Post by Arayacream.. Little they know that looks / beauty is not in color its skin
deep, Beside black is beautiful..
For a real eye-opening experience, go to your local library and see if you
can find a book entitled "The Color Complex" by Kathy Russell, et al. Amazon
lists it too, and it offers a shockingly frank look at the obsession blacks
have with skin shade (it's authored by three people: A black man, a black
woman, and a White woman):
Check out the readers' comments too ("'Dirty Laundry' is Stinkin' up the
House"). Das right, bro: Jigs judge each other by skin color first, not by
any "content of character".
This is the "dirty laundry" that blacks don't like to air in front of White
folks: Their obsession with skin shade. Blacks have this "color complex,"
where they deride each other as "tar babies," "high yellahs," "redbones,"
and "snow queens." In addition to the "bag test" (skin lighter than a paper
bag), there was also the "ruler test" (hair had to be as straight as a
ruler). When Clarence Thomas -- as dark-skinned and nappy-haired as any
African -- was appointed to the Supreme Court, his lighter-skinned former
neighbors in his childhood home town were not amused...