(too old to reply)
6 years ago
That's untrue, the o- blood type can only have a child with another blood type using a shot that causes the blood confusion letting the mother give birth, otherwise her body naturally cuts nutrients to the fetus... He's right the true Aryan had red hair and green eyes AKA Scythian or later Saxon.

I have true green eyes, they turn gold when the sun goes down.. I was born with an affinity to the Indian people and idk how that happens but the Scythian had Aryan origins and so do modern day indians... We are surely a different creature all together
6 years ago
Sikhs are good at 3 things. 1) Inventing prophets to loot and plunder people 2) Pimping 3) lying about fake bravado. You serviced British empire with Hiramandi and fought against every tribe in India, with the help of British of course. You aren't able to win any battle in a combat fight. Ranjeet Singh seeked help of British and conquered Tajik and Hazara areas of Peshawar ( Now in Pakistan) and Kabul. Within a couple of years, tribal Pashtuns gathered force and kicked you out. Then you went to rule your own kind in Lahore. Your books and movies are full of lie about the battle of Saragarhi. With the help of British, you attacked unarmed Pashtuns. They had stones and a few swords, you had guns, tanks and bombs. Still, Saragrahi was captured by Pashtuns. You don't even know how Pashtuns look like. Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking questions about red hair and green eyes cuz most tribal pashtuns have red and hair and green eyes. Even today, the Indian army is full of Sikhs. British were so happy with your service that they built you roads, railways, colleges, courts, parliament, hospitals. They dreaded Pashtuns and didn't build anything. It tells who are pimps and who are warriors. You should saluta pashtuns cuz , our invasions have changed your race a bit. Still, Most Punjabis are swarthy looking.
6 years ago
There was no India before Brtish arrived. Now lets talk about the DNA and history. Terms such as Indo , indos indus Aryavarta.aryan were used for areas now known as all of Pakistan and some parts of Iran and Afghanistan during different times and under different kingdoms. Over 90% of Pakistanis are natives of this land from 3000 BC. Tianzhu Jambudipa are mythological constructs and are for areas in Nepal and Srilanka. So I was saying that Present-day "India" is the conglomeration of many nationalities that the British conquered one by one and consolidated into a single unit for ease of governance. Hindutva, one nation etc historical fraud spun by late 19th-20th century Brahmanist idealogues and organizations (e.g. Vivekananda, Dayananda, Gowalker; Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Hindu-Maha-Saba, RSS, VHP, etc.) . A new supremacist identity and history (neo-Brahmanism) was invented for the Brahmanist community by making wild, hegemonic and fraudulent claims over the history, religions and civilizations of historically separate southasian regions, nations and peoples. The sub-continnet was never united. except under the british rule and for few years under different rules. Harappan civilization was mostly based in present-day Pakistan, Indus valley civilization was based in Pakistan. Gandhara was only in Pakistan-Afghanistan. Mauryan, Gupt, Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Scythians, Kushans,White Huns, Arabs, Turks, Sikhs etc. are heritage of regions now known as Pakistan. ! Maurya was native to the region of Pakistan (having Iranian-Scythic origin), who conquered India and established his empire there. The eastern extent of the Persian empire (both Achaemenian and Sassanian) was limited to the region of present-day Pakistan, not India! The fact is Alexander's Greek forces invaded only upto the region of present-day Pakistan, not India! Similarly the Greco-Bactrian empire was limited to present-day Pakistan-Afghanistan, not India (a part of north India was briefly invaded)! And Arab rule was only limited to the region of Pakistan as it's eastern most territory under the Ummayad-Abbassid dynasties. The oldest region of southasia - the Punjab/Sindh region - was politically united to rest of southasia less than 10% of its known 3300 years history prior to British India.. Moreover, the 10% "togethorness" was under Scytho-Buddhist (e.g. Mauryan, Guptas) Afghan-Mogul) Kingdoms of regions now known as Pakistan. .
The southern most region of the Indian peninsula (TamilNadu/Kerala/etc)was also never part of the Mauryan empire! The truth is "India" tries to hijack "Pakistan's" history! E.g.
Harappan civilization was mostly based in present-day Pakistan,
Gandhara was only in Pakistan-Afghanistan, etc etc. Pakistanis are very proud of their
heritage! Harappans, Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Scythians, Kushans,
White Huns, Arabs, Turks, etc. are all part of their heritage!
85% of Indians are very much Dravidoid-Australoid by their physical features
(blood/genes). Less than 2% of Indians have Aryan-Scythic-Greek-Hun-
etc blood, and this is mostly limited to northwest/north India (near
the border of Pakistan). Visiting India and Pakistan, one can easily
distinguish by large the racial differences between the two. The plain fact is that 95% of Indians are descendents of aboriginal Dravidoid-Australoids.
6 years ago
Let's see, how can a Paki get blue eyes? Let us go through Paki history
very, very carefully...
1) they were screwed by Persia..(never crossed Paki land)
8) they were screwedby Afghans...defeated by Indian warriors under Gobind
Singh, Shivaji and Ranjit Singh
Ignorance is bliss. Don't you know that central and important historical Pashtun areas of Afghanistan are in Pakistan. Ever heard of states of KPK Balochistan and FATA. I bet you didn't know that there are 20 million more Pashtuns in Pakistan than they are in Afghanistan. At least you should know that main, bigger and better Punjab is also in Pakistan. Punjabis of Pakistan are over 11 crore vs only 2 crore Punjabis of India. Yeah you have heard it right! Indian punjabis are not over 2 crores. Those 4 crore number is of fake converted Punjabi settlers moved to Punjab by Indian deep state. So what were you talking about the Pakistani race again???
6 years ago
which tribes have red hair and green eyes? I heard from a couple of
Italians that red hair and green eyes were a nordic trait and came from the
Vikings or Celts...
If you're from India, do you know of anyone with red hair and green eyes
and can you please tell me the caste, region, jati (tribal link) etc. if
The tribes of Scotland.
Im a red head with light green eyes. Only red head in my family, which originated ib=n Scotland.
My sibling are all Brunette.

Ive bee reading on this topic, and stufief the movement of the Vikings Ito Scotland. Off this is, I have been asked many times, by different people if I am Scandinavian as I have physical traits from that region.

My guess is, someone in my family had children with a Viking

Love it!

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