Obama accuses Trump for attacking the global elites only after he failed to be one among them - But his accusation contradicts the facts!
(too old to reply)
lo yeeOn
2016-10-15 03:51:22 UTC
From day one, Trump criticized George Bush and his wars. From day
one, he criticzed the policies and performance of the current number
one globalist Barack Obama. From day one, he criticized globalist
policies such as NAFTA, the TTP, and outsourcing American jobs.

From day one, Trump waged a grueling campaign to try to dethrone the
elites headed by the Bush dynasty and the Clinton Foundation.

Obama got it backward. It is the globalists who have been trying to
defeat Trump from day one!

The phony Nobel Peace Prize winner who did no work for peace dares to
talk about moral values when he should have been making a confession
for the cold-blooded murder of the totally peaceful 16 year old
Yemeni-American youth Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, for the immorality of
boasting being a president having bombed at least seven (7) countries
in his presidency, and for the abuse of power in campaigning for an
unrepenting warmonger to be his successor and in protecting her from
criminal prosecution of wrongdoing.

Hillary Clinton is a warmonger who cares nothing about the lives of
innocent civilians:

She is also once again touting a "no-fly zone" over Syria - much as
she did with Libya. In yet another speech "flagged" by her campaign
and released by WikiLeaks - this one delivered to Goldman Sachs at
their CEO conference in June 2013 - Clinton explains:

"To have a no-fly zone you have to take out all of the air defense,
many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even
if they are standoff missiles so we're not putting our pilots at
risk - you're going to kill a lot of Syrians. So all of a sudden
this intervention that people talk about so glibly becomes an
American and NATO involvement where you take a lot of civilians."

So, Hillary would go and impose a no-fly zone in Syria, using missiles
to attack population centers. And she would do that despite her prior
knowledge that such a degree of slaughter would result!

How dare Obama use the highest office the American people gave him to
speak lies like this and pretend he has the moral authority to usher
in another warmonger and kill more innocent people around the world?

Why attack Trump for the rise of conspiracies in America when tens of
millions voted for him in the primary? There is a reason why so many
people are not satisfied with the official accounts of the 9/11
attacks, especially after the Bush administration was caught lying
about the casus belli for his savage invasion and occupation of Iraq -
the first major regime change war of the globalists and especially
after the Bush/Obama's favorite drone assassination policy. People
are not satisfied with what appears to be bullshit the Bush and Obama
administrations have been feeding them, and that's why they refuse to
accept their account and that's why they look elsewhere. Those same
people are rejecting Hillary precisely because she openly embraced
the elites' globalist agenda at the American working class' expense.

And why seize on Trump's "bimbo eruption" if it was good for Bill
Clinton to occupy the White House for eight (8) years with his
historic first "bimbo eruption"?

Obama lied and that's how he got by! Obama got by servicing the
neocons for eight (8) long years, presiding over the longest war - an
imperialist war - in Afghanistan that is due to begin its 16th year
next week.

The Obamas have been in bed with the warmonger Bushes and their neocon
club. And perhaps to show their final appreciation to their Master,
they feel an obligation to now furiously attack Trump - the rebel and
his millions of believers.

lo yeeOn


President Barack Obama ripped Donald Trump here Friday as a man who's
embraced an attack on the "global elite" only after failing to be
accepted as a member of the global elite himself, attacking the
Republican nominee for running an anti-American campaign with
paper-thin support that's all about InfoWars.com conspiracy theories.

Rallying a skeptical crowd for Hillary Clinton at a small airport,
Obama framed the 2016 election as a choice about democracy and moral
values that goes way beyond politics - about the country coming
together to reject a dangerous, self-centered cynic without "the basic
honesty that a president needs" and the party that propelled that man
to be its nominee.

. . .
2016-10-15 09:34:59 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
From day one, Trump criticized George Bush and his wars
No he did not.

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