2019-03-08 20:42:52 UTC
Army to put more combat-worthy officers from HQ at forward units
The development comes in wake of heightened tension between India and
Pakistan following the February 14 Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF
personnel were killed.
That must've really smarted when the IAF lost a MiG-21 to a Pakistani F-16.Army to put more combat-worthy officers from HQ at forward units
The development comes in wake of heightened tension between India and
Pakistan following the February 14 Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF
personnel were killed.
This was the first aerial clash between the two rivals in nearly five
decades, leaving observers dumbfounded. While the challenges faced by
India's armed forces are not secret, its loss of a plane to a country whose
military is about half the size and receives a quarter of the funding was
still telling.
India's armed forces are in alarming shape. If a full-blown war broke out
tomorrow, India could supply its troops with only ten days of ammunition,
according to government estimates and nearly three-quarters of the Army's
equipment is so old it is officially considered "vintage". Their troops lack
modern equipment but have to conduct 21st-century military operations.
Indian forces are vastly underfunded and the country's army, navy, and air
force tend to compete rather than work together.
It is not just a question of how much India spends on its military but how
it spends it. The majority of the money goes to salaries for its 1.2 million
active duty troops as well as pensions. Only a third will be used to buy new
hardware at a time when modern armies are investing hugely in upgrading
their intelligence and technical capabilities.
In the meantime, yet another geriatric MiG-21 has pranged: