Here are some quotes from "The Shadow of Zog" by Israel Shamir:
Jeff Blankfort writes, "Ardently pro-Israel American Jews are in
positions of unprecedented influence within the United States and have
assumed or been given decision making positions over virtually every
segment of our culture and body politic". And he quotes Benjamin
Ginsberg's "The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State":
"Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and
they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decade's corporate
mergers and reorganizations. Today, though barely 2 % of the nation's
population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The
chief executive officers of the three major television networks and
the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the
nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single
newspaper, the New York Times".
Is it a conspiracy of Jews to steal the Republic? No, no conspiracy is
necessary. In Jules Verne's juvenile novel, Children of Captain Grant,
a villain leads the captain's ship astray by placing a magnet brick
beneath the compass. The magnet does not conspire: it constrains the
compass. The sheer mass of self-involved Jews in the media acts in a
similar way and draws the superpower off its normal course. For the
media is the nerve system of a modern state. Modern democracy in
practice in a very complicated society can be compared to a
sophisticated computer. Its machinery can function successfully on one
condition: there is a free flow of information across the system.
While every input is instinctively checked and sieved on one
criterion, whether it is good for Jews..
Thus, concentration of Jews in the media created the distortion. A
takeover of every other part of industry or trade would be noticed and
reported in the media; but there is no remedy for media takeover...
Gandhi could be condemned as 'racist', for he 'noticed' the privileged
position of the British in India. By PC logic, a good American should
reply to Mahatma: yes, there are some rich and powerful Brits in
India, but there are also poor Tommy Atkinses, governesses, honest
administrators, writers like Kipling and Orwell. On the other hand,
there are powerful and rich Rajas, important Brahmins. How do you
dare, sir, to demand 'de-colonisation'! This is sheer anti-English
An old Indian Air Force officer Joe Thomas actually reminded that,
"while the population of the US today is approximately the same as the
population of India a century ago, the British in India never numbered
more than 50,000 and still ruled India. They did not rule India by
force but by dominating Indian discourse. Indians fought for the
British and put down rebellions. During the two world wars, millions
of Indians fought as volunteers for Britain. If such a tiny group
could control India, then it is not strange that 100 times that number
can influence the United States"...