World toilet day?
(too old to reply)
2019-12-08 17:25:07 UTC

"TO STROLL AT dawn through most inhabited parts of the Indian countryside—or
even to land at many provincial airports—used to be to intrude on a vast
latrine. In every secluded and not-so-secluded corner, men could be seen
squatting, to defecate. In 2014 India led the world in 'open defecation',
with an estimated 600m of the 1bn people in the world reliant on the
practice. It is an extremely dangerous one.

"One gram of faeces contains 10m viruses, 1m bacteria and 1,000 parasitic
cysts. Since people often relieve themselves near water sources (to clean
themselves and remove the waste) and faeces attract vectors such as flies,
diseases spread fast. Where open defecation is practised, more children
die—according to one estimate, it kills 1.5m children under five every year.

"Women, usually excluded from the dawn assembly, have to risk embarrassment,
assault and worse with sorties in the dark. So one of the UN’s “sustainable
development goals” (SDGs) adopted by the world’s leaders in 2015 reads: 'By
2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for
all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women
and girls and those in vulnerable situations.'"

2019-12-08 18:06:51 UTC
Post by Byker
Yup: http://youtu.be/1WERK7ycyIg
"TO STROLL AT dawn through most inhabited parts of the Indian
even to land at many provincial airports—used to be to intrude on a vast
latrine. In every secluded and not-so-secluded corner, men could be seen
squatting, to defecate. In 2014 India led the world in 'open defecation',
with an estimated 600m of the 1bn people in the world reliant on the
practice. It is an extremely dangerous one.
"One gram of faeces contains 10m viruses, 1m bacteria and 1,000 parasitic
cysts. Since people often relieve themselves near water sources (to clean
themselves and remove the waste) and faeces attract vectors such as flies,
diseases spread fast. Where open defecation is practised, more children
die—according to one estimate, it kills 1.5m children under five every year.
"Women, usually excluded from the dawn assembly, have to risk
assault and worse with sorties in the dark. So one of the UN’s “sustainable
development goals” (SDGs) adopted by the world’s leaders in 2015 reads: 'By
2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for
all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women
and girls and those in vulnerable situations.'"
Promoting western culture at the UN, isn't that blasphemy?
That's Karma

When DEMOCRATS ban our guns they're holding the American people at gun
point, and the DEMOCRATS become an occupying force.
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