2008-12-28 11:35:19 UTC
Arrest Bush and Cheney for War Crimes
The biggest war criminals of all Humanity's history,
and Amerkian zionist nazi radio, can't say much
but, where is Obama's birth certificate. He's given
it near a year ago, doesn't matter for the cowards
though who state they love Ron Paul for refusing to
stand for the common man, they pretend they don't know
they are fascist nazis wanting to persecute the
innocent, like "liberals", "socialists", "Arabs",
innocent wise People, but not defend America from the
likes of Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld for blatant naked
treason. They can't compete as real men who advance
freedom for all, so they advocate censorship over our
cries for Justice to the victims of 911, to soldiers
canned to die as bad guys. To banksters walking away
with actual trillions. Hoe hum america is dumb.
Look, I plead
/ / Calcutta police arrested Mukhtar Ahmed
for procuring SIM cards for the group without
knowing that he was an undercover operative.
He was on a long-term mission with police
in Indian-administered Kashmir. \ \
His cover was blown?
This is a guilty\accused party to the offense,
and blind men of state plate, 'we're going to
maybe let him go, so they can start a war of
mass suffering and death.'? Who is "we" enemy?
Why is this story not where it should be? Who's
interest does it serve by further dying
Humanity to: we don't care about not stopping
terrorist crimes in progress then? Don't be a
Nazi. Why? Just because. THE 'suspect' WAS IN
there you nitwits. Under who's command was he
working?, and does Condi figure in there some
where by sending TV America elsewhere? Who is
set to gain money in the planned indiscriminate
murderous bombings, and let's try, then execute
them instead of US as innocent victims how about?
King of Earth I am,
An American Patriot
The Three Mugs
It was Israeli that broke the truce. It is as Israeli,
their standard Satanic play of demon liar games
against God. I was going to write the fully documented
History of how Israeli, as always, is responsible
for refusing to honor their word, by thinking to
murder during a, agreed truce, has them to argue, no
it wasn't nazi Israel that murdered first again
Innocent People, with the VERY SAME crime BUT WORST,
they claim, they claim! WE are so outraged about.
Israeli nazi enemies call bombing people, like they
do without appology, terrorism. What can't you figure?
But Christ and Justice is just so openly despised
by near everyone brain damaged by vaccines, MSG,
and ... fuk you TV Amerikans. Hamas was created by
Zionists. Why? For money. Killing innocent People
for money is the Zionist's ungodly intent as an
enemy to Our suffering Humanity. Did you see CNN
today tell US historically of the Heroic actions
of Georgia against the Russian invasion like every
Zionist lies to die US over as more innocent victims?
Let US arrest them for blantant treason. Sound like
a good plan to better our circumstances? Let's hope
so. Nazi war criminal Saakashvili forces, first
struck attacked peace keepers, hospitals, children's
schools, Churches, to then grenade dwellings of where
US Humans lived. Georgia is being run under by a
ungodly zionist nazi bush bitch liar name Saakashvili,
(Cheney's Bum Buddy) who needs to be immediately
arrested for first degree acts of mass murder. CNN
celebs included.
FDNY Lieutenant Admitted Plan To ‘Take Down’ WTC 7
Protect Elections, Prosecute Rove
Rove threatened witness - now he's dead
/ / The GAO reached the estimate of 190,000 missing
arms - 110,000 AK-47s and 80,000 pistols - by
comparing the property records of the MNSTC-I against
records US General David Petraeus maintained \ \
Understand this: Saudi commander Buford Blount, gave
out 170 tons of explosives for looting, all so they
could, shoot us up in Baghdad. A Saudi commands the
Third Infantry as traitors to the cause of Freedom.
Cowardly dying Americans are so due to self contempt.
9/11's a lie
The ungodly demon nazi era Pope says God isn't
innocently gay eh? Do you know: the last Pope
called George Walker Bush the Antichrist? I
thought the Pope was infallible? This Nazi Pope
speaks nothing for Justice anywhere. A demon
whore of Satan who wants death and misery for
remaining silent for the lost innocent lives
due to the wages paid for a nation sacrificing
to war criminals. War criminals also responsible
for 911. This current Pope is a faggot of the
worst nature, an enemy of Freedom to be Christ
like. Demon Fukkers. Bring back the Pope of
five years ago, and in that world, Bush is
the most evil man of all History, with this
Nazi, all things are fine and dandy, except for
us liberals, socialists, hippies, the do gooders,
gays, or freaks. Roman Catholics are therefore
idiots infallibly?, because in their followings,
nobody thinks for themselves to pay for what?,
apparently they couldn't care for God to be
aware. My brothers and sisters, Join Christianity!!
..then read a history book like for yourself
King Johnny
Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers
/ / While the DOJ lacks the power to shut down
juvenile correction facilities, [..] isolation
for over twenty-three hours a day for months
straight; use of excessive force, including
beatings and pepper sprayings; and inappropriate
administration of medications. \ \
No, you charge the guilty parties with a criminal
offense, like capital murder - who's in charge
there?, oh yeah, lawless enemies of Mankind..
Creating a nation of zombies
In a Normal World
"It's not that we're Jewish, it's that they are
war criminals."
IAF plans to hit targets in 24 hours
"General Mullen is pressing our authorities to
allow India to hit certain targets,"
In a normal world, Mullen would be questioned,
then arrested, tried, and executed with Gates for
trying TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE for cash profits
stolen from God's America. But the nation is filled
with cowardly know nothings.. how do we know this?
They refuse to even pick up their phones to complain
about DYING needlessly for the un-elected Zionist
neocons. The TRAITORS who did their part to carry
out 911. America only PRAISE real demon George
Norry who openly lies to the ears of America, while
advocating the indiscriminate slaughter of all
children in around 15, because he claims, that way,
you reduce the risk that they might sometime in the
future own a gun to kill himself as a REAL bad guy.
These REAL monsters will kill your American kids for
cash. Why? Because YOU refuse to even raise your
phones for concern. It's "just" your neighbor's kid
who'll get the vaccine shot filled with toxins, drink
the American Milk, chew the bubble gum, eat the
Campbell's Soup, or drink the tainted water. The
poisonous water containing sodium fluoride is in
soft drinks, beer, and bottled purified water costing
near 3 dollars that Pepsi openly confessed, they just
get right from the poisoned public taps of Boston,
unfiltered. TV America? where are you man? Why do you
still refuse to raise your phones? You go in faith
WITHOUT science, with reason?, without God, or even
crave my words as the Great Son. Why do you forsake
yourselves? Are you not worth the effort to say your
own lives are worth something too?
Charlie Manson "Yes, your honor, I did authorize
the killing of Sharon Tate and the rest, but you know,
we need to focus on the future rather than the past!"
Bushite Nazi grunts of the Air Force have bombed
more than a many innocent persons, claiming we as
Humanity can't hold them to account for their
murderous crimes of STEALING our lives. It is an
oath soldiers give to obey lawful orders only,
yet, a bushite's word means nothing. They bombed
Samara for no reason but to die. They bombed
Fallujah for no reason but to die. No honor,
no courage, no manhood.
Demand Justice Now
"These operations are intimately linked to American destabilization
campaigns and their cosy ties to on-again, off-again intelligence
assets that include al-Qaeda and other far-right terror gangs."
Jewish Rabbi: Zionists are Godless Criminal Thugs
Now I know, in today's world, everybody and their
sister can be a Rabbi, but listen: these truths are
just as soon, to be your own. Please stop forsaking
US, and support my demands for open communications
on the American Coast to Coast radio network. George,
Ian, and Art are not going to allow US this respect
without a fight. They are constant "happy" persons
happying you out of your life savings, killing our
families, stealing our Humanity. Justice for all is
not complicated, but requires a Peoples who don't just
cowardly fall down to die for the satanic neocon liars.
Where's MY Bailout???
"It's must be good to be too big to
fail, or be a fat cat too big for jail."
In who's world?
/ / Where does Israel think these people are
supposed to go, after evicting them and
torching their homes??? \ \
See, the thing is, these Satanic enemies of
both you and me, (along with every other
life form is this Galaxy), seem to think hurting
innocent People, murdering ourselves actually,
will destroy God's Good Work for Justice
in our times, while they make of as terrorist
thieves. What we need to do, is get together
everybody in our names to demand, Americans
no longer willingly give their purpose, to
cash pay for such crimes against our Beings.
Americans must demand the halt to rewarding
Israeli Zionists to rape, torture, and murder
themselves/ourselves. Make sense? Of course
it does. For who could disagree actually?
We can war later about how my ideas on economics
are better than yours because I actually know
what I'm taking about, but for now, this: let's
call a halt to all hostilities both near and
wide, as simply demanding together, Nazi Zionist
Israeli, under ungodly evil WAR CRIMINAL
commands, are led away from God to be guilty
of theft, and mass murder against our selves.
It's not that we're Jewish, it's that they are
war criminals. How could any living Man, On
Earth, STEAL food from innocent infants and
mothers? Randomly send in Military rockets
into refugee camps? Who? SATANIC CRIMINALS WHO
HATE JEWS. Jews, Real People, like me. To all
be fair is my motto, as was countless others
- as also known as The Golden Rule. (look for
Johnny's The_Golden_rule.mp3) and don't forget
about Confucius!
Humanity lacks these Public words demanding
equitable treatment of Humanity, largely, i
guess, because we needed me to say it..
Johnny is my King that lives forever! I'll
tell you that right now, if I should need
bow out then that we've stated this claim,
after all the pomp in dancing has subsided,
and I'm back all alone to wonder again.. I
know that God is me alive inside, as we go
along our journey to the stars in ever
wonderment as what could be achieved if we
only believed.. first though, we gotta get
arrested the known by Rumsfeld's Pentagon,
the unarrested grunt rapists and thieves of
America, alone with Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld directly. Get clean water and good
food happening, and too, address the fact
that giving the wealthiest already, trillions
on only hopes and prayers, they'll lend some
back at high interest is dumber than rocks.
Imagine: it was taken on the argument that
YOU urgently needed it!! That's US there.
Me anyway.. Why must You burden this alone?
President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.
King Johnny Wizard at your service me Lord.
"In other words, Washington exerts more control
over the ISI than the duly elected civilian
government of Pakistan."
Now, that's bizarre. Imagine doing it, then
blaming yourself for it on hopes one thing
doesn't lead to another. All are innocent.
Justice is freedom. Lawlessness is evil dumb
man. Sorry, but that is now the world turns.
Will Congress listen? IMPEACH NOW! Bush is a Threat to Peace
This could turn out to be the largest Law suit
in the History of Humanity. Google isn't being Just
for ourselves as the concerned with our rights
to speak right. They will loose in our Courts
of Justice for warring against our free voices
to be heard.
CNN Don't Want to Take our Questions
Cheney worked immediately after 911 to close
police investigations, as so reported
on Meet the Press, with the late Tim Russert.
Simple. Or cowardly like Alex Jones call him
just a puppet, and blame the NWO geniuses
hid away in far off places, manipulating to
secret out the blind idiots who don't truly
believe in elementary logic. This isn't
Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion
Bernard Madoff -- The $50 Billion Thief
This spot where the Jews laugh at law men,
then get all their life savings stolen, is
THE classic in the halls of Zionist History.
Some say, Christ, the Jew, is a law man
too don't you know.
A Soldier Wars for God and Country
This is What Americans Are?
/ / the United States has refused to sign
a declaration presented Thursday at the
United Nations calling for worldwide
decriminalization of homosexuality. \ \
Again, this Zionist infiltration is
designed to divide our populations through
demonizations against the Innocent. There
is no crime in loving people despite what
GCN advertizes. Every He man who masterbates
is a fag playing with a penis, pretending
he is a female in pink cotton panties. And
those who actually for real kucs kocc, are
near everyone in the Bush Administation.
No lie. Bush is a kocc sucker, did so at
Yale. Over and over again at Bone(r)s too as
THE initiation requirement. [(r) is the
'secret of secrets'] George "sore knees" Bush
was top in his class!. All Conservatives are
queers who hate our innocent selves. Rush
Limbaugh and Bill "he'll kill'ya" O'Really - uhuh -
faggots. Sean Hanity and Ann Coulter - uhuh
- faggots. America is run over by sexually
deviant zionist nazis who want to STEAL the
Rights of Living freely. Again American nazis:
what's the crime of being Human? Us who you
wish to hurt the innocent over now instead
of traitors Bush, Rumsfeld, Condi, and
Cheney? A cowardly zionist nation self
destructing is what YOU will become, if you
don't start raising your voice for liberty
as all, to come and go. If I wanna be Gay,
what concern is it of Amerika to say I can't
dream of girls? lot's of girls!! It actually
gets difficult at four or five dream godesses,
because inevitablly, they'll/You'll look up,
(er.. scratch that..) they'll look at you
in wonder, just what kinda spell am I under?
Poof! it all comes crumbling down, and you
look like an Donkey. Real relationships are
hard to come by for me I guess you already
know... but I can dream with Mother Nature!
ohboyohboyohboyohboy Free the Slaves!
soicanmeetsomechicks Free the Slaves!
soicanmeetsomechicks Free? uh. pardon me.
Back to the action...
"The concessions made by the Olmert-Livni
government to the Syrians do not and will
not obligate a government that I shall head,"
Netanyahu said. The concessions of indiscriminately
murdering US repeatedly? Understand to know:
The Zionist is a Satanic demon enemy of Humanity
according to God, in the Bibles all timelessly.
Netanyahu, the demon, is so ungodly as evil
criminal, he will likely "win" Istraeli the Zionist
election on a public platform of godless tyranical
theft and murder. Remember, Israeli Zionists
funded the creation of Hamas to kill Jews in
Israel, and TRUE Jews also live in Lebanon, Iran,
Etheopia, Canada, and the North Pole, and we're
the "niggers" there too that Israeli despise -
like as they who PUBLICLY supported South Africa's
oppression of Innocent South Africans for stolen
monies. Satanic I tell you. Don't believe? in
innocence? That's the power of Peres, the devil.
Evil a zionist criminal is proudly. Peres will
tell you, all about when Zionists target to murder
little old ladies as he did on Larry King, it's
really not Satanic, because they'll blame the
murders on someone else completely different,
as US, the innocent. blatantly. In your face.
While CNN goes, uhuh, gotta kill those Jews in
Northern Lebanon. As Syrians too! Israeli dropped
seven million land mines on more than 170 towns
and villages given to them from Condi! a godly
nation of Jews? ANTI-SEMITE is FoxNews everytime
they assault God with "Israel, the Jewish State"
to torture, steal, and murder.?. ANTI-SEMITE!
Again, the two Laws of Johnny:
1. No evidence, person innocent.
2. Torture? fuk you and die then
Patriots of Freedom United for Cause
Americans will send Americans rightly into
tyranny for the contempt they continue to have
for real Justice. The contempt they have for
God and me, the son. Guilty are, Bush, Cheney,
Condi, and Rumsfeld the traitors be. Americans,
in cowardice, wish to con our Humanity as
further innocent victims. They Publicly
advocate the demonization of innocent others
like today when NWOer Alex Jones blamed
"Socialists", aka traffic light planners.
Doing will seriously lose bad here. Understand,
Heroes, true Heroes, more often near all
fail miserably in their second or third Heroic
Actions, all for falsely Believing in their
hype over 'everything', not paying attention.
Truths are facts, and America's Radio silence
with a sponsor of our communications at GCN,
(and 200+ other stations) who advocates the
murder of innocent Peoples in America,
(the text printed here is the radio audio)
is a real serious criminal offender in need
of immediate incarceration. The innocent
Peoples of America have some rights here Alex,
despite your refusal to hear criticism on
GCN's blind hate for our Life. It is in true
concern for you that I label you far short,
as a "freedom" worth dying US, the innocent
forsaken as. I am bigger than you. Your
CONTINUING contempt for innocent Christians
openly victimized by OFFICIAL Israeli public
policy, is a contempt We Will Rise Above.
Live in your illusion as a "freedom fighting"
delusional malcontent, and your self value
will destroy yourself truly as the bigot
false accuser you are. Lie again about US as
guilty, instead of your freedum buddies of
blind hate for true wisdom, and the sky will
come down on you, trust me, as you will, I
am the Creator. Your decision. Bushwhores.
Look at what intolerant America's GCN is
selling today!! Queer Talk.
GCN!, headed by an actual faggot who
has his own faggot son killing innocent
People as a war criminal in Iraq for the
neocon, apparently, doesn't like innocent
Gays along with US Iraqis, Afghans, Muslims,
and all effective traffic signals to prevent
death in America, is Socialism too don't you
know a dumfuk when you hear it Alex?,
either? Surprise surprise. Americans are
arrogant know nothings, and you need go
farther than Alex Jones tomorrow while he
blathers on and on how no, "it's impossible"
for him to be mistaken on anything labeled
Social, like who you are as guilty being
Socialized, a Social person of criminality
your guilty of he claims, who is that I
ask? I ACTUALLLY KNOW the answer of who I
am greater than what Alex there defames.
As too, there are billions of people here
on Earth who would side with me to say,
"we speak for ourselves". Thank you
very much. But understand grasshopper, If I
were running for President, [of which I never
will - who ever needs too?] I would ask
Alex to appraise discussions, for the
scientific knowledge, and real courage he
has to just get info out there, and tell the
scene as he sees it, albeit with binders on
is hugely beneficial. The names and places, times
and directions, he has at his finger tips
is second to none. Probably doesn't smoke pot.
Hey! no doubt about it, he knows a tremendous
amount of vital stuff, it's just near all his
conclusions are bullhucky or plain lamed evil
man. Being Gay is okay is what I'm saying as a
hetro male Lesbian. It really is the only way
to go.. ha! jstkidg. Just don't dream of a
girl doing the nasty Man Style, because they
hmm.. you'd be a transsexual cross dresser
loving penises! That explains everything!
Americans are all a bunch of queers, hiding
in their closets, shaking like a leaf to the
awesomeness of Johnny School. I have a million
King Johnny for International Radio Host
"You can't count on Congress or the Courts to save yourselves"
Ron Paul - The oUtRAgiOuS fUnnY MaN
Ron Paul is a traitor. He didn't support arresting
Bush for 911, or for the killing of American teens by
doctoring the NIE. Now, Alex sells Ron Paul, is
his leader of OUR truth movement because he says
there's nothing he's going to do but blame poor
people, or socialists, because all Congressmen are
good men. The FR STOLE eight trillion from you as
an American tax payer, and Ron Paul blames anyone
but the thieves who openly just pocketed YOUR cash.
Ron Paul is a con who accepts it is only an opinion
that Georgia attacked South Ossetia. (it's on youtube
where in Congress, Ron Paul speaks no facts, but let's
an open DEMON liar to say in his presence, Russia
started the conflict, and that is why Americans are
giving Saakashvili 10 billion dollars for booze and
broads, through Purse stringing bum chum Cheney and
Co.) While Alex knows different. ALEX SAYS NOTHING.
Just like when Alex teaches his Cult how great George
Norry is for not knowing George Noory stated
pleasuring in the murder of helpless INNOCENT children.
Alex Jones "it's all about social engineering"
What, Life?
What you Alex Jones. These are INDIVIDUAL THEIVES
stealing our money, stealing our rights, stealing
our futures.. stealing our lives. but see? Alex
Jones has got to jab as the bigot divider,
"New World Orderer", to undermine Justice for
anyone as Ourselves. Alex Jones 'they engineered
it" THEY THEY THEY THEY Who you fuck??..and what's
your evidence for a warrant? The Winnipeg Free
Press with CJOB robs Winnipeggers for millions in
stolen loots, while conning teen kids to die for
the liar neocon. PHONE THEM YOURSELF. (Why
wouldn't he, but to support his fictions) They
couldn't give a rats ass about anything but how
much they can steal from our censored voices. I
worked for the WFP for near a year as a money
maker salesman. I've sat in the lunch rooms, once
right next to the Publisher and the Editor going on
and on about Hockey and Football. When I
encouraged fiscal tax policies, they'd go glassy
eyed, then STERN, and laugh: all about how the
smart ass thinks he has some rights here to act
denying intelligent discourse, discourse that
they could never compete against with if their
lives depended on it. GOD. Understand: Private
bankers will often give every waking moment to
taking more from others. Every waking moment.
That is a poor soul indeed, disagree?, that's
the tragedy. Look at my public history of near
constant pull downs, who don't have a single
disagreement against me, but just a hatred for
Your Life being so beautiful. I write from the
greatest words ever written, about History,
about Justice, about God.. and near everyone
states, you suck. That's you for you.
I already know I'm great. Hey, I even know
the Big G and have been around for ever as
I know so, and can prove it. So no, YOU suck.
The big one.
the same because I've researched, hounded then
spoken to these People. CBC News Producers are
actual monsters if you'd ever try to look into
the subject of Justice denied, and simply give
them a phone call on the radio. The "Terror
Experts" will have your knowledge brought to new
heights. The guy at CBC told me directly,
(after reviewing Bush's CRIMINAL invasion of
Afghanistan plan to falsely blame bin Laden,
that OFFICIALLY came from MSNBC, and of General
Ahmad along with video of iron flowing like water)
he can dispute ANY fact, and paint our minds
any way he sees fit. Then went out and produced
a very expensive, publicly paid for 911 documentary
all on the evil Muslims who did 911 for the
bushmob. See? he does it because he likes it, likes
it like a psychopath. Have you ever contacted
the gals from CNN?? the one guy at MSNBC? He's
like in some serious need of a lengthy prison
term, he knows it, and it gives him a hard on
knowing Americans are make too weak by his image.
I am not of that story to die Life’s purpose for
lies criminal... I.. never mind for now.
"The Liberals and the Socialists, along with
the Communists and the Gays, with the Muslims,
and Community Organizers with the freaks different
that me did the murders", said near all the retard
bigot Conservatives blindly false accusing.
Example: Condi says Pakistan's ISI committed the
murders, the FBI says no, there isn't a scintilla
of evidence to substantiate that. Condi says
Pakistan's ISI FOR SURE did the murders, the FBI
says no, there is not a whisper of fact to form
that conclusion. The "Army" says for sure Pakistan
did the murders, the FBI says no.. There is not
a thread of fact a zionist offers to form YOUR own
mind in respect for your rights being equal to ours.
Condi only tries to hypnotize the "Conservatives"
into believing something without understanding,
without knowing. Sean Hannity does this everyday
on purpose to kill innocent American teens.
Conservatives are universally ignorant People,
and sometimes, serious war criminals like Condi.
Taking US off the target of following the crime
scene leads at the real murder scene. The
"Conservative" mostly doesn't have the mind to
understand Justice is freedom, like the NWOers,
so they false accuse US as Innocent others, for
crimes they don't speak for as Our true defense.
I'm counting on you kids eating right, and
knowing you belong free here. I'm King Johnny.
This is what Alex fears. I, as a New World Leader
however do not. Why? Because I'm a Man that's
why. How so you say? Scientifically to the
splitting of a photon, or being born anew to
the Universe unbound forever. No, I mean for
real I am real. You should understand by
understanding your surroundings, that you are
too, of Christ to be aware. Haven't you ever
heard of REM? The Tragically Hip? Elvis? Though..
Johnny Wizard - who can easily answer all
the biggest questions of life in space time.
Heaven, Hell, no prob.... Ask me!!!! If
you don't ask the questions, how will you
ever know where you are coming from really
The Son of Man asked Humanity? No, I'm
mean really true for sure - I am there, as
so, you too are here. Hi!!!.. now back to
YOUR PAPERS PLEASE! US [COP KILLER] Marines.. in California!
Loading Image...
They rape American women too and do not face arrests,
officially sanctioned by the Pentagon through Rumsfeld!
it for Christ. It's near guaranteed to be proudly
illiterate, and an enemy of Justice, (the bushmob did
911) and enemy of truth, (the bushmob did 911) and
enemy of God. The bushmob did 911.
Spreading hate is an amerikan military-inteligence
tactic of blind Zionists who believe they control
the judgment of opinion by GCN's silence over
this HATER of God as Innocent we proclaim
against bloody murderers:
[Publicly trying and executing a bushmobster
on the other hand, is another question entirely.]
These enemies at CBC and CNN are near like
your best buds, George Norry and multi-millionaire
Ron Paul. Again, despite Ron sleeping on our job,
and being really ignorant how the monetary system
works, and completely loses everything when
speaking of health care, Justice, and trade, he
really isn't all that bad a guy.... ? .. George
Noory seriously lacks in my mind still, but.
Imagine: Alex doesn't ask 'hero truth
teller' Ron Paul for a million or three for
advertising on Bush and Rumsfeld's prior plan
to invade Afghanistan for Enron. Why not?
Who's money is it still anyway? Ours. In
God we Trust. Wanna see a card trick?
Nice and Sweet?
'Where's the boys? They are outside taking
care of a fag'
Look at what intolerant America's GCN is
selling today!! Queer Talk - GCN, headed
by an actual faggot who has his own faggot
son killing innocent People as a war criminal
in Iraq for the neocon, doesn't like gays?
(the text printed here is the radio audio)
What's the crime of being Gay, you bunch of
deviant evil faggots at GCN? Seriously, the head
of GCN is a faggot. This is done conscious or
otherwise, to DIVIDE the REAL freedom movement
for Justice against war criminals.
Christ Loves Everyone!!
Remember, GCN, that will work
to DIVIDE the American public from Justice,
had fired Jack Blood for sponsoring "NEOCONS
GONE WILD" - and Alex Jones has not muttered
a public word in defense of his "friend", the
somewhat.. great Jack Blood. Look, listen to
other, still on programming at GCN where they
love killing Iraqis for stolen profits. I am
not shitting. They have this demon fuk in
the early mornings who speaks romantically of
Rumsfeld, along with lawless mobster rule! And
this witch demon, who begs begs begs begs begs
for Freedom dollars to blame socialists, like
Ron Paul does, for absolutely everything.
Remember: the head of GCN has a TREASONOUS
faggot son going to Iraq as openly committing
war crimes against Our Humanity. TREASONOUS!
And like me, what if godly Americans were
arrested in America for speaking truths, would
Alex raise a word for a defense fund for a man
like Johnny to with as masters in Law? Likely not.
Instead, Alex will likely claim the victim is a
NWO puppet, and shouldn't be ferreted out for
actual info. He knows better without evidence
to form your conclusion don't you know? Alex
Jones towners are a Cult who blames blindly
the Globalists, but not war criminal Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Condi. It's a Puppet
puppetting puppets for puppeteers pupating
a bogus escape strategy. Now, who are you going
to have arrested for public trial? The Jones
Towners puppets puppet in unison, "not the
puppets, not the puppets!"
The Case of Kenneth Foster:
Texas Prepares to Execute Man for Driving a Car Near Scene of Murder
Undertand: In Alex's home town they do this
routinely, and Alex has no need to make a federal
case of it. It is only your innocent life to be
held in contempt, not Alex, the guy who figures
everybody should have a nuke to defend Liberty,
not evidence to form their/our guilty verdicts.
Hey, Johnny America is just a dis-info agent for
the NWO, he actually told his listeners to not form
their conclusion by FACT, while then hanging up on
US. WHY? Because I, unlike Alex, only speak fact.
They fired Jack Blood because his sponser was too
out there! What will NWO Alex Jones say for Freedom?
Squat because he knows everything already, no room
to learn that WE have video of iron flowing like
water from the towers. He'd rather see America die
completely, before learning he DOES NOT RULE the Sea
of Truth. I am The Creator, and i don't rule the Sea
of Truth. Why would any person want to if they
foolishly thought they could so Alex? Ask Alex and
he'll tell you to shoot innocent men down in our
streets, who are NO THREAT TO ANYONE, because in
Texas, it's "Legal" to do just that.. Alex called
it, "The Sound of Liberty", a cowardly fascist nazi
is what Alex can be left on his own refusing all
calls. Why? Cause he's so cowardly as full of
himself that why. He is an egomaniac truly, despite
the fact that he 'covers' himself by simply stating
he isn't. Even when he covers issues that are
more important than gun sales or gold and investment
moves as caches for nothing, Quick! buy in! he offers
near ZERO ideas on how to resolve it. Doesn't want
suggestions either, are we hard to come by if we
receive an answer before we've spoken. All politicians
are puppets is useless to the cause of effective
governing don't you think? And wether a person is
your "puppet" or "master", the unbalanced still
must be held to inspection for evaluation - for
afterall it's you there in those T-Bills going
out the door... The billions and billions in
the costs paid for a barrel of Pork, for magic
riders, happy waivers, and and Look, the neocons
are still trying to make their escape!!
I can FIX Monstanto's GMO assualt.
How? by understanding the science
involved, that Monsanto DOES NOT, and Alex, not enough.
(look for works I've done A DECADE AGO FOR ANSWERS -
Google however has removed more than 20,000 documents
referencing my writings as of last month - do you care?
That a man such as great as I, will not be allowed to
give my works for free to Humanity any longer? -
People of Earth: undertand, many in America say YES!
here, because they truly HATE Humanity's cause of
Liberty and Justice for ALL. Google closed my
Jew_Boy_Johnny account, all because of vermin like
"shitskin Moslem", who openly message in the
hundreds daily for murdering innocent Moslems,
who pirate all of Google Groups with racist
nazi slurs, just needs simply complain I am anti-Semitic
- The Son Of Man - no trial, no questions, no answers!
I can not post more than three times every four to six
hours, otherwise, they close my accounts, while at the
same time then, go through years of my writing to
sadistically destroy more. They figure they have
something in our Courts to support their treason of
assisting in mass murder against America by Zionist
theives who steal the title Jew, as in godly? while
shitskin posts hundreds daily pirating everyone's
threads with his EVIL hatred for God and Humanity, if
not even more from Israel) Not the Alex Jonesers way,
but the actual way logically understood as where the
problem resides. DNA, as is life, is multi-dimensional.
Where is this
"Christ" that CBC, CNN, GCN, and RBN harp on
that speaks nothing for real Justice to the victims
of 911, or Iraq, or Afghanistan? Or the children of
South Osettia? Alex is near fit, but he is far from
sufficiant. Jack Blood was great, but Alex we guess
doesn't want him looking like he Rulez like US
too though. RBN has it's moments, yes, I guess that's
true.. Things do seem to be improving, what with
all the torturers and rapists wanting to come home
as brain damaged Zombie police officers. They don't
want the laws of freedom though, too complicated.
They'd rather hunt down our families from the
sky with bombs actually.. fuk, I hate EVERYONE
in America's Air Force, every last evil fuk. They
watch these videos and celebrate their complete
indiscriminate murderings that get killed so many
GIs - they celebrate the slaughter of our innocent
Humanity . George Noory will kill your American kids,
have no doubt, for, he already has.
CBC and CNN only smile to tell you all the great
things they do by denying OUR Humanity these truths.
America is a cowardly evil nation desperate
for excuses as still being run under by zionist
Israeli Settlers call Ethiopian Jews "Niggers"
This isn't isolated. The Jews of Ethiopia, are
the actual Jews of the Bible. These monstrosities
that God knows as Israeli, are Satanic enemies
of Man. They steal our homes, rape or torture our
INNOCENT families, and bomb Jews as the did in
Lebanon TARGETED as an OFFICIAL function of their
evil "government". They actually, a few years ago,
gathered all the darker skinned toddlers, and
murdered them as an OFFICIAL government of
SATANIC action. More than 100,000 "Nigger" toddlers,
Jews, they murdered with radiation poisonings.
Officially. Now, Americans GIVE them money to bomb
innocent Christian families indiscriminately guilty
of nothing. They steal their desperately needed
food and medicine. They are thieves of the most
vile evil natures. Example: the Zionist who
STOLE 50 billion dollars from American Jews will
not be ordered to give back the money! Sure, they
tell you that SOME of the suckered Jews, will get
a small portion of their investment returned, but
only through the wages of American citizens, NOT
by the Zionist THIEF, T-H-I-E-F, who you are told
OFFICIALLY "lost" the money. (will he even spend
a day in jail?) He lost it, ah shucks, just like
the trillions "lost" to criminal trillioniare
speculators. And like the banksters, who never
covered a dime of the money for the fraudulent
loans, but get to STEAL your homes, and now wish
to charge US a renter, for a home Americans,
the illiterate suckers, actually paid for, and
will continue to until they speak above the
laughter of a George Noory, or con man Bill
O'Really, the true demon enemy. Or will instead?
cowardly, will go like Alex Jones, naw, George
Noory is a good guy, a happy guy, sure he speaks
of the enjoyment in slaughtering defenseless
innocent children, so what?, he's pleasantly
happy to state all is well going ballistic
against soldiers who refuse criminal orders
from the Zionist neocon. Not a fuking dime!!
Understand, this isn't just a, let's get the info
out for People to know as Alex Jones sells to
near overdose.. (we are mere mortals who work nine
to nine Alex The Great.) CBC managers, all of
them, have known since shortly after 911, that
Bush and Cheney closed FBI investigations, they
know that iron is on video flowing like water
from the towers, THEY KNOW THIS because I
personally told them. Yet, they smile as demon
liars to die our teen soldiers CONNED
deliberately. We need some serious police
action in arrests of treason against all news
celebs, who of course will get lawyers, (what
they deny in happy silence to not mention
against American torture victims) but will
be shown conviction for their real contempt
for the value of YOUR life my friend, our lives
they watch indiscriminately die for lies they sell
happily for stolen cash profits.
Dead Babies Can Take Care of Themselves
/ / The FDA may not know a safe level but I damn
sure do, that level is zero! We are not talking
about fines or losing high paying positions here
but about jail door slamming hard time. To knowingly
import products harmful to the weakest members of
the American public is a crime against humanity. \ \
But will Americans of America, even lift their
phones against happy George Noory, CNN, and all
that sees fit, to sit idly silently dying US
victim in their corporate extravaganzas? I hear
the magic money bag guys are in running the show
from our central banking offices, in as a debasing
culture of indifference to their own cowardly
sacrifice. That's if we believe what we know of
the fictions they sell ourselves. Georgia, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and so on.. they lie to our world
for criminal gains, gains they've seen near to
overtaking them. Demand the arrest of Bush and
Cheney for closing criminal investigations on
911 immediately after the crimes occurred. Then,
without evidence, falsely accused an innocent
man of the crime. A crime they knew enough of,
to plan before hand the invasion of Afghanistan
for Enron. Speak now, or, suffer to die in
tyranny you nation of fascist cowards.. your move.
Your baby.
New Bin Laden Tape Interview - He's Alive!!
/ / There actually is a guy who does the video
editing at Al Jazeera called Barry. Coincidence?
I think not. \ \
Man, the truth of this is shocking when the whole
story is put together as run by real madmen. No..
I mean like, loony tune kooks who's weakness of
position is astronomical in it's, "we" sure are
dummies trying to con someone ignorant quotient.
I mean, who really buys these demon liars in
Guantanamo who torture our innocent friends and
families? Who? McCainiac does, yes, as too
do the bushite few, and funny bad man Mr. Bill
"he'll kill'ya" O'Really, but what of the other
99.9 percent of Humanity, who love Freedom, who
see right through these enemy charauders of
tyranny for the the zionist war crime State
committed to escaping those responsible for 911?
My video removed for no reason
Does this Work if The Judge is a Criminal?
/ / The Justice Department has evaded a request
from President-elect Barack Obama's transition team
for documents about the secret programs of U.S.
intelligence agencies. \ \ Torturing innocent People
to death as guilty of nothing, or escaping bushite
rapists who target American women in Uniform,
while pushing heroin to enslave American teens for
zionist grave robbers. Not in Johnny's America I'll
tell you that right now.
It actually doesn't work that way though..
Justice is man.
NASDAQ chairman Bernard L. Madof STEALS 50 BILLION ! !! !!!!!!!
/ / CNBC's Davif Faber reports on the $50 billion
Ponzi scheme run bu ex-NASDAQ chairman Bernard L. Madoff. \ \
A Zionist STEALING from Innocent Jewish Peoples targeted
SPECIFICALLY. Somethings never change... Do you have
any ideas on the fact, that a great many Zionists
have been arrested over the decades for putting Nazi
Swastikas on their own grave stones? Also, did you
know an estimated more than 20 million Russians died
to defeat madman Hitler? Who's banker was Zionist George
W. Bush's grandfather? Do you know this yet?? Well,
now we know we know, to be King I am here your servant.
Just don't therefore figure I'm going to wash your
feet now. Be American.
/ / New rules published in the Federal Register
would allow certain civilians to call American
soldiers into action inside the U.S. to prevent
environmental damage \ \
This is why it is outlawed by the American
Constitution(s). Demon thieves must not be allowed
to command mindless grunts who shoot people
randomly for fun. As AEGIS and Blackwater,
KBR enslavement camps along with Campbell’s Soup,
is in part, their acceptable Business partners,
warring Humanity as US innocent for stolen profits
with poison. Teen grunts are admittingly from any
you honestly ask, portrayed ignorant low life
failures, drop out bushite vermins who want to in
turn, victimize the innocent as they accept America,
as them, must tyranny as cowards for traitor war
criminals. Criminals like them in Afghanistan, who
openly defend poppy fields to imprison American
citizens say nothing on their trailer trashcan
talk, internet forays for blatant complete
disregard for suffering Mankind. These grunts of
far off military dictator shipping nations, that
the TV neocon wants patrolling our Americans
streets, don't instead fight proud for our
honorable Police Service successes - of whom play
our Freedom game for the law books sighted as rights
heretowin. A force that claims they are lawlessly
un-accountable, is a force of evil against our
great lands. Friends, they hide nowhere in
darkness, ready to be exposed for Public
questioning. Soldiers were caught dressed as
al-Qaida, murdering police officers, and when
they were in jail, awaiting trial, the bushite
grunters, broke them out!! With "American" Tanks
commanded by a Saudi in some likelihood. (Buford
'where's the billions?' Blount is a Saudi
military commander, who in his off time, also
commands, the Third Infantry!) Posse Comitatus
will be a good thing to impose as standing
Law..?. You're the American Patriot Soldier.
Need help? Well, I could be your make believe
King for the time being.. by just simply,
forwarding these life and death concerns as our
own. We have some rights here Soldier to have
Justice prevail as our benefaction. The bushmob
did 911. Your call.. Don't be dumb now.
Your call..
Lawless enemy world of enslavement though
naked ungodly tyranny?, or American Liberty as
Justice believed for the victims of Guantanamo?
False capital accusers who take our concern awry
are our problem in fair Governance here, when we
understand this, we will have conquered the
world as the new orders. No evidence, person
innocent. Torture? fuk you and die then. These
be the glorious tales we tell of times ago, where
men were men, and war criminal zionist nazis were
hunted down to defend Life ourselves. When a
bushite enemy of America dies, it's a glorious
moment for all innocent Peoples defended from
it's lawless terrorism. They are traitors who war
for the escape of the neocons responsible for 911.
Cowardly traitors who LIE to America to con
further more from the American victims.
Neocon Enemies of the Jew do not Care for Truth
ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report
But Neocon enemies of the Jew do not care for Truth.
They lie as enemies to God, on hopes to murder Jews
like they did in Lebanon with millions of land mines.
What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes against
Life? Cheating Liars for Satan God tells YOU.
The Bible "I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of
Look, these enemies of Life steal INNOCENT PEOPLES
HOMES as thieves of The King of Jew's simple philosophy.
The CNN political team chooses the videos, not YOU.
Christ Asks The Peoples All
Obama! Your going to need to demand public questions
of Judge Manuel Banales for co-fusion. This near
illiterate Judge of America is judging Your values as
pro criminal buddy. Cheney is a real demon for closing
911 investigations immediately after the mass murder in
New York City happened. Why is he not arrested,
awaiting public trial Christ asks The Peoples All?
Prosecutor removed from Cheney case
"Banales' order not to present cases to the grand jury"
DO NOT let a Grand Jury decide the facts present?
Ordered the American People's Prosecutor to stop
defending freely with our facts as outlaid
for all to see under our laws guaranteed
Constitutionally? His actual job description?
Can a lawless bushite Judge grunter, do that in dare,
as our 'just is' system? "No Separations of Power any
longer in Nazi America?", asks the standing laws brought
through since the very beginning with America in
company of all? does the Supreme Grunt Judger Mattis,
(proud women and child killer at wedding parties that
he still calls us as "al-Qeada") trump forever the
Peoples as the criminal benefactor? America dies victim
for these 'Judges' who are openly, blatantly, criminals.
Some, like Mattis, actual war criminals into killing
kids. After ordering grunts to make sure all the women
were dead along with the toddlers, Mattis spread out
things like, Pantano's bin Laden DVDS, and other such
nonsense, to get more American teens DEAD for the
fictions of the traitor NEOCON. He was caught red
handed with the blood of our children Mr. Goldman.
"Judge" Mattis is now one promotion from the Supreme
Court, a 1 star 2 star 5 star General, who as good
as anyone knows: has never been to law school, and
can barely read, let alone WRITE. But he'll give it
a try anyway though. Mattis judged that soldiers
under his charge will never be found guilty when
they openly confess to targeting innocent Peoples
for indiscriminate murder, as so criminally ordered.
John or no.. Mattis is the target of every real
American Patriot Soldier Now. Criminal orders are
those of the nazi zionist ENEMY of Freedom! (oh)
No? you'd rather have lawless mercenaries policing
for the running frum yur lawh rapists and thieves?
in blind faith they'll get-er-dumb by destroying
everything Americana? Do you have any idea how truly
wicked evil "popular" dummy Palin, The Zionist
American, is actually my poorer 'friends' of Liberty?
Alex Jones followers know only all politicians are
puppets, but that, McCain isn't bad to vote for though..
Why do you forsake me, your wise great King? - your
took by crooks falling in thievery by silence for us
deafening. Enough. We Need Real Leadership.
World calls on bringing Israeli [ZIONIST/NAZI] leaders to Courts of
McCainiac "We got to have our head examined!"
The bushmob doctored the NIE on Iraq to con
America for death.
NWO Bailout Truth
"It's not going to make this dead horse get up and walk!"
We are not alone my friends..
Give Free to Banker.. Loan Back Maybe? Paleeze..
Why We Do the Things We Do
Sales pitch: Mankind takes on the world as One
with the calculators. Civilization DID happen!
Correct math scores are not impossible to find as
an answer to: why we do the things we do. Americans
gave private interest bankers trillions on only
Hopes that these, the most obscenely wealthy of all
the upper classes, are going to graciously lend
some of our own money, (we just gave them,) back
to us... in dire need. at interest! It's for our
benefit baby, don't you cry. This is just plain
dumber than rocks Johnny Wizard says okay. And
simply going to a gold standard is not the easy
made NWO answer, it is accounting for ourselves
that is going without questions. The private
banker is highjacking our public authority for
their private interest of exploitation.
No private business should have a right
over all persons to take portions of public
currency which ever way 'they' seem fit for
profit BETWEEN our exchanges. A fair government
sales tax okay, but not a private banker tax for
the simple natural right to barter, buy or sell.
[international exchange ratings require special
attentions here though - gotta be vigilant in
protection of unknowns, cause con artists can be
hidden openly in genius. The J. P. Morgans of this
world are idiots too, yeah, but also of a crafty
folk with defenses of number games manifested over
long centuries of battle. The battle for a free
mind to consider things in reflection. It's about
ideas on Christ actually. "In God We Trust."]
Our governments are not holding Private Bankers
to some kind of public authority to question who's
interests are being devalued here. This is why
the thing has been messed around for so long, We,
the People, have been too foggy on super basic
math skills as pronounced by, truly effective
Jewish leadership. "The Private Banker DOES NOT
cover our loans, we do." Read that again now.
And acknowledging, we, as conscious, can succumb
to suggestion without knowing what we are even
saying sometimes really. Everyone wants to play
the lead, but few are wanting guitar practices.
It get's easier as you try..
Answers: we need a tax on every buy and sell to
limit speculation in the stock markets as it was
prior, while openly discussing how the
investigations are going, in returning the 700
mill that was given through for another means by
Congress. For the private bankers to take that
money elsewhere, is to neglect the problem
persisting of home owners, and that mortgage
issue they forgot US about. Why Americans
desperately, at peril, gave the money to begin at.
Look, while arrests are transpiring, we'll then
discuss using the re-cooped stolen money to finance
all remaining mortgages on family homes at zero
interest levels, upto, let's say for now: $500,000.
It's an idea I'm putting out there to dialog on
with you guys and Obama. Obama!! How's it going!!
Hey man, we can work it out.. You don't seem like an
impossible person to reach. Hey, make life interesting
in ushering in a new peace plan by communicating. Now
I know your all pals with everyone as government, as
that is what a successful politician can do sometimes
good, sometimes criminal. Obama, we can't let these
con men go. These have been times of lawless wars
against God as indiscriminate bombings, of torture,
of slavery, of heroin pushing, of national looting of
a Peoples Treasures. How much is too much for you my
poorer brothers and sisters of the faith? Obama, let's
believe in ourselves. These bankers are stuck crooks
for no faulty but our own. It's still our money however.
King Johnny Earth, White House Jester. !
Our dreams have come true... Boo!
'Pentagon Admits Propaganda With American PR as Con for Criminals'
Yeah but demon enemy of America, Ian Punnet states
to die for the noecon is to die a war hero on his programming..
So who are you going to believe? Those who rape American
women as lawless enemies of God, who war with zionists against
Justice winning the Freedom of American murder victims?
or the stupidest kid he knows, demon evil enemy Ian Punnet,
who is never going to allow open line communications on
who's rights are being denied here?
CIA helped shoot down 15 planes in 'drug war,' often without warning
Randomly murdering civilian pilots for fun. What evidence
does a bushite give freely, but the contempt for Freedom
in our stolen places? They push heroin and cocaine into
Americans, and the People make little effort to demand
Justice for themselves broadcasted contemptible. Example:
how do these zionist TV corporate liars sell to ALL OF US,
that Americans DEMONICALLY lie about Russia defending
South Ossetia from the Nazi war criminal Saakashvili
forces, who first strike attacked peace keepers, hospitals,
children's schools, Churches, to then grenade dwellings
of where US Humans lived. Georgia is being run under by
a ungodly zionist nazi bush bitch liar name Saakashvili,
(Cheney's Bum Buddy) who needs to be immediately arrested
for first degree acts of mass murder.
Look at what Google Groups did to this account:
Hey? How come the Queen of Sheba took the minority
position in Canada's so once labeled, "democracy"?
eh? For you Brits that means luv yah! Now, I guess
since the Queen is here as Supreme Emancipator;
what are we going to do together further united
about this Peter Powers public terror trial at the
Queen's Court starting up? We are in reach of
consulting for the Queen's favor.. Peter Powers had
"terror drills" at the same time and same location
as where the explosions took place in London that
murdered many people. Netanyahu told people there,
while on sabbatical or somethingsuchidontknow the
main thing is, Netanyahu told US, on the scene, he
KNEW where the bombs were going to go off, along
with dragging Giuliannie, pulled to his side as he
spoke carefree about his inside secret connections.
so they avoided the blasts.. together... wheeewh..
that was a close one for them, dead people for US
aei? Aiiyuhhh. Anyway, we need the Nations of the
Common Wealth to support my call for the formal
arrest of Peter Powers the Terrorist immediately,
seeing there is, near Norway, a reason he could
rationally explain ourselves astray as some serious
terrorists gaming their get away, but that is it.
If they're gay, that's okay. It's the bombs we
gotta concerns ourselves about.
Time freeer Queen sided in minority though.. If we
appose such action then, would it then make her
go correctly forward now in the names of all to
pronounce such breath Royal?. I'm just teasing.
Tea. I would have tea with the Queen if she
asked me.
'Arrest not Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
'Arrest Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
'Arrest not Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
imeanyouwanttobecorrectright? Look, I'll talk with
anyone on this current problem of communicating
our needs in knowing we already. Start today,
going tomorrow. Pretty soon, the questions will
reach out to something of less as stressful. Like
who do I think I am. But for now, YOU are it. So
get on your phone for your brothers at home in
Iraq, Afghanistan, South Ossetia and Soul, and
reach a concern for those who fall victim to our
inability to state law and order as a force for
Justice in the common good. Justice needs to be
shown in kind for all, far and wide to obtain
personal freedom at home inside the Great
Living Universe of wonder, we reside. A person
is innocent until proven otherwise. Free the
slaves! Free the Slaves!
Good Guy Alex Jones: "I will fight these people"
Good guy Alex went on again what the wise
Conservatives like him think [ - Not pro lawless
state? Alex advanced shooting Americans found
in your backyards frantically believing there
is some copper worth something there, or for
Texans murdering Texans who pose zero threat to
anyone breathing - as CHEERED for the actual first
degree murderer to be set free to continue living
on our Texas streets – never mind the included
facts that the same State executes Americans who
have proven in Texas Courts to have held no intent
to harm anyone, but regardless, they murder
themselves there without much of a peep from the
'Freedom for Illiterate Gun Owners' State prison
system. As George Noory's, happy happy, who gives
a care for them crucified openly through mass
murdering by neocon LIARS, praise Jesus we're
just great craze.
On minutes of considerations for Simpson: Simpson
couldn't phone the police because the Goldman
family are sanctioned to steal his properties.
The murderer's gloves don't fit Simpson's large
hands, he was rightly acquitted due to someone
for sure framing him. Now the Court who found him
innocent, is siding with a fraud that found him
FALSELY guilty. You can see Simpson's dilemma.
Now, I know, the bronco looks not impossibly bad..
but, what about the gloves Mr. Goldman? How did
you resolve that FACT in your bogus civil case?
You certainly don't want the guilty party to
escape red handed?? do you? (ask America for me
to take on the case i know little of how about
- for murderers are my specialty?) Simpson
asked a person at the entrance door if he brought
a gun, a person whom he believed had a license
to carry a concealed weapon. Obviously, not a
seriously planned out armed robbery to recover
his STOLEN property therefore. Nobody died.
33 years? While the fool who actually brandished
the weapon, on his own volition is not going for
as much as 33 days, with book deals in the works
in all likelihood. And the THIEF gets to keep
Simpson's stolen stuff! Why not now, leastly
charge him for possession to get to the bottom
we say for our sakes?] And what ALL the rest of
US as idiot Liberals think. Now, what about
You? Are you either or whatever, the global new
world orderers states you are? We are more than
what Alex scores as exact statement of HIS self
delusions. Justice is what WE want Alex. Freedom
is Justice. Alex is near just like the guys who
poison our water with sodium fluoride. You tell
him, look there is video of iron flowing like
water prior to the collapse of the towers, and
like the newspapers, he'll silently say to prop
"himself", let them all swim in doubts further
without the certainty such conclusive scientific
evidence provides, I don't want to look like a
fool with something to learn for not mentioning
it before. Iron flowing like water! After all,
Alex Jones rules the Ocean of Truth warring the
New World Order, and Johnny, the wise Communicator
of the Eternal Universe is not worth listening
for,as the Wow Man to look US as serious dumdums.
Understand: it is only the will of Alex and
George Noory who forbid US open dialog. Not me. I
am perfectly prepared to defeat criminals with
good intentions, without any censorship on good
guy Alex's personal insecurities, or George Noory's
blatant treasons of unprecedented evil wickedness.
Those who have ears CAN hear. (Ian Punnet, 'the
stupidest kid he knows', is an atheist who had
been going to Seminary school for something near
decades, and is closer to 60 than 20ish in age.)
If I am found in error I celebrate my new found
understanding. With Alex, he's terrified that
Justice will prevail with wiser minds capable of
explaining the true vastness of his near zero
concepts of real Freedom Universal, of "socialized
medicine", what probable cause is, why a person
accused of a criminal offense without evidence
is innocent, and that Hammurabi lawed that false
capital accusers should be executed as clear
enemies of Justice ourselves. Hammurabi founded
Civilization, and the Law was his very first - as
recorded on a gigantic immovable Rock in Iraq.
Foolishly scammed Alex's, best most loved in America
George Noory, blames bin Laden publicly in his
presence, and Alex totally whores America out to
be whipping boy for Georgie's openly sadistic
ungodly pleasures. It is in Alex's Jones Name that
Hammurabi lawed as such. Alex will blame people like
Gary Hart, but not Bush or Condi, he'll blame People
like Awesome Chomsky, but not Israeli Zionists for
openly robbing, or killing innocent Christians AND
JEWS in broad daylight as, champions of the American
taxed Worker's cause. See? same thing again like
with our water.. instead of America going, we've
found some new insights on the screams of defending
ourselves the innocent, or, let's hear what this
Palestinian Christian has to say already in open
debate we wish to defend our arguments for the
betterment of all - it's a win win if I lose, Johnny
is of God like me too equally, instead, America'll
let US all go nowhere because we knew all along
this would happen with America getting us to war
ourselves blindly targeting in fear of shadow
Peoples. Again, Alex Jones states George Noory,
the enemy, is anything else but. Americans TRULY
die for George Noory's sadistic pleasures in hating
Justice winning the rights to defend a falling
American soldier. George Noory has stated directly
to Alex his treasonous intentions to go ballistic
against any American GI who refused a criminal
order of the un-elected neocons, and truly good
man Alex only spewed, yes sir silently. Fuck ego,
FACTS. I love Alex Jones. This is more than about
Alex's challenge against himself being truly a
great man, though deaf dumb and blind sometimes.
It's fact, he doesn't know much of everything
like everyone else including myself Supreme Genius
of Geniuses. I am an idiot too, often.. However:
Closing 911 investigations immediately after the
crime happened is a serious high crime of treason.
But Alex doesn't want to look America as cowardly
as Americans dying forsaken are. A fact is a fact.
Bush, Cheney, Condi and Rumsfeld are in need of
arresting for their contempt for the Living rights
of America.
This is the New World Order where Justice
prevails, that Alex is in blind fear for his
ego as. Look nieve with things to learn and
save the Great America? Or be someone else's
label, "Liberal" or "Conservative". On General
terms, Conservatives are more likely to be
dumb and or criminal because "everything" is
either one way or the other with you falsely.
While the term "Liberals", doesn't mean much
of anything as a cover of all of everything
else infinite, which includes Us, The People.
EvErYboDy. Enter Johnny Wizard.
Approve the Rule of Christ
Do you really believe these satanic evil
demon nazi fuks, who STEAL Christian Homes
at gun point, these demons who, with pride,
dropped seven million land mines in Lebanon
have a love for God's Chosen? They seeked out
where the Jews of northern Lebanon lived, and
MURDERED them. They openly admit to having
thousands in prison without charges to abuse
with torture, they shoot Peoples indiscriminately
telling US that's how evil they are to argue
it's Your fault though. These enemies of Humanity
would have their offspring to write things on bombs
like, 'die Jew die - from your friends of Israel'.
They, today, lie to God and Man that we believe
in nuking populations without facts to back
up their routine false allegations. While German
intelligence claims factually, this evil nation of
Israeli were knowingly directly complicit in the
crimes of 911, yet this who claim greater rights than
all man, don't feel these facts are worth mentioning.
It is only as thieves to God's good will they
are robbing US our privileges of Liberty through equal
standings under the rules of Christ. Don't do to
others what you wouldn't want done to yourself.
Do you want your home stolen, to be then forced at
gun point to live in a concentration camp? They are
a godless nation run of greedy evil Pirates who's
provable intent is criminal.
Americans have to go all the way to Russia
to get thoughts of popularly elected American
Congressmen - not near ever present on American
TV's corporate News 'expert' commentator channels.
Reminder: CNN and CBC don't hide the fact that
they do near zero research on our life and death
sufferings - a war or two is going on?. People
being bombed irrationally.. Hey!, so what - they're
mostly multi-millionaires doing as little as
possible.. Corporate $uccess! who cares for them
Americans would say...
We need a King me thinks.
Kucinich sure is awesome though eh? Kucinich
is the biggest man of history, and I'm not in
anyway exaggerating that fact. I'm hoping we can
get as much advice from him on everything we can.
Look, Humanity does have hope, here's a story
from Cavuto, once into serving blindly for Satan,
now something nearing closer to Christendom.
Fox News Interview with a Real Rabbi Jew
It is all quite amazing, the way this all pans
out from actual Biblical prospectives eh? I'd bet
that Son of Man fellow has one incredible story to
tell all eh? eh?
The most important interview ever
Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both 'Inside Jobs'
America, bushite drones are the thoughtless
enemy of US as Innocent Peoples, that is of
Yourselves held in self contempt. Speak for
Justice Now, or forever lose your peace. Now,
noted, "Now" is truly forever, yes, but be
quick about it none the less. Times they are
a changing, and we don't have room anymore to
be silent on continuing censorships on our
greatest to not be so blatantly stupid. Soldiers
who serve to obey as war criminals, are war
criminals who shouldn't be serving. In defense
of America is of mottos all.. Agreed? Agreed.
No evidence bushite guilty of false arrest as
traitors to the good old red, white, and blue.
And everyone in America knows, you don't want
to be fuking with our reds, whites, and Blue.
"America is Good"
U.S Army Girls Raped! & More.Pt.1/3
Today Americans are taking personal credit for
all America has done right in the past four
hundred years, as better than US, encouraging
others in their nazi nation to not take personal
responsibility for crimes such as these committed
in our names. So they take credit in the names
of the good, while remaining silent against the
unelected bushmob war criminals who murder
countless Peoples of our Humanity with uniformed
American teens led to die sacrificed for criminal
gains. Example: 'we're bringing freedom by
indiscriminately bombing their country, stealing
all their money, torturing their innocent
families, all by robbing and raping ourselves.
but shhh... "America is Good". A person accused
of a criminal offence is innocent, defend bin
Laden the falsely accused as if he were
Yourselves to obtain the true culprits
responsible, but in Jackass Texas world,
they can't seem to get the falsely accused have
some rights greater than them here..
They is Us
Alex Jones "It's a fact. [..] The Plains Indians,
all of'em, which by the way I got quite a bid
of that blood in me as well, and I'm proud of it,
but THEY would constantly raid the neighbors,
they would constantly kill their neighbors,
that's what Humans do. And now we are being
usurped today. And they teach Americans this
guilt. it's very fashionable to hate what America
was because the Globalist, the Internationalist,
[CHRIST IS HERE] wants to destroy our way of life.
["our way of life" PAUSE - REFLECT constantly
killing ourselves a way of life? A Life of
Freedom or of premature death? Do Americans
not believe in arresting murderers, because it
might give US the guilty name of victim? is the
"Globalist" the rapists of KBR whom "Americans"
in political silence, refuse to take down today
for public trials as ungodly criminal?, like Bush
for the treasons of 911? or is "Globalists", the
censored American victims who aren't heard over
the happy George Noorys who only have credited
themselves personally with all the greatest minds
ever that they know better of, over the rest of
US as humanity being soared out losers over that
Justice is Freedom, "their" war against Life/terrorism
issue? George Noory takes sadistic pleasure when
he talks of going ballistic against soldiers who
refuse criminal orders, a true fascist, a true
enemy - and the Alex Jonesers, NWOers, can't/won't
hear/know/see this... [it's just US] yet! - that's
if they except they has things to learn about the
Human condition.] it's very fashionable to hate what
America was because the Globalist, the
YOU] wants to destroy our way of life." Before
Alex starts telling us all what the Global Elites
all think, because something he read THEY wrote
says so, he should maybe figure himself in a
little better firstly. We are dynamic. Alex Jones
did the News show on American women being left
forsaken! Criminal intent is the guideline we
want to point fingers for. Again, Alex Jones is
a good man, with a good heart, he's just kinda
like a blanket all false accuser lost in false
prospectives that aren't backed by the indivisible
rights we all truly share. Germans, Russians,
Canadians, and Iranians are US along with The Cree
alex. And dividing ourselves from Just Cause
because you personally fear many of your BLIND
concepts on ALL Our Public Health Care systems,
ALL Our Public Schooling systems, blahblahblah..
is incredibly easy to defeat publicly by me as
irrational idiotism. Look, Americans pay twice as
much, and get half the coverage compared to Canadians
in Health care overALL if you want to play this game.
Why? We don't have middle men who ARE NOT doctors
or nurses taking near all our investments for
nothing. (It's like the private banker scheme) KBR
does not NEED to be there if you had the mind
of a single American Forefather. Before KBR, the
military would be responsible for fuel transports
in a convoy, NOW, KBR takes near 70 percent of
the investment, while the military convoy has a
system that has only gained interference. The
convoy has to move with a fuel transport
regardless, so why lose out 70 percent of the
money to those basking in the high life of
Florida?, to an evil bastard of a company who
will even just move empty trucks back and forth
in a dangerous war zone for stolen cash profit?,
or take expensive computers paid for by America,
and just burn our investments in a bomb fire,
because "America" will pay even more without
questions demanded. Evil NWO Globalist George
Noory ain't taking our calls.. WE ARE TALKING
much of it criminal, while illiterate teen
soldiers proud of red, white, and blue are left
to go without Justice as God's Life does will.
That is "American" military "intelligence". Of
which Alex sells is genius top secretly. Bullshit.
Grunts are more stupid than evil, but they are
stupid guaranteed. That is the primary reason
the cowardly and evil are atracted to killing people
indiscriminately that they believe no God or
Man will hold them to account for. In fact, CNN
will even call them Heroes for not defending
American virtues, as upholding the Oathe they gave
to God and Country. Soldiers in America are suppose
to refuse criminal orders. The UN has declared the
actions of bushite in Iraq as those of real war
criminals. Traitors to the Cause of Christians,
Jews, Atheists, and Rastafarians. They murder US
indiscriminately to steal from ourselves. Like
Israeli does to Jews this world over.
You Conservatives, you Republicans, you Liberals,
you Socialists, we have to get out of this left
wing, right wing thing, because it's a place where
criminals reside, hidden from the blind. Besides,
it doesn't mean much of anything! Right wingers
are predominately populated by ignorant evil blind
people, who say 'things' are all one way. Example:
"Privatize Always", "Socialized medicine is bad"..
who want to advantage us of our savings, by in
voiced silence, include, the stealing of freedoms
by warring the Innocent in Afghanistan and Iraq
to escape Zionist war criminals through corporate
censorship, while the rest, is near everybody else..
denied Just cause, pro or con, good or bad. TRULY.
'Socialized medicine is bad' - do traffic lights
ease congestion, and prevent deaths or not Alex?
What are you talking about as a person who knows
really very little of squat in respect to how any
of these systems actually work? Idiots are everywhere
in YOUR "Genius" clubs... Believe me, I KNOW. WE are
flying lacsidaisically through the maelstrom of hell
laughing with enemy George Noory my friend, laughing,
while most Americans do not see little of any spare
time to care for their dying future. Stick to the
basics. Justice is want you want, it's what I want,
it's what they want. It's what everyone should be as
demanding on our TV and Radio Expert's r US broadcasts.
Instead, American TV hasn't warned American women of
the serious threat of contaminated baby formula.
Of Sodium Fluoride. Soldiers of Depleted Uranium,
of mercury tainted vaccines. Of the neocon treasonous
monsters whom they tell US, me and you, we find most
popular. Who ever voted for Rumsfeld?, Condi?,
Cheney? ... Bush? Again, Alex Jones is an idiot to
blame anyone but ourselves. Americans are cowards to
not simply lift their phones to publicly demand the
capture of the bad guys who did us all wrong by
killing America’s sons and daughters in a needless
conflict of barbarity unprecedented In Humanity’s
history. The Kilo and Bravo companies with Sattler
dropped nine two thousand pound bombs on a tiny city
of three hundred thousand People, then went house to
house, murdering every man, women and child present
there. People the grunts said Americans were there in
OUR names to help. They bomb wedding parties. Grunts
push heroin into Americans, and DON’T even write a
sentence of concern for this fact, TOO COWARDLY, or
just plain nazi evil. Not near barely a single word
do they utter, but for to praise Satan on how easy
America excepts them as war criminal enemies pirating
the cause of Justice as Liberty for all. ALL. Your no
better than US american.
USA is criminal gang leading World to Nuclear war part2
So, does this prove to you I am the True Son of Man
as Neocon hunter extraordinaire? - err.. or, in
blind faith you wish to destroy the souls of those who
refuse the documented facts in cowardly sacrifice
for zionist evil - who cowardly are looking for any
excuse to continue not standing as real men would?
Do you take US for some fool perchance?
Again, all bushite wives should consider ending their
nazi bushite 'relationship', and find a real man like
me who wouldn't bomb women and children leaving
a Church, while boasting 'deh kilt der terroreists' for
neocon liars who are trying to escape the crimes of
mass murder in America as ungodly enemies of
How come Google let's the zionist enemy of Life
"Shitskin Moslem" pirate all our groups each day;
while deleting now more that 20,000 references of
US, The People writing in response to my written
great works? Understand: Google at youtube have
banned all references of Obama as they did with
those who argued Obama is an uncle tom for killing
American Black teens in Afghanistan/Iraq for the PROVEN
liar neocon. How many hits did the vid have in one
day? More than 300,000... And at Google's 'movers
and shakers' it was no where to be found in TEN FULL
PAGES. What does this mean? Google, diliberately,
has acted in promoting the criminal escape of terrorists
who murdered thousands on 911 in New York City. While
promoting the worst of racist nazi trash, to have US
believe we don't believe truly in ourselves. Now, since
we've gathered this evidence among much more, they
have suggested it never was a measurement of
our popular beliefs, so today, they have in the top most
populars, advertizing.. Believe. Google will assist
murdering Christian families for the monetary gains of
the criminal neocon. They block totals to top interest
vids from Loosechange for example, attempting to fear
Americans into believing they are all alone in a concern
that the neocon is trying to escape the crimes of mass
murder against America.
Neocons of America - the Jew is Coming for You
“We could not risk an operation which would
only partially succeed," one defense official
told The Times. "That would leave us open to
a nuclear attack from Iran’s remaining weapons
This is why Johnny timelessly begs all peoples of
every religion to war the Satanic enemy of Life,
the Zionist demon liars. This demon nazi official
of the stolen land of thieves Israel, can state
such horrendously evil statements backed by ZERO
fact against God as Life, and CNN, CBC, and PBS
only smiles with George Norry the enemy over the
prospect of sadistically murdering countless more
Innocent Peoples. Remember: nazi Israeli cheer in
their godless racist nazi military towns when they
murdered countless Jews AS TARGETED in Northern
Lebanon. They seeked out where the Jews lived,
and MURDERED them. Nazi Israeli openly wants to
nuke Our Earth, and drop millions upon millions
of land mines as TRUE enemies of Creation with
their evil demonic deeds, to tell US with foxnews
they're saving ourselves hardship and suffering.
Condi and those of the Pentagon sent the satanists
of Israel seven million land mines that they
dropped on 170 towns and villages in Lebanon,
after an end to the conflict Israel started was
imminent. Land mines that murder only innocent
people as mostly children for her continuing rich
pleasures. I want Condi arrested today, tried,
and executed publicly by America for these serious
capital offences, along with every "popular" neocon
in the Press of America who LIES of this story. Any
american to argue otherwise with censorship of our
easy to hear voices, the FACTS, is not Human. Also,
any politician who exercises America's right to send
Nazi Israel another dime in welfare for thieves who
openly steal OUR homes, or more land mines, will also
be tried an anti-Semitic war criminal enemy of Humanity
my friend, as charged for treason against Christ, the
King of Earth. Understand: Poor Jews in Israel live
in garbage dumps to find a charitable bite to eat
- Why? because the Zionist nation that collects
the funds crying about poor Jews of Israel who live
in garbage dumps, uses our good will monies for
other more important private matters - as so
reported in Israel newspapers. 'Proudly', the
Zionist enemy of God with tell you, 'for isn't that
what dying Jews of the Bibles do?' God, we are serious.
Please, lazy doped down American, raise your phone
to call for some one to care for a poor few like we.
Why does President Bush keep lying, even now,
about Saddam Hussein's 'refusal' to let weapons
inspectors in?
It's a way where an Alex Jones can run cover
for him with CNN, so if/when the war crimes trials
start, he'll say: Alex didn't know.. Understand
though, Mr. Bush, Rumsfeld, and Ariel Sharon
had worked through the Secret Service to falsely
imprison me, to silence my voice on their ungodly
lying as the highest of treasons. Didn't go
though, (one too many honorable cops, Judges,
attorneys, and street thugs) despite Alex LYING
to America that I couldn't be true, therefore,
in his mind, without evidence I offered, I was
secretly in with the NWO as a dis-info specialist.
More true than Bush or Alex knew eh? (Again,
I say Alex is still mmosttlly a good guy..)
For I know, the Truth smarts the
inflated bigot egos to just about everybody living
or dead it seems. Remember though, Alex, in one of
his rages against the order to things this week,
told US he wants to actually shoot dead all Americans
who steal copper from air conditioners, [note: neocon
war criminals like Bush or Rumsfeld, Condi, and
the rest of the repugs, he's not at all
concerned to near ever mention, but to say, 'look
away! look away! the unlawful perpetrators of
treason against everyone are only staged puppets!'
Signing YOUR life away! Those who actually commit
open treason against America he doesn't have much
ever to say, or will allow others either, while
blaming the lack of guns everywhere but in shithole
Texas for America's woes. In Texas, a monster
gunned down two men in the back who were no threat
to anyone, and Alex, cowardly, only cheered for the
murderer to be set free by the chief of police.
See? In Texas where they fully mess themselves
routinely, that TRULY warrants the death sentence,
"Law of Parties". I personally don't believe Alex
Jones has the good judgment to own a gun.
Alex Jones "I don't make anything up."
Just don't get him to tell you what ALL
"Genius" Elites, or Mexicans think.. because
hay!, he read it in their own reports, reports
that contain no doubt on his interpretations.
Understand: not once has he told you of the
report to blame bin Laden for nine eleven
without evidence to secure invasion of
Afghanistan for Enron, dated two days prior
to the actual event taking place, originating
from Condi's office. As reported by MSNBC.
But I don't forget I am god and man, and Alex
Jones' heart is most definitely in the right
place, he just has an extremely difficult time
dealing with criticism on his true idiocy. See,
if I've taken a lacking position in judgment as
in older times, I celebrate my new improvement in
understanding. Doesn't hurt my unbound ego, as
frankly, I couldn't care less if 99.9 percent of
corporated American product didn't like me as the
true Christ, the Son of Man as wiser than they could
possibly imagine, fuk'em all as evil nazis I say.
Amerikans do not own freedom, (despite their constant
thieving of Our Humanity's) or eternal life's true
Love for US, The People.
I also consider that if Alex's ego wasn't so arrogant
as a knower of everything under the Son, (like for
economics, public education, health care, Justice,
and God) I don't know if he would have been as
successful encouraging illiterate males in America
to attempt being men. Real men. So, again, Alex Jones,
is an idiot.
God has a Son.
I was born the Son to God as law giver here
to do a job for the Living Universe nobody else
here on Earth is unfortunately [YET!]
qualified for. Does that make you cry in chauvinistic
outrage because you can't ACTUALLY disagree with a
single factual statement I make like Americans in fear
cower dying for slavery? Americans have given TRILLIONS
of their hard earned monies to obscenely wealthy
private bankers on only hopes and prayers their
‘magical’ gods might lend a little some back at
huge interest – and they can’t be barely bothered
to complain about how easily they give themselves
to die as conned to bad men with criminal intent.
However, I am still seriously in need of
assistance, for I can not do this alone, without
help in the form of a, basic needs, cash infusion.
Understand: I am doing this work of our world
without a paycheck, [Sideline: The Winnipeg Free
Press with CJOB would rather die homeless people
on the streets in 20 below zero weather, than
offer welfare to people desperate for lodging -
and like YOUR city, the newspaper rules our
victimized stolen investments for more millions
they actually steal as REAL CRIMINALS] unlike the
multi-millionaires at CNN and Foxnews who can't
seem to do even the most rudimentary research on
any subject involving the real sacrifices of
America to war criminals, and private banker
thieves who allege YOU owe them for nothing until
the end of times. America! Leave those good for
nothing two timers who charge you an arm and a
leg, King Johnny loves you!
Love US back and we could later tell you how
interest free loans work for the benefit of
everyone, because that way, a trillioniare
doesn't take most all our investments for
nothing, and People find it a great deal easier
to pay off their mortgages. Or don't and give
your life away for nothing better in faith, so
you can blindly pretend your a wiser invester
with Obama's crew to screw you further. Obama,
who frankly is not nowhere near enlightened on
this issue, has brought on all those who do not
want change in the market forces of exploitation.
For the very same people who are responsible for
removing most of the laws for protection, he has
promised a publicly paid position in America to
continue unhampered. You'd think he could change
it up some,.. like, since these individuals have
billions themselves personally, they'd work for
free just for the chances of taking more from
the uneducated America victims enslaved for
giving more happily. George Noory is happy, so
why shouldn't you be too? Doesn't matter however,
for those real demons at Coast to Coast ain't
going to be taking our calls for real justice
without a fight. Remember: he told US he's into
killing innocent kids for the pleasure of sitting
on top of the suckers blaming his New World Orders.
He wills to go ballistic against soldiers who refuse
criminal orders. Ahhh.. he's comfortable killing
Yourselves with his contempt for God and America.
We all know what the deaf, dumb, and blind idiot
Alex Jones thinks about the great George Noory's
contempt for True Liberty, again, how about
You friend? Can you pass this post for someone else
to consider for themselves as important? Or, is
Johnny Genius, the Christ just too long winded for
anyone to pay respect for? Besides I challenge all
American men are cowardly to remain silent, and
by not supporting this fact, they can pretend they
are something they are not. Bushite wives! leave
your murdering nazi husbands and come live with
me, a real man! Iaa.. am going to need to get
US a larger place.. but we will make due with
what we have.. Yeah Way! I only have love for You.
Kiss you later sweets, take care. Holy Momma!
**URGENT** The Bailout In Under 1 Minute
/ / Shots fired from NATO helicopters killed over 200
sheep belonging to local shepherds. The sources
told reporters that NATO troops claim they were
targeting Taliban warriors... \ \
Bill the General who ordered this strike against
sheep by gunship to enrage Afghanistan. For a bushite
grunt of NATO coud not possibly escape he is a demonic
liar child killer, as enemy of God and Humanity.
Sure you say, they take fun in killing puppies, raping
women, using white phosphorus against a city's entire
population, and sell heroin to life imprison American
citizens to be called True Heroes by CNN and Foxnews,
so they took some more fun in killing sheep to starve
Afghans, so what? Fuck you zionist amerikcan nazi whores.
/ / Of course, what Israel wants is Gazan
Palestinian infant malnutrition and death:
otherwise, this turning back of humanitarian
aid for babies would be unthinkable. \ \
Not to the openly godless enemies of Human
Life. Zionists are the enemies of every
breathing Human Being. They target innocent
people for murder, like they did to Jews in
Lebanon, while telling US unchallenged
on CNN, CBC, and Foxnews, it's to war God
for terrorism. With George Noory's laughs of
how happy he is today, still dying freedom
in America with his blatant demonic treachery
of censoring OUR facts. Our screams for Justice.
Was The TRUTH too much for GCN? Jack Blood Axed from network
Look, Alex Jones will LIE he has been on with George Noory
50 times over five years. And that George Norry isn't openly
a traitor who deserves to be tried as such, and after an
easy guilty verdict, formally executed for supporting
killing Arab childrens for the escape of the neocon
terrorists. As such has said to Alex, Alex will never be
allowed to mention to America General Ahmad, as any person
or persons responsible for 911. Alex said/says nothing.
Look, George Noory told Alex he would go ballistic against
any soldier who refused a criminal order, and Alex STILL!
praises George as YOUR greatest love, while ruling OUR sea
of Truth, fighting at the pinnacle of HIS spear warring the
Order to Life. Alex Jones will LIE that Ron Paul didn't
willingly give away his votes through a PROVEN rigged
election for McCain as Republican Party leader, while
walking away with millions donated on hopes it would be
spent to fight for YOU as Justice willed. Look, Ron Paul
will tell you it's the Liberals, and the Socialists, the
elderly, the do gooders, and big (=relative) Government
that is responsible, not the Federal Reserve TRAITORS who
openly stole TWO TRILLION dollars - according to Ron Paul!,
who sits on the banking committees! (actually closer to
Eight trillion) Realize: Ron Paul will NOT blame THIEVING
FR officials who need to be immediately arrested as such,
(for misappropriating the 700 billion for example) and
demand an immediate return of the stolen monies to be
warranted through the FBI to recover our stolen loses. Ron
Paul blames the Iraq war on the Big UN, not on puny Bush for
doctoring the NIE, AND, Ron Paul, the dishonorable, refused
to support the arrest of Bush, or the neocons responsible
for 911 by supporting Kucinich’s call for impeachment.
Understand all you near truly fascist Libertarians,
Ron Paul refused to support the impeachment of
war criminal Bush, a war criminal never elected. Tell
a Libertarian that, and they'll likely say, "so."?.
"Men of anger, men of war...
Tell me what you are fighting for"
CNN don't want to take our questions, nor give
our answers as understood. General Ahmad funded
Atta. Bush personally worked to close criminal
investigations into 911 immediately after the
event took place, an event he was personally
warned about by German Intel. Saddam wasn't in
violation of 1441. They gave Saddam 48 hours, he
agreed to leave, so six hours in, started the
conflict with more than 36,000 indiscriminate
bombings. (Today, the neocon will LIE to say it's
true, but that Saddam secretly wanted to take
several billion with him was the reason robbing
America her word and Iraq of everything, including
the murdering of more that a million innocent
souls bombed by bushite traitors who except
criminal orders for the escape of the 911 culprits)
A criminal conflict started on the PROVEN false
accusations of wmd destructions, THEY CONNED TO
KILL AMERICA as known fraudulent. Nazi Pro Torture
Rumsfeld called it a Blitzkrieg!
Alex Jones is in with the CFR!
Did you hear Alex Jones tell Canada the NWO elites
are trying to get rid of (pro war criminal) Harper?
By throwing him out of office for refusing to run
the government while giving Canadian banks
100 billion to stave of... what? Canadian
banking IS NOT American banking. In Canada,
Our banks don't have to cover a single thin
dime on any of the billions in loans we take.
Theses bankers clear tens of billions each quarter,
in a nation one tenth the population size of
America. So giving these bankers a single public
dollar is more ungodly highway robbery no matter
which way you look at it without censorship,
accept for pro war crime Harper who's into
escaping the 911 culprits by imprisoning American
soldiers who refuse criminal orders, the CFR,
and Alex Jones that is.. See with Alex Jones
this is all TOO EASY. The elites are smarter
than everyone always, so.. they did it. Ask
Alex who is they, and he'll not tell you,
General Ahmad, he'll not tell you "Puppet"
Bush, "Puppet" Rumsfeld, "puppet" Cheney, or
"Puppet" repuglicon zionists. For all politicians
are puppets Alex will teach you to ignore
the science of cause and effect, like iron
flowing like water from the towers prior
to their collapse, and then call George Noory
anything but lying traitor for blamming bin
Laden yesterday, and not! tell right wing radio
hosts, they have no real truth to stand with.
Example: If the absolutionist [dumfuk] right
wingers say we need the government to impose
a police state to defend ourselves, Alex will
not tell them, that it is the FBI's official
position that General Ahmad funded Atta, and bin
Laden has next to nothing to do with mass murder
in America on 911. See? even though Alex Jones
is in cahoots with the CFR, I still say, let's
work with him to get these neocons on public
trial for mass murder on 911. A CFR'er to appose
US will lose.. in the public light of scrutiny,
see? Especially with me organizing prosecutions
with the laws on OUR books. Example: torture
IS already against the law, and warrants the
death sentence to save the lives of the innocent.
Alex Jones "You're in the same boat as us!"
/ / Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana
Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New
Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war \ \
It's called robbery in progress..
/ / KABUL (Reuters) - The U.S. general commanding
NATO forces in Afghanistan has ordered a merger of
the office that releases news with "Psy Ops," which
deals with propaganda, a move that goes against the
alliance's policy, three officials said. \ \ I ask
I order all officers of our laws to arrest David
McKiernan on site for treason. 911 was financed by
bushmobster Ahmad, and McKiernan with the bushmob
selling heroin in Canada to life term imprison
Americans for simple possession is really starting
to piss US all off..
[Hey but thank God!, these legal arguments I've
fully debriefed all of Humanity several years
prior! (Possession is nine-tenths of the law,
NINE-TENTHS!! fukcing dying idiots everywhere
Here God.. Man..?. Where are the men of the
twenty first century to call for true Liberty?
Not in dumbass TV America we can all as
Humanity for sure know.., what about talk
radio?)] All they do on Coast to Coast is thank
George Noory for selling out America for tyranny
- America is a cowardly evil nation desperate
for excuses as still being run under by zionist
90 Percent of U.S. Infant Formula May Be Contaminated
“Oops, We Meant $7 TRILLION!” What Hank and Ben Are Up to..
Conning Congress for Bad Intentions
New evidence: Ron Suskind is Right
/ / What was an Iraqi politician doing at CIA
headquarters just days before he distributed
a fake memo incriminating Saddam Hussein in 9/11? \ \
It was reported by the L.A. Times and many others,
this actual Israeli plan, of linking bin with Hussein,
was in place days before 911 went down, according to
German Intel. Alex Jones will not tell you this, because
hey, george noory is a good guy, and israel is just
another, nothing special culture of self centered
defilers of all God's Great Creation.
Again, Bush knew personally he was CONNING Congress
along with the rest of the American suckers, and
Alex Jones will never tell you that, because WE ALL
have to fit his fictions as powerless puppet people
never responsible for our actions, otherwise we'll
all loose our public showings like Jack Blood did,
stating the TRUTH is too controversial. Again, Alex
Jonesers will teach you to fear the NWO, but not your
one local newspaper for stealing your rights to be heard,
while availing themselves to steal our public utilities,
and as a consequence, of these REAL criminals stealing
our lives, need to continue CONNING our teens to die for
Zionist criminals like George Noory does every fukcing
day while chuckling his contempt for God's Silence.
Your silence.
Alex Jones "Intentions can be evil."
A Public Letter to America from King Johnny
Interview with www.afghanistanafterdemocracy.com - Radio Free America
http://www.mediafire.com/?yfnb5tyh3mz (back-up)
Wow! This was one powerful showing of our present
circumstances. Let us all speak for Obama to order US
in to formally arrest those responsible for 911,
including the war crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq,
Georgia and Lebanon too will not be impossible with
24 hour cop-o-rate news coverage following our
investigators around, to joyously receiving Justice
to the culprits who committed 911 with General Ahmad,
who doctored the NIE on Iraq, who gives BLINDLY
private bankers trillions on hopes that they might
loan a little some back at high interest, openly
conning congress to KILL AMERICA for stolen gains
through "LAWLESS" terrorism. Lawless terrorism of
the ungodly kind of a criminal mind.. Have no Fear!
We is Here!! ! The crimes of torture warrant the
death sentence in America for good reason. Evil
is dumb always to except the Bushmob shall leave
US unshackled to escape for Public trial of the
worst treasons.
Who's Jesus?
ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Now think American: Why do you suppose this is anything else
but treason involving the escape of the 911 terrorists?
Obstruction of Justice is seriously criminal. Understand:
CNN, CBC, and the BBC news producers know the neocon bushite
committed 911, [I've told them myself] but refuse open debate
through dialog to continue murdering ourselves. They are all
of Humanity's true enemies by forbidding the knowledge to
defend ourselves judicially.
Monkey Business
"2,700-year-old marijuana stash found"
A sacred hidden stash of Primo Primo, The sacred
"SEED" of Abraham has returned!? despite the wars
against life by the neocons. Fox News doesn't care
that the bushmob conned congress, as America's
Kids for dying as bad guy terrorist war criminals.
Escaping the Zionist Neocon traitors. Demon liars
my friend, followed by cowardly mute savages who
enjoy lawlessly abusing all others to steal from,
a McCainiac/Bushite has no true concern to defend
America from the 911 terrorists, or from bank
robberies, because they can't truly form their own
opinion, escapes them as push-around blind cowardly
ignorant foxnews fascists, who to make up for their
"hidden" shortcomings, advocate abusing the freedom of
others - like to pretend their honorable like George
Noory for dropping millions of land mines indiscriminately
through-out Jewish communities inside Northern Lebanon,
to TARGET KILL REAL JEWS for an Israeli like Palin or
funny bad man, Bill 'he'll kill'ya' Oh-Really. Have you
seen ANY of the American Air Force videos available where
these enemies of every life bomb ourselves
indiscriminately while chanting hail Satans, or
whatever sworn evil as barbaric, abusing
female soldiers, Iraqi and Afghanistan women and
children, expecting YOUR not American enough to
voice Humanity for Justice instead as freedom
yearned there desperately? Now, how do YOU feel about
pro-war-crime happy George Noory? You'd think he'd
only kill an innocent Arab Christian sure, proudly,
but not an American Christian for the Zionist Neocon
Demon Liars? Think so foolish brother?
(But I bet that stash could have been used for food, lodging,
fuel, clothing for next to nothing in overhead instead mabe.
The stuff grows like weeds..)
FDA Sets Melamine Standard For Baby Formula
No, instead, we arrest them for endangering American lives,
give'em twenty to life, or death sentences, and by doing so,
we will bring about a society where the zionist government
doesn't openly try to rob or murder our families for stolen
money. People of Earth: Did you know Americans poison their
own dairy supplies with BGH to kill themselves for monetary
gains stolen?
The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand
True Demon Enemy of God and Humanity George Noory "All is well."
The Demon enemy refuses American Patriots a voice for Justice
because he told US he's into killing kids. No Justice for 911
in America cause George Noory, the Traitor, is into killing
innocent children. Loosechange has never been allowed to
defend ourselves, while, near daily, George Noory lies as bin
Laden on facts WE know repeatedly he KNOWS better of. General
Ahmad funded Atta. The day American George Noory leaves, will be
a holiday celebrated by all soldiers who believe in warring for
Justice. George Noory, demon enemy who told Alex Jones
he'd go ballistic against any soldier who refused a criminal
order. Happy George Noory is as wicked evil as evil can be,
while America's Alex Jones foolishly heaps fearful praise for
his naked treachery, to move no concern for the REAL 911 culprits
escaping 'free', while then to go on about not speaking about
Ron Paul's refusal to demand FAIR elections in our names.
(However, Ron will take our donated cash some place else though
- so, and can America here left truly afford to care for Life?,
when such investments are just carted away like in Iraq with KBR,
or for death squad mercenaries to police UNARMED Army barracks?,
yeah we need change, and that change is going to come from US
and Obama. Obama: before you get yourself all tangled in war
criming for losing your wits, and selling out for evil because
you can't ever except bailing out private interest bankers is
defunct in reason absent, as, makes no sense whatsoever. What
are you going to be doing Obama? Still chewing out bankers with
free trillions on hopes they'll maybe lend some of our own money
back to us at huge interest? Hope? I mean, come on, Obama! How
stupid do you take US for tomorrow? Why not invite me up for a
chat once you get all sworn in an that.. Hope to hear from you
soon on supporting my calls for some real Justice Johnny coming
to town! Or, is Obama maybe wishing to remain more cowardly as
silent for neocon swindles, looking further foolish worth dying
all of our forsaken Humanity as?) Obama: the nation of Israel
STEALS an innocent Christian's home, and if they're in on a deal,
American tax payers will PAY THE THIEF, near 250,000 American
dollars to leave the home they stole at gun-point. Now, Obama:
does that sound fair to the homeless beggars that live in garbage
dumps, in this nation of Israel that receives more "socialist
welfare" from America than Americans! (on a per-capita scale
structured for any Marx fans out of there.)
More than any other in the History of Humanity. They kill
Jews for money. They bombed Jews in Lebanon for money. They
want to bomb the HUGE sacred Jewish communities in Iran..
wonder why? Zionists are not Jews, for Jews don't steal in
God's good name. Nor target innocent beings for stolen
gains. A zionist is a thief to life, and as such, needs to
be formally charged for their criminal offenses, given
lawyers, and upon a successful prosecution, rot in a prison
cell and/or pay restitutions. YES. why? so not another
innocent person must fall in their place as next victim to
a zionist's public commitment to lawless tyranny for evil
I'm a Good Guy.
I want to work with Alex on the truths WE all share. A person
accused of a criminal offence without any evidence is innocent.
And, the private bankers do not cover our loans to begin with,
so to further support a false system of exploitation, is to not
call a halt to these bankers 'magically' taking all our money
for nothing. We were told the 700 mill was needed desperately,
for the nation was at risk, so congress okayed it, then, they
took the money and say they've decided to do something else
with the emergency funds, something secret - in total nearing
EIGHT trillion... everyone call the cops, and the FBI must get
involved in seizing our misappropriated investments BACK! in
this charade no one is buying but the wanna be you swindled.
"The economic downturn and rising unemployment rate are making
the military a more attractive option, Pentagon officials say."
Extremely Suspicious Behavior
/ / Greg knows, like the Pope knows, as every
legitimate police officer worth their grain of salt
knows, as so too does include a great many Jewish Jews,
George W. Bush used absolutely no evidence to
substantiate his therefore, false accusations in our
names against bin Laden, while then ardently with Cheney,
worked to close outstanding criminal investigations
regarding their extremely suspicious behavior. All
according to his official publicly documented plan. And
speaking the news as thus, does not make anyone
anti-Semitic, anti-American, or anti-Human, but
pro-Jewish, pro-Christian, pro-Muslim, pro-Justice
pro-Freedom, almost wholly human like even. Not of a
long gone as lost and forgotten religious dogma, but for
now as it always has been found, a mutual respect for
all life as we find ourselves being part of. Or, so we
would for Atheists, argue in all likelihood to get to the
same reasoned to be, just political decision, to this or
any another life and death matters matter. \ \
/ / Contemptible people who blindly follow corporate
Zionism don't have any understanding as reason for their
baseless opinion on victimizing our God, because we
know they hide from open debate of their personal
proven falsehoods, and misgivings on the power of
my words. \ \
The Words of Christ
You watch grunts bombing men, women, and children
running for their lives from a Church service, and
ask yourself, am I going to live in a world where
such behavior is meted out against God's family of
Humanity, and say nothing in the defense of US still
falling victim to America's silence on such ungodly
treachery? Justice to the war criminals of
indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves
to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
SNL Clip: The Bailout, Sandler and Soros Skit ...and the REST of the
U.S. Devil Soldier in Iraq Hails Satan
This is why Christ, the Son of Man celebrates the
deaths of these lawless enemies of Mankind. Every
bushite death means another helpless innocent
Christian's family has been defended. Did you know:
those of the Air Force routinely bomb our cities
indiscriminately for the Satanic neocon? Watch,
Americans couldn't much care less to EVEN speak
against these treasonous monsters.
The Corporation - Psychopath Inc. - PART 2 of 15
Column: Impeach before Bush leaves office
U.S. And Allies Torture 12 year olds in Iraqi Prisons
/ / 12-year-old girl crying, “They have undressed
me. They have poured water over me.” He said he
heard her whimpering daily. \ \
The nazi grunts had/have a pre-pubescent ward where all
the girls were made to be naked for the amusement
of grunts, who of NONE, even speak for the defense
of God's loved children, let alone kill a grunt instantly
for the defense of America from the neocon. Zionists are
the lawless enemies of every life on this planet. They
OPENLY steal, rape, and pillage as sword enemies of God.
Example: the Supreme Commander Buford Blount of the Third
Infantry, amerika's new police forces, is a Saudi Wahabist,
who OPENLY orders mindless grunts who praise "SATAN" to
murder indiscriminately while giving out 170 tons of plastic
explosives for looting to kill US, The People, and the
Zionist News Propaganders likes that a plenty, so too,
as consequence, do most Americans in cowardly silence.
People of Earth, Americans do not have the Humanity to
speak for our interests of defending the Innocent as
ourselves. Support my demands to allow open debate in
FOX News & Monsanto Whistle Blowers - Courts rule; Falsifying News is
NOT Against the Law
But Fox News COULD be criminally charged with endangering
American lives though... Johnny Justice, King of this living
Universe, wants to have a word with every American in America,
enough is enough with this boob tubing assault against our
better judgments. United for freedom shall win through just
measurements we exclaim to explain uncensored. Example:
Saakashvili is a war criminal who ordered the indiscriminate
murder of our civilian populace, a crime warranting death
anywhere, just ask ourselves. It's called mass murder.
Facts mentioned UNCHALLENGED on CNN by Colin Powell that of
course, THESE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY, in cahoots with Israeli,
murdered women and children to steal further from a neoconned
THE TERRORIST PAL - McCain Firebombed Millions of Peasants
Understand: McCain THE TERRORIST proudly takes credit for
firebombing millions of helpless Peasants in Vietnam for
France, all to enrich war mongers at the Pentagon, who to this
day, "lose", at least 25% of all monies stolen from the
pocketbook of every tax paying American victim.
NATO bombed SIXTY CHILDREN without cause but to lie obscenely
as our enemies. I want these demons publicly tried, then
executed for targeting our children for murder. “We were
wrong on the number of civilian casualties partly because the
initial review was operating under real limitations,” yeah, to
believe they'd get away from US for this clear act of first
degree mass murder against sixty children no one could fail to
recognize if they were looking. Bushite grunters tell US the
TRUTH is Taliban propaganda. Understand, my friend, the only
crime the Taliban are guilty of, is asking for evidence to
form our conclusions. Death to the bushite, death to the
enemies of all that is good in Children as Humanity.
I would beg Our World to support Humanity's cry for Justice.
/ / These facts which are alarming in the extreme
to anyone who has been involved with Scientology
for any length of time were carefully omitted
from the fabricated story told at the Hollywood
Palladium event in January 1986. \ \
L. Ron Hubbard murdered, and what do Scientology
"followers" say? Not much. Despite he taught to fight
against those who steal his name. Despite he taught
to seek truths to verify. Who cashed in on his will
is a place to start for probable cause. Also,
what was he writing prior to his murder? For it
was slighted by the doofus(?), who claimed to all
Scientologists to ignore Ron's last writings, as
he then proceeded to take ownership over the entire
billion dollar enterprise. Am I truly alone on this?
Never pay anyone but myself personally for these
writings I give to Humanity freely. You would only
pay me, if you willed, as an act of charity to bring
about greater things with your great King Johnny
realized. Understand though, corporations haven't as
much as given me a thanks for my effort. Not a
nickel while they die ourselves banker victim to
naked tyranny blaming socialists, liberals, the
elderly, along with the desperately poor, anyone
else but LIAR Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Condi. Alex
actually went AGAIN against Johnny's Humanity to
DIVIDE Americans from Justice by teaching his Cult
to fear wiser men than himself, by calling all
socialists bad, because that is what Rockerfeller
is. Hugo Chaves will be better spoken of, than
Rockerfeller the mass murderer - no matter how
many times Alex equates the two as same for
divisions against American freedom. SEE? Alex,
"The Conservative" will watch INNOCENT AMERICANS
die for the neocon, before he is no longer to be
the Ruler of Truth by ignoring our better selves.
Justice = Freedom. Alex Jones - answer US this:
what is the crime of all socialists you nigger
bater? Alex Jones will sell US bigotted racist
intolerance, to prop his Ruler of the Sea bullshit
ego, over the rights of ALL American citizens.
Conservative we know, you want to steal rights
from people to speak freely, this is why he sells
George Noory is so great for denying Humanity the
right to call for freedom realized. Alex doesn't
want it. As has he not encouraged it. He wants
to label all socialized Peoples blindly as an
ignorant bigot slime ball loser, while George
Noory celebrates the silence of America over his
PUBLIC PRONOUNCEMENT to want murders committed
against innocent children in our name. Now Alex
claims Google blocks his videos? Where?
(Loosechange is fukked with because they make
some facts present that Alex near never spoke -
yehyeh, he produced it - whatever.) They block
ideas who truly show Israeli steal Christian homes
as Satanic, or MINE on banking, because WE'RE RIGHT.
But not those who like Ron Paul, who COWARDLY blame
socialists, liberals, commis, thinkers, (anything
as mindlessly evil as criminal wingers who say WE
ALL ARE their simple opposite.. What about evidence
for your ill judgment of US? Alex? Are you going to
go off again telling US what We all think in your
mind because you read some words of mine never
mentioned? What are you the thoughtless puppet
NWOer you talk of incessantly?? CENSOR CENSOR
CENSOR! Alex DOES censor the fact that Ron Paul
gave his votes for McCain while walking away with
all our donated monies he encouraged his listeners
to give for.. and boy.. did they! does he care to
not allow the facts to speak for ourselves? THINK:
Ron Paul did not support the impeachment of Bush
who committed 911 WITH all the evidence he claims
he knows of) and "big" government to continue
ruling over US by criminals making their
INDIVIDUAL get aways as real tyranny we shall
defeat with facts unadaulterated.
Alex overall, isn't really all that bad a guy..
see? Quite honorable often actually. Bad judgment
daily, regarding the philosphies of Justice we
share Universally, Truly, but a guy you could
trust your wallet to, and defend your children
in his custody as. A typical normal American
man. Not extraordiniary, but for the fact
America is bound silent without Justice ruling.
I don't "rule" the Earth as King, I speak
the truth we are as powerful. I am not here to
take more than speak for freedom as challenged.
I don't censor George Noory, he censors US
while laughing for your downfall.
We are all Prisoners
As the Big G of the sky, no cause is seperate from
life ourselves, all are innocent. This is why
Justice is what we must demand to achieve
freedom Universal. And SEE? Americans like Alex
Jones are in fear of Justice now, because
they can not for our Humanity, fathom a respect
for our rights as their own. You as You.
Or maybe Yes? Universal Health is what you
practice to remain alive as conceiving
consciousness? - That the private banker doesn't
cover our loans, we do? - That Johnny should be
hired on by Alex Jones or somebody else here?
Being a god isn't miraculous, it's that your most
likely, sub-human. Now, who's fault is that? I'm
the actual, for real, Son to Man. Here I am. God
is Real. We are falible as a natural state of
3D space-time. and.. ..well. . read some on my
glorious journey, by seeking out the near constant
insults against myself. Is this the world you will
continue to die for in silence for our greatness?
I think not!!
The biggest war criminals of all Humanity's history,
and Amerkian zionist nazi radio, can't say much
but, where is Obama's birth certificate. He's given
it near a year ago, doesn't matter for the cowards
though who state they love Ron Paul for refusing to
stand for the common man, they pretend they don't know
they are fascist nazis wanting to persecute the
innocent, like "liberals", "socialists", "Arabs",
innocent wise People, but not defend America from the
likes of Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld for blatant naked
treason. They can't compete as real men who advance
freedom for all, so they advocate censorship over our
cries for Justice to the victims of 911, to soldiers
canned to die as bad guys. To banksters walking away
with actual trillions. Hoe hum america is dumb.
Look, I plead
/ / Calcutta police arrested Mukhtar Ahmed
for procuring SIM cards for the group without
knowing that he was an undercover operative.
He was on a long-term mission with police
in Indian-administered Kashmir. \ \
His cover was blown?
This is a guilty\accused party to the offense,
and blind men of state plate, 'we're going to
maybe let him go, so they can start a war of
mass suffering and death.'? Who is "we" enemy?
Why is this story not where it should be? Who's
interest does it serve by further dying
Humanity to: we don't care about not stopping
terrorist crimes in progress then? Don't be a
Nazi. Why? Just because. THE 'suspect' WAS IN
there you nitwits. Under who's command was he
working?, and does Condi figure in there some
where by sending TV America elsewhere? Who is
set to gain money in the planned indiscriminate
murderous bombings, and let's try, then execute
them instead of US as innocent victims how about?
King of Earth I am,
An American Patriot
The Three Mugs
It was Israeli that broke the truce. It is as Israeli,
their standard Satanic play of demon liar games
against God. I was going to write the fully documented
History of how Israeli, as always, is responsible
for refusing to honor their word, by thinking to
murder during a, agreed truce, has them to argue, no
it wasn't nazi Israel that murdered first again
Innocent People, with the VERY SAME crime BUT WORST,
they claim, they claim! WE are so outraged about.
Israeli nazi enemies call bombing people, like they
do without appology, terrorism. What can't you figure?
But Christ and Justice is just so openly despised
by near everyone brain damaged by vaccines, MSG,
and ... fuk you TV Amerikans. Hamas was created by
Zionists. Why? For money. Killing innocent People
for money is the Zionist's ungodly intent as an
enemy to Our suffering Humanity. Did you see CNN
today tell US historically of the Heroic actions
of Georgia against the Russian invasion like every
Zionist lies to die US over as more innocent victims?
Let US arrest them for blantant treason. Sound like
a good plan to better our circumstances? Let's hope
so. Nazi war criminal Saakashvili forces, first
struck attacked peace keepers, hospitals, children's
schools, Churches, to then grenade dwellings of where
US Humans lived. Georgia is being run under by a
ungodly zionist nazi bush bitch liar name Saakashvili,
(Cheney's Bum Buddy) who needs to be immediately
arrested for first degree acts of mass murder. CNN
celebs included.
FDNY Lieutenant Admitted Plan To ‘Take Down’ WTC 7
Protect Elections, Prosecute Rove
Rove threatened witness - now he's dead
/ / The GAO reached the estimate of 190,000 missing
arms - 110,000 AK-47s and 80,000 pistols - by
comparing the property records of the MNSTC-I against
records US General David Petraeus maintained \ \
Understand this: Saudi commander Buford Blount, gave
out 170 tons of explosives for looting, all so they
could, shoot us up in Baghdad. A Saudi commands the
Third Infantry as traitors to the cause of Freedom.
Cowardly dying Americans are so due to self contempt.
9/11's a lie
The ungodly demon nazi era Pope says God isn't
innocently gay eh? Do you know: the last Pope
called George Walker Bush the Antichrist? I
thought the Pope was infallible? This Nazi Pope
speaks nothing for Justice anywhere. A demon
whore of Satan who wants death and misery for
remaining silent for the lost innocent lives
due to the wages paid for a nation sacrificing
to war criminals. War criminals also responsible
for 911. This current Pope is a faggot of the
worst nature, an enemy of Freedom to be Christ
like. Demon Fukkers. Bring back the Pope of
five years ago, and in that world, Bush is
the most evil man of all History, with this
Nazi, all things are fine and dandy, except for
us liberals, socialists, hippies, the do gooders,
gays, or freaks. Roman Catholics are therefore
idiots infallibly?, because in their followings,
nobody thinks for themselves to pay for what?,
apparently they couldn't care for God to be
aware. My brothers and sisters, Join Christianity!!
..then read a history book like for yourself
King Johnny
Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers
/ / While the DOJ lacks the power to shut down
juvenile correction facilities, [..] isolation
for over twenty-three hours a day for months
straight; use of excessive force, including
beatings and pepper sprayings; and inappropriate
administration of medications. \ \
No, you charge the guilty parties with a criminal
offense, like capital murder - who's in charge
there?, oh yeah, lawless enemies of Mankind..
Creating a nation of zombies
In a Normal World
"It's not that we're Jewish, it's that they are
war criminals."
IAF plans to hit targets in 24 hours
"General Mullen is pressing our authorities to
allow India to hit certain targets,"
In a normal world, Mullen would be questioned,
then arrested, tried, and executed with Gates for
trying TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE for cash profits
stolen from God's America. But the nation is filled
with cowardly know nothings.. how do we know this?
They refuse to even pick up their phones to complain
about DYING needlessly for the un-elected Zionist
neocons. The TRAITORS who did their part to carry
out 911. America only PRAISE real demon George
Norry who openly lies to the ears of America, while
advocating the indiscriminate slaughter of all
children in around 15, because he claims, that way,
you reduce the risk that they might sometime in the
future own a gun to kill himself as a REAL bad guy.
These REAL monsters will kill your American kids for
cash. Why? Because YOU refuse to even raise your
phones for concern. It's "just" your neighbor's kid
who'll get the vaccine shot filled with toxins, drink
the American Milk, chew the bubble gum, eat the
Campbell's Soup, or drink the tainted water. The
poisonous water containing sodium fluoride is in
soft drinks, beer, and bottled purified water costing
near 3 dollars that Pepsi openly confessed, they just
get right from the poisoned public taps of Boston,
unfiltered. TV America? where are you man? Why do you
still refuse to raise your phones? You go in faith
WITHOUT science, with reason?, without God, or even
crave my words as the Great Son. Why do you forsake
yourselves? Are you not worth the effort to say your
own lives are worth something too?
Charlie Manson "Yes, your honor, I did authorize
the killing of Sharon Tate and the rest, but you know,
we need to focus on the future rather than the past!"
Bushite Nazi grunts of the Air Force have bombed
more than a many innocent persons, claiming we as
Humanity can't hold them to account for their
murderous crimes of STEALING our lives. It is an
oath soldiers give to obey lawful orders only,
yet, a bushite's word means nothing. They bombed
Samara for no reason but to die. They bombed
Fallujah for no reason but to die. No honor,
no courage, no manhood.
Demand Justice Now
"These operations are intimately linked to American destabilization
campaigns and their cosy ties to on-again, off-again intelligence
assets that include al-Qaeda and other far-right terror gangs."
Jewish Rabbi: Zionists are Godless Criminal Thugs
Now I know, in today's world, everybody and their
sister can be a Rabbi, but listen: these truths are
just as soon, to be your own. Please stop forsaking
US, and support my demands for open communications
on the American Coast to Coast radio network. George,
Ian, and Art are not going to allow US this respect
without a fight. They are constant "happy" persons
happying you out of your life savings, killing our
families, stealing our Humanity. Justice for all is
not complicated, but requires a Peoples who don't just
cowardly fall down to die for the satanic neocon liars.
Where's MY Bailout???
"It's must be good to be too big to
fail, or be a fat cat too big for jail."
In who's world?
/ / Where does Israel think these people are
supposed to go, after evicting them and
torching their homes??? \ \
See, the thing is, these Satanic enemies of
both you and me, (along with every other
life form is this Galaxy), seem to think hurting
innocent People, murdering ourselves actually,
will destroy God's Good Work for Justice
in our times, while they make of as terrorist
thieves. What we need to do, is get together
everybody in our names to demand, Americans
no longer willingly give their purpose, to
cash pay for such crimes against our Beings.
Americans must demand the halt to rewarding
Israeli Zionists to rape, torture, and murder
themselves/ourselves. Make sense? Of course
it does. For who could disagree actually?
We can war later about how my ideas on economics
are better than yours because I actually know
what I'm taking about, but for now, this: let's
call a halt to all hostilities both near and
wide, as simply demanding together, Nazi Zionist
Israeli, under ungodly evil WAR CRIMINAL
commands, are led away from God to be guilty
of theft, and mass murder against our selves.
It's not that we're Jewish, it's that they are
war criminals. How could any living Man, On
Earth, STEAL food from innocent infants and
mothers? Randomly send in Military rockets
into refugee camps? Who? SATANIC CRIMINALS WHO
HATE JEWS. Jews, Real People, like me. To all
be fair is my motto, as was countless others
- as also known as The Golden Rule. (look for
Johnny's The_Golden_rule.mp3) and don't forget
about Confucius!
Humanity lacks these Public words demanding
equitable treatment of Humanity, largely, i
guess, because we needed me to say it..
Johnny is my King that lives forever! I'll
tell you that right now, if I should need
bow out then that we've stated this claim,
after all the pomp in dancing has subsided,
and I'm back all alone to wonder again.. I
know that God is me alive inside, as we go
along our journey to the stars in ever
wonderment as what could be achieved if we
only believed.. first though, we gotta get
arrested the known by Rumsfeld's Pentagon,
the unarrested grunt rapists and thieves of
America, alone with Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld directly. Get clean water and good
food happening, and too, address the fact
that giving the wealthiest already, trillions
on only hopes and prayers, they'll lend some
back at high interest is dumber than rocks.
Imagine: it was taken on the argument that
YOU urgently needed it!! That's US there.
Me anyway.. Why must You burden this alone?
President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.
King Johnny Wizard at your service me Lord.
"In other words, Washington exerts more control
over the ISI than the duly elected civilian
government of Pakistan."
Now, that's bizarre. Imagine doing it, then
blaming yourself for it on hopes one thing
doesn't lead to another. All are innocent.
Justice is freedom. Lawlessness is evil dumb
man. Sorry, but that is now the world turns.
Will Congress listen? IMPEACH NOW! Bush is a Threat to Peace
This could turn out to be the largest Law suit
in the History of Humanity. Google isn't being Just
for ourselves as the concerned with our rights
to speak right. They will loose in our Courts
of Justice for warring against our free voices
to be heard.
CNN Don't Want to Take our Questions
Cheney worked immediately after 911 to close
police investigations, as so reported
on Meet the Press, with the late Tim Russert.
Simple. Or cowardly like Alex Jones call him
just a puppet, and blame the NWO geniuses
hid away in far off places, manipulating to
secret out the blind idiots who don't truly
believe in elementary logic. This isn't
Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion
Bernard Madoff -- The $50 Billion Thief
This spot where the Jews laugh at law men,
then get all their life savings stolen, is
THE classic in the halls of Zionist History.
Some say, Christ, the Jew, is a law man
too don't you know.
A Soldier Wars for God and Country
This is What Americans Are?
/ / the United States has refused to sign
a declaration presented Thursday at the
United Nations calling for worldwide
decriminalization of homosexuality. \ \
Again, this Zionist infiltration is
designed to divide our populations through
demonizations against the Innocent. There
is no crime in loving people despite what
GCN advertizes. Every He man who masterbates
is a fag playing with a penis, pretending
he is a female in pink cotton panties. And
those who actually for real kucs kocc, are
near everyone in the Bush Administation.
No lie. Bush is a kocc sucker, did so at
Yale. Over and over again at Bone(r)s too as
THE initiation requirement. [(r) is the
'secret of secrets'] George "sore knees" Bush
was top in his class!. All Conservatives are
queers who hate our innocent selves. Rush
Limbaugh and Bill "he'll kill'ya" O'Really - uhuh -
faggots. Sean Hanity and Ann Coulter - uhuh
- faggots. America is run over by sexually
deviant zionist nazis who want to STEAL the
Rights of Living freely. Again American nazis:
what's the crime of being Human? Us who you
wish to hurt the innocent over now instead
of traitors Bush, Rumsfeld, Condi, and
Cheney? A cowardly zionist nation self
destructing is what YOU will become, if you
don't start raising your voice for liberty
as all, to come and go. If I wanna be Gay,
what concern is it of Amerika to say I can't
dream of girls? lot's of girls!! It actually
gets difficult at four or five dream godesses,
because inevitablly, they'll/You'll look up,
(er.. scratch that..) they'll look at you
in wonder, just what kinda spell am I under?
Poof! it all comes crumbling down, and you
look like an Donkey. Real relationships are
hard to come by for me I guess you already
know... but I can dream with Mother Nature!
ohboyohboyohboyohboy Free the Slaves!
soicanmeetsomechicks Free the Slaves!
soicanmeetsomechicks Free? uh. pardon me.
Back to the action...
"The concessions made by the Olmert-Livni
government to the Syrians do not and will
not obligate a government that I shall head,"
Netanyahu said. The concessions of indiscriminately
murdering US repeatedly? Understand to know:
The Zionist is a Satanic demon enemy of Humanity
according to God, in the Bibles all timelessly.
Netanyahu, the demon, is so ungodly as evil
criminal, he will likely "win" Istraeli the Zionist
election on a public platform of godless tyranical
theft and murder. Remember, Israeli Zionists
funded the creation of Hamas to kill Jews in
Israel, and TRUE Jews also live in Lebanon, Iran,
Etheopia, Canada, and the North Pole, and we're
the "niggers" there too that Israeli despise -
like as they who PUBLICLY supported South Africa's
oppression of Innocent South Africans for stolen
monies. Satanic I tell you. Don't believe? in
innocence? That's the power of Peres, the devil.
Evil a zionist criminal is proudly. Peres will
tell you, all about when Zionists target to murder
little old ladies as he did on Larry King, it's
really not Satanic, because they'll blame the
murders on someone else completely different,
as US, the innocent. blatantly. In your face.
While CNN goes, uhuh, gotta kill those Jews in
Northern Lebanon. As Syrians too! Israeli dropped
seven million land mines on more than 170 towns
and villages given to them from Condi! a godly
nation of Jews? ANTI-SEMITE is FoxNews everytime
they assault God with "Israel, the Jewish State"
to torture, steal, and murder.?. ANTI-SEMITE!
Again, the two Laws of Johnny:
1. No evidence, person innocent.
2. Torture? fuk you and die then
Patriots of Freedom United for Cause
Americans will send Americans rightly into
tyranny for the contempt they continue to have
for real Justice. The contempt they have for
God and me, the son. Guilty are, Bush, Cheney,
Condi, and Rumsfeld the traitors be. Americans,
in cowardice, wish to con our Humanity as
further innocent victims. They Publicly
advocate the demonization of innocent others
like today when NWOer Alex Jones blamed
"Socialists", aka traffic light planners.
Doing will seriously lose bad here. Understand,
Heroes, true Heroes, more often near all
fail miserably in their second or third Heroic
Actions, all for falsely Believing in their
hype over 'everything', not paying attention.
Truths are facts, and America's Radio silence
with a sponsor of our communications at GCN,
(and 200+ other stations) who advocates the
murder of innocent Peoples in America,
(the text printed here is the radio audio)
is a real serious criminal offender in need
of immediate incarceration. The innocent
Peoples of America have some rights here Alex,
despite your refusal to hear criticism on
GCN's blind hate for our Life. It is in true
concern for you that I label you far short,
as a "freedom" worth dying US, the innocent
forsaken as. I am bigger than you. Your
CONTINUING contempt for innocent Christians
openly victimized by OFFICIAL Israeli public
policy, is a contempt We Will Rise Above.
Live in your illusion as a "freedom fighting"
delusional malcontent, and your self value
will destroy yourself truly as the bigot
false accuser you are. Lie again about US as
guilty, instead of your freedum buddies of
blind hate for true wisdom, and the sky will
come down on you, trust me, as you will, I
am the Creator. Your decision. Bushwhores.
Look at what intolerant America's GCN is
selling today!! Queer Talk.
GCN!, headed by an actual faggot who
has his own faggot son killing innocent
People as a war criminal in Iraq for the
neocon, apparently, doesn't like innocent
Gays along with US Iraqis, Afghans, Muslims,
and all effective traffic signals to prevent
death in America, is Socialism too don't you
know a dumfuk when you hear it Alex?,
either? Surprise surprise. Americans are
arrogant know nothings, and you need go
farther than Alex Jones tomorrow while he
blathers on and on how no, "it's impossible"
for him to be mistaken on anything labeled
Social, like who you are as guilty being
Socialized, a Social person of criminality
your guilty of he claims, who is that I
ask? I ACTUALLLY KNOW the answer of who I
am greater than what Alex there defames.
As too, there are billions of people here
on Earth who would side with me to say,
"we speak for ourselves". Thank you
very much. But understand grasshopper, If I
were running for President, [of which I never
will - who ever needs too?] I would ask
Alex to appraise discussions, for the
scientific knowledge, and real courage he
has to just get info out there, and tell the
scene as he sees it, albeit with binders on
is hugely beneficial. The names and places, times
and directions, he has at his finger tips
is second to none. Probably doesn't smoke pot.
Hey! no doubt about it, he knows a tremendous
amount of vital stuff, it's just near all his
conclusions are bullhucky or plain lamed evil
man. Being Gay is okay is what I'm saying as a
hetro male Lesbian. It really is the only way
to go.. ha! jstkidg. Just don't dream of a
girl doing the nasty Man Style, because they
hmm.. you'd be a transsexual cross dresser
loving penises! That explains everything!
Americans are all a bunch of queers, hiding
in their closets, shaking like a leaf to the
awesomeness of Johnny School. I have a million
King Johnny for International Radio Host
"You can't count on Congress or the Courts to save yourselves"
Ron Paul - The oUtRAgiOuS fUnnY MaN
Ron Paul is a traitor. He didn't support arresting
Bush for 911, or for the killing of American teens by
doctoring the NIE. Now, Alex sells Ron Paul, is
his leader of OUR truth movement because he says
there's nothing he's going to do but blame poor
people, or socialists, because all Congressmen are
good men. The FR STOLE eight trillion from you as
an American tax payer, and Ron Paul blames anyone
but the thieves who openly just pocketed YOUR cash.
Ron Paul is a con who accepts it is only an opinion
that Georgia attacked South Ossetia. (it's on youtube
where in Congress, Ron Paul speaks no facts, but let's
an open DEMON liar to say in his presence, Russia
started the conflict, and that is why Americans are
giving Saakashvili 10 billion dollars for booze and
broads, through Purse stringing bum chum Cheney and
Co.) While Alex knows different. ALEX SAYS NOTHING.
Just like when Alex teaches his Cult how great George
Norry is for not knowing George Noory stated
pleasuring in the murder of helpless INNOCENT children.
Alex Jones "it's all about social engineering"
What, Life?
What you Alex Jones. These are INDIVIDUAL THEIVES
stealing our money, stealing our rights, stealing
our futures.. stealing our lives. but see? Alex
Jones has got to jab as the bigot divider,
"New World Orderer", to undermine Justice for
anyone as Ourselves. Alex Jones 'they engineered
it" THEY THEY THEY THEY Who you fuck??..and what's
your evidence for a warrant? The Winnipeg Free
Press with CJOB robs Winnipeggers for millions in
stolen loots, while conning teen kids to die for
the liar neocon. PHONE THEM YOURSELF. (Why
wouldn't he, but to support his fictions) They
couldn't give a rats ass about anything but how
much they can steal from our censored voices. I
worked for the WFP for near a year as a money
maker salesman. I've sat in the lunch rooms, once
right next to the Publisher and the Editor going on
and on about Hockey and Football. When I
encouraged fiscal tax policies, they'd go glassy
eyed, then STERN, and laugh: all about how the
smart ass thinks he has some rights here to act
denying intelligent discourse, discourse that
they could never compete against with if their
lives depended on it. GOD. Understand: Private
bankers will often give every waking moment to
taking more from others. Every waking moment.
That is a poor soul indeed, disagree?, that's
the tragedy. Look at my public history of near
constant pull downs, who don't have a single
disagreement against me, but just a hatred for
Your Life being so beautiful. I write from the
greatest words ever written, about History,
about Justice, about God.. and near everyone
states, you suck. That's you for you.
I already know I'm great. Hey, I even know
the Big G and have been around for ever as
I know so, and can prove it. So no, YOU suck.
The big one.
the same because I've researched, hounded then
spoken to these People. CBC News Producers are
actual monsters if you'd ever try to look into
the subject of Justice denied, and simply give
them a phone call on the radio. The "Terror
Experts" will have your knowledge brought to new
heights. The guy at CBC told me directly,
(after reviewing Bush's CRIMINAL invasion of
Afghanistan plan to falsely blame bin Laden,
that OFFICIALLY came from MSNBC, and of General
Ahmad along with video of iron flowing like water)
he can dispute ANY fact, and paint our minds
any way he sees fit. Then went out and produced
a very expensive, publicly paid for 911 documentary
all on the evil Muslims who did 911 for the
bushmob. See? he does it because he likes it, likes
it like a psychopath. Have you ever contacted
the gals from CNN?? the one guy at MSNBC? He's
like in some serious need of a lengthy prison
term, he knows it, and it gives him a hard on
knowing Americans are make too weak by his image.
I am not of that story to die Life’s purpose for
lies criminal... I.. never mind for now.
"The Liberals and the Socialists, along with
the Communists and the Gays, with the Muslims,
and Community Organizers with the freaks different
that me did the murders", said near all the retard
bigot Conservatives blindly false accusing.
Example: Condi says Pakistan's ISI committed the
murders, the FBI says no, there isn't a scintilla
of evidence to substantiate that. Condi says
Pakistan's ISI FOR SURE did the murders, the FBI
says no, there is not a whisper of fact to form
that conclusion. The "Army" says for sure Pakistan
did the murders, the FBI says no.. There is not
a thread of fact a zionist offers to form YOUR own
mind in respect for your rights being equal to ours.
Condi only tries to hypnotize the "Conservatives"
into believing something without understanding,
without knowing. Sean Hannity does this everyday
on purpose to kill innocent American teens.
Conservatives are universally ignorant People,
and sometimes, serious war criminals like Condi.
Taking US off the target of following the crime
scene leads at the real murder scene. The
"Conservative" mostly doesn't have the mind to
understand Justice is freedom, like the NWOers,
so they false accuse US as Innocent others, for
crimes they don't speak for as Our true defense.
I'm counting on you kids eating right, and
knowing you belong free here. I'm King Johnny.
This is what Alex fears. I, as a New World Leader
however do not. Why? Because I'm a Man that's
why. How so you say? Scientifically to the
splitting of a photon, or being born anew to
the Universe unbound forever. No, I mean for
real I am real. You should understand by
understanding your surroundings, that you are
too, of Christ to be aware. Haven't you ever
heard of REM? The Tragically Hip? Elvis? Though..
Johnny Wizard - who can easily answer all
the biggest questions of life in space time.
Heaven, Hell, no prob.... Ask me!!!! If
you don't ask the questions, how will you
ever know where you are coming from really
The Son of Man asked Humanity? No, I'm
mean really true for sure - I am there, as
so, you too are here. Hi!!!.. now back to
YOUR PAPERS PLEASE! US [COP KILLER] Marines.. in California!
Loading Image...
They rape American women too and do not face arrests,
officially sanctioned by the Pentagon through Rumsfeld!
it for Christ. It's near guaranteed to be proudly
illiterate, and an enemy of Justice, (the bushmob did
911) and enemy of truth, (the bushmob did 911) and
enemy of God. The bushmob did 911.
Spreading hate is an amerikan military-inteligence
tactic of blind Zionists who believe they control
the judgment of opinion by GCN's silence over
this HATER of God as Innocent we proclaim
against bloody murderers:
[Publicly trying and executing a bushmobster
on the other hand, is another question entirely.]
These enemies at CBC and CNN are near like
your best buds, George Norry and multi-millionaire
Ron Paul. Again, despite Ron sleeping on our job,
and being really ignorant how the monetary system
works, and completely loses everything when
speaking of health care, Justice, and trade, he
really isn't all that bad a guy.... ? .. George
Noory seriously lacks in my mind still, but.
Imagine: Alex doesn't ask 'hero truth
teller' Ron Paul for a million or three for
advertising on Bush and Rumsfeld's prior plan
to invade Afghanistan for Enron. Why not?
Who's money is it still anyway? Ours. In
God we Trust. Wanna see a card trick?
Nice and Sweet?
'Where's the boys? They are outside taking
care of a fag'
Look at what intolerant America's GCN is
selling today!! Queer Talk - GCN, headed
by an actual faggot who has his own faggot
son killing innocent People as a war criminal
in Iraq for the neocon, doesn't like gays?
(the text printed here is the radio audio)
What's the crime of being Gay, you bunch of
deviant evil faggots at GCN? Seriously, the head
of GCN is a faggot. This is done conscious or
otherwise, to DIVIDE the REAL freedom movement
for Justice against war criminals.
Christ Loves Everyone!!
Remember, GCN, that will work
to DIVIDE the American public from Justice,
had fired Jack Blood for sponsoring "NEOCONS
GONE WILD" - and Alex Jones has not muttered
a public word in defense of his "friend", the
somewhat.. great Jack Blood. Look, listen to
other, still on programming at GCN where they
love killing Iraqis for stolen profits. I am
not shitting. They have this demon fuk in
the early mornings who speaks romantically of
Rumsfeld, along with lawless mobster rule! And
this witch demon, who begs begs begs begs begs
for Freedom dollars to blame socialists, like
Ron Paul does, for absolutely everything.
Remember: the head of GCN has a TREASONOUS
faggot son going to Iraq as openly committing
war crimes against Our Humanity. TREASONOUS!
And like me, what if godly Americans were
arrested in America for speaking truths, would
Alex raise a word for a defense fund for a man
like Johnny to with as masters in Law? Likely not.
Instead, Alex will likely claim the victim is a
NWO puppet, and shouldn't be ferreted out for
actual info. He knows better without evidence
to form your conclusion don't you know? Alex
Jones towners are a Cult who blames blindly
the Globalists, but not war criminal Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Condi. It's a Puppet
puppetting puppets for puppeteers pupating
a bogus escape strategy. Now, who are you going
to have arrested for public trial? The Jones
Towners puppets puppet in unison, "not the
puppets, not the puppets!"
The Case of Kenneth Foster:
Texas Prepares to Execute Man for Driving a Car Near Scene of Murder
Undertand: In Alex's home town they do this
routinely, and Alex has no need to make a federal
case of it. It is only your innocent life to be
held in contempt, not Alex, the guy who figures
everybody should have a nuke to defend Liberty,
not evidence to form their/our guilty verdicts.
Hey, Johnny America is just a dis-info agent for
the NWO, he actually told his listeners to not form
their conclusion by FACT, while then hanging up on
US. WHY? Because I, unlike Alex, only speak fact.
They fired Jack Blood because his sponser was too
out there! What will NWO Alex Jones say for Freedom?
Squat because he knows everything already, no room
to learn that WE have video of iron flowing like
water from the towers. He'd rather see America die
completely, before learning he DOES NOT RULE the Sea
of Truth. I am The Creator, and i don't rule the Sea
of Truth. Why would any person want to if they
foolishly thought they could so Alex? Ask Alex and
he'll tell you to shoot innocent men down in our
streets, who are NO THREAT TO ANYONE, because in
Texas, it's "Legal" to do just that.. Alex called
it, "The Sound of Liberty", a cowardly fascist nazi
is what Alex can be left on his own refusing all
calls. Why? Cause he's so cowardly as full of
himself that why. He is an egomaniac truly, despite
the fact that he 'covers' himself by simply stating
he isn't. Even when he covers issues that are
more important than gun sales or gold and investment
moves as caches for nothing, Quick! buy in! he offers
near ZERO ideas on how to resolve it. Doesn't want
suggestions either, are we hard to come by if we
receive an answer before we've spoken. All politicians
are puppets is useless to the cause of effective
governing don't you think? And wether a person is
your "puppet" or "master", the unbalanced still
must be held to inspection for evaluation - for
afterall it's you there in those T-Bills going
out the door... The billions and billions in
the costs paid for a barrel of Pork, for magic
riders, happy waivers, and and Look, the neocons
are still trying to make their escape!!
I can FIX Monstanto's GMO assualt.
How? by understanding the science
involved, that Monsanto DOES NOT, and Alex, not enough.
(look for works I've done A DECADE AGO FOR ANSWERS -
Google however has removed more than 20,000 documents
referencing my writings as of last month - do you care?
That a man such as great as I, will not be allowed to
give my works for free to Humanity any longer? -
People of Earth: undertand, many in America say YES!
here, because they truly HATE Humanity's cause of
Liberty and Justice for ALL. Google closed my
Jew_Boy_Johnny account, all because of vermin like
"shitskin Moslem", who openly message in the
hundreds daily for murdering innocent Moslems,
who pirate all of Google Groups with racist
nazi slurs, just needs simply complain I am anti-Semitic
- The Son Of Man - no trial, no questions, no answers!
I can not post more than three times every four to six
hours, otherwise, they close my accounts, while at the
same time then, go through years of my writing to
sadistically destroy more. They figure they have
something in our Courts to support their treason of
assisting in mass murder against America by Zionist
theives who steal the title Jew, as in godly? while
shitskin posts hundreds daily pirating everyone's
threads with his EVIL hatred for God and Humanity, if
not even more from Israel) Not the Alex Jonesers way,
but the actual way logically understood as where the
problem resides. DNA, as is life, is multi-dimensional.
Where is this
"Christ" that CBC, CNN, GCN, and RBN harp on
that speaks nothing for real Justice to the victims
of 911, or Iraq, or Afghanistan? Or the children of
South Osettia? Alex is near fit, but he is far from
sufficiant. Jack Blood was great, but Alex we guess
doesn't want him looking like he Rulez like US
too though. RBN has it's moments, yes, I guess that's
true.. Things do seem to be improving, what with
all the torturers and rapists wanting to come home
as brain damaged Zombie police officers. They don't
want the laws of freedom though, too complicated.
They'd rather hunt down our families from the
sky with bombs actually.. fuk, I hate EVERYONE
in America's Air Force, every last evil fuk. They
watch these videos and celebrate their complete
indiscriminate murderings that get killed so many
GIs - they celebrate the slaughter of our innocent
Humanity . George Noory will kill your American kids,
have no doubt, for, he already has.
CBC and CNN only smile to tell you all the great
things they do by denying OUR Humanity these truths.
America is a cowardly evil nation desperate
for excuses as still being run under by zionist
Israeli Settlers call Ethiopian Jews "Niggers"
This isn't isolated. The Jews of Ethiopia, are
the actual Jews of the Bible. These monstrosities
that God knows as Israeli, are Satanic enemies
of Man. They steal our homes, rape or torture our
INNOCENT families, and bomb Jews as the did in
Lebanon TARGETED as an OFFICIAL function of their
evil "government". They actually, a few years ago,
gathered all the darker skinned toddlers, and
murdered them as an OFFICIAL government of
SATANIC action. More than 100,000 "Nigger" toddlers,
Jews, they murdered with radiation poisonings.
Officially. Now, Americans GIVE them money to bomb
innocent Christian families indiscriminately guilty
of nothing. They steal their desperately needed
food and medicine. They are thieves of the most
vile evil natures. Example: the Zionist who
STOLE 50 billion dollars from American Jews will
not be ordered to give back the money! Sure, they
tell you that SOME of the suckered Jews, will get
a small portion of their investment returned, but
only through the wages of American citizens, NOT
by the Zionist THIEF, T-H-I-E-F, who you are told
OFFICIALLY "lost" the money. (will he even spend
a day in jail?) He lost it, ah shucks, just like
the trillions "lost" to criminal trillioniare
speculators. And like the banksters, who never
covered a dime of the money for the fraudulent
loans, but get to STEAL your homes, and now wish
to charge US a renter, for a home Americans,
the illiterate suckers, actually paid for, and
will continue to until they speak above the
laughter of a George Noory, or con man Bill
O'Really, the true demon enemy. Or will instead?
cowardly, will go like Alex Jones, naw, George
Noory is a good guy, a happy guy, sure he speaks
of the enjoyment in slaughtering defenseless
innocent children, so what?, he's pleasantly
happy to state all is well going ballistic
against soldiers who refuse criminal orders
from the Zionist neocon. Not a fuking dime!!
Understand, this isn't just a, let's get the info
out for People to know as Alex Jones sells to
near overdose.. (we are mere mortals who work nine
to nine Alex The Great.) CBC managers, all of
them, have known since shortly after 911, that
Bush and Cheney closed FBI investigations, they
know that iron is on video flowing like water
from the towers, THEY KNOW THIS because I
personally told them. Yet, they smile as demon
liars to die our teen soldiers CONNED
deliberately. We need some serious police
action in arrests of treason against all news
celebs, who of course will get lawyers, (what
they deny in happy silence to not mention
against American torture victims) but will
be shown conviction for their real contempt
for the value of YOUR life my friend, our lives
they watch indiscriminately die for lies they sell
happily for stolen cash profits.
Dead Babies Can Take Care of Themselves
/ / The FDA may not know a safe level but I damn
sure do, that level is zero! We are not talking
about fines or losing high paying positions here
but about jail door slamming hard time. To knowingly
import products harmful to the weakest members of
the American public is a crime against humanity. \ \
But will Americans of America, even lift their
phones against happy George Noory, CNN, and all
that sees fit, to sit idly silently dying US
victim in their corporate extravaganzas? I hear
the magic money bag guys are in running the show
from our central banking offices, in as a debasing
culture of indifference to their own cowardly
sacrifice. That's if we believe what we know of
the fictions they sell ourselves. Georgia, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and so on.. they lie to our world
for criminal gains, gains they've seen near to
overtaking them. Demand the arrest of Bush and
Cheney for closing criminal investigations on
911 immediately after the crimes occurred. Then,
without evidence, falsely accused an innocent
man of the crime. A crime they knew enough of,
to plan before hand the invasion of Afghanistan
for Enron. Speak now, or, suffer to die in
tyranny you nation of fascist cowards.. your move.
Your baby.
New Bin Laden Tape Interview - He's Alive!!
/ / There actually is a guy who does the video
editing at Al Jazeera called Barry. Coincidence?
I think not. \ \
Man, the truth of this is shocking when the whole
story is put together as run by real madmen. No..
I mean like, loony tune kooks who's weakness of
position is astronomical in it's, "we" sure are
dummies trying to con someone ignorant quotient.
I mean, who really buys these demon liars in
Guantanamo who torture our innocent friends and
families? Who? McCainiac does, yes, as too
do the bushite few, and funny bad man Mr. Bill
"he'll kill'ya" O'Really, but what of the other
99.9 percent of Humanity, who love Freedom, who
see right through these enemy charauders of
tyranny for the the zionist war crime State
committed to escaping those responsible for 911?
My video removed for no reason
Does this Work if The Judge is a Criminal?
/ / The Justice Department has evaded a request
from President-elect Barack Obama's transition team
for documents about the secret programs of U.S.
intelligence agencies. \ \ Torturing innocent People
to death as guilty of nothing, or escaping bushite
rapists who target American women in Uniform,
while pushing heroin to enslave American teens for
zionist grave robbers. Not in Johnny's America I'll
tell you that right now.
It actually doesn't work that way though..
Justice is man.
NASDAQ chairman Bernard L. Madof STEALS 50 BILLION ! !! !!!!!!!
/ / CNBC's Davif Faber reports on the $50 billion
Ponzi scheme run bu ex-NASDAQ chairman Bernard L. Madoff. \ \
A Zionist STEALING from Innocent Jewish Peoples targeted
SPECIFICALLY. Somethings never change... Do you have
any ideas on the fact, that a great many Zionists
have been arrested over the decades for putting Nazi
Swastikas on their own grave stones? Also, did you
know an estimated more than 20 million Russians died
to defeat madman Hitler? Who's banker was Zionist George
W. Bush's grandfather? Do you know this yet?? Well,
now we know we know, to be King I am here your servant.
Just don't therefore figure I'm going to wash your
feet now. Be American.
/ / New rules published in the Federal Register
would allow certain civilians to call American
soldiers into action inside the U.S. to prevent
environmental damage \ \
This is why it is outlawed by the American
Constitution(s). Demon thieves must not be allowed
to command mindless grunts who shoot people
randomly for fun. As AEGIS and Blackwater,
KBR enslavement camps along with Campbell’s Soup,
is in part, their acceptable Business partners,
warring Humanity as US innocent for stolen profits
with poison. Teen grunts are admittingly from any
you honestly ask, portrayed ignorant low life
failures, drop out bushite vermins who want to in
turn, victimize the innocent as they accept America,
as them, must tyranny as cowards for traitor war
criminals. Criminals like them in Afghanistan, who
openly defend poppy fields to imprison American
citizens say nothing on their trailer trashcan
talk, internet forays for blatant complete
disregard for suffering Mankind. These grunts of
far off military dictator shipping nations, that
the TV neocon wants patrolling our Americans
streets, don't instead fight proud for our
honorable Police Service successes - of whom play
our Freedom game for the law books sighted as rights
heretowin. A force that claims they are lawlessly
un-accountable, is a force of evil against our
great lands. Friends, they hide nowhere in
darkness, ready to be exposed for Public
questioning. Soldiers were caught dressed as
al-Qaida, murdering police officers, and when
they were in jail, awaiting trial, the bushite
grunters, broke them out!! With "American" Tanks
commanded by a Saudi in some likelihood. (Buford
'where's the billions?' Blount is a Saudi
military commander, who in his off time, also
commands, the Third Infantry!) Posse Comitatus
will be a good thing to impose as standing
Law..?. You're the American Patriot Soldier.
Need help? Well, I could be your make believe
King for the time being.. by just simply,
forwarding these life and death concerns as our
own. We have some rights here Soldier to have
Justice prevail as our benefaction. The bushmob
did 911. Your call.. Don't be dumb now.
Your call..
Lawless enemy world of enslavement though
naked ungodly tyranny?, or American Liberty as
Justice believed for the victims of Guantanamo?
False capital accusers who take our concern awry
are our problem in fair Governance here, when we
understand this, we will have conquered the
world as the new orders. No evidence, person
innocent. Torture? fuk you and die then. These
be the glorious tales we tell of times ago, where
men were men, and war criminal zionist nazis were
hunted down to defend Life ourselves. When a
bushite enemy of America dies, it's a glorious
moment for all innocent Peoples defended from
it's lawless terrorism. They are traitors who war
for the escape of the neocons responsible for 911.
Cowardly traitors who LIE to America to con
further more from the American victims.
Neocon Enemies of the Jew do not Care for Truth
ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report
But Neocon enemies of the Jew do not care for Truth.
They lie as enemies to God, on hopes to murder Jews
like they did in Lebanon with millions of land mines.
What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes against
Life? Cheating Liars for Satan God tells YOU.
The Bible "I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of
Look, these enemies of Life steal INNOCENT PEOPLES
HOMES as thieves of The King of Jew's simple philosophy.
The CNN political team chooses the videos, not YOU.
Christ Asks The Peoples All
Obama! Your going to need to demand public questions
of Judge Manuel Banales for co-fusion. This near
illiterate Judge of America is judging Your values as
pro criminal buddy. Cheney is a real demon for closing
911 investigations immediately after the mass murder in
New York City happened. Why is he not arrested,
awaiting public trial Christ asks The Peoples All?
Prosecutor removed from Cheney case
"Banales' order not to present cases to the grand jury"
DO NOT let a Grand Jury decide the facts present?
Ordered the American People's Prosecutor to stop
defending freely with our facts as outlaid
for all to see under our laws guaranteed
Constitutionally? His actual job description?
Can a lawless bushite Judge grunter, do that in dare,
as our 'just is' system? "No Separations of Power any
longer in Nazi America?", asks the standing laws brought
through since the very beginning with America in
company of all? does the Supreme Grunt Judger Mattis,
(proud women and child killer at wedding parties that
he still calls us as "al-Qeada") trump forever the
Peoples as the criminal benefactor? America dies victim
for these 'Judges' who are openly, blatantly, criminals.
Some, like Mattis, actual war criminals into killing
kids. After ordering grunts to make sure all the women
were dead along with the toddlers, Mattis spread out
things like, Pantano's bin Laden DVDS, and other such
nonsense, to get more American teens DEAD for the
fictions of the traitor NEOCON. He was caught red
handed with the blood of our children Mr. Goldman.
"Judge" Mattis is now one promotion from the Supreme
Court, a 1 star 2 star 5 star General, who as good
as anyone knows: has never been to law school, and
can barely read, let alone WRITE. But he'll give it
a try anyway though. Mattis judged that soldiers
under his charge will never be found guilty when
they openly confess to targeting innocent Peoples
for indiscriminate murder, as so criminally ordered.
John or no.. Mattis is the target of every real
American Patriot Soldier Now. Criminal orders are
those of the nazi zionist ENEMY of Freedom! (oh)
No? you'd rather have lawless mercenaries policing
for the running frum yur lawh rapists and thieves?
in blind faith they'll get-er-dumb by destroying
everything Americana? Do you have any idea how truly
wicked evil "popular" dummy Palin, The Zionist
American, is actually my poorer 'friends' of Liberty?
Alex Jones followers know only all politicians are
puppets, but that, McCain isn't bad to vote for though..
Why do you forsake me, your wise great King? - your
took by crooks falling in thievery by silence for us
deafening. Enough. We Need Real Leadership.
World calls on bringing Israeli [ZIONIST/NAZI] leaders to Courts of
McCainiac "We got to have our head examined!"
The bushmob doctored the NIE on Iraq to con
America for death.
NWO Bailout Truth
"It's not going to make this dead horse get up and walk!"
We are not alone my friends..
Give Free to Banker.. Loan Back Maybe? Paleeze..
Why We Do the Things We Do
Sales pitch: Mankind takes on the world as One
with the calculators. Civilization DID happen!
Correct math scores are not impossible to find as
an answer to: why we do the things we do. Americans
gave private interest bankers trillions on only
Hopes that these, the most obscenely wealthy of all
the upper classes, are going to graciously lend
some of our own money, (we just gave them,) back
to us... in dire need. at interest! It's for our
benefit baby, don't you cry. This is just plain
dumber than rocks Johnny Wizard says okay. And
simply going to a gold standard is not the easy
made NWO answer, it is accounting for ourselves
that is going without questions. The private
banker is highjacking our public authority for
their private interest of exploitation.
No private business should have a right
over all persons to take portions of public
currency which ever way 'they' seem fit for
profit BETWEEN our exchanges. A fair government
sales tax okay, but not a private banker tax for
the simple natural right to barter, buy or sell.
[international exchange ratings require special
attentions here though - gotta be vigilant in
protection of unknowns, cause con artists can be
hidden openly in genius. The J. P. Morgans of this
world are idiots too, yeah, but also of a crafty
folk with defenses of number games manifested over
long centuries of battle. The battle for a free
mind to consider things in reflection. It's about
ideas on Christ actually. "In God We Trust."]
Our governments are not holding Private Bankers
to some kind of public authority to question who's
interests are being devalued here. This is why
the thing has been messed around for so long, We,
the People, have been too foggy on super basic
math skills as pronounced by, truly effective
Jewish leadership. "The Private Banker DOES NOT
cover our loans, we do." Read that again now.
And acknowledging, we, as conscious, can succumb
to suggestion without knowing what we are even
saying sometimes really. Everyone wants to play
the lead, but few are wanting guitar practices.
It get's easier as you try..
Answers: we need a tax on every buy and sell to
limit speculation in the stock markets as it was
prior, while openly discussing how the
investigations are going, in returning the 700
mill that was given through for another means by
Congress. For the private bankers to take that
money elsewhere, is to neglect the problem
persisting of home owners, and that mortgage
issue they forgot US about. Why Americans
desperately, at peril, gave the money to begin at.
Look, while arrests are transpiring, we'll then
discuss using the re-cooped stolen money to finance
all remaining mortgages on family homes at zero
interest levels, upto, let's say for now: $500,000.
It's an idea I'm putting out there to dialog on
with you guys and Obama. Obama!! How's it going!!
Hey man, we can work it out.. You don't seem like an
impossible person to reach. Hey, make life interesting
in ushering in a new peace plan by communicating. Now
I know your all pals with everyone as government, as
that is what a successful politician can do sometimes
good, sometimes criminal. Obama, we can't let these
con men go. These have been times of lawless wars
against God as indiscriminate bombings, of torture,
of slavery, of heroin pushing, of national looting of
a Peoples Treasures. How much is too much for you my
poorer brothers and sisters of the faith? Obama, let's
believe in ourselves. These bankers are stuck crooks
for no faulty but our own. It's still our money however.
King Johnny Earth, White House Jester. !
Our dreams have come true... Boo!
'Pentagon Admits Propaganda With American PR as Con for Criminals'
Yeah but demon enemy of America, Ian Punnet states
to die for the noecon is to die a war hero on his programming..
So who are you going to believe? Those who rape American
women as lawless enemies of God, who war with zionists against
Justice winning the Freedom of American murder victims?
or the stupidest kid he knows, demon evil enemy Ian Punnet,
who is never going to allow open line communications on
who's rights are being denied here?
CIA helped shoot down 15 planes in 'drug war,' often without warning
Randomly murdering civilian pilots for fun. What evidence
does a bushite give freely, but the contempt for Freedom
in our stolen places? They push heroin and cocaine into
Americans, and the People make little effort to demand
Justice for themselves broadcasted contemptible. Example:
how do these zionist TV corporate liars sell to ALL OF US,
that Americans DEMONICALLY lie about Russia defending
South Ossetia from the Nazi war criminal Saakashvili
forces, who first strike attacked peace keepers, hospitals,
children's schools, Churches, to then grenade dwellings
of where US Humans lived. Georgia is being run under by
a ungodly zionist nazi bush bitch liar name Saakashvili,
(Cheney's Bum Buddy) who needs to be immediately arrested
for first degree acts of mass murder.
Look at what Google Groups did to this account:
Hey? How come the Queen of Sheba took the minority
position in Canada's so once labeled, "democracy"?
eh? For you Brits that means luv yah! Now, I guess
since the Queen is here as Supreme Emancipator;
what are we going to do together further united
about this Peter Powers public terror trial at the
Queen's Court starting up? We are in reach of
consulting for the Queen's favor.. Peter Powers had
"terror drills" at the same time and same location
as where the explosions took place in London that
murdered many people. Netanyahu told people there,
while on sabbatical or somethingsuchidontknow the
main thing is, Netanyahu told US, on the scene, he
KNEW where the bombs were going to go off, along
with dragging Giuliannie, pulled to his side as he
spoke carefree about his inside secret connections.
so they avoided the blasts.. together... wheeewh..
that was a close one for them, dead people for US
aei? Aiiyuhhh. Anyway, we need the Nations of the
Common Wealth to support my call for the formal
arrest of Peter Powers the Terrorist immediately,
seeing there is, near Norway, a reason he could
rationally explain ourselves astray as some serious
terrorists gaming their get away, but that is it.
If they're gay, that's okay. It's the bombs we
gotta concerns ourselves about.
Time freeer Queen sided in minority though.. If we
appose such action then, would it then make her
go correctly forward now in the names of all to
pronounce such breath Royal?. I'm just teasing.
Tea. I would have tea with the Queen if she
asked me.
'Arrest not Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
'Arrest Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
'Arrest not Peter Powers for doing the London bombings'
imeanyouwanttobecorrectright? Look, I'll talk with
anyone on this current problem of communicating
our needs in knowing we already. Start today,
going tomorrow. Pretty soon, the questions will
reach out to something of less as stressful. Like
who do I think I am. But for now, YOU are it. So
get on your phone for your brothers at home in
Iraq, Afghanistan, South Ossetia and Soul, and
reach a concern for those who fall victim to our
inability to state law and order as a force for
Justice in the common good. Justice needs to be
shown in kind for all, far and wide to obtain
personal freedom at home inside the Great
Living Universe of wonder, we reside. A person
is innocent until proven otherwise. Free the
slaves! Free the Slaves!
Good Guy Alex Jones: "I will fight these people"
Good guy Alex went on again what the wise
Conservatives like him think [ - Not pro lawless
state? Alex advanced shooting Americans found
in your backyards frantically believing there
is some copper worth something there, or for
Texans murdering Texans who pose zero threat to
anyone breathing - as CHEERED for the actual first
degree murderer to be set free to continue living
on our Texas streets – never mind the included
facts that the same State executes Americans who
have proven in Texas Courts to have held no intent
to harm anyone, but regardless, they murder
themselves there without much of a peep from the
'Freedom for Illiterate Gun Owners' State prison
system. As George Noory's, happy happy, who gives
a care for them crucified openly through mass
murdering by neocon LIARS, praise Jesus we're
just great craze.
On minutes of considerations for Simpson: Simpson
couldn't phone the police because the Goldman
family are sanctioned to steal his properties.
The murderer's gloves don't fit Simpson's large
hands, he was rightly acquitted due to someone
for sure framing him. Now the Court who found him
innocent, is siding with a fraud that found him
FALSELY guilty. You can see Simpson's dilemma.
Now, I know, the bronco looks not impossibly bad..
but, what about the gloves Mr. Goldman? How did
you resolve that FACT in your bogus civil case?
You certainly don't want the guilty party to
escape red handed?? do you? (ask America for me
to take on the case i know little of how about
- for murderers are my specialty?) Simpson
asked a person at the entrance door if he brought
a gun, a person whom he believed had a license
to carry a concealed weapon. Obviously, not a
seriously planned out armed robbery to recover
his STOLEN property therefore. Nobody died.
33 years? While the fool who actually brandished
the weapon, on his own volition is not going for
as much as 33 days, with book deals in the works
in all likelihood. And the THIEF gets to keep
Simpson's stolen stuff! Why not now, leastly
charge him for possession to get to the bottom
we say for our sakes?] And what ALL the rest of
US as idiot Liberals think. Now, what about
You? Are you either or whatever, the global new
world orderers states you are? We are more than
what Alex scores as exact statement of HIS self
delusions. Justice is what WE want Alex. Freedom
is Justice. Alex is near just like the guys who
poison our water with sodium fluoride. You tell
him, look there is video of iron flowing like
water prior to the collapse of the towers, and
like the newspapers, he'll silently say to prop
"himself", let them all swim in doubts further
without the certainty such conclusive scientific
evidence provides, I don't want to look like a
fool with something to learn for not mentioning
it before. Iron flowing like water! After all,
Alex Jones rules the Ocean of Truth warring the
New World Order, and Johnny, the wise Communicator
of the Eternal Universe is not worth listening
for,as the Wow Man to look US as serious dumdums.
Understand: it is only the will of Alex and
George Noory who forbid US open dialog. Not me. I
am perfectly prepared to defeat criminals with
good intentions, without any censorship on good
guy Alex's personal insecurities, or George Noory's
blatant treasons of unprecedented evil wickedness.
Those who have ears CAN hear. (Ian Punnet, 'the
stupidest kid he knows', is an atheist who had
been going to Seminary school for something near
decades, and is closer to 60 than 20ish in age.)
If I am found in error I celebrate my new found
understanding. With Alex, he's terrified that
Justice will prevail with wiser minds capable of
explaining the true vastness of his near zero
concepts of real Freedom Universal, of "socialized
medicine", what probable cause is, why a person
accused of a criminal offense without evidence
is innocent, and that Hammurabi lawed that false
capital accusers should be executed as clear
enemies of Justice ourselves. Hammurabi founded
Civilization, and the Law was his very first - as
recorded on a gigantic immovable Rock in Iraq.
Foolishly scammed Alex's, best most loved in America
George Noory, blames bin Laden publicly in his
presence, and Alex totally whores America out to
be whipping boy for Georgie's openly sadistic
ungodly pleasures. It is in Alex's Jones Name that
Hammurabi lawed as such. Alex will blame people like
Gary Hart, but not Bush or Condi, he'll blame People
like Awesome Chomsky, but not Israeli Zionists for
openly robbing, or killing innocent Christians AND
JEWS in broad daylight as, champions of the American
taxed Worker's cause. See? same thing again like
with our water.. instead of America going, we've
found some new insights on the screams of defending
ourselves the innocent, or, let's hear what this
Palestinian Christian has to say already in open
debate we wish to defend our arguments for the
betterment of all - it's a win win if I lose, Johnny
is of God like me too equally, instead, America'll
let US all go nowhere because we knew all along
this would happen with America getting us to war
ourselves blindly targeting in fear of shadow
Peoples. Again, Alex Jones states George Noory,
the enemy, is anything else but. Americans TRULY
die for George Noory's sadistic pleasures in hating
Justice winning the rights to defend a falling
American soldier. George Noory has stated directly
to Alex his treasonous intentions to go ballistic
against any American GI who refused a criminal
order of the un-elected neocons, and truly good
man Alex only spewed, yes sir silently. Fuck ego,
FACTS. I love Alex Jones. This is more than about
Alex's challenge against himself being truly a
great man, though deaf dumb and blind sometimes.
It's fact, he doesn't know much of everything
like everyone else including myself Supreme Genius
of Geniuses. I am an idiot too, often.. However:
Closing 911 investigations immediately after the
crime happened is a serious high crime of treason.
But Alex doesn't want to look America as cowardly
as Americans dying forsaken are. A fact is a fact.
Bush, Cheney, Condi and Rumsfeld are in need of
arresting for their contempt for the Living rights
of America.
This is the New World Order where Justice
prevails, that Alex is in blind fear for his
ego as. Look nieve with things to learn and
save the Great America? Or be someone else's
label, "Liberal" or "Conservative". On General
terms, Conservatives are more likely to be
dumb and or criminal because "everything" is
either one way or the other with you falsely.
While the term "Liberals", doesn't mean much
of anything as a cover of all of everything
else infinite, which includes Us, The People.
EvErYboDy. Enter Johnny Wizard.
Approve the Rule of Christ
Do you really believe these satanic evil
demon nazi fuks, who STEAL Christian Homes
at gun point, these demons who, with pride,
dropped seven million land mines in Lebanon
have a love for God's Chosen? They seeked out
where the Jews of northern Lebanon lived, and
MURDERED them. They openly admit to having
thousands in prison without charges to abuse
with torture, they shoot Peoples indiscriminately
telling US that's how evil they are to argue
it's Your fault though. These enemies of Humanity
would have their offspring to write things on bombs
like, 'die Jew die - from your friends of Israel'.
They, today, lie to God and Man that we believe
in nuking populations without facts to back
up their routine false allegations. While German
intelligence claims factually, this evil nation of
Israeli were knowingly directly complicit in the
crimes of 911, yet this who claim greater rights than
all man, don't feel these facts are worth mentioning.
It is only as thieves to God's good will they
are robbing US our privileges of Liberty through equal
standings under the rules of Christ. Don't do to
others what you wouldn't want done to yourself.
Do you want your home stolen, to be then forced at
gun point to live in a concentration camp? They are
a godless nation run of greedy evil Pirates who's
provable intent is criminal.
Americans have to go all the way to Russia
to get thoughts of popularly elected American
Congressmen - not near ever present on American
TV's corporate News 'expert' commentator channels.
Reminder: CNN and CBC don't hide the fact that
they do near zero research on our life and death
sufferings - a war or two is going on?. People
being bombed irrationally.. Hey!, so what - they're
mostly multi-millionaires doing as little as
possible.. Corporate $uccess! who cares for them
Americans would say...
We need a King me thinks.
Kucinich sure is awesome though eh? Kucinich
is the biggest man of history, and I'm not in
anyway exaggerating that fact. I'm hoping we can
get as much advice from him on everything we can.
Look, Humanity does have hope, here's a story
from Cavuto, once into serving blindly for Satan,
now something nearing closer to Christendom.
Fox News Interview with a Real Rabbi Jew
It is all quite amazing, the way this all pans
out from actual Biblical prospectives eh? I'd bet
that Son of Man fellow has one incredible story to
tell all eh? eh?
The most important interview ever
Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both 'Inside Jobs'
America, bushite drones are the thoughtless
enemy of US as Innocent Peoples, that is of
Yourselves held in self contempt. Speak for
Justice Now, or forever lose your peace. Now,
noted, "Now" is truly forever, yes, but be
quick about it none the less. Times they are
a changing, and we don't have room anymore to
be silent on continuing censorships on our
greatest to not be so blatantly stupid. Soldiers
who serve to obey as war criminals, are war
criminals who shouldn't be serving. In defense
of America is of mottos all.. Agreed? Agreed.
No evidence bushite guilty of false arrest as
traitors to the good old red, white, and blue.
And everyone in America knows, you don't want
to be fuking with our reds, whites, and Blue.
"America is Good"
U.S Army Girls Raped! & More.Pt.1/3
Today Americans are taking personal credit for
all America has done right in the past four
hundred years, as better than US, encouraging
others in their nazi nation to not take personal
responsibility for crimes such as these committed
in our names. So they take credit in the names
of the good, while remaining silent against the
unelected bushmob war criminals who murder
countless Peoples of our Humanity with uniformed
American teens led to die sacrificed for criminal
gains. Example: 'we're bringing freedom by
indiscriminately bombing their country, stealing
all their money, torturing their innocent
families, all by robbing and raping ourselves.
but shhh... "America is Good". A person accused
of a criminal offence is innocent, defend bin
Laden the falsely accused as if he were
Yourselves to obtain the true culprits
responsible, but in Jackass Texas world,
they can't seem to get the falsely accused have
some rights greater than them here..
They is Us
Alex Jones "It's a fact. [..] The Plains Indians,
all of'em, which by the way I got quite a bid
of that blood in me as well, and I'm proud of it,
but THEY would constantly raid the neighbors,
they would constantly kill their neighbors,
that's what Humans do. And now we are being
usurped today. And they teach Americans this
guilt. it's very fashionable to hate what America
was because the Globalist, the Internationalist,
[CHRIST IS HERE] wants to destroy our way of life.
["our way of life" PAUSE - REFLECT constantly
killing ourselves a way of life? A Life of
Freedom or of premature death? Do Americans
not believe in arresting murderers, because it
might give US the guilty name of victim? is the
"Globalist" the rapists of KBR whom "Americans"
in political silence, refuse to take down today
for public trials as ungodly criminal?, like Bush
for the treasons of 911? or is "Globalists", the
censored American victims who aren't heard over
the happy George Noorys who only have credited
themselves personally with all the greatest minds
ever that they know better of, over the rest of
US as humanity being soared out losers over that
Justice is Freedom, "their" war against Life/terrorism
issue? George Noory takes sadistic pleasure when
he talks of going ballistic against soldiers who
refuse criminal orders, a true fascist, a true
enemy - and the Alex Jonesers, NWOers, can't/won't
hear/know/see this... [it's just US] yet! - that's
if they except they has things to learn about the
Human condition.] it's very fashionable to hate what
America was because the Globalist, the
YOU] wants to destroy our way of life." Before
Alex starts telling us all what the Global Elites
all think, because something he read THEY wrote
says so, he should maybe figure himself in a
little better firstly. We are dynamic. Alex Jones
did the News show on American women being left
forsaken! Criminal intent is the guideline we
want to point fingers for. Again, Alex Jones is
a good man, with a good heart, he's just kinda
like a blanket all false accuser lost in false
prospectives that aren't backed by the indivisible
rights we all truly share. Germans, Russians,
Canadians, and Iranians are US along with The Cree
alex. And dividing ourselves from Just Cause
because you personally fear many of your BLIND
concepts on ALL Our Public Health Care systems,
ALL Our Public Schooling systems, blahblahblah..
is incredibly easy to defeat publicly by me as
irrational idiotism. Look, Americans pay twice as
much, and get half the coverage compared to Canadians
in Health care overALL if you want to play this game.
Why? We don't have middle men who ARE NOT doctors
or nurses taking near all our investments for
nothing. (It's like the private banker scheme) KBR
does not NEED to be there if you had the mind
of a single American Forefather. Before KBR, the
military would be responsible for fuel transports
in a convoy, NOW, KBR takes near 70 percent of
the investment, while the military convoy has a
system that has only gained interference. The
convoy has to move with a fuel transport
regardless, so why lose out 70 percent of the
money to those basking in the high life of
Florida?, to an evil bastard of a company who
will even just move empty trucks back and forth
in a dangerous war zone for stolen cash profit?,
or take expensive computers paid for by America,
and just burn our investments in a bomb fire,
because "America" will pay even more without
questions demanded. Evil NWO Globalist George
Noory ain't taking our calls.. WE ARE TALKING
much of it criminal, while illiterate teen
soldiers proud of red, white, and blue are left
to go without Justice as God's Life does will.
That is "American" military "intelligence". Of
which Alex sells is genius top secretly. Bullshit.
Grunts are more stupid than evil, but they are
stupid guaranteed. That is the primary reason
the cowardly and evil are atracted to killing people
indiscriminately that they believe no God or
Man will hold them to account for. In fact, CNN
will even call them Heroes for not defending
American virtues, as upholding the Oathe they gave
to God and Country. Soldiers in America are suppose
to refuse criminal orders. The UN has declared the
actions of bushite in Iraq as those of real war
criminals. Traitors to the Cause of Christians,
Jews, Atheists, and Rastafarians. They murder US
indiscriminately to steal from ourselves. Like
Israeli does to Jews this world over.
You Conservatives, you Republicans, you Liberals,
you Socialists, we have to get out of this left
wing, right wing thing, because it's a place where
criminals reside, hidden from the blind. Besides,
it doesn't mean much of anything! Right wingers
are predominately populated by ignorant evil blind
people, who say 'things' are all one way. Example:
"Privatize Always", "Socialized medicine is bad"..
who want to advantage us of our savings, by in
voiced silence, include, the stealing of freedoms
by warring the Innocent in Afghanistan and Iraq
to escape Zionist war criminals through corporate
censorship, while the rest, is near everybody else..
denied Just cause, pro or con, good or bad. TRULY.
'Socialized medicine is bad' - do traffic lights
ease congestion, and prevent deaths or not Alex?
What are you talking about as a person who knows
really very little of squat in respect to how any
of these systems actually work? Idiots are everywhere
in YOUR "Genius" clubs... Believe me, I KNOW. WE are
flying lacsidaisically through the maelstrom of hell
laughing with enemy George Noory my friend, laughing,
while most Americans do not see little of any spare
time to care for their dying future. Stick to the
basics. Justice is want you want, it's what I want,
it's what they want. It's what everyone should be as
demanding on our TV and Radio Expert's r US broadcasts.
Instead, American TV hasn't warned American women of
the serious threat of contaminated baby formula.
Of Sodium Fluoride. Soldiers of Depleted Uranium,
of mercury tainted vaccines. Of the neocon treasonous
monsters whom they tell US, me and you, we find most
popular. Who ever voted for Rumsfeld?, Condi?,
Cheney? ... Bush? Again, Alex Jones is an idiot to
blame anyone but ourselves. Americans are cowards to
not simply lift their phones to publicly demand the
capture of the bad guys who did us all wrong by
killing America’s sons and daughters in a needless
conflict of barbarity unprecedented In Humanity’s
history. The Kilo and Bravo companies with Sattler
dropped nine two thousand pound bombs on a tiny city
of three hundred thousand People, then went house to
house, murdering every man, women and child present
there. People the grunts said Americans were there in
OUR names to help. They bomb wedding parties. Grunts
push heroin into Americans, and DON’T even write a
sentence of concern for this fact, TOO COWARDLY, or
just plain nazi evil. Not near barely a single word
do they utter, but for to praise Satan on how easy
America excepts them as war criminal enemies pirating
the cause of Justice as Liberty for all. ALL. Your no
better than US american.
USA is criminal gang leading World to Nuclear war part2
Also calls himself "JEW BIY".
Well then.. that proves it!So, does this prove to you I am the True Son of Man
as Neocon hunter extraordinaire? - err.. or, in
blind faith you wish to destroy the souls of those who
refuse the documented facts in cowardly sacrifice
for zionist evil - who cowardly are looking for any
excuse to continue not standing as real men would?
Do you take US for some fool perchance?
Again, all bushite wives should consider ending their
nazi bushite 'relationship', and find a real man like
me who wouldn't bomb women and children leaving
a Church, while boasting 'deh kilt der terroreists' for
neocon liars who are trying to escape the crimes of
mass murder in America as ungodly enemies of
How come Google let's the zionist enemy of Life
"Shitskin Moslem" pirate all our groups each day;
while deleting now more that 20,000 references of
US, The People writing in response to my written
great works? Understand: Google at youtube have
banned all references of Obama as they did with
those who argued Obama is an uncle tom for killing
American Black teens in Afghanistan/Iraq for the PROVEN
liar neocon. How many hits did the vid have in one
day? More than 300,000... And at Google's 'movers
and shakers' it was no where to be found in TEN FULL
PAGES. What does this mean? Google, diliberately,
has acted in promoting the criminal escape of terrorists
who murdered thousands on 911 in New York City. While
promoting the worst of racist nazi trash, to have US
believe we don't believe truly in ourselves. Now, since
we've gathered this evidence among much more, they
have suggested it never was a measurement of
our popular beliefs, so today, they have in the top most
populars, advertizing.. Believe. Google will assist
murdering Christian families for the monetary gains of
the criminal neocon. They block totals to top interest
vids from Loosechange for example, attempting to fear
Americans into believing they are all alone in a concern
that the neocon is trying to escape the crimes of mass
murder against America.
Neocons of America - the Jew is Coming for You
“We could not risk an operation which would
only partially succeed," one defense official
told The Times. "That would leave us open to
a nuclear attack from Iran’s remaining weapons
This is why Johnny timelessly begs all peoples of
every religion to war the Satanic enemy of Life,
the Zionist demon liars. This demon nazi official
of the stolen land of thieves Israel, can state
such horrendously evil statements backed by ZERO
fact against God as Life, and CNN, CBC, and PBS
only smiles with George Norry the enemy over the
prospect of sadistically murdering countless more
Innocent Peoples. Remember: nazi Israeli cheer in
their godless racist nazi military towns when they
murdered countless Jews AS TARGETED in Northern
Lebanon. They seeked out where the Jews lived,
and MURDERED them. Nazi Israeli openly wants to
nuke Our Earth, and drop millions upon millions
of land mines as TRUE enemies of Creation with
their evil demonic deeds, to tell US with foxnews
they're saving ourselves hardship and suffering.
Condi and those of the Pentagon sent the satanists
of Israel seven million land mines that they
dropped on 170 towns and villages in Lebanon,
after an end to the conflict Israel started was
imminent. Land mines that murder only innocent
people as mostly children for her continuing rich
pleasures. I want Condi arrested today, tried,
and executed publicly by America for these serious
capital offences, along with every "popular" neocon
in the Press of America who LIES of this story. Any
american to argue otherwise with censorship of our
easy to hear voices, the FACTS, is not Human. Also,
any politician who exercises America's right to send
Nazi Israel another dime in welfare for thieves who
openly steal OUR homes, or more land mines, will also
be tried an anti-Semitic war criminal enemy of Humanity
my friend, as charged for treason against Christ, the
King of Earth. Understand: Poor Jews in Israel live
in garbage dumps to find a charitable bite to eat
- Why? because the Zionist nation that collects
the funds crying about poor Jews of Israel who live
in garbage dumps, uses our good will monies for
other more important private matters - as so
reported in Israel newspapers. 'Proudly', the
Zionist enemy of God with tell you, 'for isn't that
what dying Jews of the Bibles do?' God, we are serious.
Please, lazy doped down American, raise your phone
to call for some one to care for a poor few like we.
Why does President Bush keep lying, even now,
about Saddam Hussein's 'refusal' to let weapons
inspectors in?
It's a way where an Alex Jones can run cover
for him with CNN, so if/when the war crimes trials
start, he'll say: Alex didn't know.. Understand
though, Mr. Bush, Rumsfeld, and Ariel Sharon
had worked through the Secret Service to falsely
imprison me, to silence my voice on their ungodly
lying as the highest of treasons. Didn't go
though, (one too many honorable cops, Judges,
attorneys, and street thugs) despite Alex LYING
to America that I couldn't be true, therefore,
in his mind, without evidence I offered, I was
secretly in with the NWO as a dis-info specialist.
More true than Bush or Alex knew eh? (Again,
I say Alex is still mmosttlly a good guy..)
For I know, the Truth smarts the
inflated bigot egos to just about everybody living
or dead it seems. Remember though, Alex, in one of
his rages against the order to things this week,
told US he wants to actually shoot dead all Americans
who steal copper from air conditioners, [note: neocon
war criminals like Bush or Rumsfeld, Condi, and
the rest of the repugs, he's not at all
concerned to near ever mention, but to say, 'look
away! look away! the unlawful perpetrators of
treason against everyone are only staged puppets!'
Signing YOUR life away! Those who actually commit
open treason against America he doesn't have much
ever to say, or will allow others either, while
blaming the lack of guns everywhere but in shithole
Texas for America's woes. In Texas, a monster
gunned down two men in the back who were no threat
to anyone, and Alex, cowardly, only cheered for the
murderer to be set free by the chief of police.
See? In Texas where they fully mess themselves
routinely, that TRULY warrants the death sentence,
"Law of Parties". I personally don't believe Alex
Jones has the good judgment to own a gun.
Alex Jones "I don't make anything up."
Just don't get him to tell you what ALL
"Genius" Elites, or Mexicans think.. because
hay!, he read it in their own reports, reports
that contain no doubt on his interpretations.
Understand: not once has he told you of the
report to blame bin Laden for nine eleven
without evidence to secure invasion of
Afghanistan for Enron, dated two days prior
to the actual event taking place, originating
from Condi's office. As reported by MSNBC.
But I don't forget I am god and man, and Alex
Jones' heart is most definitely in the right
place, he just has an extremely difficult time
dealing with criticism on his true idiocy. See,
if I've taken a lacking position in judgment as
in older times, I celebrate my new improvement in
understanding. Doesn't hurt my unbound ego, as
frankly, I couldn't care less if 99.9 percent of
corporated American product didn't like me as the
true Christ, the Son of Man as wiser than they could
possibly imagine, fuk'em all as evil nazis I say.
Amerikans do not own freedom, (despite their constant
thieving of Our Humanity's) or eternal life's true
Love for US, The People.
I also consider that if Alex's ego wasn't so arrogant
as a knower of everything under the Son, (like for
economics, public education, health care, Justice,
and God) I don't know if he would have been as
successful encouraging illiterate males in America
to attempt being men. Real men. So, again, Alex Jones,
is an idiot.
God has a Son.
I was born the Son to God as law giver here
to do a job for the Living Universe nobody else
here on Earth is unfortunately [YET!]
qualified for. Does that make you cry in chauvinistic
outrage because you can't ACTUALLY disagree with a
single factual statement I make like Americans in fear
cower dying for slavery? Americans have given TRILLIONS
of their hard earned monies to obscenely wealthy
private bankers on only hopes and prayers their
‘magical’ gods might lend a little some back at
huge interest – and they can’t be barely bothered
to complain about how easily they give themselves
to die as conned to bad men with criminal intent.
However, I am still seriously in need of
assistance, for I can not do this alone, without
help in the form of a, basic needs, cash infusion.
Understand: I am doing this work of our world
without a paycheck, [Sideline: The Winnipeg Free
Press with CJOB would rather die homeless people
on the streets in 20 below zero weather, than
offer welfare to people desperate for lodging -
and like YOUR city, the newspaper rules our
victimized stolen investments for more millions
they actually steal as REAL CRIMINALS] unlike the
multi-millionaires at CNN and Foxnews who can't
seem to do even the most rudimentary research on
any subject involving the real sacrifices of
America to war criminals, and private banker
thieves who allege YOU owe them for nothing until
the end of times. America! Leave those good for
nothing two timers who charge you an arm and a
leg, King Johnny loves you!
Love US back and we could later tell you how
interest free loans work for the benefit of
everyone, because that way, a trillioniare
doesn't take most all our investments for
nothing, and People find it a great deal easier
to pay off their mortgages. Or don't and give
your life away for nothing better in faith, so
you can blindly pretend your a wiser invester
with Obama's crew to screw you further. Obama,
who frankly is not nowhere near enlightened on
this issue, has brought on all those who do not
want change in the market forces of exploitation.
For the very same people who are responsible for
removing most of the laws for protection, he has
promised a publicly paid position in America to
continue unhampered. You'd think he could change
it up some,.. like, since these individuals have
billions themselves personally, they'd work for
free just for the chances of taking more from
the uneducated America victims enslaved for
giving more happily. George Noory is happy, so
why shouldn't you be too? Doesn't matter however,
for those real demons at Coast to Coast ain't
going to be taking our calls for real justice
without a fight. Remember: he told US he's into
killing innocent kids for the pleasure of sitting
on top of the suckers blaming his New World Orders.
He wills to go ballistic against soldiers who refuse
criminal orders. Ahhh.. he's comfortable killing
Yourselves with his contempt for God and America.
We all know what the deaf, dumb, and blind idiot
Alex Jones thinks about the great George Noory's
contempt for True Liberty, again, how about
You friend? Can you pass this post for someone else
to consider for themselves as important? Or, is
Johnny Genius, the Christ just too long winded for
anyone to pay respect for? Besides I challenge all
American men are cowardly to remain silent, and
by not supporting this fact, they can pretend they
are something they are not. Bushite wives! leave
your murdering nazi husbands and come live with
me, a real man! Iaa.. am going to need to get
US a larger place.. but we will make due with
what we have.. Yeah Way! I only have love for You.
Kiss you later sweets, take care. Holy Momma!
**URGENT** The Bailout In Under 1 Minute
/ / Shots fired from NATO helicopters killed over 200
sheep belonging to local shepherds. The sources
told reporters that NATO troops claim they were
targeting Taliban warriors... \ \
Bill the General who ordered this strike against
sheep by gunship to enrage Afghanistan. For a bushite
grunt of NATO coud not possibly escape he is a demonic
liar child killer, as enemy of God and Humanity.
Sure you say, they take fun in killing puppies, raping
women, using white phosphorus against a city's entire
population, and sell heroin to life imprison American
citizens to be called True Heroes by CNN and Foxnews,
so they took some more fun in killing sheep to starve
Afghans, so what? Fuck you zionist amerikcan nazi whores.
/ / Of course, what Israel wants is Gazan
Palestinian infant malnutrition and death:
otherwise, this turning back of humanitarian
aid for babies would be unthinkable. \ \
Not to the openly godless enemies of Human
Life. Zionists are the enemies of every
breathing Human Being. They target innocent
people for murder, like they did to Jews in
Lebanon, while telling US unchallenged
on CNN, CBC, and Foxnews, it's to war God
for terrorism. With George Noory's laughs of
how happy he is today, still dying freedom
in America with his blatant demonic treachery
of censoring OUR facts. Our screams for Justice.
Was The TRUTH too much for GCN? Jack Blood Axed from network
Look, Alex Jones will LIE he has been on with George Noory
50 times over five years. And that George Norry isn't openly
a traitor who deserves to be tried as such, and after an
easy guilty verdict, formally executed for supporting
killing Arab childrens for the escape of the neocon
terrorists. As such has said to Alex, Alex will never be
allowed to mention to America General Ahmad, as any person
or persons responsible for 911. Alex said/says nothing.
Look, George Noory told Alex he would go ballistic against
any soldier who refused a criminal order, and Alex STILL!
praises George as YOUR greatest love, while ruling OUR sea
of Truth, fighting at the pinnacle of HIS spear warring the
Order to Life. Alex Jones will LIE that Ron Paul didn't
willingly give away his votes through a PROVEN rigged
election for McCain as Republican Party leader, while
walking away with millions donated on hopes it would be
spent to fight for YOU as Justice willed. Look, Ron Paul
will tell you it's the Liberals, and the Socialists, the
elderly, the do gooders, and big (=relative) Government
that is responsible, not the Federal Reserve TRAITORS who
openly stole TWO TRILLION dollars - according to Ron Paul!,
who sits on the banking committees! (actually closer to
Eight trillion) Realize: Ron Paul will NOT blame THIEVING
FR officials who need to be immediately arrested as such,
(for misappropriating the 700 billion for example) and
demand an immediate return of the stolen monies to be
warranted through the FBI to recover our stolen loses. Ron
Paul blames the Iraq war on the Big UN, not on puny Bush for
doctoring the NIE, AND, Ron Paul, the dishonorable, refused
to support the arrest of Bush, or the neocons responsible
for 911 by supporting Kucinich’s call for impeachment.
Understand all you near truly fascist Libertarians,
Ron Paul refused to support the impeachment of
war criminal Bush, a war criminal never elected. Tell
a Libertarian that, and they'll likely say, "so."?.
"Men of anger, men of war...
Tell me what you are fighting for"
CNN don't want to take our questions, nor give
our answers as understood. General Ahmad funded
Atta. Bush personally worked to close criminal
investigations into 911 immediately after the
event took place, an event he was personally
warned about by German Intel. Saddam wasn't in
violation of 1441. They gave Saddam 48 hours, he
agreed to leave, so six hours in, started the
conflict with more than 36,000 indiscriminate
bombings. (Today, the neocon will LIE to say it's
true, but that Saddam secretly wanted to take
several billion with him was the reason robbing
America her word and Iraq of everything, including
the murdering of more that a million innocent
souls bombed by bushite traitors who except
criminal orders for the escape of the 911 culprits)
A criminal conflict started on the PROVEN false
accusations of wmd destructions, THEY CONNED TO
KILL AMERICA as known fraudulent. Nazi Pro Torture
Rumsfeld called it a Blitzkrieg!
Alex Jones is in with the CFR!
Did you hear Alex Jones tell Canada the NWO elites
are trying to get rid of (pro war criminal) Harper?
By throwing him out of office for refusing to run
the government while giving Canadian banks
100 billion to stave of... what? Canadian
banking IS NOT American banking. In Canada,
Our banks don't have to cover a single thin
dime on any of the billions in loans we take.
Theses bankers clear tens of billions each quarter,
in a nation one tenth the population size of
America. So giving these bankers a single public
dollar is more ungodly highway robbery no matter
which way you look at it without censorship,
accept for pro war crime Harper who's into
escaping the 911 culprits by imprisoning American
soldiers who refuse criminal orders, the CFR,
and Alex Jones that is.. See with Alex Jones
this is all TOO EASY. The elites are smarter
than everyone always, so.. they did it. Ask
Alex who is they, and he'll not tell you,
General Ahmad, he'll not tell you "Puppet"
Bush, "Puppet" Rumsfeld, "puppet" Cheney, or
"Puppet" repuglicon zionists. For all politicians
are puppets Alex will teach you to ignore
the science of cause and effect, like iron
flowing like water from the towers prior
to their collapse, and then call George Noory
anything but lying traitor for blamming bin
Laden yesterday, and not! tell right wing radio
hosts, they have no real truth to stand with.
Example: If the absolutionist [dumfuk] right
wingers say we need the government to impose
a police state to defend ourselves, Alex will
not tell them, that it is the FBI's official
position that General Ahmad funded Atta, and bin
Laden has next to nothing to do with mass murder
in America on 911. See? even though Alex Jones
is in cahoots with the CFR, I still say, let's
work with him to get these neocons on public
trial for mass murder on 911. A CFR'er to appose
US will lose.. in the public light of scrutiny,
see? Especially with me organizing prosecutions
with the laws on OUR books. Example: torture
IS already against the law, and warrants the
death sentence to save the lives of the innocent.
Alex Jones "You're in the same boat as us!"
/ / Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana
Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New
Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war \ \
It's called robbery in progress..
/ / KABUL (Reuters) - The U.S. general commanding
NATO forces in Afghanistan has ordered a merger of
the office that releases news with "Psy Ops," which
deals with propaganda, a move that goes against the
alliance's policy, three officials said. \ \ I ask
I order all officers of our laws to arrest David
McKiernan on site for treason. 911 was financed by
bushmobster Ahmad, and McKiernan with the bushmob
selling heroin in Canada to life term imprison
Americans for simple possession is really starting
to piss US all off..
[Hey but thank God!, these legal arguments I've
fully debriefed all of Humanity several years
prior! (Possession is nine-tenths of the law,
NINE-TENTHS!! fukcing dying idiots everywhere
Here God.. Man..?. Where are the men of the
twenty first century to call for true Liberty?
Not in dumbass TV America we can all as
Humanity for sure know.., what about talk
radio?)] All they do on Coast to Coast is thank
George Noory for selling out America for tyranny
- America is a cowardly evil nation desperate
for excuses as still being run under by zionist
90 Percent of U.S. Infant Formula May Be Contaminated
“Oops, We Meant $7 TRILLION!” What Hank and Ben Are Up to..
Conning Congress for Bad Intentions
New evidence: Ron Suskind is Right
/ / What was an Iraqi politician doing at CIA
headquarters just days before he distributed
a fake memo incriminating Saddam Hussein in 9/11? \ \
It was reported by the L.A. Times and many others,
this actual Israeli plan, of linking bin with Hussein,
was in place days before 911 went down, according to
German Intel. Alex Jones will not tell you this, because
hey, george noory is a good guy, and israel is just
another, nothing special culture of self centered
defilers of all God's Great Creation.
Again, Bush knew personally he was CONNING Congress
along with the rest of the American suckers, and
Alex Jones will never tell you that, because WE ALL
have to fit his fictions as powerless puppet people
never responsible for our actions, otherwise we'll
all loose our public showings like Jack Blood did,
stating the TRUTH is too controversial. Again, Alex
Jonesers will teach you to fear the NWO, but not your
one local newspaper for stealing your rights to be heard,
while availing themselves to steal our public utilities,
and as a consequence, of these REAL criminals stealing
our lives, need to continue CONNING our teens to die for
Zionist criminals like George Noory does every fukcing
day while chuckling his contempt for God's Silence.
Your silence.
Alex Jones "Intentions can be evil."
A Public Letter to America from King Johnny
Interview with www.afghanistanafterdemocracy.com - Radio Free America
http://www.mediafire.com/?yfnb5tyh3mz (back-up)
Wow! This was one powerful showing of our present
circumstances. Let us all speak for Obama to order US
in to formally arrest those responsible for 911,
including the war crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq,
Georgia and Lebanon too will not be impossible with
24 hour cop-o-rate news coverage following our
investigators around, to joyously receiving Justice
to the culprits who committed 911 with General Ahmad,
who doctored the NIE on Iraq, who gives BLINDLY
private bankers trillions on hopes that they might
loan a little some back at high interest, openly
conning congress to KILL AMERICA for stolen gains
through "LAWLESS" terrorism. Lawless terrorism of
the ungodly kind of a criminal mind.. Have no Fear!
We is Here!! ! The crimes of torture warrant the
death sentence in America for good reason. Evil
is dumb always to except the Bushmob shall leave
US unshackled to escape for Public trial of the
worst treasons.
Who's Jesus?
ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Now think American: Why do you suppose this is anything else
but treason involving the escape of the 911 terrorists?
Obstruction of Justice is seriously criminal. Understand:
CNN, CBC, and the BBC news producers know the neocon bushite
committed 911, [I've told them myself] but refuse open debate
through dialog to continue murdering ourselves. They are all
of Humanity's true enemies by forbidding the knowledge to
defend ourselves judicially.
Monkey Business
"2,700-year-old marijuana stash found"
A sacred hidden stash of Primo Primo, The sacred
"SEED" of Abraham has returned!? despite the wars
against life by the neocons. Fox News doesn't care
that the bushmob conned congress, as America's
Kids for dying as bad guy terrorist war criminals.
Escaping the Zionist Neocon traitors. Demon liars
my friend, followed by cowardly mute savages who
enjoy lawlessly abusing all others to steal from,
a McCainiac/Bushite has no true concern to defend
America from the 911 terrorists, or from bank
robberies, because they can't truly form their own
opinion, escapes them as push-around blind cowardly
ignorant foxnews fascists, who to make up for their
"hidden" shortcomings, advocate abusing the freedom of
others - like to pretend their honorable like George
Noory for dropping millions of land mines indiscriminately
through-out Jewish communities inside Northern Lebanon,
to TARGET KILL REAL JEWS for an Israeli like Palin or
funny bad man, Bill 'he'll kill'ya' Oh-Really. Have you
seen ANY of the American Air Force videos available where
these enemies of every life bomb ourselves
indiscriminately while chanting hail Satans, or
whatever sworn evil as barbaric, abusing
female soldiers, Iraqi and Afghanistan women and
children, expecting YOUR not American enough to
voice Humanity for Justice instead as freedom
yearned there desperately? Now, how do YOU feel about
pro-war-crime happy George Noory? You'd think he'd
only kill an innocent Arab Christian sure, proudly,
but not an American Christian for the Zionist Neocon
Demon Liars? Think so foolish brother?
(But I bet that stash could have been used for food, lodging,
fuel, clothing for next to nothing in overhead instead mabe.
The stuff grows like weeds..)
FDA Sets Melamine Standard For Baby Formula
No, instead, we arrest them for endangering American lives,
give'em twenty to life, or death sentences, and by doing so,
we will bring about a society where the zionist government
doesn't openly try to rob or murder our families for stolen
money. People of Earth: Did you know Americans poison their
own dairy supplies with BGH to kill themselves for monetary
gains stolen?
The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand
True Demon Enemy of God and Humanity George Noory "All is well."
The Demon enemy refuses American Patriots a voice for Justice
because he told US he's into killing kids. No Justice for 911
in America cause George Noory, the Traitor, is into killing
innocent children. Loosechange has never been allowed to
defend ourselves, while, near daily, George Noory lies as bin
Laden on facts WE know repeatedly he KNOWS better of. General
Ahmad funded Atta. The day American George Noory leaves, will be
a holiday celebrated by all soldiers who believe in warring for
Justice. George Noory, demon enemy who told Alex Jones
he'd go ballistic against any soldier who refused a criminal
order. Happy George Noory is as wicked evil as evil can be,
while America's Alex Jones foolishly heaps fearful praise for
his naked treachery, to move no concern for the REAL 911 culprits
escaping 'free', while then to go on about not speaking about
Ron Paul's refusal to demand FAIR elections in our names.
(However, Ron will take our donated cash some place else though
- so, and can America here left truly afford to care for Life?,
when such investments are just carted away like in Iraq with KBR,
or for death squad mercenaries to police UNARMED Army barracks?,
yeah we need change, and that change is going to come from US
and Obama. Obama: before you get yourself all tangled in war
criming for losing your wits, and selling out for evil because
you can't ever except bailing out private interest bankers is
defunct in reason absent, as, makes no sense whatsoever. What
are you going to be doing Obama? Still chewing out bankers with
free trillions on hopes they'll maybe lend some of our own money
back to us at huge interest? Hope? I mean, come on, Obama! How
stupid do you take US for tomorrow? Why not invite me up for a
chat once you get all sworn in an that.. Hope to hear from you
soon on supporting my calls for some real Justice Johnny coming
to town! Or, is Obama maybe wishing to remain more cowardly as
silent for neocon swindles, looking further foolish worth dying
all of our forsaken Humanity as?) Obama: the nation of Israel
STEALS an innocent Christian's home, and if they're in on a deal,
American tax payers will PAY THE THIEF, near 250,000 American
dollars to leave the home they stole at gun-point. Now, Obama:
does that sound fair to the homeless beggars that live in garbage
dumps, in this nation of Israel that receives more "socialist
welfare" from America than Americans! (on a per-capita scale
structured for any Marx fans out of there.)
More than any other in the History of Humanity. They kill
Jews for money. They bombed Jews in Lebanon for money. They
want to bomb the HUGE sacred Jewish communities in Iran..
wonder why? Zionists are not Jews, for Jews don't steal in
God's good name. Nor target innocent beings for stolen
gains. A zionist is a thief to life, and as such, needs to
be formally charged for their criminal offenses, given
lawyers, and upon a successful prosecution, rot in a prison
cell and/or pay restitutions. YES. why? so not another
innocent person must fall in their place as next victim to
a zionist's public commitment to lawless tyranny for evil
I'm a Good Guy.
I want to work with Alex on the truths WE all share. A person
accused of a criminal offence without any evidence is innocent.
And, the private bankers do not cover our loans to begin with,
so to further support a false system of exploitation, is to not
call a halt to these bankers 'magically' taking all our money
for nothing. We were told the 700 mill was needed desperately,
for the nation was at risk, so congress okayed it, then, they
took the money and say they've decided to do something else
with the emergency funds, something secret - in total nearing
EIGHT trillion... everyone call the cops, and the FBI must get
involved in seizing our misappropriated investments BACK! in
this charade no one is buying but the wanna be you swindled.
"The economic downturn and rising unemployment rate are making
the military a more attractive option, Pentagon officials say."
Extremely Suspicious Behavior
/ / Greg knows, like the Pope knows, as every
legitimate police officer worth their grain of salt
knows, as so too does include a great many Jewish Jews,
George W. Bush used absolutely no evidence to
substantiate his therefore, false accusations in our
names against bin Laden, while then ardently with Cheney,
worked to close outstanding criminal investigations
regarding their extremely suspicious behavior. All
according to his official publicly documented plan. And
speaking the news as thus, does not make anyone
anti-Semitic, anti-American, or anti-Human, but
pro-Jewish, pro-Christian, pro-Muslim, pro-Justice
pro-Freedom, almost wholly human like even. Not of a
long gone as lost and forgotten religious dogma, but for
now as it always has been found, a mutual respect for
all life as we find ourselves being part of. Or, so we
would for Atheists, argue in all likelihood to get to the
same reasoned to be, just political decision, to this or
any another life and death matters matter. \ \
/ / Contemptible people who blindly follow corporate
Zionism don't have any understanding as reason for their
baseless opinion on victimizing our God, because we
know they hide from open debate of their personal
proven falsehoods, and misgivings on the power of
my words. \ \
The Words of Christ
You watch grunts bombing men, women, and children
running for their lives from a Church service, and
ask yourself, am I going to live in a world where
such behavior is meted out against God's family of
Humanity, and say nothing in the defense of US still
falling victim to America's silence on such ungodly
treachery? Justice to the war criminals of
indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves
to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
SNL Clip: The Bailout, Sandler and Soros Skit ...and the REST of the
U.S. Devil Soldier in Iraq Hails Satan
This is why Christ, the Son of Man celebrates the
deaths of these lawless enemies of Mankind. Every
bushite death means another helpless innocent
Christian's family has been defended. Did you know:
those of the Air Force routinely bomb our cities
indiscriminately for the Satanic neocon? Watch,
Americans couldn't much care less to EVEN speak
against these treasonous monsters.
The Corporation - Psychopath Inc. - PART 2 of 15
Column: Impeach before Bush leaves office
U.S. And Allies Torture 12 year olds in Iraqi Prisons
/ / 12-year-old girl crying, “They have undressed
me. They have poured water over me.” He said he
heard her whimpering daily. \ \
The nazi grunts had/have a pre-pubescent ward where all
the girls were made to be naked for the amusement
of grunts, who of NONE, even speak for the defense
of God's loved children, let alone kill a grunt instantly
for the defense of America from the neocon. Zionists are
the lawless enemies of every life on this planet. They
OPENLY steal, rape, and pillage as sword enemies of God.
Example: the Supreme Commander Buford Blount of the Third
Infantry, amerika's new police forces, is a Saudi Wahabist,
who OPENLY orders mindless grunts who praise "SATAN" to
murder indiscriminately while giving out 170 tons of plastic
explosives for looting to kill US, The People, and the
Zionist News Propaganders likes that a plenty, so too,
as consequence, do most Americans in cowardly silence.
People of Earth, Americans do not have the Humanity to
speak for our interests of defending the Innocent as
ourselves. Support my demands to allow open debate in
FOX News & Monsanto Whistle Blowers - Courts rule; Falsifying News is
NOT Against the Law
But Fox News COULD be criminally charged with endangering
American lives though... Johnny Justice, King of this living
Universe, wants to have a word with every American in America,
enough is enough with this boob tubing assault against our
better judgments. United for freedom shall win through just
measurements we exclaim to explain uncensored. Example:
Saakashvili is a war criminal who ordered the indiscriminate
murder of our civilian populace, a crime warranting death
anywhere, just ask ourselves. It's called mass murder.
Facts mentioned UNCHALLENGED on CNN by Colin Powell that of
course, THESE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY, in cahoots with Israeli,
murdered women and children to steal further from a neoconned
THE TERRORIST PAL - McCain Firebombed Millions of Peasants
Understand: McCain THE TERRORIST proudly takes credit for
firebombing millions of helpless Peasants in Vietnam for
France, all to enrich war mongers at the Pentagon, who to this
day, "lose", at least 25% of all monies stolen from the
pocketbook of every tax paying American victim.
NATO bombed SIXTY CHILDREN without cause but to lie obscenely
as our enemies. I want these demons publicly tried, then
executed for targeting our children for murder. “We were
wrong on the number of civilian casualties partly because the
initial review was operating under real limitations,” yeah, to
believe they'd get away from US for this clear act of first
degree mass murder against sixty children no one could fail to
recognize if they were looking. Bushite grunters tell US the
TRUTH is Taliban propaganda. Understand, my friend, the only
crime the Taliban are guilty of, is asking for evidence to
form our conclusions. Death to the bushite, death to the
enemies of all that is good in Children as Humanity.
I would beg Our World to support Humanity's cry for Justice.
/ / These facts which are alarming in the extreme
to anyone who has been involved with Scientology
for any length of time were carefully omitted
from the fabricated story told at the Hollywood
Palladium event in January 1986. \ \
L. Ron Hubbard murdered, and what do Scientology
"followers" say? Not much. Despite he taught to fight
against those who steal his name. Despite he taught
to seek truths to verify. Who cashed in on his will
is a place to start for probable cause. Also,
what was he writing prior to his murder? For it
was slighted by the doofus(?), who claimed to all
Scientologists to ignore Ron's last writings, as
he then proceeded to take ownership over the entire
billion dollar enterprise. Am I truly alone on this?
Never pay anyone but myself personally for these
writings I give to Humanity freely. You would only
pay me, if you willed, as an act of charity to bring
about greater things with your great King Johnny
realized. Understand though, corporations haven't as
much as given me a thanks for my effort. Not a
nickel while they die ourselves banker victim to
naked tyranny blaming socialists, liberals, the
elderly, along with the desperately poor, anyone
else but LIAR Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Condi. Alex
actually went AGAIN against Johnny's Humanity to
DIVIDE Americans from Justice by teaching his Cult
to fear wiser men than himself, by calling all
socialists bad, because that is what Rockerfeller
is. Hugo Chaves will be better spoken of, than
Rockerfeller the mass murderer - no matter how
many times Alex equates the two as same for
divisions against American freedom. SEE? Alex,
"The Conservative" will watch INNOCENT AMERICANS
die for the neocon, before he is no longer to be
the Ruler of Truth by ignoring our better selves.
Justice = Freedom. Alex Jones - answer US this:
what is the crime of all socialists you nigger
bater? Alex Jones will sell US bigotted racist
intolerance, to prop his Ruler of the Sea bullshit
ego, over the rights of ALL American citizens.
Conservative we know, you want to steal rights
from people to speak freely, this is why he sells
George Noory is so great for denying Humanity the
right to call for freedom realized. Alex doesn't
want it. As has he not encouraged it. He wants
to label all socialized Peoples blindly as an
ignorant bigot slime ball loser, while George
Noory celebrates the silence of America over his
PUBLIC PRONOUNCEMENT to want murders committed
against innocent children in our name. Now Alex
claims Google blocks his videos? Where?
(Loosechange is fukked with because they make
some facts present that Alex near never spoke -
yehyeh, he produced it - whatever.) They block
ideas who truly show Israeli steal Christian homes
as Satanic, or MINE on banking, because WE'RE RIGHT.
But not those who like Ron Paul, who COWARDLY blame
socialists, liberals, commis, thinkers, (anything
as mindlessly evil as criminal wingers who say WE
ALL ARE their simple opposite.. What about evidence
for your ill judgment of US? Alex? Are you going to
go off again telling US what We all think in your
mind because you read some words of mine never
mentioned? What are you the thoughtless puppet
NWOer you talk of incessantly?? CENSOR CENSOR
CENSOR! Alex DOES censor the fact that Ron Paul
gave his votes for McCain while walking away with
all our donated monies he encouraged his listeners
to give for.. and boy.. did they! does he care to
not allow the facts to speak for ourselves? THINK:
Ron Paul did not support the impeachment of Bush
who committed 911 WITH all the evidence he claims
he knows of) and "big" government to continue
ruling over US by criminals making their
INDIVIDUAL get aways as real tyranny we shall
defeat with facts unadaulterated.
Alex overall, isn't really all that bad a guy..
see? Quite honorable often actually. Bad judgment
daily, regarding the philosphies of Justice we
share Universally, Truly, but a guy you could
trust your wallet to, and defend your children
in his custody as. A typical normal American
man. Not extraordiniary, but for the fact
America is bound silent without Justice ruling.
I don't "rule" the Earth as King, I speak
the truth we are as powerful. I am not here to
take more than speak for freedom as challenged.
I don't censor George Noory, he censors US
while laughing for your downfall.
We are all Prisoners
As the Big G of the sky, no cause is seperate from
life ourselves, all are innocent. This is why
Justice is what we must demand to achieve
freedom Universal. And SEE? Americans like Alex
Jones are in fear of Justice now, because
they can not for our Humanity, fathom a respect
for our rights as their own. You as You.
Or maybe Yes? Universal Health is what you
practice to remain alive as conceiving
consciousness? - That the private banker doesn't
cover our loans, we do? - That Johnny should be
hired on by Alex Jones or somebody else here?
Being a god isn't miraculous, it's that your most
likely, sub-human. Now, who's fault is that? I'm
the actual, for real, Son to Man. Here I am. God
is Real. We are falible as a natural state of
3D space-time. and.. ..well. . read some on my
glorious journey, by seeking out the near constant
insults against myself. Is this the world you will
continue to die for in silence for our greatness?
I think not!!