lo yeeOn
2016-03-28 19:27:53 UTC
Clinton is asking donors for $353,400 for two seats at the head
table with herself, Clooney and his wife, Amal, at the April 15
event in San Francisco.
The next night, the Clooneys will host a $33,400 per person
fundraiser for Clinton at the couple's Los Angeles home.
Sanders on Clinton's Clooney fundraiser: "It is obscene"
Dylan Stableford Senior editor March 27, 2016
Clinton is asking donors for $353,400 for two seats at the head table
with herself, Clooney and his wife, Amal, at the April 15 event in San
Francisco. The next night, the Clooneys will host a $33,400 per person
fundraiser for Clinton at the couple's Los Angeles home.
table with herself, Clooney and his wife, Amal, at the April 15
event in San Francisco.
The next night, the Clooneys will host a $33,400 per person
fundraiser for Clinton at the couple's Los Angeles home.
Sanders on Clinton's Clooney fundraiser: "It is obscene"
Dylan Stableford Senior editor March 27, 2016
Clinton is asking donors for $353,400 for two seats at the head table
with herself, Clooney and his wife, Amal, at the April 15 event in San
Francisco. The next night, the Clooneys will host a $33,400 per person
fundraiser for Clinton at the couple's Los Angeles home.