to blame the innocent and
poor with robbery and torture, all to let the 911
Neocon Peenackers walk right out our doors for
mass murder in New York City with himself
included, so, no wonder in a nation of illiterate
ingrates they find no fault in allowing him to
freely continue in their silenced names. Freely
continue denying Freedom for all their days they
say without words spoken in opposition. Let's go
with, Justice for 911, like now, immediately
we're saying.. Who would say no to Freedom
ruling? Trillioniare banksters who don't cover
our loans, okay, granted, and who else?
Censorship is the tool of tyranny to silence our
mutual agreement against indentured slavery.

US Indentured Slavery

/ / Oil is semi-volatile, which means that it can
evaporate into the air and create a heavy vapor
that stays near the ground -- in the human
breathing zone. \ \

/ / A thick, 22-mile plume of oil discovered by
researchers off the BP spill site \ \ that
poisons everything in it's path.

Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

Toxic poison to kill whales, sharks, birds worms
and Humans - while Americans say what about
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste
they willingly have dumped on Iraq and
Afghanistan in the name of evil bushite Nazis as
NATO. They refuse to raise their phones for
Justice, never mind to forward a post of
interesting facts. Unless it's by a Libertarian
NWOer who wants US to hate immigrants who are not
guilty of anything but being born. Or hate
traffic lights because they were designed by
brighter men. All to escape a guilty Bush and
Cheney for high treason on 911. To escape the
crime scene of America's Social Security. The
Bankster extortions, the culprits responsible for
vaccines. The un-Constitutional war crimes of
torture, rape and enslavement of our species to
the ungodly evil AIPAC PNAC Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, the witch, stole the bridge to
nowhere money. Fuck you Usenet America for
remaining quiet in this time of war crime
criminal actions headed by traitors who will to
see US die as the innocent forsaken.

All you need do is as a man from any nation, is
look at these web sites that nazi grunts have
that celebrate their indiscriminate mass
murderings, and know, when you kill a bushite,
Humanity loves you. A bushite does nothing to
defend America by targeting the innocent, but to
war for slavery, to war for torture, to war for
Satan. Die bushite die.

Unique like everyone else is,
General Johnny - Five Star

We all know who a Republicans generally is, and
what box they fit neatly in as ungodly evil doing
liars on FOX, but who are we the rest of
everything else entirely as un-classified?
without form in the minds of the bigots and
racists? (in that context) The left wing right
wing thing reported by TV is a con by those who
don't have the strength or will, to stand US on
our ownsies. Have no fear, I'm a pro. Here you
go. Justice is Victory. Hi, my name is John.
I'm old school Human.

We are having a communications problem
about freedom here. Peace sells.

I think we need desperately to look at Bush and
Cheney still attempting their get-a-ways with
Humanity in tow by Clinton and Obama just now..



Rise up for innocent life American, or don't and
see where you'll get yourself in the end,. Do
US a favor, and Forward this post on. Your
King has spoken.

Honorable American soldiers do not obey criminal
orders to escape the Peenackers for 911 as
ENEMIES of the LORD and Life.

Matt Simmons: "Theres another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away

Justice is Freedom. These crimes are near beyond
understanding, yet they are still crimes. We
need not get lost completely in speculating on
motives, before demanding the TV fact that this
could have been stopped two days in, if it wasn't
for all this criminal negligence. BP taking
billions in profits each month from federal land
without question, but don't want to follow simple
international standards. In Canada, it is lawed
that a relief well is made at the same time as
the initial drilling gets conducted, why would
you do it any other way? But to take a paltry
few more thousand pounds of flesh? They clear
billions and billions and billions and billions,
and so, who are we to tell them to respect our
lives by spending a few thousand more dollars to
prevent a disaster? A disaster for us sure, but
not for them also? Did you hear? It was told
that they had a blow out preventer, but didn't
use it when they knew they were suppose to.
Again, criminal negligence, or perhaps murder by
Halliburton against BP Execs? How is it that
this of them throwing caution to the wind, in
established protocols of international standards,
ignoring dire warnings by an alarmed Crew, as
when, the BP Execs are all on top gathered for a
big meeting? Where was Dick Cheney?

The REAL REASON Behind the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 2010



A Man Named Fester Announces,

The New World Order is Here

/ / The Georgian [Peoples] opposition
accused President Mikhail Saakashvili \ \

What the.. I thought the great Georgian Peoples
rose and rightly had this demon executed by
Public Trial for ordering troops to attack
schools and churches without cause, murdering
countless innocent children as his pleasing of
Cheney and Palin for billions given by the
Amerikan dying victims? What was it? All just a
lie to escape himself from our wrath for his
heinous crimes against Humanity? I ask all
Peoples of Earth: why isn't President Mikhail
Saakashvili tried war criminal dead as the self
confessed for sure war criminal that he is? They
attacked every hospital in the country, murdering
countless hospitalized. Just because he
allegedly had a fling with demon whore of Satan
Palin, doesn’t mean he has some 'magical' deal
with the Devil now to escape proper accounting to
this world, as she has so far 'escaped' with
brain drain FOX snooze Amerika. Sarah Palin,
yes, Sarah Palin, stole the bridge to nowhere
money. It has never ever scared me one iota
to discover that disturbing reality. It's easy
to talk fixing this as me and Rand do, it's
another for ourselves to have an honest media,
that allows us to face the facts on who actually
is it that is cashing these blank checks for
themselves even today, and what does it take to
educate, that that is still, a crime in progress?
So, it's a communications problem in my mind,
that as a political machine, we hasn't been all
that great at measuring for Just causes, such as
why we seem at some loss flailing in the dark
with a New World Order. Burmas' "Invisible
Empire" is an interesting highdark to these fears
of the Light.. of which at a later post I may
comment about the Koran being really cool here,
where you can learn, that you play a part in your
own perceptions, and everything, absolutely
everything, is inter-connected. You half cool
Americans, when you have a little spare time,
should check it out if you haven't already, it
can be everything for you to know as a wonder of
life originating, keeping in mind, as Moe
somewhere teaches, All true will is to be just as
fair, are you fair, come with no distance space
time clearance. Which of course is yourself not
separate from as the manifestor, or man named
Fester - The New World Order is here.. how you
doing family? John's long gone, it's just you as
this rendering for as far as you can see now..
Freedom man, that's what this is all about. So,
the NWO Principle of Rules Subject to Change Are:
political wrangling is done as governments with
what are referred to as intelligent polite
debates. Something that Americans haven't seen
broadcasted on their magic boxes, but for during
re-electioneering. That's not how it's suppose
to work, but Republicans and Demonrats don't want
that because they know they would mostly lose as
fools, and then the cream would rise in the Party
of People, who would be naturally inclined to
challenge each others motives, so then the one
party held without boundary would represent the
interests of whoever it was that personally won
the seat by paper ballot in that happenstance.
Party team vs. Party team sports guy politics,
with 1900 page Bills that remind me of 1900 page
Derivatives, while the nation becomes undone as
run apon is bullshit my friends who play into this
without considering for other options. Alex
Jones and all the NWOers I think is great in this
respect for what they do, as truly helping
everyone along seeking better footing around
facts and conclusions, surrounded by nonsensical
illusions sometimes bares ever further greater
understandings I'm sure for some that can see
that car. There are rare a man such as I who
could legitimately criticize the NWOers. And
honestly, you wont believe it as near a life time
away from understanding, fine, but I am actually
a god. While Alex Jones almost seems like a
younger brother to me, of which makes him not so
happy I'd imagine being the big man cutely in
charge of father truth and such - but he's not
half bad - just .. well.. whatever. Justice is
what we will by priority is the answer. Public
officials are suppose to make their arguments
politely, pro or con for something, get ribbed or
proclaimed, and then, the body is suppose to
vote, okay or no. America says: Bailing out
private banks is quackery, and the Politico
reporters should have without thinking, been
reporting that from day one of this criminal
action of extortion against big big big America,
who has no voice of understanding worth
mentioning, yet, over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over again until someone who
knows what going on.. comes to the floor. Why
am I here alone in a world few know? So, perhaps
it is an ego problem of sorts, that effects us
all, that for fear of uncertainty of the whole
ball of wax, we can't speak on a stage that has
no place, but a home where we is forever and
boundless. I wrote about this or I've been
flying all around upside down while the sun
circles my thumb since I was about 17 years old,
a very long time ago. It's not a disability, to
face the universe, and say hey!, can I lend a
hand you incredible love machine? And just like
that, the Universe is born. Least that's how we
can play it out in our limitless imaginations. I
know stuff. And this is just the beginning! You
am Real. Is this worth a ten spot for little John
who's going hungry or no? Why doesn't the
governments of our world, just extend a great big
thank you, by holding a dinner in everybody’s
honor? Could happen.

Justice is a must for war criminals who target
innocent children like Mikhail Saakashvili did.
Without provocation, and without apology.
Countless innocent murder victims, and our
species is suppose to just stand here quietly
without a King saying nothing? Fuck you
President Mikhail Saakashvili, fuck you. Your
life like any Zionist, isn't worth a single child
you personally ordered the murder of for more
money stolen from my America. The Land of the
Soon to be Freed, and Home of the Brave that
will grow strong in Justice to know who we
truly are. This will be our day.

Top Priority

Top priority. Justice for 911 Victims. Paper
ballots for fair elections on fixing to vote for
a public education on 'banking scams'. Us, and
them who hide and pretend who's all paying for
this there is something not publicly defined.
Because they are taking us for Rooked! Banksters
don't cover our loans. Checkmate.

get out of jail free card

Bush and Cheney closed official 911 police
investigations. What do Conservatives do? Look
to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army. Or immigrants that look just like you or
me to the bushite grunting thieves who war as the
bad guys mass murdering the innocent, to rape
American women, to rape Afghanistan and Iraqi
children, all the while dying to steal everyone's
money for the magical bankster. How can Alex
Jones of the NWOers get behind such madness in
AZ? Considering all the movies he's made? HOW
HOW HOW? I don't know entirely, but to
speculate, it's his fear that otherwise, wise men
and women might be allotted a space to speak
freely against the demon enemy George Noory about
war criminals Bush and Cheney, and then his,
ridiculous! greater than everyone else of
History's ego would be bruised. So, I guess Alex
is prepared to support military dictatorship and
the death of freedom in America to make him look
strong against the wiser folks who are truly
committed to freedom as Justice for all. AJ's
Liberals, = everybody but a blind and stupid
"Conservative". American Conservatives think
Rand isn't treasonously working to deny the crime
scene evidence over at, Social Security, of
trillions stolen, of which he is stupidly. Never
mentioned ever by Alex Jones I'm pretty sure, at
least for sure, it's not something he'll mention
as important that the elderly and poor of America
that have been directly robbed as defrauded today
and for tomorrow as something to care for. Name
ANY American Conservative, and I'll show you a
person who claims at BEST! war criminal Bush who
lied to kill America is no worse than an AJ
puppet, leave him alone, he's on our team, the
dumfuks who know near nothing of economics, law,
and so on.. It's a true Nazi cowardice, it's a
refusal to understand, millions have been
murdered already by the Amerikan Nazi Zionist Air
Force who bombs US, The Peoples at random.
Cities bombed containing Peoples, with what they
term "Guess work" all on the excuse, that Bush is
their lawless Antichrist enemy of Humanity and
God, as a get out of jail free card. Every last
Bushite will be hunted, tried, and executed for
their war crimes of indiscriminate mass murder
done for the benefits of wealthy Neocon Zionist
TV LIARS, who in league with Satan, believe all
men will not survive to get to them as guilty
criminal SATANISTS eventually. Remember: Tenant
told US on 60 minutes, that Bush and Condi KNEW
in July 2001, that plans were underway to start a
war for Enron in Afghanistan, premised on a
imminent terror strike to the heart of America,
as we learned, that was financed by Bush's
business partner, General Ahmad. Who did the
Bushmob warn? A couple a Banksters who made a
killing in the market with Buzzy, and a select
few others, that in turn made no attempt to save
America from terrorist attack. Made NO ATTEMPT.
For, corporate America's refusal to stand as any
real man would to have such knowledge of good and
evil, and not share it for the benefit of Man,
would as is, be a shame on us all. And the world
I'm from as a true self made man, a real man,
doesn't leave that as acceptable to remain silent
on, no matter how many times a Conservative says,
'puppet puppet puppet, no calls for Justice, no
calls for Justice'. Kill a bushite and be


AJ "Liberals don't like Bush"
AJ "Obama is worse than Bush"
AJ "Bush is just a puppet"
AJ "I am light years ahead"

Rand Paul "we allow people to be un-civilized"
No we don't, if we can help it.

Judge for Yourself

/ / Maddow: Do you think that a private business has the right
to say, "We don't serve black people"?

Paul: Yes. I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form...

If you go to the video however, Rand obviously never said
the word "yes". Here it is, cued up to the exact moment:

\ \
youtube comt. "The video doesn't have the "Yes". MSNBC
fraudulently inserted the word."

But he did say yeah! Come on, don't deny as a
Libertarian kookoo what is clearly recorded!, as
though maybe quoted by others out of context.
(Libertarian 'no no no it didn't happen! it's
beyond my intelligence to defend! it didn't
happen, it didn't happen!') Granted sure, he
ain't gonna come right out and say he
'personally' hates all Blacks, Jews or Mexicans
IF he was a weak minded Nazi racist serving the
Zionist cause to the teeth, (AJ the divider last
week "The country of Mexico hates America" Cacti
think what?) but he will as does say "freedom"
magically, is allowing others to hate innocent
Americans as a racist bigot nazi grunter does,
licensed to serve the public selectively as they
choose. (Your welcome Mr. Paul) While traitors
Bush and Cheney, or the trillion dollar crime
scene of Social Security he and Maddow stays mum
about. Just robbed for more dead Innocent
Americans.. "freedom". Anyway, ideologues like
Rand Paul are genuinely not so bright people,
for, why then not be allowed to not sell what is
advertised if the public is nothing to hold any
respect for as being treated unfairly? Like has
happened with auto-withdrawals for billions
against American Peoples for giving out credit
card nums to companies who advertise to the
faithful on magic TV? Politics as is Law isn't
as easy as a Conservative sells to abuse or steal
from innocent others, be it by Paul fan proxy or
otherwise stupidly, when truly considering the
fair rights of all in a civilized society. Thus
is why the Civil Rights Law was needed. For
racists like in all the southern states,
(remember near all measured dysfunctioning
illiterates who hate everyone like Florida is
today, Charlie Daniels or Ted Nugent) were needed
to by force, be taken out by the military. It'd
be like hunting bushites today, who claim as
false accusers (who Hammurabi would have
immediately executed in defense of Peoples
everywhere by the way) "bin Laden did 9/11", of
which is not only false, but impossible. For
many many reasons I'll hold back for brevity,
minus this: For someone would have spotted him
going up and down the WTC elevators to set the
thermate, what with his dialysis machine, and
Arabic attire, he wouldn't have been missed by
someone there. Leastly the security camera
footage that was stolen from everyone everywhere,
might have had him scurrying about, but Rumsfeld
stole it all to hide something else, for if bin
Laden was present there rigging the buildings to
cut supporting iron beams at 45 degree angles
simultaneously, you'd figure Rumsfeld would give
it up, to sell murdering millions of innocent
Peoples in Afghanistan for pension thieves Enron.
(I know I know, who cares in TV Amerika..) AND
remember, the terrorist act of 9/11 was
pre-meditated mass murder of Americans, a capital
offense, of which Bush and Cheney forbade
American Police officers from completing the
investigation to form in the minds of anyone, an
actual guilty verdict. Funded by General Ahmad
it was, who is still a free male, likely provided
security by those who pimp child rape, Amerika's
Blackwater. Thus is why the Military should hunt
the lawless Bushite mercenary at every chance
they get, despite the absent corporate media's
support for such wise noble action of true
Liberation in our dying Worlds against Nazi
aggression. Bushites deserve to die, before
their next innocent victim falls, as victims they
claim were working for Peace in our world.
Bushites are the enemy, the enemy to you, the
enemy to me, the enemy to everyone. For,

What is the crime of Arab Students aka Taliban?
We should formally ask every American who is a
Republican or demonrat, then when they can't say
anything factual, we condemn them firstly, before
their hatred for God and Justice steals another
innocent Life to escape ungodly Zionist traitors
to Country like evil Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.

"CNN: BP won't change dispersant used in oil spill"

Crimes against God.

CFG spokeswoman Ann Marie Calhoun missing after video leak

Please, let's defend this couragous woman
by demanding those responsble for 7/7 be
immediately arrested for public trial.
Peter Powers and Ian Blair. Look, they
openly murdered Dr. David Kelly, and they
murdered millions of innocent Iraqis.
We must fight back or condemn ourselves
further for evil ungodly Zionist liars
of Satan, who OPENLY, steal and mass
murder at our losses for refusing to
war the likes of a George Noory, the
happy happy joy joy monster. Fight
back for Life.


Retard Alert

/ / In the ideal world of the liberal,
there would be no private businesses \ \


/ / The articles, which concerned the minimum wage, a
longtime favorite government program among liberals \ \

Do you realize, that when Ron Paul was on Alex
Jones tons of times begging for our money, it
wouldn't be used to see Bush and Cheney fry in
the chair for 911, but to pay illiterate bigots
of racist principles, who again, have Internet
access, to express their open public hatred for
all free men and women? THEY CAN'T COMPETE!
Again, he's a bigot, and why do all bigots, like
the Amerikan brand of Conservatives? Such as,
the 30 Republican's supporting role in gang
raping American women by lawless grunters granted
'magical' immunity? Because Conservative America
is broken down stupidly like a racist does.
[Alex Jones when speaking here goes too
retarded]. 'I call nasty Obama a Socialism, and
all they can come up with is, ah ha! I'm a
racist - crazy' No heard self respect for those
he would know, do not believe social equality has
anything to do, with trillion dollar extortions,
war crimes, or paying billions of dollars to a
private insurance company for Health care that
would rather see you die. A most wasteful system
consumed by massive fraud AJ proudly claims as a
commie romantic, is the best in the world God
damn yourselves. By bigotly claiming a socialism
always fails as bad forever, is near just the
same broken mind of those who say Blacks and Jews
don't deserve to be treated fairly because they
all smell bad. Socialism is traffic lights
designed about fairness in theory, just as
Libertarianism, Rastafarianism, Buddhism, and
waiting in a line at the Bankster's office is.
Again, the NWOer's comic book fictions, don't
mesh with our reality. They refuse to respect
others of more than 40 nations who MORE
INTELIGENTLY manage their health costs, or to
humble themselves, and wallah, they's taking us
no where by causing divisions among the innocent
masses who know better, while more and more fall
crime victims as the innocent forsaken. 'all
liberals think this, and that's why my judgment
of them is bad' American goose stepping
Conservatives think retardedly, as everyone else
under the Sun is labeled a Liberal. Hence, they
don't want free to speak forums when the truth
exposes their will to escape Bush and Cheney for
closing official 911 Police Investigations. Or
by calling Obama a right wing Nazi fascist much
like themselves who with Lieberman, Lindsey, and
McCain want to imprison American citizens
indefinitely without trial, Officially. While
sanctioning in America's name, rape, torture,
more trillion dollar thefts, and mass murder by
war crime. Libertarian multi-millionaires don't
say nothing here on Justice being a cause worth
fighting for, nor do Republicans, and near no tea
baggers.. Just root for a police state that
wills that good honest people will have even more
of a chance as appearing as an illegal, to a
dumfuk grunt back from looting Iraqis, or as
rapists of American women. Libertarians have
millions donated by Soldiers who thought Ron Paul
was going to actually stand up for their legal
interests of being conned into dying, into, being
conned into still dying for war criminals. 1441.
While Bush and Cheney are still making their
get-a-way for mass murder on 9/11 in New York
City where America was attacked without Police
protecting. Bush and Cheney closed official 911
police investigations. What do Conservatives do?
Look to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army's soup kitchens, or innocent Mexicans who
were robbed their livelihoods by corporate
Amerika. Not, that cops aren't doing their jobs
correctly, or that it is the private no-nation
companies that hire these workers below minimum
wages that with back room deals with ICE, face no
slaps on the wrists, but likely even more in
public subsidies from dastard Republicans again.
Rockfeller and the Peso immediately comes to
mind, but the list is quite extensive, that we
all know, an illiterate tea bagger has no clue
of, or care for. Being factual is for the stupid
people as they would say, as to censor our Public
insuring that wisdom does not prevail. The truth
speaks for ourselves.

/ / This means Wall Street's culture is all about
treating clients as suckers, because adults are
supposed to know what they're doing. But some of
these adults are local government treasurers, or
managers of corporate, pension and insurance funds \ \

We are Freedom - Justice is Victory


/ /

Wall Street called Stock Shock - The Short Selling of the American


\ \ The investment bankers magnified risk by
re-securitizing toxic mortgages securities into
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), sold
them, and then used credit default swaps (CDS)
and index trading to hedge their own risks. In
emails among themselves, the traders flaunted the
fact that their products were crap. Thank you,
Wall Street, for such honesty after the fact. We
Asians bought some of that crap, thinking you
were selling safe products. \ \

Private media interests laying low as if
not wanting to face the facts, that we all must
insist on awakening to something greater than
left without reason to be further crime victims.
We need to know, who did 9/11, not in faith but
of fact understood as those freely looking.
We need to know, Justice is mandatory, for all
concerned, not as sold , 911 "The Un-speakable".
Alex Jones fans knows exactly where we're coming
from on this I'm sure. So,

Can you just believe.


'to cut Afghan opium by up to 70%'

They want the addicts facing life term prison
sentences to pay more than ever before, as the
simple enemy to every last one of US. DBD. Oh,
why you ask? Because they own the market as it's
defenders. No joke here. I tried to tell
everyone before, Mr. Bush is the actual
Antichrist with these death casts of serious
serious criminallity, but people
couldn't/wouldn't believe. Thank God that is
nearing over. ..

Bushite Nazi Grunting War Criminal Who Wills to
Kill Innocent Kids said, "it's their fault for
bringing their kids into a battle" An innocent
husband and wife, along with near hundreds others
too picked off at random don't forget. Can't you
just hear him then singing, "nah nah nah nah nah
nah"? Or, as was recorded elsewhere, put his
tounge to his nose and giggled, "it's all above
my head" when asked why he was murdering helpless
innocent people in Iraq as they did upon entry,
and in his words recorded then were, "I'm getting
them back for 9/11" Bushite 'excuses' are sold
for a dozen innocent lives with less than a dime.
And refuse, as enemy nazi cowards, to support
just actions to capture the true bad guys. While
they attack innocent Peoples to steal Justice
from ourselves. We are Freedom, if and when we
ever get our acts together. Justice is Victory.


/ / the same US Government that worked so hard to
justify allowing the opium to grow to now justify
spending US tax dollars to cure the plant
disease. \ \ Bushite are women hating dope
pushers of tyranny is what they are as cowardly
refusing to defend America from Bush and Cheney
for closing outstanding 911 Police
Investigations. Pushing their dope into America
as an illegal narcotic. Not in Johnny's America
this wouldn't be happening I can assure you if
you'd listen to reason as supporting our popular
rise against ungodly evil bushite Zombieism

They deny us as the enemy real resolution for
hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.
The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars
who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing
defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who
rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US
bring America back to where the Peoples's rights
are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our
vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.
Or, do you just want to silently fall down as
innocent victim to third world military
dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend
yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're
arresting for public trial the criminals
responsible for 911. We are America, and we are
no greater than any other to proclaim, this is
our right, this is our destiny.

Johnny America - The True Patriot

The Souls of Some White Folks

/ / freedom-talk without justice-talk is
empty and, potentially, dangerous. \ \

That's it. A Libertarian is a nut job like Alex
Jones is often, who claims no justice for
Americans, cause the government can only be
always bad as a big failure, just as, Ron Paul
is. Honorable exceptions go out to "Libertarians
for Justice"

"Two-year-old toddlers being dosed up with antipsychotic drugs"

As King, I would make this a criminal offense
earning the "doctors" ten year prison stints.
For starters. This is soooo fuking evil, and
completely bereft of any science. It IS a crime
against God. It is American children. It is A
CRIME by Zionist TV Amerika to kill off more
innocent Americans for plunder. I love America,
but Americans can't seem to care much of anything
for anyone just now as they fall sacrificing for
their hatred of wise men and women who can speak
for just causes. They'd rather die as pathetic
losers, than learn of the greatness to life in
our Universe.


Amerika's Bushite Zombie Commies

Tea Baggers to protest "high taxes and big government".

98% of working families received a tax cut. Every
state's average tax cut was similar. So tell me
again: What is it they're protesting?

Not the war crimes, not the banksters, not the
tortures, not the vaccines. Not AIPAC, not the
demon whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin,
and not FOXSNEWS. Tea Baggers are Zombie dumfuk
Republican nazi whores who war America to escape
Bush and Cheney, and those at KBR who gang rape
America women left undefended. They champion
paying private insurance companies billions of
tax dollars irrationally as Ron Paul would
stupidly advise, because they hate, truly HATE a
wise man or woman being allowed to speak freely.
NWOers would rather see all of America die,
before allowing the truth be plainly told. It's
all about escaping Bush and Cheney for the
treasonous crime of Obstruction. A crime that
OFFICIALLY, escapes those responsble for mass
murder in New York City on 911. Americans don't
care for the innocent lives they steal for cash
profit, but, do you? Do you?? Then forward
these concerns, both pro or con. I demand open
communications to speak the facts, while You as
an American, would rather die for treasonous
liars who kill Americans for stolen gain? Your
call losering. We all could be Heroes.


This is the greatest thing Alex Jones has ever
been apart of, and it is on these issues, we find
probable cause for the arrests of every last
Neocon Peenacker for public trial for the
murderous crimes of 911.

Media ignores Goldman Sachs' ties to Corexit dispersant

/ / Corexit was used instead of Dispirsit, which
EPA testing shows to be twice as effective and a
third less toxic. \ \

BP tells the EPA [WHO?] said they are the
greatest most best for allowing to poison the
Ocean with a toxin banned by the western world,
and the EPA after waiting, and waiting, and
waiting, say now, hey. dontdothat. Quietly. We
need real leadership that Americans can't even
fathom as possible presently. Barely.

In the movie Kick-Ass, he's asked why would you
help some stranger you didn't even know from a
hole in the ground. And the Lead Character said
something like, 'while four guys beat up one guy
unfairly, and forty people mostly only stand
around to watch the entertainment without video
taping, you bet I will, to the death, for I don’t
live in that world'. Beautiful scene I thought,
near got me crying actually, but yeah, that's
like me not trying to be a hero, that's just like
me being normal. My Normal: No evidence, person
innocent. Hammurabi, [TBN: The founder of
Civilization] first lauded, that the capital
false accuser should be executed because they are
just as soon, the actual criminals too, who are
playing a part in escaping the for sure culprits!
HAMMURABI. Civilization's First Law. We are
suffering a loss of vision to what we all dreamed
America could be. Magna Charta isn't quaint.
Torture IS illegal, don't fuck with us and Reagan
on this. And the banksters do not cover our
loans, so what the.. hellooo, what are we doing
here Peoples? We need to get back on track to
Justice as important to everyone. All Idiot
Conservatives, and Pansy Liberals Included.
Let's get this 9/11 international war crimes
trial underway. We'll put an international team
of news hounds with lawyers this world will ever
see with the power of the internets in charge..
First step.. You. You? Yes You. You need to
forward this post to everyone everywhere, and
let'em know, Justice has a name, and that name is

US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won’t Be Held

Toxicologist Riki Ott said the chemicals used by BP can wreak havoc on
a person's body and even lead to death.

Poison To Our World

/ / questions why BP is using the toxic
dispersant Corexit to clean up the oil when
twelve other dispersants proved more
effective in EPA testing.

Nowhere in the article does it mention that
Goldman Sachs \ \

Something this toxic, doesn't clean it up, but
kill more needlessly. Why would they do such a
crime against all life in our Oceans?

I care about America, but do Americans?


Who murdered UK weapons inspector Dr David Kelly?

/ / British Member of Parliament \ \


Why can't AJ go with the better ideas? Like an
Ideologue of which he is, he thinks he's playing
football here. He's on the Conservative team,
the true Conservative team, his team where you'll
get robbed by puppets because you're falling to
look at this as Alex's big story board. All
these war crimes of high treason, pay little of
no attention, it's that they want to institute
something up ahead where wise men and women will
truly prevail because the bigots will be properly
exposed as, the weaker thans. Tea Baggers do not
have an ability to conceive a fair to speak forum
where the truth trumps all evil. To an
ILLITERATE Tea Bagger, other Human beings can't
be judged fairly in any context, because..
because... they just can't do it. Retards.
They as tyranny's whores, idiots, they hide from
the facts they knows others can speak fluently of
as Just causes. With everybody else that doesn't
follow blindly like themselves in error, is known
to a conservative as Liberal. While Canadians
know this as complete hogwash. Liberals in
Canada are a right wing group that advances
soldiers who refuse criminals orders should, and
have, go to prison. I allege it’s truly the
other way actually, (honorable soldiers need
defending, and our Governments have excepted ZERO
evidence from bushites to make false claims that
do not stand to reason.) but what do I know about
war with the bad guys who rape, torture, thieve
and mass murder for Bush Co. right?

Where censorship isn't practiced, the bigots lose
to the facts they doesn't own. Like our world.

Would you rather die innocent victim than have
Justice win by polite open debate denied this God
forsaken world?

We need to organize the enforcement of our laws
by priority. War of false imprisonment to
enslave the innocent, is a strategy, I contend,
nobody here in this arrangement adheres to. We
The Peoples are paying for going without good
enough attention to who is who here being left
forsaken to die on a cross somewhere. Dying
victims to the corporate news pros denying rights
to be defended as equals. War criminals who
pirate America's uniform to rape and pillage with
an official policy of denying an accused as
anyone any rights as defending ourselves are the
actions of the enemy traitors. All falling
victims for the cowardly bushite war criminal
sacrificers, warring for the escapes of the
neocon peenacker party of guilty 911 Nazi Zionist
conspirators - those who truly done did do
America wrong, as still wrong is it always will
for always be as. The Zombie Commies refusing
the FACTS that get in the way of attempting
further escape of Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld for the high treason called Obstruction.
As they did, when closing official American
Police investigations, as the "police actions" of
the dishonorable. Played by corporate control in
a self defeating no facts for US criminal
strategy, rooted as remaining us silented
internationally on furthering these crimes the
bushite "Judges" are guilty for at Guantanamo for
starters. Crimes that should be seen as clearly
in, warranting our outrages of un-acceptable
lawless standards to the cause of Our Great
Humanity. Now Rising. oh.. never mind, as you

War criminals should be our priority.

KOPPEL: My question to you, though, was somewhat
simpler. My question was do you believe that the
State of Israel, in any form, whether in reduced
size, or otherwise, has the right to exist?

Not at any expense of the rights of innocent
others they target for theft, torture, and mass
murder. Those are the actions of the ungodly
criminal Zionist, NOT A JEW. like Christ is.
Besides, how could any Human on magic TV remain
silent over the direct deliberate targeting of
innocent children for murder to steal further
charitable aid from undefended "I DON'T CARE." TV
America? Not Christ like if you asked Christ
we're sure. Like, don't be evil man as the demon
whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin is when
she can't care for anyone just now while she's
war witching for evil doers still.


This is the greatest thing Alex Jones has ever
been apart of, and it is on these issues, we find
probable cause for the arrests of every last
Neocon Peenacker for public trial for the
murderous crimes of 911.

Ian Blair and Peter Powers for 7/7.

And Allawi for Iraq. Nuts i tell you, it's nuts..

Let's get on this.

Our Time Has Come

Because instead of siding to lock yourselves up
in prison as innocent persons denied a fair
trial, we could decide as a nation, to arrest the
kidnappers, and give them 9 to life behind bars
instead. Sound balanced fair?

/ / the first official police state in the
country for immigrants. \ \

No, it's the third worlder military police, who
war to escape gang rapists of American women


Criminal Negligence: Despite Knowing It Had a Damaged Blowout
Preventer, BP STILL Cut Corners By Removing the Single Most Important
Safety Measure

A crime. whatchagonnado? Support
Johnny's rise to popular acclaim
is what I would advise if I were
you, but what do I know?



Grunter: We don't need a reason to suspect you!!

Tourist: We are not all Mexicans from Arizona.

Grunter: you could be though.. I have no reason.

Tourist: will you torture us to get a confession?

Grunter: we catch three terrorists a day that way!

Tourist: do I get a day in court?

Grunter: not if I figure you a terrorist. If
your a terrorist, I get to rape you, your wife
and children, steal your money and laptop, and
maybe just murder the lot of you as NATO Bushite
Nazi grunts do daily to as confessed to
me a hero to the soon to be dead chickens. Shit,
I live in a mansion covered in gold with all I've
stole, but that's neither here nor there. I'm a
bushite who plays as cop on youtube, not a real
cop like you guys have as Canadian. American
TVed heroes openly push heroin, rape peoples, and
steals pensions to escape Justice obstructers
[REAL TERRORISTS] Bush and Cheney. Yeah, that's
why I'm a bushite NAZI enemy of all life in this
universe, I like to cheat on the near helpless or
starving American, the destitute and alone and so
on, cause truly, deep inside, I'm an evil good
for nothing Nazi bastard who believes freedom
doesn't apply fairly in my mind to others, for I
am a practical retard like our beloved demon
witch [LIAR] Sarah Palin! Papers. that i assure
you will mean nothing to me, I'm a un-arrested
war criminal back from Iraq, who gets off
shooting innocent Peoples at random to steal
their stuff. What's in the bag?


"Intelligence gleaned from these interrogations
has often led to some of the military's highest
profile captures."

Kill a bushite and be Blessed. A bushite is a
cheating liar, who wills to torture innocent
persons to escape Bush and Cheney for high
treason. Kill a bushite for Christ, kill a
bushite for America.


/ / They reported that no civilians were harmed.
But residents here tell a different story. \ \

You kill a bushite because, what's the crime of a
Taliban, or bin Laden? That's why you kill the
bushite, because it is a cheat, a liar, a thief,
a murderer warring God and Humanity for the
escape of traitors, Bush and Cheney. Die bushite
die. General Ahamd funded Atta.


Tea Bagger Exposed as Obama Operative!


Admits to working to deny the facts from being
spoken to Kill innocent Americans for Obama's
bankster stolen profits!! Wow man, Tea Bagging
LIARS are as evil as they are dumb like Sarah
'the retard' Palin. Lies lies lies lies.
Kucinich covered the LIES spewn by these Tea
Baggers as LIES in Congress. Canadians pay half
as much as Americans already do, where Canadians
get full coverage, and Americans are expected to
then go out and buy private insurance. "Waiting
lines" claimed by bushite zionist dumfuk enemies
ARE LIES - except for certain treatments, of
which Americans who pay far more than twice for,
wait longer, and die sooner. Kucinich, a wise
man disliked by Repuggers because they know he is
greatly wise as truthful, and they simply can't
compete, as is why the Tea Baggers champion
censorship as tyranny to kill sick and dying
America for the glories of Obama and the drama
unfolding of bankster gangster hustles. Getting
taken to pay back money to whom didn't give the
credit, but took it to be giving in our names as
left cheated still soring. Extortion is against
the Law in America. Millions of American homes
left family less, trillions of defrauded assets
like what has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan
for Neocon war mongering LIAR cheats of good will
and respect for the simple Laws of a great
Humanity, like torture being highly illegal as
naked treason against everybody. .big story, big
break, big gig, what a day.

The King Johnny America Show

This is The King Johnny America Show, with your
Host, King Johnny America. coming out from
everywhere to bid all a great, hello...

Your calls...

This found understanding, where everyone can
understand without counter argument, that we
really do have some as our government trying to
silently escape as found war criminals, robbing
our banks with proven frauds too, is a real
problem. We have suffered due our inabilities
thus far, to warrant Justice to truly defend
ourselves. On this matter of respecting our
rights, such as truly establishing a person's
innocence or guilt. Without Justice demanded as
freedom defended, the war criminals wager our
lives for criminal gains. To support the denial
of rights for the accused "suspect" to a terror
offense, is to allow the escape of those that
truly did us wrong. So, we need a helpful change
in the way corporate America internationally
dismiss ourselves without debate on what Justice
brings, as legitimately concerning. They deny us
real resolution for hard copy indictments against
actual terrorism. The facts forge our freedoms.
As the 911 war criminals are still 'escaping'
from America, is our current suffering media
tyranny. This is the Public challenge we should
naturally expect discussed as important in our
media. On CNN, CBC, The Simpsons, and at
survival classes - if we all willed our,
indifferent to war international media
controllers like George Noory, to allow the facts
freely to communicate our dire concerns. George
Noory and the Neocons would rather all America
die victim, before we are brought to be for this
contempt for denying ourselves the right still I
believe. He's known all along the times he takes
calls from those who falsely believe bin Laden
committed the unspeakable 911, or question the
legitimacy for the Iraq war which he sold, and we
hear him con all on for sacrifice to traitor
criminals, with "his", 'impartiality' on what
Justice truly defends against sadist mass
murderers who don't know what about false
imprisonment or torture in our 'Land of Freedom'
brings?. George Noory had once uttered something
like, he wasn't going to tell Americans whether
the vaccines were good or bad, and let the
listener decide.. selling, 'no fight go quiet'..
who cares really if he doesn't? Mercury is a
heavy metal neural toxin. The political
"science" that corporate pill popper America
sells is completed nonsense often, compared to
Canadian high school Biology classes, and many
years of the developed world's study regarding
the hazards of addiction. Addictions created by
chemical interdependencies. Americans are nearer
junkies, with conditions that didn't start, until
they began medically treating for moods,
attention spans, and more complete quackery to
undefended young children made ill because of it.
And as a consequence of us all left drugged out
on TV Meds into 'magic' corporate TV values of
passivity, of, who cares for anything really
going on., The WHO as others is let run all on
their owns privately, as a flock of out where
fringe lunatics, dangling in the dark dungeons of
their true selfish overt indulgences, suffering a
mental imbalance named adroitly, "Absurdum".
[~frm 'dahmaes'] Example: World Health
Organization's Mr. Repocholli said, "you can eat
depleted uranium by the pound full", or as
corporate national news media's all "yeah,
bailing out private banks makes total sense to
the pros, never you mind continuing losers, your
not invited to question here.", "..and and of
course WTC7 fell naturally. don't be silly" ,
"Go now." While I am just an ordinary guy in the
world I'm from, wearing a few hats, as one of
most importance, near high school Scientist. To
understand how we are failed at communicating
these measurable matters of consequences due to
radio-active heavy metals, due now to the untold
decades of suffering our entire endangered
species will burden. As we will attempt to
endure this lasting assault against all of
creation. America's continuing curse of
following ignorance instead of the science well
known must not go on if we want to survive
further. Respected enough to not willfully plan,
to keep all our heads buried in the radio-active
toxic sands. Depleted uranium is measured
radio-active, and oxidizes to particles as small
as a tenth of a micron. Contains plutonium. All
is not lost to the indifference of American's
dying from ignorance championed. WHO Scientist:
Swine Flu Pandemic Was “Completely Exaggerated”.,
causing massive irreparable damage to our species
with injected toxics. To I believe it was
counted, one in five of America. There needs to
be a public moratorium on attempts at further
genocide, with an international public campaign
of sharing the known IMPORTANT science of these
fields remaining completely undefended, to know,
we have been wronged, seriously wronged here.


"Greece Considering Legal Action Against U.S. Bank"

On behalf of everyone here, YES GOD YES!!!


"'Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel'"

A satanic evil group of Nazi savages pretending to
be Jews while they murder our innocent loved
children.. Who would have though eh?


92% of Conservatives Believe Obama is a Socialist or a Marxist

SEE! ILLITERATES! Dumfuk enemies of Life who
can't be bothered to consult ever for facts, but
to only spew what they as Zombie Commies have
been trained to re-gurgitations. Floundering
further America into irrational lawlessness as
Hitler's Banker family minions. Freedom is
Justice. And a Bushite McCainiac just hates
that. They can't compete when free
communications are allotted for legitimate


/ / Four Icelandic Bankers Arrested, Warrant
Issued For Chairman; $2B Lawsuit Brought \ \


Cheerleaders! Cheerleaders! Cheerleaders!


Our Time Has Come

Because instead of siding to lock yourselves up
in prison as innocent persons denied a fair
trial, we could decide as a nation, to arrest the
kidnappers, and give them 9 to life behind bars
instead. Sound balanced fair? Of course it
does. What Law man would allow such a demon
whore to steal everyone's right to Liberty,
instead of demanding the arrest of those who are
currently enforcing such naked tyranny, because,
that's just not my America, I'm sorry, I just
won't let my America, my baby, my ride, to go
down that road any father, I've got an image to
protect. I'm a Human. I am just a Human. It's
a species you'd naturally be more familir with,
if clean water and a balanced diet was your
minding body concerned as I am about the toxins
put into ourselves by total quackery sold as top
TV products to the kids and elderly.

Generation.RX.2008.DVDRip - "Will we surrender,
or will we fight these medical dictates?, will we
embrace the truth, or succumb to the lies?"

I wanna hear from you.
nothing is imoveably set in stone here..

Cause life is good, and God is loved so awesomely
that you can't even barely imagine right Johnny,
but give this time. Time in your day to forward
this to another person as freely considering the
outcomes of Intelligence by design, our own.
Justice we prevail. Let's do this. Ladies, your
my goddesses, if you want we can capitalize,
Goddesses, which ever you so desire, throw the
notion out entirely if you prefer, you rule, and
men,. we're mostly acting like something we're
not. I'll start. I really can't like, fly fly.
Not like, actually take off like a bird or a
plane, least not yet, but everything, in a way,
is possible I do within reason believe. like, 1
plus 1 can equal 1 in a spirited discussion up
here among the stars when less is risking from
lack of understanding. And maybe the beer is a
little too, free flowing. That's like from
Johnny's graduating Master Class, near highest of
difficulty to comprehend as holding, but
freakishly absurd our imagination can conjour
when left to these devices of Plato. Plus, i
know some other wild and crazy stuff about not
being, of your self pondering as never separate
from existing timelessly as a conscious 'aspect'
to reality, that is of everything you've
ever\never been. (it's all private stuff from
then on out so, but yeah, anyway, anyone want to
sign up for a class about nothing? It is a
little pricey right now, cause I am in desperate
need of financing for our continuing survival, so
maybe later when all things are going better,
I'll be able to lower the price.. but anyway.
On second thought, maybe we could sue the entire
nation of Washington (Inc.) on behalf of Humanity
here? these have been extremely well documented war
crimes committed against The Peoples. God, and
everything, perhaps a lawyer or two could advise
US on effective winning strategies..?) Your go.

Let's work this out.
We have the tech you know.

/ / 300 billion euros of debt - what was that
money spent on? Certainly not, they say, on
public services or roads. The protestors have
the impression that politicians robbed the
country blind. \ \

AShh but, RBN and so on is blaming the poor
people though, because theys want a socialist
entitlement society where us Peoples are treated
fairly - so... who's right? Welfare mother to
blame, or trillioniare bankster gangster hustle?

Child RAPE Condoned by "Sexy" Rotten Rumsfeld
[enemy grunts don't kill him before anyone else]

Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[no, seriously]

See in America, they have no gripes about
bushites raping children, or gang raping American
women, or torturing innocent peoples to death.
Let's as Humanity give life terms to those who
walk free in America that gang rape American
Women from KBR along with those 30 Republicans,
or those that rape/torture children as CNN's
"Heroes", the bushite nazi grunters of the demon
evil antiChrist how about?

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.

Strange Days

O'Reilly and Dobbs agree: Arizona law is dandy

You know, Alex Jones has made all these "Police
State" is gonna get you and there is nothing you
can do about it movies, and yet, his position on
denying rights of born and bred innocent
Americans in a real lawless police state is..
ah.. never mind..

Justice is what I truly will, how about you? Too
complicated to care for the rights of any other
is your excuse? To whom? Again, Your country,
Your call, my voice, this world.

Fallujah Birth Defects Raise Specter Of
U.S. Chemical-Weapons Use In Iraq (VIDEO)

[depleted uranium is MEASURED radio-active]

Crimes against GOD, crimes against Life.


Don't want the facts?

The Republican TRAITORS all on the magic tv
telling American dimwits not to support wise
Justice for pirated America, should then earn
them life term prison sentences for naked
sedition escaping the Peenacker, what say You?

Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

U.S. Resigns over Afghan War

"I have lost understanding of and confidence in
the strategic purposes of the United States'
presence in Afghanistan"

It's to rob America with pushing dope, raping
women, and dying as evil for a pipeline to
benefit Enron - all the while escaping the Neocon
Peenackers for high treason on 911. America is a
nation of Cowards.

"Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America"

But not to with glee, kill the bushite
nazi grunts for Christ? But not to stand
as men to demand the trial and execution
of Bush and Cheney for 911?

/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on
Thursday [..] allow the U.S. military to detain
U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the
U.S. based on suspected activity. \ \

And remember, as many or more than 40 percent of
"American soldiers" are recruited from third
world military dictatorships. Mr. Bush's, most
closest, and bestest of friends. They torture,
they rape. They thieve, they bomb the innocent
as enemies of God and Man. Enemies of Freedom,
enemies of Justice. No evidence, person
innocent, but to a Tea Bagger, or Ron Paul, who
cares right?.

Massachusetts State Police Issue Death Sentence For Smoking Pot

/ / although ruled a homicide -- will not
be treated as a crime. \ \ Homicide is a crime.

As King, I would request that warrants for the
arrest of these bushite grunting "cops" for
murder be made, along with DA Jonathan Blodgett
as accessory, and upon likely quick easy
convictions, have them all publicly executed on
international television. Oh yeah. Death to the
bushite, death to the sworn enemies of both God
and freedom to live American. Justice for all.

The 72 Virgins Myth

Video: Israel Bans the Basics of Life for Everyone

Israeli Settlers Step Up Attacks on Churches


Clinton: Pakistan Officials ‘Harboring’ Bin Laden
Treason. but who cares for FACTS TV Amerika right?

"Ron Paul Explain Patriotism"

Don't demand Justice to defend your freedoms?
And you too can become a multi-millioniare like
Ron "I always failing" Paul. As long as you go
along quietly about rigging elections, stealing
pensions, conning teen soldiers to die without
causes but to rape and pillage.. yeah, you too
can go far by letting those who commit mass
murder in NYC escape un-punished like Ron Paul
OFFICIALLY does. What a crackpot he is, to not
support the arrest of Bush and Cheney for
officially closing 911 Police Investigations.
For not demanding the arrest of those that rigged
the election of which he won! 1441 ..but I guess
the American illiterate "Patriots", don't care
for those truths either.. (forbidden knowledge
on Alex Jones by the way..) mass murdering
millions without a complaint against lawlessness
is the NWOers claim to fame, as, 'no theys trying
a new way to communicate for accounting -
governing always bad!'. Where war criminals like
those who torture are tried judicailly, and
executed rightly in the interests of all parties
including the lovers of President Reagan, and
where banksters are made to give back the
TRILLIONS of dollars they have willfully
de-frauded ourselves, including Police man
pensions. Can't have that in the minds of these
NWOers, because it's apparently beyond their
comprehensions as evil doers treating ourselves
unfairly, so Ron Paul can co-op the Tea Parties
away from their initial goals of demanding
Justice for 911, into buying into his and Alex's
nonsenses about doing nothing productive with
Standing Law to save ourselves from further
plunders. Spreading division and hate against
poor welfare mothers, poor Mexicans, poor
homeowners, poor soldiers, and those who want
real leadership in honor of all that makes poor
America greater. Patriotism?


"6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year"

No no no no. We have ending far more bushite
than that.. THINK: who wouldn't kill a bushite
to defend the next innocent child, or woman it
targets for gang rape or murder, all to celebrate
Bush and Cheney escaping America for 911 as
enriching the ungodly evil Zionist enemy forces
responsible for mass murder in NYC? Every
"lawless" bushite death is a gift to God, a gift
to America, a gift to all who love freedom by
Justice ruling Supreme. Truly.

Fox's Coulter: Liberals "always" root for Nazis.

Mr. Bush's grandfather was Hitler's banker, and
the bushite nazi grunts murdered millions,
MILLIONS! of innocent defenseless Peoples they
shot, or bombed at random with, "guess work" -
sadistic ungodly demon fuks who rape, torture,
steal from AMERICA to push more Heroin for life
term prison sentences meeted out against not the
bushite nazi culprits responsible

Back to the Front - The King of Earth Speaks Out

Brig.-Gen. J.C. Collin, commander of Land Force
Central Area, that they were being told "not to
interfere in incidents in which Afghan forces
were having sex with children." Bushite grunts
raping kids, and what does the American man have
to say? too cowardly to speak for the interests
of innocent victims? No to Women's Rights is
what these bushites war unjustly our Humanity to
rape as thieves further, pushing for life term
third strike felony ("felony" in the American Tea
Bagger Zombie Commie State means as little as
shoplifting, or being a paraplegic suffering in
chronic pain) prison sentences to American teens
who buy their heroin, LIFE TERM PRISON SENTENCES,
so, no wonder.. Bushite truly serve to deserve
death before they are allowed to murder again
another innocent person loved by God as Human
defended to the death by the True American
Patriot Warriors. Take it from me, Christ would
rip these bushites limb from limb to defend their
next targeted innocent child victims, but the
good folks wouldn't understand it as being a true
act of love for Life and God. DBD. The less
fearful President Reagan warrants Death for
torture in his War Crimes Act, and we as
Humanity, will go with that. It is the standing
Law of America after all, and reason rules
supremely greater, than the bushite amicakan nazi
fukhed that doesn't champion the arrest, trial
and executions of the private mercenary firms
Blackwater and Aegis (along naturally 911's Bush
and Cheney). They mass murder innocent people
for stolen money if you didn't already know
anything of military history. Always for ever
the bad guys, who war Life not for a just cause,
but as war mongering war criminals who openly
support lawless military dictatorships presently
in near every so named dictatorship of slavery.
Example: Blackwater pimps child rape, and, Eric
Prince, war criminal deserving of Death, admitted
to tape that he supports the dictatorship of
Royal Dutch Shell over all the Peoples of
Nigeria, and wars those innocent Peoples for
stolen revenues today he openly claimed. Do you
care? Why do Americans own guns? He admits that
the bushite nazi grunts in Evil Florida, allow
him to call in Nazi air strikes against anyone he
wishes, then went on to tell, how he and his gay
faggot friend murdered that chap who had thrown
his shoe at war criminal Bush. That is called
murder in these here parts, and it is for that
crime alone, I ask all men who carry guns to
demand his formal arrest with torturer Cofer
Black as war criminals taking us all out for a
hangin', now, before he measures another Soul
with just as much distain he does to the millions
and millions of INNOCENT Nigerians.. Apaprently
he with Aegis doesn't like us Niggers, and would
rather see them all enslaved or just made dead if
he has anything to say about who he wills to
murder next as disciple of the demon Antichrist.
TYRANNY. Bushite Nazi Grunts Said, "I DON'T
CARE.", and now, not surprising, they is dead
without sound principle as was dying cowardly to
'lawlessly' escape Bush and Cheney for the naked
treasons of 9/11 as it was. Still don’t care for
anyone corporate TV American? Your call, your
country, my voice, this world.

you care to remain silent still?

Dying for Lies is the Silence of a Coward

The Birth of the Tea Parties


/ / On the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party -
Saturday December 16th, there will be a mock
shredding of the 9/11 Commission Report in
Lafayette Park in Washington, DC from 11am-12pm. \ \

The People's Tea Party - THE REAL DEAL


"Tea Party Woodstock Slated for 9/11 Anniversary"

Grayson: You Own [only the liabilities of] The Red Roof Inn

KBR [un-arrested gang rapists of American women] to Get No-Bid Army

"fertilizer and fireworks coupled to two alarm clocks"

They were not coupled, and besides, why does this
story never change? Because it was a drill
designed to MASS MURDER AMERICANS in Time Square,
(like 7/7) but a Patriot existed, and swapped the
real bomb with this enemy bushite are as dumb as
they are evil TV terra pro nonsense.

"US Threatens Pakistan Over Times Square Bomb"


/ / International Monetary Fund had just pledged
120 billion Euros to avoid a debt default in Greece. \ \

Okay, so but why would Greece decide to go
massively FURTHER into debt?

Rollingstone.com - Wall Street's Bailout Hustle

/ / Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just
pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue
the economy - they're re-creating the conditions
for another crash \ \

Just a reminder to all the cops out there that
care: these actions of Goldman Sachs et al. are
highly criminal. in likely more than fifty ways.
We have a situation, that Americans refuse to
humble themselves to wise men or women speaking,
because we make them out to be what they truly
are. Moronic imbeciles. So, they'd rather kill
themselves with poisons granted by their silences
in food and vaccines, sending their sons and
daughters to DIE for the escape of Bush and
Cheney, attacking all our innocent Humanity to
thieve further from, before accepting to allow a
man or woman like Johnny to speak for open
debate, Coast to Coast to remedy this problem to
the best of our abilities. No, we suffer for
retard demon witch LIAR Palin, we suffer for
demon enemy traitor Neoconner George Noory. We
suffer for seriously delusional Alex Jones, and
extreme right wingers like Ron 'I'm a failure
always' Paul who doesn't witness crimes anywhere
here as a mutli millionaire. Not 911, not Iraq,
not banking, not earmarking.

Ten Ways Christians Tend to Fail at Being Christian

Tea Baggers VS The Patriots


For Those Who Don't Believe

"Lieberman to Propose Citizenship-Stripping Law"

Jesus man, what does any one, absolutely anyone
have to do, to insure this monster of pure demon
evil is publicly charged with blatant sedition?

Treason by Members of the United States Congress

Remember American in your continuing silence
against the Neocon. A Zionist will murder
innocent Americans like they do to Christians in
Palestine for more charitable aid from yourself.
Do you care for yet another innocent victim due
your cowardly evil Nazi silence on this issue?
Support my call to have Publicly arrested every
member of AIPAC for high treason, along with Bush
and Cheney for Obstruction on 9/11. It is a
charge that will stick. Nazi Israeli broke the
truce to get innocent Jews murdered for money.
They freely admit to targeting helpless innocent
Christian children for mass murder with white
phosphorus - FREELY. Satanic enemies of GOD and
Man. And in Lebanon, they attacked the Jewish
communities as first strike targets. They
murtder innocent Jews deliberately for money as
ungodly evil Nazis. Support our rise to popular

The IMF is a criminal
body of terrorists threatening the livelihood of
every single last one of US. Shouldn't they be
arrested for something like that, and who is
going to be doing the arresting? Justice is what
we will - no evidence person innocent - bushite
are scumbags who lie cheat and steal ourselves
from a better deal.. THEY CAN'T COMPETE! Johnny
for NEW! Coast to Coast International radio
host, vote early, and vote often..

Eight Health Care Lobbyists
For Each Member Of Congress

A little more. 4,525. Now, each is making near
a $200,000.00 salary to bribe Republicans and a
few of them Dems. So, 4,525 times 200,000.00
equals: $905,000,000. Now each con, is paying
out at least [..]


they’ve been trailing him for SIX YEARS!!!!!!! (NY Times)

'The suspect has a Masters Degree, but can't tie his shoe laces?'

RE: “Times Square Eyewitness: Bomb Scare Looked Like Drill”

/ / Despite the fact that people were being told to
leave McDonalds, police did not stop anyone from entering
the theatre next door. In addition, the staff at McDonalds
were not told to leave and remained in the restaurant. \ \


Mitt Romney Calls Emergency Rooms "Entirely Free Care"

Now..see? Corporate Amerika refuses to correct
ourselves. Like they don't for Sarah demon witch
liar Palin. This is a LIE sold by Ron Paul also,
and remember, cultists of Alex Jones, are trained
not to question anything Ron Paul has ever said
since before early childhood, because that way
you wouldn't be a Patriot. For anyone that does
criticize Ron, or the fact that the Tea Party has
no stand but to lower taxes for banksters, and
torture the innocent to death to escape Bush and
Cheney for closing 911 Police Investigations
means we're cointelpro.

Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"

The Peoples
"yeah, we do."

Americans refuse to humble themselves to
wise men or women speaking, because we make
them out to be what they truly are. Moronic

failed car bombing -
Neocon Zionists attempted Mass Murder in America

/ / Given that Revolution Muslim is a hoax website pretending to be
Muslim extremists but actually created and run by Joseph Cohen, and
given that the now discredited claim of a Pakistan Taliban group
taking credit for the bombing attempt came from another Israeli
propaganda operation run by the daughter of an executed Israeli spy, I
think we can safely guess who staged this fizzled bombing attempt, and
more to the point, who was supposed to be framed for it. \ \

Zionists Target the Poor of Gaza by Attacking Their Charities

War criminal actions of those truly Satanic.
Enemies of Jews, enemies of Christ, enemies
of God. Do you care as ungodly American TV

Obama is doing
exactly what the Tea Baggers want as programmed
Zombies. Getting the government out of heath care,
and handing it over to the private insurance
companies.. that always know best without thought
to the Zombie Commies. Like their magic man, big
wig wall street Bankers - as - America's will
sacrificed criminally to cocky crookery.

U.S. still needs to apologize [for mass murder]

No, the bushite nazi grunts need to be executed
for their war crimes against God, their crimes
against our Humanity.

[Interesting FACTOID: During WWII, any grunt
found looting, would be formally charged for
execution, as that was the rules of engagement
with the enemy forces. Bushite Third Infantry
Commander, Bushite Saudi Wahbbi Buford Blount,
was caught having thieving expeditions under his
watch go un-punished, while letting Qaqaa, Iraq's
largest weapons depot, get looted too for the
insurance of lawlessness to continue against the
dying as American Patriot. Why? Because the
nazis who torture, rape and pillage are the bad
guys here always, that's why.]

/ / The Obama administration said Tuesday it
would provide more information to Congress about
the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a
subpoena request for witness statements and other
documents. \ \ Is this not treason? Why would
one not wish the truth in such matters muted as
spoken in front of the cowardly dying bushite
nazi grunts giving their teen lives for the
escape of those who committed 911?

Without Justice demanded as freedom defended, the
war criminals wager our lives for criminal gains.


America's continuing curse of following ignorance
instead of the science well known must not go on
if we want to survive further.



Trading the G Man's gateway Ritalin, shoplifting
meth products, or stealing a bread stick, smoking
weed to be gleed, or being a paraplegic seeking
pain remedy, can get the any average American,
ten to twenty five in the big house, while
Mueller's "FBI" including Rush Limbaugh and
FOXSNEWS forbids ourselves to publicly commit a
pursuit by probable cause as on, who is shipping
the heroin to imprison any or all Americans
further without questioning? The Oscar winning
bushite grunters. Grunters of which some are
recruited from popular bushmobbster third world
dictatorships to become lawless Amerikan "cops"
who agree bombing Iraqis indiscriminately to mass
murder WITHOUT CAUSE as war criminals makes them
FOX "Heroes" to the Sheep and or Chickens.

The Financial Crisis: A look behind the wizard’s curtain


Evil Angry Tea Party Conservative assaults interviewer
because he's wiser than himself as a blind demon enemy

/ / If you want no taxes, control over womens
wombs, you will have to move to China. \ \

Obama Lied: Taliban Did Not Refuse to Hand Over Bin Laden

We are dealing with some serious liars here,
who'll lie to America to get killed teen soldiers
for more stolen money.

WTC 7 "about to blow up"

/ / General McChrystal’s command have finally
admitted that Special Operations units killed
three innocent Afghan women, two of them
pregnant, \ \

Kill a bushite for Christ, kill a bushite for
America - just kill a bushite and save the lives
of innocent folks they target as Satanic enemies
of Life. Die bushite die.

Failure to Communicate

/ / the first official police state in the
country for immigrants. \ \

No, it's the third worlder military police, who
war to escape gang rapists of American women
along with Karl Rove and the Peenackers, who as
EVIL "cops" in Arizona that can barely speak
english, can now ask ANY American for their
proper papers, and if not complete in THEIR
minds, and on hand, they'll escape executions for
taking you in without probable cause for no
crime, and maybe torture You or your loved ones
to death, "legally".

Failure to Communicate

Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's
start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either
we pay them without question, or come Monday
morning, they would run the country into the
ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a
trillion dollars in capital, through out the
entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most
however, is that banksters do not actually cover
our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they
illegally took all our trillions of dollars for
'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy
man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.

The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand


'Derivatives Reform: More Than 1,500 [CRIMINAL]
Lobbyist And Bankers Swarm Agriculture Committee'



/ / Pentagon is out to destroy the site after a
series of exposés, notably the US rules of
engagement for Iraq \ \

I order all to kill a bushite to save the
innocent lives they intentionally target as Nazi
Zioonist murderers, murderers who have no concern
for the downfall of Freedom in America, or of the
MILLIONS of innocent Peoples they have already
murdered. Grunts who speak nothing for the
trillions stolen by the banksters from America as
left undefended. Death to the bushite, death to
the enemies of God and Man. Bushite grunts are
ordered by the Generals to murder any innocent
victims they want as Satanic liars, for CNN, CBC,
and FOXNEWS with George Noory, the enemies, will
not ever allow the "rules" to be spoken, if they
can help it. Example: Bushite nazi grunts are
told, they can shoot dead any innocent child, as
long as they claim the child was running from
gunfire or a bomb placed by the bushite nazi
grunter. Life will insure every last bushite
breathing is put to death for their crimes
against You, their crimes against God. I can not
live any other way. I can not live knowing these
nazi grunts who would atract children with candy,
then blow them up with explosives, will walk dead
American streets called Heroes for DEMON LIAR
Sean Hannity, Heroes for TRAITOR Glenn Beck,
Heroes on the UFC, heroes on the movie screens.
"Hurt Locker" won an oscar for the grunts who
murdered millions of innocent defenseless
innocent folks - a Satanic EVIL movie that
doesn't even acknowledge the NEEDLESS war has no
cause - but for to capitalize on the evil nation
trying to escape bush and cheney for 911.
Sattler ordered the nazi grunts to murder 300,000
un-armed innocent peoples in Fallujah, and the
grunts refused to rightly kill Sattler on sight
as any real man would. Now, hunt for the bushite
for this who offers his liar's "excuse" and shoot
him dead for Christ. You do that, to defend the
war criminal grunts next innocent victim. You
kill the bushite for your love of family. You
kill the bushite for your love of Liberty. You
kill the bushite because it's an ENEMY with only
a hate for Justice, a hatred for God and
Humanity, our God and Humanity who truly wills
the public trials and executions of the traitor
Neocon Zionist Peenackers responsible for 9/11,
7/7, and so on..

Donkey, Horse and Cat in Israeli Jail

/ / where the mentally ill zionists reign supreme. \ \


/ / An Israeli journalist who went into hiding
after writing a series of reports showing
lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders
faces a lengthy jail term for espionage if caught \ \

Alcohol ban after BUSHITE MCCAINIAC staff were
'too hungover' to explain airstrike that murdered
many many innocent God Loved Peoples

"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"

"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.

Gaza villages Wiped off the map by Truce
Breaker Amerikan TeaBagging Zionist Nazis

/ / The? Gazans are the original Jews. The
Israelis are mainly converts from places like
Georgia. \ \ remember: Nazi Israel targeted
children diliberately, along with 239 Police
Officers they allege were innocent Peoples loved
by God.

Palin: Obama Will Win Again If He Backs Israel and Bombs Iran

Palin is a demon whore of Satan.

Mossad threatens death against all reporters for telling truth

“The very notion of presenting information to
the Israeli public alone is taken as an intention
to hurt [criminal] national security.”

TV America - Where The People Don't Count

TV America, the nation who pays more for
less to die as silent crime victim to the commie
con men absent logic - trillions and millions of
homes sacrificed to call the bushite nazi grunts
escaping the neocon labeled, "Heroes"


/ / Members of Congress and their families are
blessed with their very own gold-plated,
taxpayer-financed, Washington-run health care
system. \ \

Oh for Pete's sake.. Republicans give themselves
"Socialized" Canadian like, "Socialist" Health
care, but not for the suckers who pay more for
less to die as losers to the commie con men
absent my logic. If this system is good enough
for Obama and the Repuglicons and Ron Paul, why
isn't it good enough for blinded as lost in
indifference American dumfuks? Good question.

Veterans say Bushite have been covering up widespread civilian
killings in Iraq

Remember: under Sattler, bushite nazi grunts murdered
more than 300,000 innocent persons in Fallujah. Propagandists
aside. Bushite deserve to die before allowed to harm again,
our Brothers in Arms. It is the bushite who wars for rape
in Afghanistan, and in Iraq by not gunning for child rapist
Blackwater and Co.. It is the bushite who bombs our cities
indiscriminately, for the only objective to get killed
illiterate Amerikan teens sent in later to "war" for lost
stability. They bomb people with "guess work" if you didn't
know, as sexually dysfunctional sadomasochists. Bushites
actually proudly sing a song about killing innocent kids,
then falsely blaming the Father for the ungodly offense -
"Haji Girl". No reason the bushite offered for bombing Samara
either, but later a LIE from Allawi. Allawi, who then ordered,
for the record, no shit, that American grunts would kill any
doctor or nurse that tried to save the life of a baby, or old
lady who might have survived, the house, to every house mass
killings of EVERY family from Fallujah. Nazis deserve to die,
and they deserve to die today. Die bushite die. Death to the
cowardly bushite liars who'll say anything dishonorably in lie
to deny this fact: that Bush and Cheney immediately closed
outstanding police investigations, designed since the dawn
of man, to nab the TRUE guilty parties. Death to the bushite
murderous traitors to the good old, red, white, and blue.


/ / What's the big deal? \ \

Obama can MURDER innocent Amnericans willfully in
my/your/our names?, and demon whore of Satan, Sarah
'the retard' Palin can't speak on innocent Americans
being murdered by her 'who cares for the facts'
tyranical enemy state? No she likes that as demon
whore, like when she gets excited about grunts
murdering helpless little children as targeted in
South Ossetia to make her look rich on cable TV.
"no provocation" Demon Evil.
While Obama, is a foolish little dweeb as sinister
war criminal, if he thinks no Patriots exist anywhere
in this Universe, to go silent like dumfuker Tea
Baggers on this issue of his attempting first
degree murders in our presence.

/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on Thursday
[..] allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens
without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on
suspected activity. \ \

Don't Get Excited

/ / Sen. John Cornyn wants everyone to calm down
about a Supreme Court decision that would allow
corporation to pour an unlimited amount of cash
into campaign advertisements \ \

This demon, who SUPPORTS gang raping American
women, is hypnoing Amerika here. Understand FOX
news does not campaign for his formal execution
as Nazi traitor, instead, to tell, hey don't get
excited. It just your neighbor's wife, your
neighbor's daughter, and who cares for them then
if you can make a killing like Repuglicon and
Demonrats on FOX do too?

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker “A citizen may
not gain standing by claiming a right to have the
government follow the law,

But then, that would be a citizen in government
being a for sure criminal. Un-American. So, a
standing among whom? Criminal Judges? The Law
is the Law. America is America. Obama "No one
is above the Law." It's a criminal in government
pretending he's a man of Law, denying the
protections we've officially granted ourselves.
Then, on top of everything else, the case is
about 'law enforcement' not following probable
cause! Why is it so many Judges in America, like
in the American Supreme Court, know so very
little of what Justice is for? What Freedom is
as defended? As Liberty protected? Judge Vaughn
Walker needs be fired as minimally incompetent,
or, further, an accessory to REAL CRIMES after
the fact. Or, do cowardly Americans in silence,
just want to be robbed and left for dead now, as
their Womens gang raped by 'richer' non-citizen
bribed Republicans? Officially left undefended
by American Law? Believe my friend, this is some
serious words to go unchallenged by everyone
familiar with being cheated. Your dimes, your
call. Or is it just your neighbor?, and who
cares for them then if you can make a killing
like Repuglicon and Demonrats on FOX do too?

Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up

Every Bushite death is a mercy on our souls so
says the Son to God as Man of Men.

Millions of anti-terror cash spent on luxury London flats for police

Bush 'we don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty'

Does that sound American?

The bushite do not war our worlds to defend
freedom, but to kill all that is good, all that
is just, and all that is loved.

Do you really need the Bible, and the Messiah to
come down here to tell you how Satanic as evil a
Zionist enemy of the Jew really is? They murder
our spouses, they murder our children, not
accidentally, but on purpose, to steal our lands,
to steal our money, then tell us all, it wasn't
their fault as the truce breaker (dying Jews),
but our own for trusting they were honorable.

THE STATE IS GOD (Die Evil Bushite Nazi Fuk Die)

George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent'

BlackWater mercenaries slaughtering unarmed civilians

AEGIS is who this is, and the guy pulling the
trigger is an actual convicted war criminal from
South Africa who was left off a rightful death
sentence. Nic at CNN reported that not only was he
not fired (doing work for Rumssfeld's P2OG), but
he got a bonus! Imagine, these first degree mass
murderers are paid more than a thousand dollars a
day by taxed Americans led by Republican Tea Bagging
Demonrats to desecrate Elvis, who forbid Justice
from ruling where gang rapist FOXSNEWS Americans
guilty of torture and mass murder, are hunted in
the streets for glorious Public execution by the Law
of these here Lands, fair and square. No, instead,
AEGIS, these "Heroic" "Brave" "American Patriot
Warriors" of lawless EVIL can continue to kill
innocent Peoples for Amerikan values. DYC?

CHILD KIDNAPPERS Dynacorp is "policing" for CPS

Die bushite die the Son to God will for always say
rightly in defense of Liberty as Justice for all.

"Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen"

This warrants death.


Timothy Geithner is a Sniveling Scamster


Gaza 2009 - We Will Never Forget

Any American tax payer who would support these
targeted mass murders of innocent Christian
children, deserves to die to defend our innocent

Ron Paul Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law

"Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming To the USA"

"police" work isn't inherently bad. To believe
Ron Paul is to believe no one has ever been
rightly put in prison for a crime they were
for sure guilty of.

Jeeze Ron, what about Justice winning? Never
heard such a concept expressed down there in
Washington? Crimes Ron, massive cons of fraud,
rape, mass murder through contempt for
constitutional freedom. People who faith in
everything whoever is, understand: 911 police
investigations were closed by Bush and Cheney,
two guys that Ron formally doesn't support the
arrest of for treason on that unanswered question
either. Is he still a good man opening the door
for ladies, well sure. So maybe you say, Bush is
the archetype antichrist, and Ron's just too
fearful of evil personified.. okay, but then how
about Sachs for selling frauds?, then gambling on
that Securities fraud with yet other Shorts
fraud, then through the FIVE bailouts of AIG, be
paid off again again and again for like frauds of
the TARP funds. EXTORTION - banksters don't cover
our loans! we do.. Goldman Sachs didn't even do
commercial banking!, until the bailouts were
announced I read.. This isn't suppose to be
funny anymore.

"US says it may kill Americans abroad"

That would be murder, and no you may not.

Ghouliannie "You can't describe something as a
terrorist attack, if it hasn't been investigated."


Signatories to Hoyer-Cantor Letter Reaffirming the U.S.-Israel

These TRAITOR war criminals need all arresting

Ghouliannie "You can't describe something as a
terrorist attack, if it hasn't been investigated."

Senator Graham on Humanity's Pre-911 Mentality

"These trials should not occur in New York, or
any other American city, to do so, is to ignore
we are at war"

Yeah, at war with the naked traitor Senator
Lindsey. Bush and Cheney stopped 911 Police
investigations. How can anyone like Senator
Lindsey determine someone's guilt or innocence,
if evidence is no longer required under the evil
enemy bushite's irrational arguments that make
zero sense, but to the ACTUAL TERRORISTS theys is
attempting to for sure escape?

Let US all know, being Satanic in of itself is
not a crime, it is in the denial of the rights of
others, when legal challenges come into play to
equitably defend ourselves rightly in God's name
all would proclaim - fairly. Atheists included.

Now nightmarishly, torturers are
called heroes in a Bush Bitch FOXSNEWS ungodly
nation of 'whore yeh' grunters. Bush whores who
bomb defenseless innocent families at church
services for pushing dope to plunder America,
Heroes at the UFC, all done to sacrifice America
for the Neocon Peenacker Zionists without
broadcasted objection. Without objection. A
FOXSNEWS falling nation that has, still on the
books in the War Crimes Act ushered by The GREAT
Reagan; a warrant of death.. for such atrocities
- to the NAZI grunts responsible (Blackwater's
Cofer Black for instance) for their demonic
sadistic lies in error to victimize the innocent
in our stolen as forsaken good names escaping
further, the for sure ungodly evil doers. We
can't be defeated on this, nor can anyone else
who has the skill to simply speak such truths as
Power - of which the illiterate bushite detests
as less than human, for they as the typical
corporate American, hold the wise man or woman in
distain. For example, look at what a guy like
Alex Jones says about super wise man as plain
speaker of truths Kuccinich, almost worthy Grayson,
or about Socialists, or what is not said about
webofdebt.com by Ellen Brown, or the most read
historian Noam on Media really mattering, or Nazi
Israeli, or ENEMY of LIFE Liar Limbaugh? Is
Limbaugh here proudly defending the rights of the
innocent no matter where they call home? as your
distant blood brothers and sisters he would see
robbed to die crime victims as unworthy a concern
to our big struggle? For escape of the 911
culprits? Despite corporate America's refusal to
attempt any belief of such wonder in our 'shared'
actuality - our real relationship to the unbound
Universe of imaginations by wording the facts on
where we are being taken, and how far we are
willing to sacrifice for Amerikan war criminals
to get there is not spoken as we would. See, a
war criminal is when as Sarah demon whore of
Satan imposes her demon lying to MASS MURDER more
with the "no opinion" TV Pros., who near NEVER
correct a bushite nazi grunter intentionally
lying to kill off more innocent Americans to
escape the Zionist Neocon Peenackers for 911
(Mitt 'Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in',
Bush 'bin Laden did 911', Sean Hannity 'Iran says
the holocaust never happened', fluoride, mercury,
VLTs, and the near difficult for everyone to
understand simplicity, of unjust private banking
without Johnny Justice - because it is truly so
shockingly simple - and NWOers like doubtable
controversy as a hidden factor of evil genius, a
genius only they can truly phathom as shadowy
groups of shadowy people without anything but
claimed suspision without evidence for a crime to
be found accounting for, with, "Bush, he's just a
puppet". Frankly, it's truly dumb I'm sorry to
offend, but you guys are mostly a bunch of evil
dumb asses you are, you just are. So is the Why
of Whys: Americans don't want to look dumb,
(like newspapers don't on Fluoride) so to hell
with poisoned to pay dying America - for they's
got to look great by not seeming anything but.
Understand, when Antichrist George Walker Bush
told US, 'we don't need any evidence', it wasn't
because he was lost without cause, it was because
he knew, KNEW! with his and Condi's made "TOP
SECRET" Presidential war crime plan to invade
Afghanistan, it was required of himself to not
seek himself, as responsible for closing police
investigations to escape the death sentence for
high treason as 911, with Cheney and company.
George Walker Bush is retarded yes, but a smart
retarded.,. who still believes he will escape my
America with the NWOers in tow for mass murder on
911 with Condi, Cheney, and Rumsfeld with Myers.
I think so buddy what.

Stories Of Those Who Died Because They Didn't Have Health Insurance


'More than 250 Congress members declare commitment
to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond'

NAZI Israel broke the truce on Nov 4th to kill
inocent Jews for money.

The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue

The King Has Risen In Comic Book Fictions

Vets, families, states’ law enforcement: Prosecute US govt. for murder
in unlawful, lying US wars

Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv

Remember, without any Police services allowed to
pursue the bad guys, they will continue to
escape. I ask loyal Americans to support my
demands for the arrest, trial and execution for
treason, Bush, Cheney, and George Noory. Noory
knows this minimally, yet, will broadcast to Alex
Jones' face, that bin Laden did 911, without any
complaint. An enemy who propagandizes for the
Bush regime on Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on to
KILL any as all Americans for the neocon's
continuing escape. (Loose Change has never been
ever allowed on for challenge, while Bigfoot is
sold as something the audience is only interested
in, as dying our precious times). A. Jones
religiously supports the sales of political
Parties as THE ONLY solution, instead of the much
more powerful position of principles, and doesn't
support this open public knowledge as critical to
defend all our mutual interests. Too fearful of
wiser men and women he is to defend his hyper
inflated ego 'above' everyone else is, as, to
hell with America. He's got to look good at all
costs as infallible. One Example of many:
McCain never won the rigged election he directly
forbids ALL the important knowledge of as
principle. He'll let all Americans die, before
the truth be told. Peggy. (Me, I'm an asshole -
sometimes - and when found in error, am pleased
for the new insight on my true greatness) Alex is
not a champion of freedom, who dismisses Bush a
puppet who personally told US, "we don't need any
evidence". I call dummy Bush the Antichrist for
good reason completely absent to form ANY
conclusions whatsoever on guilt, while proceeding
to murder as America has done, millions and
millions of completely innocent Human beings with
naked, blatant war crimes of rape and torture
with private mercenaries, in nations to this day,
being robbed of everything for furthering the
Bushite Grunter's lawless tyranny of ungodliness.
Obstruction. Plus, Alex Jones claims I am
completely unworthy cointelpro as a true defender
of the faith. 1+1=2 (the consequences of his
blanket bigotry). You decide whether you are
worthy the rights to be respected as the innocent
until proven otherwise. Demand true just actions
be taken to defend ourselves as falling innocent
victims. Not to blame the NWO for our criminal
loses, but the highly suspect actual criminals.

"FBI seized FAA records concerning the events of 9/11"

Mueller did. The true enemy of Liberty in America.


unusual position?

"The effort to win over Afghans on former Taliban
turf in Marja has put American and NATO
commanders in the unusual position of arguing
against opium eradication."

/ / Opium is the main livelihood of 60 to 70
percent of the farmers in Marja, which was seized
from Taliban rebels in a major offensive last
month. American Marines occupying the area are
under orders to leave the farmers’ fields alone. \ \

The Taliban are religious fundamentalists. These
demon bushite enemy lies, are lies to push more
heroin onto American streets, to attack American
children. To life imprison addicts for the glory
of the bushite nazi grunts who hate God, truth,
and freedom. DFBD. See? The Taliban don't as
never could sell heroin, for that would be in
opposition to Allah's will. And the Taliban
stand as a groups of Patriotic armed men together
committed to kill rightly for Christ the bushite
nazi grunter illiterates who hate wise words
spoken against their ungodly dumfukker tyranny of
indiscriminate deaths and suffering.

The tyranny of censorship is what stops our free
words that speak for Justice securing our dying
freedoms. Send this as your concern also why
don't you fight back to defend?



Interview With Radical
Activist 'Splitting The Sky'

Man, does that newspaper look incredible or what?
I'd buy that, and likely support it's sponsors I
tell you that right now. .. Maybe I should give
up on my dreams to become a big time radio host,
and shoot for writing?

Hey. As to this selection of a jury. All needs
done for Justice winning, is to ask, who did 911?
Anything else but the facts, makes them wrong.
We are power, we are win.

(example: to say, 'bin Laden did it', is not to
form opinion based on substantiated fact, but a
blind hatred for Law, a blind hatred for Just
cause as freedom, a blind hatred for wisdom, a
blind hatred for GOD and Humanity. General Ahmad
funded Atta, ENEMY Bush IS GUILTY of obstruction.
Ergo, not quailfied to judge. Typical dying as
ungodly Amerikan alined with the TRUE demon
Antichrist enemy of this Universe. When the
bushite Nazi Amerikan Zombie dies, we all win by
saving freedom as the lives of the Innocent.)


Afghanistan Enacts Law That Gives War Criminals Blanket Immunity

This is not the action of a Muslim country, but
of those Satanic

/ / The Knesset voted yesterday in favor of
Israel Beitenu’s "Nakba Bill", which authorizes
the finance minister to hold funds from
institutions or groups who question the nature of
Israel as a Jewish state \ \

SEE? Demon enemies of God and man, who can only
lie to cheat for stealing in darkness as the true
enemy to every living soul here.

60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Told Iraq Had

"Jewish Chronicle editor says extra-judicial murder is kosher"

This is why GOD calls the free to be Zionist

Iraq inquiry hears defiant Blair say: I'd do it again

What? Have millions of innocent peoples mass
murdered for no good reason? Millions without
regret is not a conclusion we should ever forget.
The Iraq war had no cause. You Mr. Tony Blair
are a war criminal - you get the Great British
People killed to serve your criminal intent.
Intent to rob, to rape, to murder. Bad news. A
war criminal who knew what he was doing was
wrong, and went ahead, and did it anyway. Can't
catch him for 7/7 with Peter Power either? We
need leadership in the direction of getting our
own world wide live broadcast systems of views
that defend the innocent from plunder by war
mongers. It's US against those guilty of leaving
the innocent forsaken if it means more stolen
gains for Satan. Let the Truth prevail as
Justice for all sides. Atheists included.

From years after the fact still demanding Justice now:

Huh? "at last been disarmed..." ? How does he figure?
The equation hasn't changed. Example: The same
unaccounted anthrax, (that was disintegrated into ash),
still is not able to be measured as completely accounted
for, (never could be), but this bushwhoring war crime
apologist, tells US, it was only though the lawless
murder of our good friends and family for countless
generations, that he now attests without reason, or
evidence, to find Iraq in "fact" disarmed of it's still
nowhere to be found, weapons of mass destruction. (An
irrational reason he pronounced previous in corporately
broacasted public support of instigating heinous war
crimes against our humanity under the leadership skills
of the evil lying Mr. Bush Jr..)



Sanders Speech Before Bernanke Confirmation Vote

Trillions. Trillions of dollars.


"Moody's Tells U.S: Cut Spending Or Pay Higher Interest"

/ / Would that be Moody's, the same rating agency
that certified big steaming piles of mortgage
manure as Triple AAA-rated securities and
collapsed the international economy? \ \




Ghouliannie, Just a Crazy Dumb Evil Bastard


"You can't describe something as a terrorist
attack, if it hasn't been investigated."

People were warned to step back from WTC7,
because the pre-planted explosives were going to
be taking it down momentarily. Then, it happened
just as they planned it. Remarkable? So much
so, that international news networks reported it
falling just before it starting falling. Who on
Earth could possibly dispute such? but a bushite
liar on Fox News, a zionist thief on CNN, an
ungodly war mongering enemy to Life laughing
it up with George Noory, warring YOU for the
further escape of the neocon peenacker highjackers.

Ghouliannie is Great in His Crazy Dumb Evil
Bastard Way though eh?

We bailed out criminals who have walked
away with trillions, who have still left us
with empty vaults. No credit given

the search for what happened on 9/11 isn't over

"Once you get to the science, it's indisputable."

Israeli Nazis Broke Truce to kill Innocent Jews for Money

/ / Operation Double Challenge on Nov. 4. Double Challenge
was an IDF incursion into Gaza that left six Palestinians
dead, ending months of calm; because the operation came
only a day of the U.S. presidential elections, it
vanished without a trace in the U.S. media. Paul
Woodward explains that the ceasefire was, in fact,
functioning quite well until the Israelis broke it
on Nov. 4; only after the IDF raid did the number of
rocket attacks increase. \ \


1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped


Johnny's World Wide Works of Wonder


"House Rejects Bid to End Afghan War"

/ / rejecting a measure that would have compelled
U.S. armed forces to leave the country within 30
days. \ \

/ / But 356 congress members, including 189 Democrats
and 167 Republicans voted to keep the war going. \ \

Real traitors.


"Republican Makes Deal With Dodd To Protect Predatory Payday Lenders"

It is a crime to steal untold billions from

Donald Rumsfeld Faces Suit Over Torturing Whistle Blowers

Surprising some,
this too is a crime in America under standing strong
law, ushered by Reagan, among many others.


Book: Cheney pushed for armed conflict with Russian in 2008

This explains the demon whore of Satan retard
Sarah Palin LYING to America, in support of
murdering those countless innocent families in
South Ossetia by Saakasvilli's war crime actions.

Bushite Nazi Grunter Excusing the Murder of Children

Bushite Nazi Grunter “There’s no doubt that there were insurgents
there, and there may well have been an insurgent leader in the house,
but that doesn’t justify executing eight children who were all
enrolled in local schools,”

No doubt what? That the Term Taliban means
Student in Arabic? And that a leader of 10 year
old Taliban are called school teachers in the
western world? Again, it was bushite who figured
they had an excuse to murder some innocent
children. Someone over there should look into
it, for these enemies of Life, are Satanic
enemies of Christ. They'll gang rape American
women, and Americans will "vote" for more of it,
without near anyone phoning George Noory, the
demon enemy, and complaining about his lack of
care, or respect for Americans falling further
victims with his laughter and chuckles. Bush and
Cheney closed 911 Police investigations. He
doesn't care, but, do you?

What Are Banks Doing with Their Depositors' Money?
King Johnny for President
2013-12-22 07:15:04 UTC
Americans Say Afghan War Not Worth Fighting

None of the 19 'suspects' are from Afghanistan, nor of al-Qeada
you crooked pack of satanic ungodly bushite obamanoids warring
Johnny and God for the final escape of Condi, Bush and Cheney,
and of course, Ozolek, the mastermind of the terror attack
(unified vision (Red Ex)) involving the sacrifice of thousands
of innocent Americans for further stolen gains by simply closing
investigations without near a word from the unfair as 'willing'
losers all the way around. Not in King Johnny's world does the
crooked liar escape a sound bible thumpin' on God willing
Justice always, as then that way, near everyone wins but
the unfair as proven. It's called 'The Golden Rule'.

Hate As A Virtue

King Johnny for President(Live) [5].mp3

9/11 police investigations were immediately closed.
ABCNEWS FBI Called off Terror Investigations "You
Will Not Open Criminal Investigations" Bush "There's
no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."
Someone planted explosives in building 7, and believing
that 'bin Laden did it' without any way to know actually
so, STILL insists Laden would have had to have an accomplice.
Ozoleck had a war game called, "Unified Vision" practicing
the collapsing of buildings in NYC, a "Red Ex" plan for
invasion of Afghanistan in May 2001. Condi signed the
invasion plan on Sept. 9 2001 as reported by Jim at MSNBC.
The Taliban wanted to hand over Laden repeatedly all the
way back through Clinton, by just simply a formal
allegation with evidence these demons deny all dying
Americans still. Denying justice from the terrorists
as a public option strategy is the con of a war criminal.
Don't be dumber than dumb as cowardly 'unawares'.

Hate As A Virtue

King Johnny for President(Live) [5].mp3

Evil is Dumb.

Poll: Big government is big threat

"big" is relative. This hit piece truly against all
innocence is disinfo. Example: Earth is big, earth
is small - which is it? Why not measure who is in
disfavour with criminality in government and we'll
find 99.9%

and.. what fun is that for those cheaters walking
with trillions extorted, while 9/11 police investigations
are still closed to have YOU understand as much? If we
understand truly, it is all rights fairly denied when
no evidence is required to form a conclusion as
commie pinko TV ameriKa sells with Alex Jones that
the Democracy of Syria is a dictatorship, as sacrificed
in faith not to a higher power, or a true love for
freedom as the individual, but blinded to Obama
the false accusing demon antichrist of revelation 2.0?

King Johnny for President(Live).mp3

King Johnny for President(Live) [18].mp3


King Johnny for President(Live) [4].mp3

9/11 police investigations were immediately closed.
ABCNEWS FBI Called off Terror Investigations "You
Will Not Open Criminal Investigations" Bush "There's
no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."
Someone planted explosives in building 7, and believing
that 'bin Laden did it' without any way to know actually
so, STILL insists Laden would have had to have an accomplice.
Ozoleck had a war game called, "Unified Vision" practicing
the collapsing of buildings in NYC, a "Red Ex" plan for
invasion of Afghanistan in May 2001. Condi signed the
invasion plan on Sept. 9 2001 as reported by Jim at MSNBC.
The Taliban wanted to hand over Laden repeatedly all the
way back through Clinton, by just simply a formal
allegation with evidence these demons deny all dying
Americans still. Denying justice from the terrorists
as a public option strategy is the con of a war criminal.
Don't be dumber than dumb as cowardly 'unawares'.

King Johnny for President(Live) [4].mp3



What the... Anything from the Rightards to not allow you
know, a 1.6 gallon pressure cooker doesn't fit in the Tsarnaev
backback(s), and that in both cases, look ABSOLUTELY nothing like
the FBI photographed remnants at the scene.. Whatever????

What is it ever going to take, to have Americans duly respected
here as measured factual?, being about a buch of mass murdering
lying cheatin' thieves as so committed without a fight to state what's
right?? 9/11 police investigations were closed immediately - and, do
Americans care for being denied to follow probable cause themselves?

King Johnny for President(Live).mp3

'Alex Jones is just so super fantastic'

AMERICAN TV - argues it's good to
get killed Jews by breaking truces with
prison labor slave camp - "for real"

'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, March 21st, 2011

/ / ENGEL: ..I would say one in five of the
rebels told me today that they are fighting
because they think Gadhafi is Jewish. \ \


9/11 police investigations were immediately closed.
ABCNEWS FBI Called off Terror Investigations "You
Will Not Open Criminal Investigations" Bush "There's
no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."
Someone planted explosives in building 7, and believing
that 'bin Laden did it' without any way to know actually
so, STILL insists Laden would have had to have an accomplice.
Ozoleck had a war game called, "Unified Vision" practicing
the collapsing of buildings in NYC, a "Red Ex" plan for
invasion of Afghanistan in May 2001. Condi signed the
invasion plan on Sept. 9 2001 as reported by Jim at MSNBC.
The Taliban wanted to hand over Laden repeatedly all the
way back through Clinton, by just simply a formal
allegation with evidence these demons deny all dying
Americans still. Denying justice from the terrorists
as a public option strategy is the con of a war criminal.
Don't be dumber than dumb as cowardly 'unawares'.

King Johnny for President(Live)

King Johnny for President(Live) [9].mp3

The Secret of Sandy Hook


A secret audio channel has been discovered by Yours truly,
Johnny, who incidentally, is running for President of these
United States standing.. Multiply 'silent' audio by 33.3
times, balanced for DC levels, with a touch of magic
audio dynamics..


11:40 ...we can't
have anybody, a handle, you know, let anyone in.
[from here no police or medics are allowed to save children
bleeding to death, for this grunter determined them all not
worth saving - not yet transcribed is a child moaning in pain
nearer an hour after this Bushite demanded no help be offered
to all needlessly dying]

10:50 'make sure to copy, we're moving up to the rear of
Sandy Hook Fire Department six.

34:35 '408 stand by shakes and thaws until we get further
instructions for now.'
'67 I copy'

34:45 '401 Bobby.'awright.. every commanding officer on
the PD side, state your personal on the front
parking lot - entry is not available at this time.'

Nearly thirty five minutes after the first call out from
dispatch, cops can not yet, enter the school, while ems
can not either to attend to children bleeding to death,
until such a time, that does not happen until after 1pm
where the nurse is found in a closet. Despite a single
cop asking at 10:35, then again, the same near crying at
25:30. We even hear caught the sufferings in pain of a
child 6 or 7, with the angry words of ems too, asking a
demand to speak to who's in charge here, while suspects
wearing masks and a nun's outfit, and an "off Duty"
tactical squad officer are let to simply walk off
without any APB given to nab the guilty parties. No,
instead, in contempt of God and Man, CNN and FOXSNEWS
don't seem to be concerned for Justice winning, as
just like when they bomb, rape or torture innocent
Humanity lawlessly in the war crime military to over
throw Democracies for Saudi Arabia.

1:58:10 I'm in the school, I can confirm that the
school has been checked three times over, and they're
going a forth. [IMPOSSIBLE]

2:19:35 just want to verify that all units are released,
except for Newtown? I seeing one a list unit up here,
needs two abulances down there - and all our people
can stay, and help out around the fire house..

King Johnny for President(Live) [1].mp3

The suspect named Lanza, let off more than a 150 rounds
in much less than 2 minutes and eighteen seconds, much
less. Witness was able to walk in silence from her car,
notice the costumes that the grunters wore outside the
OPEN FOUR DOORS of the suspect's car, as walking to the
front door to notice the window had been smashed, she
conversed with her friend on the strangeness of the
mystery, then heard gunfire from inside of which she
ran from. Let's say a generous shave of about 20
seconds? So, that leaves a continuous barrage of many
more than one shot per second, considering also, the
lengthy conversation the suspect had with someones over
the intercom, and Ms. Soto, of which in their altercation,
told of all the children were off to gym class - where
incidentally there WAS A GYM CLASS present - a big empty
room - then of course the suspect needed to reload all
of his four hand guns and four rifles, (but leaving the
AR-15 in the trunk for luck? - second video near nobody
has seen - search "second Gun"!) which gave Soto's children
the smarts to run out all the way over to Gene's house,
followed CLOSELY behind by a crazed frantic male to mummer
about not worrying about something continuing on, as he
would know, or another thing about being vague. Gene
stressed, best to get the children inside where it would
be safer from the dangers of the grunter "Police" in Sandy
Hook. America must war for Justice meted against these
ungodly wicked whores of Satan who remain US silent on
this, the wickedest of treasons ever minus 9/11. God
wills Justice always. We demand the 911 calls be made
public with everyone in real Policing prepared to arrest
all those Sandy Hook "Police" who refuse to co-operate
with the Laws on the Book for first degree mass murder.
King Johnny for President.

00:10 (9:35)ish dispatch "67?"
67 "67"

dispatch '67, Sandy Hook School,

SHE thinks someone is shooting in


:35 (sirens) '...we're going'

:52 dispatch 'units responding to the Sandy Hook School, the front
glass has been broken - out of the scho.. they are unsure
[important to word the quandry while someone shooting??? or
different 9/11 call about grunts breaking a window
to get

to THEN gun down children like they regularly do for fun in
Afghanistan as whores for George Walker Bush and the
Zionist ungodly demon belligerents, who claim "we"

need any crime scene evidence on 9/11 either, still,
and if

thought any different as real believers freely
would, all of
God and civilization would be a terrorist not worthy
a fair


1:31 dispatch 'all units, the individual I have on the line,
continues to hear what HE believes to be gunfire'

1:44 '10 95, ..look'em shool.. at Cresent road, other units take a
foundation point in that drive way'

2:28 dispatch 'all units responding to Sandy Hook school at this
the shooting appears to have stopped, it is silent at this
time -
the school is in lock-down

2:54 678 take them out

2:54 Roger that.. they jump here and fight

3:15 dispatch '67 your on Crestwood, correct sir?
[from the station, in less than 180 secs. ]

3:17 67 'Roger'

3:20 dispatch 'awright.. reports that a teacher saw two shadows
past the building, past the gym, which would be rear - I
think near

3:36 'Yeah we got'em.. THEY ARE coming at ME down gun point,

3:45 'amby [ambulance?] stand by for dispatch'

3:49 'coming up the driveway left side..'

3:58 'F6 THIS IS IT'

4:00 Recorded on 14-Dec-2012 at 09 36 13 0KB6L7101412215.WAV
'i need you to call state police'

6:30 that known shot were at the front, maybe the roof
["TAPE 5 at the near end..]

8:34 'my thoughts ringing me home the baret staging'

8:34 (hidden) 'give daddy please ought to stay'


9:17 'Confimed at the school. To the party in
custody. thief.. forth grin a one.



9:33 'ASS SIX'

9:37 'We have a teamed three, at the south east of the school.

9:45 'Roger, Dekser 3 thinks he's east portion of the school, I45'

10:03 'Neh se sic [976? or Tiny Sah is sick]

10:14 'ain't that a bick.. Joyka IS DEAD, you check for yourself'

10:15 'No..' ["no" by itself]

10:26 'Eight stand by, we're going an out!'

10:34 'Yeah these units in the pool, I got a, bodies here, but a,
get Ambulances I think..'

10:43 'I do think the two of yah MF'ed in'

10:53 '82 is us staging'

10:54 'go eight two'

11:15 'if she answers'

11:20 'stage them at the [scrambled!] right in the driveway,
and we'll fire on the(m).. and the FULL PLAN

11:35 '82, 83, and a medic, state at the rear parking lot,
ate of Crown, on Dickinson drive.

11:40 ...we can't
have anybody, a handle, you know, let anyone in.
[from here no police or medics are allowed to save
bleeding to death, for this grunter determined them all
worth saving - not yet transcribed is a child moaning in
nearer an hour after this Bushite demanded no help be offered
to all needlessly dying]

10:50 'make sure to copy, we're moving up to the rear of
Sandy Hook Fire Department six.

10:51 'copy'

11:36 'f success forth unit fifth, setting up a perimeter
front rear.'

16:14 'okay, we got one back down.. (scrambled) clear.'

16:34 'we have suspect down.'

16:48 'probably could have left [fast cut]
16:49 'lieutenant'

17:11 'five delta five on your scanner'
17:13 'see del five'

17:15 'Delta Five. Seal asking you a question, where am
I going? I got Dickinson drive, standing at the
firehouse out.

17:28 'it has been confirmed at this time.. your going to
stage with the ems crews at Dickson Drive, the Sandy
Hook Fire department [don't save America's children]

17:39 'Okay, just seeing where the actual call is.

17:45 'at the Sandy Hook fire Department'
[never even bothers to make room to get through either]

20:12 (out of breath) 'D5, be advised. We do have multiple weapons
including long rifles and shotgun'

22:45 (hidden) 'he come as they moved, gave wrong antennae'

22:51 'at the point, it's all we know at this time'

23:07 'stand by units in front of the school, we're
conducting an interior search at this time'
[who's checking for who then? this is why cops
don't enter the school to check until near
1 pm.]

23:35 '83?
Which one of you ems units were proceeding into the
scene? 82 or 83? 82, and 83 wants to know if we can
go in


23:51 82 at this time, PD has not requested your arrival
at that scene [nobody but bleeding to death children]

24:52 f6 to 67
(NEW DISPATCH?) go ahead f6
'..past the custodian, we need a weigh the roof, and
team up on the roof to clear the roof'
'Roger' [but don't check the school however]

25:21 92 is working on it.

25:30 85, we need buses here, asap, call danbury we need
buses here, asap, call danbury if you have to
[same guy from 10:34 asking for ambulances - children
left to bleed to death - do YOU care fuck heads? ]


26:51 'Shake matter in LA, this is not a pate and bore to door
a police car'

26:53 'get Congik aside [inside?]'

27:07 'unit calling you down.'

27:32 '82 to dispatch'
dispatch 'go 82'
'we got.

27:36 'we need a road bumped up, ambulances, and
he said call for a everything.. toot speak

27:45 'what is the number of Ambulances you will require?'
'day god by bare, bot not giving us a nubmber'
'repeat' [27:45 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

28:43 'come ladder, she works well respond Sand Hook school
start up the ladder, Sandy Hook school, medical
[calling on Firefighters?, but not any of the Abulances

29:04 'Newtown 406 this Danbury'
'407 this is station'

29:21 'we going need to get in and score something'

29:33 '121 to station'

30:24 'now the 4440 at already station'

30:34 '92 currently on the roof - check that area

30:45 'you soud welch is yall'
'he wasn't'

31:15 (hidden) '401, 405, 444 we're done 24 -'
'two hour a year, why is he here?'
'HEY 41'

31:37 '401 to Newtown'
[they are busy with their top secret communications
where cops and ems can't hear them at
something else
hidden from everyone]

31:51 '401 to Newtown!'

31:55 'go ahead'

31:58 'do you get a man, would you contact a couple of
our Australia to come to the front of the house and
man the back wall, for a clipping book sign

32:09 'I want to buy the diricherant'
'you want it Bob'

32:22 '7 still taken 7635 grad'

32:29 '42 Hatred'

32:39 '737'

32:47 'dummy down'
'ah.. we're going to return to going to
israeli and reporting in a rapider'
[to throwing hay bags for no helping age practice?]

33:05 '82 is transporting one patient to Danbury Hospital'
'als or dls'?
'motor vehicle not secure'
'proceed' [first one]

33:30 'Newtown 401 441 442 in enroute'
'ah make contact with the commanding officer on the
scene just to ensure that the areas are going into
have been


33:44 'okay who's the commanding officer on stay there?

33:35 '96, Sargent Calderon is the commanding officer

34:17 (hidden) '401 she might take five dead'
(hidden) '...401...'

34:35 (hidden) '408 stand by shakes and thaws until we get

instructions for now.
'67 I copy'

34:45 (hidden!!!!) go ' 401 Bobby.' awright.. every commanding
officer on

the PD side, state

personal on the front parking lot - entry is not
available at

this time.'

Bush "There’s no need to discuss
evidence of innocence or guilt."

Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt
for our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve
freedom, America is lawlessly still led by
those who demonically claim we don't need
evidence to form their guilty verdicts. On
the matters of Good and Evil. And some people

Republicans are Evil traitors to our flag,
warring to kill America for Satan as the
good for nothings. Under the new Johnny
Presidency, America will stand proud and
strong as freedom being Justice for
everyone. You included.

"$12 billion every 30 days in Afghanistan"

Remember, after the first year of
the Iraq war, 2004, the REAL total
cost for both wars was 2.5 billion.
The late Senator Kennedy told US that.

Investigating the Investigation

/ /Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president
call you and urge you not to investigate the events
of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney: "Yes \ \

ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

/ / Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered
[..] `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations' \ \

"Anti-Mosque Coalition’s Website Owned By
Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney"

/ / Gaffney: "It is regrettable that they had to
die, but I believe they did have to die. The
danger was inaction could have resulted in the
death of a great many more Americans than 4,000.
And that's the reason I'm still delighted that we
did what we did." \ \ Saddam was doing whatever
was asked plus more - whatdidtheywantbutnotaskfor

Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441. War
criminals truly deserve to die by war crimes
Public trial. Why? It's NEEDLESS mass murder
Neocon Gaffney supports on magic TV without the
facts there to defend anyone. Dying. The Iraq
war has no cause. Soldiers are warring there to
bring about a situation that was present before
the conflict began. Near Impossible now with all
the toxic waste and losses to everyone of
innocent lives made to suffer and die for nothing
but the Bushite's contempt for Law. Contempt for
Justice. Contempt for God. Contempt for our wise
leaders of civility, contempt for Freedom. Once
nearer a civilized Humanity we were living for
freedom, and now, all suffering with God for
more than a thousand years, due these Zionist
Nazi illiterate savages, pirating our fire power.
Innoculating THEMSELVES blindly with posions that
make US all even dumber. George Walker Bush is
evil personified as the war criminal of the worst
order, ever. As Humanity it must all be our
fault, for I felt I could easily help everyone to
be more Human than all we've been left as on TV
since 911 happened on our watch. One thing is
for sure: Lawless wars for ungodly tyranny by
slavery sucks for everybody. Justice is a must
if we are to ever claim Victory here again.

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.

The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free

/ / Ron Paul wrote, ‘Opinion polls consistently
show that only about 5 percent of blacks
have sensible political opinions.’ \ \

Obama "Nothing will be gained
by laying blame for the past."

Good or Evil?

...by the way, did you know that
banksters do not cover our loans?

Why is this happening?

Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. And the Rightard will to have
life die this way, denying free talk on the
facts surrounding their ungodly evilness.
Making the escape for the Antichrist
enemy of God, Mr. George Walker Bush who
Closed 911 police investigations as naked
traitor like themselves, enemies of the
Republic who refuse to allow a just cause
speak as America's will for Freedom.

Matt Taibbi - Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail!

Ron Paul sucks.


/ / Why would FEMA, an organization
supposedly tasked with helping in a
time of crisis, deliberately cut
police communication lines? \ \

Ron Paul: FEMA - Why We Don't Need It

Ron Paul is a demon con escaping those
who did US wrong with stealing trillions
and mass murdering Americans.


Bushites Warring side by side with
Osama bin Laden's Army now in Lybia

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

We refuse to sacrifice further for
the evil 'no opinion' TV bullshitters
all to make the final escape of
Bush and Cheney on 9/11. War criminals
suck. Truth is our way. as we are
freely being to make that stand
in the greatness of all there is.
And right now, there isn't much..
We have alot of work to do here People,
so, let's get started on the charge of
Obstruction by Bush and Cheney on
9/11, and NATO commanders as clearly
traitors to continue bombing anyone
else but guilty parties - namely,

Libyan detainees die after torture by Obama and
Hitlery's al-Qeada, says Amnesty International

And the TV couldn't care less if their
own 'innocent' lives with America's
criminal Congress hung in the balance
for being blatant naked accesories to
war crimes earning rightful death
sentences as LYING sacks of shit,
trying to make the big break for
Bush and Cheney here on 9/11, by
calling the cowardly evil grunts
heroic for whoring as Satanic.


CNN Caught Red-Handed Deleting Top Comments

Russia to America "We firmly oppose the use of
[OBAMA INC.] violence in the course of current
transformations in Arab States, especially
against civilians."

Who would willingly 'vote' for al-Qeada
to have our nations robbed of Justice?
Only in America, where George Walker
Bush closed 9/11 police investigations
immediately after the crime occurred.
Done in by Bushite grunters who bomb
civilians exclusively with radio
active toxic waste as the godless
enemy of everyone everywhere here.
They push heroin onto America,
for torture as the enslavement
of Mankind. The time is now.


/ / The fact that al-Qaeda terrorists are now fully part of the Syria
“revolution” is no longer debatable. Much like the situation in Libya,
the “rebels” are not rebels at all. They are merely NATO-backed death
squads used for the purpose of destabilization and regime change.

\ \

Enemies of Allah who boycott all democratic
elections to war the innocent of Creation
for Hitlery and McCain's further criminality.
They are first degree murderers of those who
simply believe in Democracy. Fight back for
Christ sake God damn you People. Assad IS
PRO-DEMOCRACY, and nobody in the right mind is
going to vote for the Pentagon's al-Qeada to
rob US blind further.

Two Reporters Fired by Fox News for Revealing Health Dangers

Where America's "Supreme Court" has ruled, that it is
perfectly legal for FOXSNEWS to con America for death
with poison as accessories to murder, and escape a
rightful life term. So, instead, American children
as innocent victims will continue to serve the life
terms instead, as still left undefended by 'for
cash profit' magic TV. The Court has ruled.

AIDSTruth.org presents the scientific
evidence that HIV is the cause of AIDS

completely human

It's all about respecting the
rights of all for freedom as
the individual, to be all we
are as completely human. Here
here, a cheer to one and all.

FOX edits, fakes applause for
John Bolton pro-war statement

FOX News: "US has moral authority to
annihilate Iran because they're evil"

Realize: most near every last Cop
would rather the traitor war crime
grunt be put rightly into it's grave,
if all things need being said were done.

Fox edits out the audience booing
and replaces with it applause for war crimes!!

Remember, FOXSNEWS with the Supreme Court
have sided to actively work to kill Americans
by tricking them with lies for death.


Lies for death.

Pentagon Says it can MURDER AMERICANS and
not face an rightful death sentence at
the hands of every true American Defender

No evidence, person innocent.

The Afghanistan War was Planned
Months Before the 9/11 Attacks

The 'plan' from Condi's
desk was provided to MSNBC, detailing
how the bushmob would secure invasion
by escaping the true perps. When MSNBC
contacted the Bushmob, their REPORTED
response, was that the "top secret" plan
signed by Condi (couldn't be denied) was
completely implemented. Years later,
MSNBC's web site changed the story to
claim, that. 'oops., the plan to
escape those responsible for a
terrorist crime that hadn't yet
happened was not completely
carried out'. True story.

Obama told Bradley Manning's
prison torture is 'appropriate'

Obama has gone too far
wth me on this. Johnny
for President.

We Don't Know Where 2.3 TRILLION Dollars Went!

These be ENEMIES of America's Defense, who
ROB America of trillions, clearly. Look, if
you were legitimately protecting America as
innocent victim, you would want to know
where every trillions is going.. Instead,
they war America as pro-torture grunters to
not have the sacrificing People ACTUALLY KNOW
what happens to near around 80%, EIGHTY
PERCENT!. 80% that the TAXED American pays
the Pentagon to Claim; they as most in
Congress have no interest in knowing about
9/11 either. So, so must with 'Socialist'
Obama, attack the elderly and poor. It's too
tricky apparently to the PAYING TV American,
but everyone else needs to get calculating
quick on this. We need Public FBI Warrants
for arrest to stop further lawless plundering
by those who steal our lives through NATO.
Done all above board with the lights on.

Kidnapped British journalist "no Syrian amongst the rebels"

NY Times Admits NATO Terrorists Are Targeting Christians In Syria

Cold-Blood Mass Murder in Syria by the West’s "Pro-Democracy

NATO’s ‘loving, peaceful democracy activists’
on video collect people from their homes, such
as innocent Jews, innocent Christians, and
Innocent Muslims, and savagely executes them
for Hitlery and 9/11's Pentagon NATO Generals
to bask further in the riches of blind as evil
lawlessness sold by the smiling TV celebs.



/ / In 2008, a 21-year-old Israeli soldier, Anat Kam, gave Haaretz

Uri Blau, around

2,000 IDF classified documents. Based on these, Blau wrote an article

how Israeli

military and security officials decided to kill Palestinian militants

intentionally ignored

a Supreme Court order. Both of them were convicted for threatening

security and

sentenced \ \

By criminals escaping their NAKED treasons against
our Jewish State. Nazi grunters do not supersede
a Supreme Court Order of a lawful society in
true victory over the forces of EVIL darkness.
These are first degree murderers, who broke a
truce with a slave labour prison camp to threaten
the lives of more innocent Jews by indiscriminately
mass murdering ourselves by war crime with American
white phosphorus for stolen profits as truly Satanic.

Stand as a human being who's life here really means
something. Nazi Zionist Israeli, murder Christians,
Muslims and Jews as the most heinous of WAR CRIMINALS.


Under the Obama administration’s rules, "any
adult male killed in effectively a defined
kill zone is a terrorist, unless
posthumously proven otherwise,"

War criminals, as supremely EVIL to you
and to me, deserve to die fairly by public war
crimes trial to defend the innocent ourselves.

The Demonic Speak Out -
Israeli Nazi criminals state "outrage"
to suggest giving up their Life of crime

/ / Israeli officials today reiterated their
“outrage” at the United Nations Human Rights
Council for deciding to probe illegal
settlement activity \ \ Admitting they
are ungodly enemy CRIMINALS funded by
America's burdened tax payers of all

US Military Stocked with Toxic Gulf Seafood
Bushite Grunter "I don't care for anyone.
Where's your un-defended wife or daughter?"

Speaking Truth as Power - Justice is Victory in Freedom for Everyone

No evidence against the accused, is US being abused.

Example: the Bible is Good. why?
Because it says so right here.

Is it because it
isn't popular to defend an innocent other in
Guns for brains Texas where rapists walk free
and innocent men are put to death without a
whisper of concern from the Chuck Norris' of
that world?

Raise your hands: who's in for continuing this
way without themselves present as accounted for?

facts are facts - and Justice is measured as
Freedom is cherished.

Tea Party Founder on Current Version
of the Tea Party: “Tea Party My Ass.”

“Tea Party my ass. This was nothing
other than the Republican Party stealing
the anger of a population that was fed
up with the Republican Party’s own
theft of their tax money at gunpoint
to bail out the robbers of Wall Street
and fraudulently redirecting it back
toward electing the very people who
stole all the ****ing money!”

King Johnny for President(Live).mp3
The Highest Force of Political Authority..
2016-10-03 20:18:45 UTC

Please, I need your help

The Highest Force of Political Authority..

My mother was murdered right in front of me, as thousands of others are in hell hole Winnipeg.. The Satanically ruled as tyrannical police department with the Mayor and newspaper, refuse to allow any investigations - if the murders are against the poor, and happen at the Health Sciences Center, 4th floor. This war crime in Winnipeg has been running for at least seven years.. and they so far escape, because you can't find the humanity within, to legitimately care for our innocent lives forsaken.. more and more of our poor will be first degree murdered this way until we fairly do something about it. Get the archive of evidence, off a link at my home page.. Please.. how can I beg you to find
a concern for civilization? This un-elected program of mass murder is widespread across America too don't you know? The deprive the patient the medicines they need, while instead poisoning the victim to stop them from breathing.. Please, be human.. please. Warn others.. save innocent lives..

"Making allegations of murder you can't prove"
Nonsense.. The recording of the Chief Medical Examiner is all you need listen to. It's like 4 megabytes.. and may give you two minutes of trouble to locate.. Or god, just simply read the post.. There is no fraudulent allegations your supposing in bling faith.. while I have the recordings of the doctor stating no poisons would be given, while as recorded, he ordered the nurse secretly to do so.. Only possible in a conspiracy, as she could not have performed the murderous act with me in the room..

Evidence on the continuing mass murders
in Winnipeg by the grunter Police - 230+meg file

Title 18 U.S.C. § 3. Accessory after the fact. Whoever, knowing
that an offense against the United States had been committed,
receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order
to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is
an accessory after the fact.

Do me as anyone a favor for Christ sake.. and put in a couple of seconds to forward this information to SAVE LIVES.. listen.. to SAVE LIVES you will do, through your action as a caring human being, concerned for what is truly happening in the fallen forsaken city of Winnipeg Canada. Review the undeniable evidence that none find contentious.. They are provably, easily, committing lawless first degree mass murder.. Do something about it. Be human.

The Winnipeg police are complicit with the newspaper in mass murdering our poor, with a program run across our countries called, "Comfort Care". taken against our wills, to be murdered. Why can't you help save innocent lives, by warning others? Too much of an effort to listen to the recorded police, telling no, they will not allow criminal investigations? Too much trouble to listen as recorded the Chief Medical Examiner of the province telling thousands die victim like this in Winnipeg, and he is prepared to do nothing, but assist in the escape of the perpetrators? Real people are being murdered in Winnipeg. They deny medications, while poisoning our loved ones to death. While the newspaper
with CJOB laughs in the powerless faces of our poor families denied Justice, leaving the city for more mass murder. I call on all militaries to help Winnipeg take down these lawless mass murderers of our poor, to be tried fairly by We the People of the Public. Save innocent lives..Defend freedom, defend God. I know, let's call Justin Trudeau.. Can't he demand a criminal investigation to discover what we already know is going on widespread across the continent? Don't fear the truth my friends, fear the lies.

***@freepress.mb.ca, ***@freepress.mb.ca,

The Winnipeg Free Press is Complicit in Mass Murdering the Innocent Poor

We all need to ask ourselves, why the Free Press
doesn't think it prudent to defend our innocent lives
from murder.In all these months I've begged them to
help save our lives, the Free Press as dishonorably
to all human beings, has refused to warn the public
of how we are lawlessly taken against our will to be
murdered. Is this contempt for our innocent lives
held by all? I wouldn't think so, nor would any that
held an ounce of our humanity in the balance.

our elderly beaten and tortured to death

Forward this information to save countless innocent
lives.. Don't care to do so?, for the effort to
determine the truth isn't worth the effort? The
elderly beaten and tortured to death by the deeply
disturbed here in Winnipeg, with our police grunt
services made to not enforce our laws. ? Come on
man.. this is so serious.. real peoples lives.. OUR
Laws apposing this continuing UNELECTED mass murder
campaign called, "Comfort Care" do not apply? Says
who? The choice is simple.. speak out for fairness
on this issue, or die from self contempt.

The Highest Force of Political Authority..

The Winnipeg Police Department is complicit
in mass murdering the Poor of our City at
the Health Sciences Center Hospital 'Comfort Care'

To whom this concerns.

All I demand is my rights defended, and the criminal
investigation get underway, on the recent murder of
my mother, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. But
the city and Police refuse to allow Justice to take
place, as clearly treasonous. Turns out, they are now
suspect for mass murdering a great many for seven years
hidden here from newspaper and TV view willfully.. No
longer.. Justice done is freedom won.

What is this world to not express a concern for innocent life
sacrificed? A world truly dying from self contempt. All I ask,
is for we the people to demand a formal criminal investigation,
Justice, of which the Winnipeg Police refuse to allow. Please,
support fair say, as the enforcement of our laws apposing mass
murder. Let us be civilized.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Mass Murdering the Poor
in Winnipeg Health Sciences Center
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal

They refuse to make the arrests of those guilty
of premeditated mass murder, refusing all
investigations to transpire, as the most demonic
evil ever witnessed. Listen to the cops laugh in
our faces, to think they would allow OUR laws
be enforced. Fight back for Christ sake man.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba
TheTruth - (eleven megabyte audio file)

(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)

My mother and I, did not sign up for Comfort Care,


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.


Open Letter to Canada’s Governor General of Canada,
His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson.

Hello. My name Is John Kinal, and I am a citizen of Canada living in Winnipeg. Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of me at Winnipeg's Health Science Center. Against her will, she was denied medical aid, and poisoned to die under an un-elected murder/suicide program titled, "Comfort Care". The moment the hospital told me they were poisoning her to die, because she was at "end of life" I demanded they stop immediately - that the allegation was obviously false.. Her doctor for that week, known as “Dr. T” (something like, Tazarasing) , agreed, and ordered the nurses stop poisoning Jennie Kinal. The head Nurse told AS RECORDED, that Nurse Delaney decided to disobey the
doctor, and went ahead suffocating my mother, with an overdose of hydromorphone, along with an overdose of a diuretic. My mother was pronounced dead the next day from the lie she had, “multiple organ failure”. I was capable of reviving her from her poisoning, and I ran to the police, and spoke with the college of physicians and surgeons, begging to save my mother from these then caught, attempting first degree murder. The College's spokesperson Irene McDonald told, that they can not get involved in any criminal allegations, and that the police must be called in, while the police, told eventually, they never had one minute to give the allegation of attempted murder, because Mike at the
Winnipeg Police's, Public Safety Building tells, they never allow capital crime investigations to happen at a hospital, because the doctor is always right, when it goes to court. RECORDED. I went to the police a total of seven times, trying to seek a defender of the criminal code of Canada's opposition to murder.. Never happened, but for laughs in my face, that my mother being tortured, being punched in the face by the nurse, was not something they would EVER get involved with. My mother was finally murdered right in front of me 30 days later, by Dr. Colister with Fentanyl and “Devil’s Breathe” in a conspiracy with Nurse Collette.. AS RECORDED..

This is an abbreviated synopsis, with all the evidence recorded, of the most serious of crimes. The day my mother was finally done in, her doctor from the week before, Dr. Semus, told me as recorded, that the first time they tried to have her murdered, had been expunged from her medical record. Despite my many hours of video recorded, documented the event with several nurses, and doctors.. And my recorded visits to the police.

Here is a link, with a more detailed timeline..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in the continuing murders of the poor in our city.

All I ask, is a criminal investigation of my allegations be sought. I have several talks with nurses recorded.. One where nurse Charlene tells, of no one ever escaping their death sentences in seven years, given against our wills, on the hellish, 4th floor, Health Sciences Center.. Thousands of victims, who’s sin, seems to be, being poor. Please, don’t forsaken the value of my innocent mother’s life, Jennie Kinal. Demand a criminal investigation.. as the Chief Medical Examiner for our province tells me, he is forbidden to look at patients medical records. RECORDED. Refusing to allow an autopsy too, or to ask my mother’s doctor if she had ordered the stopping of the poisoning.. He is found
complicit, by simply listening to the recorded phone calls yourself, or as a crime scene investigator.. I beg the Queen to intervene, to demand a fair measuring on this continuing crime scene.

Contact me at your earliest opportunity, with any further follow up questions.. so we can get started on freeing ourselves of this dreadful tyranny, that apposes God and our Humanity. What I request, as a sovereign citizen, is my Right, a preliminary criminal investigation regarding this alleged murder scene, that will easily find these murderers in serious violations, of many laws designed to defend our liberties..

I too, wish this wasn’t so.. The evidence speaks for ourselves..


An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman:
Under no circumstances will the city allow a
complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide regarding the mass murdering of the poor..

This was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors
along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.
Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges.
Including the local papers. Think now of this
time going by already, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by
the clear enemies of being fair as we free of
their ungodly tyranny. We need a formal criminal
investigation to start immediately.


To All Concerned..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

After talking with the RCMP, I am told that our honorable
Mayor, has the right to ask for a preliminary criminal
investigation, as to whether our laws have been broken,
in respect to my recently murdered mother. Denied health
care, while poisoned to die against her will and my own as
wilful first degree murder. Understand it isn't that any
officer of law in Winnipeg, has in anyway disagreed with
this fair assessment - documented with evidenced video,
and audio recordings included..But to blindly deny all
rights to be defended, because Mike, at the front desk of
the PSB states".. a judge always sides with the Doctor
on criminal matters" - as the reason he gives for why all
are forbidden to be defended by Law equally. He refuses
to allow me file a formal complaint repeatedly. The
recordings with Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner,
suggest there could be thousands of victims here.. The
Chief apparently can't tell precisely, claiming, he too is
forbidden from reviewing the provably doctored medical
records, of all those alleged murdered, denied
formal investigating.

I, John Kinal, am available for any questions or interview.


Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing murders of the poor in our city.

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

My mother Jennie Kinal was taken against her will and my own, and put into the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center mass murder program titled, "Comfort Care". Where my mother's medications as effective health treatment, was denied, while being poisoned with agents that suffocate and paralyze. We were told we could not leave, or stop them from poisoning her. When asked on March 8th, whether my mother could receive some help with her newly acquired chest infection - I had suggested penicillin or maybe a antibiotic.. Dr. Chisic told me as recorded, "we don't do that here in Comfort Care" SHE KNOWS she is committing murder with Dr. Colister, by denying my mother the care she deserves, while being

Jennie Kinal was finally murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center by Dr. Collister and Nurse Collette. Earlier in the day that they committed this murder, my mother and I meet with Dr. Collister, that I have recorded - of Dr. Collister, talking to me and my mother, of how he wants to give my mother 'Devil's Breath'.. (the worst thing imaginable - as it stops the lungs from expelling phlegm.) I say no, because it will only exacerbate her newly acquired chest infection. He can only agree.. and ends our conversation stating, no new poisons will be prescribed.. (as too we received promise from Dr. Chisic) But Dr. Collister, the murderer, arranges with Nurse Collette to give 'devil's
breath', mixed with her fentanyl when I am absent the room.. of which my mother soon succumbs during the next shift, at the cruel hands of night Nurse, Charlene. Who when I briefly rushed home, thinking she was someone I could trust, she phones me to tell, my mother will "not be walking out the front doors". And no, she will not revive.. "We don't do that here."

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.

Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim as
suicided.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had
warned us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.

like anyone else would

We the People

Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.

Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.

They are mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg today..

The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

Justice done is freedom won.

SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass Murdering the Poor of Winnipeg - SHOCKING AUDIO


Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims?

THE CITY REFUSES TO ALLOW A COMPLAINT OF MURDER MADE - My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die. Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'. All Winnipeg police officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing, but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be filed. LISTEN TO THE COPS TELL ME SO AS RECORDED. We can't remain silenced on this matter of our families being first degree murdered at the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust. All invites for
friendship welcomed.. Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg - Police forbidden to investigate.. WE DID NOT SIGN TO DIE UNDER COMFORT CARE. HOSPITAL REFUSED TO STOP END OF LIFE MEDS. JENNIE KINAL PRONOUNCED DEAD FROM ORGAN FAILURE. RECOVERED HER TO FIND NO ORGAN FAILURE.. TORTURED FOR 33 MORE DAYS UNTIL DEAD FROM DEVIL'S BREATH. Allow the truth to prevail.. Are you not human? Warn innocent people of these crimes.. save lives..

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.


Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg


What are we going to do?
How about just taking the link for the story, and
forwarding it to those who you believe should hear the good news?
That we're not putting up with mass murder in Winnipeg any longer.
Fair say all the way has you win too, a better world.. Please I
beg you, be human. Judge this incredibly serious matter for
yourself. The top recording is of me speaking with the head of
all murder investigations in the province.. Telling he doesn't
support getting to understand what the cause is ever of any,
murdered in Winnipeg under this not elected program titled,
"Comfort Care" where they ON PURPOSE.. deny medicines the
patients needs, while then being poisoned to die with opiates,
along with concoctions that stop the patient from breathing
effectively, while spreading infections. Thousands of victims
so far, according to my contact, directly connected - and the
Chief Medical examiner stating in a recording in the archive..
too.. of "thousands" being put down this way in Winnipeg. .
My mother, nor I, did not sign into being murdered, or as they
call, suicided.


Save Lives

In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
doctor that ordered Jennie Kinal no longer be poisoned,
with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Kinal
did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
of life and death.

Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.


"No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."

John Kinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.

"Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the hospital?
I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again those
are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a cause
of death, not something anyone could live with."

John Kinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused tremors
from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and
hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".


Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
standing on principle.. This is really a serious
matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
Department think they work here for? It is we the
people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
hip hip hooray!


"Here's a list of grief counselors who can help you.."

Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
measure being human. Freedom is Justice.

All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.

An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and
3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of
"Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's
Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier"
would NOT instead be administered, due my wise words
explaining why such action will bring about only harm
to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just
acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree
with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's
ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously.
Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly,
and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as
documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in
a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such
a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again,
recorded as administered by the day nurse, the night
nurse Charlene shows me the order herself, again, as
recorded. Once administered, Jennie becomes paralyzed,
then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild
back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus..
A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy
the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr.
Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on
February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT]
He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month
later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed
me, that the hospital removed the entire February
incident from the books. The incident recorded as
transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including
the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on
the matter as recorded as well. There have been no
investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a
decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the
Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe
in something of a death cult, that costs a great many
innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's
attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder
in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are
still threatened by this mass murder program called,
"Comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to
thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained
of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private
discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the
numbers. I have heard from three acquaintances in my
personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No
choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines,
while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on..
This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving
innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die
victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This
is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the
poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the
young as well.

Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..

(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. Being doped everyday under
Forward this information to everyone who
loves their mother.. The Police most
especially. They have been caught attempting
first degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal
investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal,
that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center, 4H.

There are two major crime scene involved in this matter..
There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016,
and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die
from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she
was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop,
until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A
poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing
too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier,
through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with
as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well
being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too,
this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is
not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell
the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No
she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used that had
no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance.
As many others would be, not having the time to stay
with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason.
I state this position to her intelligently, that my
mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing,
and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to
talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel".
I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a
fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T..
my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was
fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going
home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask?
Dr. T. then calls a halt to the poisoning.. without
answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first
time in the history of their operation - where all under
this order have been put to death without exception.)
Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Kinal will no
longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found
expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am
to be phoned at home to come to witness such a
circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next
few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal.
The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay
the death medication.. I happened to be already on my
way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to
see my mother appear poisoned with a diuretic , and
pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then
encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had
multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she
can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see
can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother..
while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all
the good times you had" and in several minutes, my
mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath
due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as
her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video..
without any pain. When my mother started to revive..
Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day
my mother dies. No action on her part to investigate
how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with
my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone
officially that can help save my mother's life as
still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness
yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016.
she had had no "multiple organ failure".

Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a preliminary criminal investigation..

First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP,
are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect
to the late Jennie Kinal.. who died on March 8, 2016..
But our attention right now has to do with an event
that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying
to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone
was given to the attending nurses responsible for
Jennie Kinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of
which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So,
that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication
against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead,
gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording
titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I
raised my mother from her early grave, the head
nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was
given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder,
for it shows, she did not have total organ failure -
surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now
get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident
was made absent the medical record. But say Dr.
T states that no.. such an order didn't happen?
Well again, the head nurse confirms that the
reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the
death medication that had been forbidden.

How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die
murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance
prior.. this process had never before been stopped.
So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice..
suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this
determination made of total organ failure occur? If
Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day?
Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse
2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the
Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure".
The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse
2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to
stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I
complained about them trying to murder my mother?
there was no investigations done by anyone.. for
there is zero accountability.. No complaints
department. While the college of Physicians and
Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended
the police needed to investigate.. because the College
never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior.
The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to
the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to
anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably..
They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone
for directions. Despite me going over there four times..
According to my source in government, thousands of
victim families have been denied Justice, stretching
over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do
you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue
involving all Canadians, and travelers through our
forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only
speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got
off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just
before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it..
They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would
go out for a quick coffee, and come back where
someone felt it necessary to throw her about in
the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's
another story.. Like the young girl, and the young
man.. and the lies they were told of how they could
get out any day, if they just continue to cooperate..
Nobody has ever left Comfort Care in 4H. Not one
person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there
for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those
that work there know it. No accountability breeds
success for the contemptuous. There are many other
stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of
Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save
innocent lives being mass murdered. How come
chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone.
Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this
information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Kinal, being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that, wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious condition. At that time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are clearly poisons
to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record, showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse, Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once more would be offered for
that day.. of March 8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences. As they did when I explained this operation of getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show.. Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't disagree.. Remember, my
mother was not suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition, has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not treated.. Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I cried.. to free her of these
torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others in no more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before. It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who recommended the police be
brought in, on me catching them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and again.. Then a teen police officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway.. we need adult police officers
from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an investigation.. they just threatened me to not divulge the information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making myself clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what more could anyone do? We need to also
look at how police investigations must be handled in the future.. First things first.. I need support from the Province and the city, in lieu of me not suing.. to save my home.. to save our lives.. While I work with a prosecutor for Justice to finally come for everyone. No longer forsaken by our careless disregard for the rights of a great many others, of our same community. Please let's get started on doing right for ourselves. What if it was your mother?

- If a decision to not fairly investigate this is made, furthering more murders - I want to still be contacted and told of such lies to hide yourself from we being fair. I bid a good day for catching bad guys. Let's do this right.

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort Care" program of murder, in the first degree. Where your loved one is sentenced to die victim to neglect as official public paid for policy.

Justice for US
Who would apposes doing right?
Many lives are still falling..
Please, have mercy.. forward this info.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives..

Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016, under a program of first degree mass murder called.. "Comfort Care".

I beg everyone to reach out to our media, in hopes they'll too support shedding some light on this very serious circumstance.. We need our voices heard as fair here. Forward this concern to everyone being human. They are stealing innocent lives. A heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death. So.. what the hell is happening in our hospitals.

What if it was your mother?

I am doing what I must, after having my mother murdered in hospital, and then to note. There was no complaints department.. no newspaper, no radio, and no police determining fair measure either. My life is ruled by law to live speaking for a just cause..I am admittingly, kind of weird this way.. Not since the murder, but well before in decades.. So this tragedy, that has hurt me more than anything ever can, has me giving of everything now, to not allow these murderers to conduct their business as usual, further escaping our police authorities,. God willing justice, demands of you to try for fairness towards all parties, of the society you are not absent of. It's called, acting civilized. It
seems the TV's devote relationship tied to blindly serving doctors no matter what, is a cause they need not worry for to truly understand.. Like a cult.. A cult that is costing our lives as innocent people.. murdered by those near never chastised with accountability throughout their lawless ranks.. Dr. Semus told me directly, that the first try at committing murder against my mother on Feb 2 and 3rd.. had been scrubbed from the files.. And Vanessa too, would weave the most fantastical lies, you were never lost to know, she hadn't a clue of what she was saying for real.. As recorded..

The Telling Truth

John Kinal to Dr. Colister "No I don't agree.. Such medications will hamper my mother's ability, to expel her newly acquired congestion".. He does not disagree.. Nor so does his partner. ..and in closing, supports allowing my mother recover by introducing no new poisons. Of which we learned of his betrayal from the record, that he instead conspired with nurse Colette, to murder my mother, with their, "Devil's Breath"... to a woman who had only suffered arguably with minor back pain the entire two weeks prior.. As to why they tried to put her to "end of life" meds a a month earlier, with Hydromorphone, was because, it turns out, she never even could have had multiple organ failure all along..
IT WAS A LIE they were publicly caught on.. Then as evil being dumb, then went ahead further, and finally murdered my mom. Didn't go, "look everyone! it's a miracle!" no no no.. no investigation whatsoever.. That's not we see? Perhaps, it's all a failure to communicate.

But so.. What about the responsibilities of the police to investigate crimes scenes such as these? Shouldn't they as we respect the rights of everyone in our society? To be fairly treated? The Province did not do the simplest of inquiries into the heart of the evidence before us. .. Leaving those that conspire to get away further from fair judgment.. on just who the hell they think we are.. stealing innocent lives going unreported. This is a routine case behind newspapers doors, involving many more forsaken victims absent your personal outrage, and action Let's truly save some great peoples lives by warning everyone.. How about it? Sounds good to see Justice finally succeed for Jennie
Kinal?, and so included, we the people? Demand Justice for Jennie Kinal..

David L. Martel <***@frontier.com> wrote:


You are puttin a lot of effort into this strange
belief. Your mother was on palliative or "comfort
care". This suggests that your mother was aware
that she was terminally ill and had decided to
end her life. Why do you believe otherwise?"

Hey Dave.. Yeah no.. all she had was a thyroid
condition when entering.. then we were told she
had a heart attack with her unwanted nicotine
patch, and then, multiple organ failure.. I
proved it was a lie.. And for a month, all
they did was not allow my mother to recover..
My mother, nor I, were never given a choice to
decide whether or not to end her life, by
depriving medications, while doping her with
'end of life' poisons that stop anyone from
breathing, or expelling an infection. First
degree murder. Not an accident. IN FACT:
freely admitted to.. like lawless demon
enemies of our better natures willing to
be civilized. Let's not murder people.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Forward this to save lives..


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000+ similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibility here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie, Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette, couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and couldn't let on, it was
ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears. You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real, when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near, perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off, heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy of evil.. So, say you
were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl. as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as "doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.


(these were words sent to, in part, the college of physicians and surgeons.. and too, the college of nurses.. )

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds, and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at
a later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delaney called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delaney told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delaney's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba...


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jennie Kinal taken off the Hydromorphone, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because,
now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream,
'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our health best how about my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..


(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Please, for the love of God, forward this concern as if it were your own..As it should be. Are we not human? All I ask for is Justice fairly wagered, while our police are forbidden to do so by Mike at the PSB. Complicit in mass murders in the thousands. I wish it weren't true too.. Don't hide from this reality, it is truly unbecoming..

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human.

PRESIDENT JOHN KINAL WHO? Come check it out over here at my truly PRESIDENTIAL G+ Home Page.. Let's be partners with different views, on what we'll need to do to save our humanity.. All invites welcomed.. Come on board.. we're waiting for you.. Fair say all the way has you win too most especially don't you know?..

God wills Justice, while others do not. Ask any Prophet.

King Johnny's Home Page

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