4 years ago
Not much difference just switching of masters from Soviets to Americans.
The Modi government has removed India’s chastity belt and is readying
it to be another concubine in the superpower’s harem. Modern history
tells us that the Americans are simply incapable of having equal
relationships. How come the ruling elite have so quickly forgotten
India’s colonial history?
All becoming official now... America will not rest until it fully screw
The Modi government has removed India’s chastity belt and is readying
it to be another concubine in the superpower’s harem. Modern history
tells us that the Americans are simply incapable of having equal
relationships. How come the ruling elite have so quickly forgotten
India’s colonial history?
bharat matha and cash on its investment it has done in India.
Three Decades long free-lunches from the US...From giving visas to
Indians to getting it a highly biased Nuclear Deal to pushing GCC to
hire more Indians and all those 'Strategic Agreements' and yet India ate
all the Free-American-lunches and didn't buy one of the finest jets from
the US.
AmericanDeepState hasn't been able to convert all its Strategic
Investments in India to tangible goals that would benefit the US but it
is in the works..