2019-03-07 01:06:54 UTC
Not only the world's most polluted, but also world's most dirtiest and
filthiest in the world?
New Delhi, the world's most polluted city, tries to clean up
It ain't gonna happen, people: in the world?
New Delhi, the world's most polluted city, tries to clean up
SOMETHING has got to bring their population growth under control.
It is well known by SMART people that there is no "global warming". "Global
warming" is a BILLION dollar business run by the governments to collect
money from citizens and to capitalize on lies. The earth has been warming
and cooling for BILLIONS of years. But the government wants you to believe
that we are solely responsible for the weather. Ever notice the biggest
"global warming" activists are still driving around in their big limousines?
Flying around in their corporate jets? Funny how that works...