Dividing Islam?
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2015-12-10 04:32:49 UTC
I think the best way is to divide Islam into "Violent" and "Non-Violent"
type. Violent Islam shall continue to use their KorLang" as a manual.
Non-violent Islam should rename and change their "holy" book to "LangKor".
They should also rename their followers as Milsoom. For the profat Mo, they
should reinvent him with a bipolar character or personality, which means at
any given time, he can be a peaceful person with tendency of being a
paedophile as someone interested in sex with children and the next moment
can be a violent and cruel warrior brandishing his sword.

So let the Violent and Non-Violent fight among each other until Thy Kingdom
Commeth. Non Muslims should be bystanders and cheer them on.

2015-12-10 08:33:48 UTC
i thought it has already been divided since the prophet's departure from
Post by AleXX
I think the best way is to divide Islam into "Violent" and "Non-Violent"
type. Violent Islam shall continue to use their KorLang"
Kor lan par excellence?

as a manual.
Post by AleXX
Non-violent Islam should rename and change their "holy" book to "LangKor".
Oo kor leng kor lan jiao boh?

They should also rename their followers as Milsoom. For the
Post by AleXX
profat Mo, they should reinvent him with a bipolar character or
personality, which means at any given time, he can be a peaceful person
with tendency of being a paedophile as someone interested in sex with
children and the next moment can be a violent and cruel warrior
brandishing his sword.
So let the Violent and Non-Violent fight among each other until Thy
Kingdom Commeth.
shouldn't that be al-Kingdom cometh?

Non Muslims should be bystanders and cheer them on.
Post by AleXX
The Inquirer

The most unbiased and independent participant on Usenet. I whack both
sides of any debate with my questions. If there is a 3rd, 4th, ... etc
side, I will also whack!
2015-12-10 22:58:42 UTC
Those who made rotweillers and dobermins crazy also made nazis kamikazis
and ghazis crazy (killology.com). Many nazis hid in Latin and Arab lands. In
the 1980s we chased them out of the Latin lands, but the Arab world was the
untouchable moat of the Cold War. Do not forget the Bader Meinhoff, Red
Brigades and Weather Underground. Freaked that many soldiers did not shoot
in WW2 or Korea we tried some nazi training methods in Vietnam so they
produced the 1970s crime wave. While I will not exonerate Islam, recall that
Benjamin of Tudela said the Baghdad Caliphate was the most tolerant of its

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Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
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