It's so sad to see all of you talking so hatefully about people you don't even know. You're so wrapped up in cultural differences, you've obviously missed the whole point of spirituality.... any brand of spirituality.
All real spirituality begins as a 'mystic' experience of one's deepest self. It doesn't matter whether your talking about the experiences of the Gnostics, Essenes, Druids, Sufis, Advaitists, Vedantists, Taoists, kabbalists or well known mystics such as Saint Theresa of Avila, Rūmī, Hafiz, Lao Tzu, or Ramana Maharshi. All their experiences are identical no matter what religious tradition they were born into. The common man ancient times (of all lands) tried to adapt some of these wisdoms into their every day life in the best way he knew how and that led to the creation of so many religions. No single aspect of these religions could come close to that mystical experience of oneness but it was the best the common man could do to make sense of life. After that, ALL religions became a governing force used by men of ego to 'control the masses' (in their own selfish favor of course)
Perhaps you can learn to turn your attention instead on the Eternal Values of Truth, Respect, Peace, Love, and non-violence (which includes non-hatred). Learn to respect that each of us is somewhere on the path toward that realization and we all make mistakes. Respect that another person's culture or religious practices merely reflects a point on their journey. We are never sinners - just ignorant and mistaken at times. Repentance is the act of reconditioning our minds and relearning how to live according to universal values and compassion. Every person is precious and does not deserve to be stripped of value and dignity.