lo yeeOn
2016-10-11 05:02:14 UTC
WikiLeaks shows mainstream media working for Clinton campaign
Fresh WikiLeaks documents show Clinton camp delighted with mainstream
media efforts to distribute talking points
It's not groundbreaking news that Democrats and mainstream media have
become ominously cozy, particularly during the 2016 election season.
However, buried in the latest wave of WikiLeaks documents are emails
exposing mainstream media's hijacking of American politics. The docs
show an intense working relationship focused on ensuring the election
of Hillary Rodham Clinton on Nov. 8. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
puts it like this: `Reporters erecting a demon' by protecting #Hillary
Administration uses FBI and Justice Dept. as mainstream media hones
talking points
While Donald Trump and his supporters are quick to point out that FBI
director James Comey and Obama's hand-picked Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch
tricked the American people and treated the Clinton campaign by not
prosecuting Hillary after a year-long investigation into her email
scandal, it is mainstream media tricking the American people by
deploying Clinton operatives to steal an election.
While it isn't being reported as the Democrats' October surprise, most
people find it interesting that NBC held onto a damaging video of
Trump only to broadcast it just before the second presidential
debate. However, beyond interesting, are freshly released documents
showing a New York Times reporter (then with Politico) working with
Clinton's campaign team to distribute the candidate's talking
points. Buried in a trove of WikiLeaks documents released by founder
Julian Assange are emails sent by Hillary Clinton's team boasting that
Maggie Haberman is an ideal "friendly journalist" for placing stories
to advance Clinton campaign narratives. While the idea that the New
York Times, Politico, the three major television networks and CNN are
dedicated to advancing Clinton's campaign is hardly new, thanks to
WikiLeaks, voters can see the working relationship between mainstream
media and Clinton's campaign.
New York Times writer fine tuned Clinton talking points
A January 2015 campaign strategy memo noted that Haberman (now writing
for the New York Times) has a sterling record of "teeing up stories"
for the Clinton campaign. Haberman went on to distribute talking
points through her articles and now continues as a New York Times
George Stephanopoulos back patted for "perfect" use of talking points
George Stephanopoulos -- former top aide for Bill Clinton turned #ABC
Network journalist who earns tens of millions of dollars as a
television host and news anchor and contributed $75,000 to the Clinton
Foundation in 2015 -- received a pat on the head from the Clinton
campaign for making "perfect" use of the campaign's talking
points. WikiLeaks documents show that Clinton staffers were thrilled
with Stephanopoulos' defense of Clinton during his interview with
Peter Sweitzer, the author of "Clinton Cash", a book deriding huge
donations made to the Clintons' nonprofit organization, including the
75,000 gifted by Stephanopoulos, who is moderator of ABC's This Week
program. For his part, Stephanopoulos claimed that he did not know, as
a political commentator for a major television network, he should
personally disclose his financial affiliations with the Clinton camp.
On August 31 during an interview on Facebook Live, Assange, hardly a
Republican supporter, said, "The American liberal press, in falling
over themselves to defend Hillary Clinton, are erecting a demon that
is going to put nooses around everyone's necks as soon as she wins
the election ..."
Fresh WikiLeaks documents show Clinton camp delighted with mainstream
media efforts to distribute talking points
It's not groundbreaking news that Democrats and mainstream media have
become ominously cozy, particularly during the 2016 election season.
However, buried in the latest wave of WikiLeaks documents are emails
exposing mainstream media's hijacking of American politics. The docs
show an intense working relationship focused on ensuring the election
of Hillary Rodham Clinton on Nov. 8. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
puts it like this: `Reporters erecting a demon' by protecting #Hillary
Administration uses FBI and Justice Dept. as mainstream media hones
talking points
While Donald Trump and his supporters are quick to point out that FBI
director James Comey and Obama's hand-picked Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch
tricked the American people and treated the Clinton campaign by not
prosecuting Hillary after a year-long investigation into her email
scandal, it is mainstream media tricking the American people by
deploying Clinton operatives to steal an election.
While it isn't being reported as the Democrats' October surprise, most
people find it interesting that NBC held onto a damaging video of
Trump only to broadcast it just before the second presidential
debate. However, beyond interesting, are freshly released documents
showing a New York Times reporter (then with Politico) working with
Clinton's campaign team to distribute the candidate's talking
points. Buried in a trove of WikiLeaks documents released by founder
Julian Assange are emails sent by Hillary Clinton's team boasting that
Maggie Haberman is an ideal "friendly journalist" for placing stories
to advance Clinton campaign narratives. While the idea that the New
York Times, Politico, the three major television networks and CNN are
dedicated to advancing Clinton's campaign is hardly new, thanks to
WikiLeaks, voters can see the working relationship between mainstream
media and Clinton's campaign.
New York Times writer fine tuned Clinton talking points
A January 2015 campaign strategy memo noted that Haberman (now writing
for the New York Times) has a sterling record of "teeing up stories"
for the Clinton campaign. Haberman went on to distribute talking
points through her articles and now continues as a New York Times
George Stephanopoulos back patted for "perfect" use of talking points
George Stephanopoulos -- former top aide for Bill Clinton turned #ABC
Network journalist who earns tens of millions of dollars as a
television host and news anchor and contributed $75,000 to the Clinton
Foundation in 2015 -- received a pat on the head from the Clinton
campaign for making "perfect" use of the campaign's talking
points. WikiLeaks documents show that Clinton staffers were thrilled
with Stephanopoulos' defense of Clinton during his interview with
Peter Sweitzer, the author of "Clinton Cash", a book deriding huge
donations made to the Clintons' nonprofit organization, including the
75,000 gifted by Stephanopoulos, who is moderator of ABC's This Week
program. For his part, Stephanopoulos claimed that he did not know, as
a political commentator for a major television network, he should
personally disclose his financial affiliations with the Clinton camp.
On August 31 during an interview on Facebook Live, Assange, hardly a
Republican supporter, said, "The American liberal press, in falling
over themselves to defend Hillary Clinton, are erecting a demon that
is going to put nooses around everyone's necks as soon as she wins
the election ..."