These ancient scripts will be burnt to ashes when ISIS is in control
(too old to reply)
2015-12-23 09:02:57 UTC
Once I-Ass-I-Ass conquers and take over Europe and Britain, they will burn
all these ancient artifact and declare whoever their leader will at the time
to be the direct descendant of the Pedophile Pro-Fat Mohammad. Then this new
Pro-Fuck can rewrite the KorLang according to his whims and sadistic ideas.

2015-12-23 09:13:23 UTC
Post by AleXX
Once I-Ass-I-Ass conquers and take over Europe and Britain, they will
burn all these ancient artifact and declare whoever their leader will at
the time to be the direct descendant of the Pedophile Pro-Fat Mohammad.
Then this new Pro-Fuck can rewrite the KorLang according to his whims
and sadistic ideas.
don't they deserve it, since they like to be politically correct?
Post by AleXX
The Inquirer

The most unbiased and independent participant on Usenet. I whack both
sides of any debate with my questions. If there is a 3rd, 4th, ... etc
side, I will also whack!
Mr. B1ack
2015-12-25 03:14:37 UTC
On Wed, 23 Dec 2015 17:13:23 +0800, The_Inquirer
Post by The_Inquirer
Post by AleXX
Once I-Ass-I-Ass conquers and take over Europe and Britain, they will
burn all these ancient artifact and declare whoever their leader will at
the time to be the direct descendant of the Pedophile Pro-Fat Mohammad.
Then this new Pro-Fuck can rewrite the KorLang according to his whims
and sadistic ideas.
don't they deserve it, since they like to be politically correct?
MAYbe ... but then the rest of the world has
to DEAL with it. Very annoying.

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