Hindus invented Quantum Science 1000s of years ago.
(too old to reply)
2020-12-04 15:25:25 UTC
Wait there is more, According to Indian PM ancient hindus also invented
internet and transplant surgery that is also few 1000 years ago.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.... :)

2020-12-05 17:07:43 UTC
Post by Araya
Wait there is more, According to Indian PM ancient hindus also invented
internet and transplant surgery that is also few 1000 years ago.
Too bad they let the Moghuls and Maharajas keep "India" (which was not even
referred to as a "country" until the British arrived) stuck in a medieval
time warp while Europe charged ahead and left them in the dust...
2020-12-07 04:09:23 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Araya
Wait there is more, According to Indian PM ancient hindus also invented
internet and transplant surgery that is also few 1000 years ago.
Too bad they let the Moghuls and Maharajas keep "India" (which was not even
referred to as a "country" until the British arrived) stuck in a medieval
time warp while Europe charged ahead and left them in the dust...
What IS it with emergent nations ? First we heard the euros
invented everything, then it was the Russians who invented
everything, then the Chinese, now India .........

NOBODY invented everythng, James Burke's connectionist
perspective is the best model to follow. It has been collective
input over millenia, added and added and added.
2020-12-08 16:53:26 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
NOBODY invented everythng, James Burke's connectionist
perspective is the best model to follow. It has been collective
input over millenia, added and added and added.
Unless theocrats interfere. If the Pope would have had his way, Martin
Luther, Johannes Gutenberg, and Nicolaus Copernicus would all have been
burned at the stake and we too would be stuck frozen in time like the
Chinese, Muslims, and Hindus. 500 years on, I figure we'd just now be
inventing the steam engine...
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2020-12-09 06:15:36 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by B1ackwater
NOBODY invented everythng, James Burke's connectionist
perspective is the best model to follow. It has been collective
input over millenia, added and added and added.
Unless theocrats interfere. If the Pope would have had his way, Martin
Luther, Johannes Gutenberg, and Nicolaus Copernicus would all have been
burned at the stake and we too would be stuck frozen in time like the
Chinese, Muslims, and Hindus. 500 years on, I figure we'd just now be
inventing the steam engine...
The Greenies would burn the inventors at the stake (with
low-carbon accelerants, of course).

Anyway, sci-tech progress has been ideas inspiring ideas
inspiring ideas for thousands of years. See something,
improve it - and then others ............

But what if the extreme left can shut down the free
communications required to make that model work ?
You don't get most of those new ideas/facts ; only a
fanatic-approved tiny subset.

And it's back to the caves ........... a LOT faster than
you'd like to think ...........

Well, except for those who the extreme left LOVES -
China, NK, rad Islam ......
2020-12-09 20:07:43 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
And it's back to the caves ........... a LOT faster than
you'd like to think ...........
Which seems to be all the rage among the "off-gridders"...
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2020-12-11 05:23:46 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by B1ackwater
And it's back to the caves ........... a LOT faster than
you'd like to think ...........
Which seems to be all the rage among the "off-gridders"...
Like the hippies before them, they are oblvious to how
much they are PARASITES living off the prosperous
and plentiful non-'green' system.

Where do they think all that solar shit COMES from
anyway ? Grows on trees ? Where did the nails in
their rustic log cabins come from ? The goo that
keeps the roof from leaking ? The filters that make
their well water drinkable ?

And food just appears by magic at the local market ...
medicine just appears by magic at the docs office ...
internet has and will always continue to just appear
by magic through the air .......
