No SS benefits until age 70!!! Good luck to your Social Security and retirement plan - you may not even live long enough to collect it, especially when Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton want you to work longer hours to grow their fake "economy"
(too old to reply)
lo yeeOn
2015-12-03 00:56:47 UTC
The other day, Jeb Bush lied about Assad - saying Assad would execute
Christians - and there has been no media effort to challenge him on
his false assertion, even though Trump continues to be pummeled for
having said "thousands" have been seen cheering for the fall of the
WTC buildings - quibbling about numbers.

Such a contradiction shows that much of the criticism against Trump in
the media has roots in the latter's support of the neocons' regime
change agenda.

This is particularly clear in view of our current foreign policy
against Assad.

As Raymond Ibrahim pointed out below, both Assad's secular government
in Syria and Saddam Hussein's secular Government in Iraq prior to 2003
protected Christians and kept brewing sectarian conflicts - such as
those between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Iraq - from exploding
into violence.

Yet our neocon-driven foreign policy are so hell-bent in bringing
suffering and chaos around (even where there have been decades of
peace and prosperity in their countries) that these policymakers have
been willing to keep bandying around their favorite "monster" label to
justify war after war, killing tens and hundreds of thousands of
defenseless people and orders of magnitude many more homeless along
the way.

It would be well worth remembering that back in 2011 when Hillary
Clinton rejoiced over the gruesome murder of Libya's Gaddafi and
triumphed over her perceived success in wrecking one of the most
prosperious, most self-reliant countries in Africa, Syrian Christians
were known to oppose her pivot from Libya to Syria.

But Hillary wouldn't have it any other way for the Syrian Christians.

She never cared about Christians, much less Syrian Christians. Her
aim has been always about where she wants to be next!

And for Syria, to fight the tens of thousands of mercenaries freshly
imported from Benghazi and to endure bloodshed on both sides became
inevitable. But pleased Hillary because now the State Department was
able to say "Assad slaughter his own people" - never mind many of
those killed were mercenaries.

Obviously, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and George W Bush all
have been working for the neocons.

As Ibrahim pointed out, Jeb is now lying about Assad as he seeks to
inherit Obama's and his older brother's mantle. Jeb is lying as his
predecessors have lied about Assad and Saddam Hussein.

And clearly, there was a straight line from George W Bush's lie about
Saddam to the birth and rise of ISIS today. More clearly still, there
is a straight line from Jeb Bush's lie about Assad to Jeb's plan to
raise Social Security collecting age to 70 so that he can use your
(and my) SS to fight Assad, Putin, and every single "monster" around
the world.

So good luck to your Social Security while you're having a good time
beating up Trump for the neocons' benefit!

lo yeeOn

Jeb Bush's plan for Social Security is "disastrous for seniors and
raises the retirement age to 70."

Annette Taddeo on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015 in a fundraising email

Jeb Bush's Social Security plan raises retirement age to 70, Taddeo

By Joshua Gillin, Amy Sherman on Monday, November 30th, 2015



On CNN, Why Did Jeb Claim That Bashar Assad Would "Execute"
Christians? By Raymond Ibrahim November 19, 2015

In a CNN interview this week, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said
that only Middle East Christians should be granted refugee status in
the U.S. (I argued in favor of this for two months prior to the Paris
terrorist attacks which prompted Bush's statement). In the midst of an
otherwise good interview, however, Bush made a bizarre statement:

There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now.
They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by

"Executed or imprisoned" by Assad? This is an absurd and patently
false assertion.

Not only have Christian minorities long been protected under the
secular regime of Assad -- himself a member of a religious minority --
but many Christian refugees who fled the jihad in Iraq (which Jeb's
brother George uncorked) fled to Assad's Syria for sanctuary. As
Russian President Vladimir Putin once correctly opined:

People are running away not from the regime of Bashar Assad, but
from Islamic State, which seized large areas in Syria and Iraq, and
are committing atrocities there. That is what they are escaping

This is not the first time that Jeb Bush, in the midst of making sound
comments, revealed his true views on the Middle East. A few weeks ago,
he said:

We need to be part of the strategy to deal with taking Assad out and
taking ISIS out.

Note the consistent order: Bush always mentions Assad before ISIS,
perhaps suggesting that he sees the secular Syrian president as a
greater evil than the Islamic State.

Yet it is the latter that has committed the worst atrocities of the
21st century, including raping and slaughtering Christians who refuse
to renounce Christ for Islam.

Look to what Syrian Christians themselves say regarding who is
persecuting them. For example, listen to Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius
Aphrem II, the head of a Syrian church, who has personally witnessed
the slaughter, crucifixion, and rape of his flock:

If the West wants to do something about the present crisis, the most
effective thing would be to support local governments [Assad and
allies], which need sufficient armies and forces to maintain
security and defend respective populations [such as Christians]
against attacks. State institutions need to be strengthened and
stabilized. Instead, what we see is their forced dismemberment being
fueled from the outside.

As far back as 2011, when war came to Syria, Christians said they were
supportive of the Assad regime:

Christian service has flourished remarkably in Syria. We regard
Syria as a model Arab country when it comes to freedom of worship
... Syrian Christians are very aware of what happened to Christians
in Iraq, including the estimated 500,000 Christian refugees who fled
to Syria during the Iraq war.

Even Obama once admitted awareness of this:

We know that President Bashar al-Assad protected Christians in

Yet here is Jeb Bush, justifying war in Syria by claiming that Assad
is "executing" Christians. This is eerily reminiscent of another
Bush's worldview. George portrayed Saddam Hussein, a dictator who was
in fact a protector of Christian minorities, as Satan incarnate. We
saw how that ended: with the loss of American blood and treasure, and
the birth of ISIS.
2015-12-03 05:50:10 UTC
Post by lo yeeOn
Yet our neocon-driven foreign policy are so hell-bent in bringing
suffering and chaos around (even where there have been decades of
peace and prosperity in their countries) that these policymakers have
been willing to keep bandying around their favorite "monster" label to
justify war after war, killing tens and hundreds of thousands of
defenseless people and orders of magnitude many more homeless along
the way.
Don't be fooled, Trump is a closet neocon. He wants boots on the ground
in Syria, boots on the ground taking oil fields in Iraq and to "take
out" terrorists' families. Do you think these actions will result in
reduced suffering, or in peace and prosperity?

Every one of your posts expose your naivete to an even greater
degree... you should be embarrassed.
