Kim should send them to ISIS held lands Syria and Iraq
(too old to reply)
2015-12-15 15:00:56 UTC
All these cruel fighters will jerk off and forget who is Allah and their
promised 72 virgins.
2015-12-15 22:22:14 UTC
UN: Proven Ties Between ISIS And Israel

Posted by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

A new report from the UN reveals that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)
maintained regular contact with members of ISIS since May 2013. The UN
identified contact with IDF forces and ISIS soldiers. - See more at:

- See more at:

Documented Proof ISIS Is a Creation of The United States of America

By destroying ancient Christian sites, and by murdering contemporary
Christians themselves, the godless Israeli attack dog known as 'ISIS'
is killing two birds with one stone. Christians suffer while Muslims
takes the blame. Only the deluded devotees of Sulzberger's Slimes and
the rest of the piranha press actually believe that the mercenary scum
of ISIS are real Muslims. True Muslims do not murder, rape and loot.
Nor do they oppress Christians. Indeed the Koran venerates Jesus as a
Holy Prophet and commands Muslims to respect Christians.

Please see this very important youtube video:

Even before the documentation, it was obvious that "moderate" ISIS was
only attacking things Israel hates. Syria, Russia, France (France
wants to recognize Palestine; Bibi publicly warned that that was a
"grave error" about a week before Charlie Hebdo), Christians, Europe
and Hamas. It was also clear that we knew about the con that was going
on, because the USA were not attacking them at all, although the USA
were certainly pretending to be at war with them. Then Russia came
Christopher Helms

by Dean Obeidallah
Denounce ISIS? Muslims despise ISIS. (At least those who aren't
True, ISIS is compromised of people who claim to be Muslims. But the
number one victim of this barbaric terror group is Muslims. That's
undisputed. ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims across the Middle
East, including beheading Sunni Muslims in Iraq for failing to pledge
loyalty to them, executing Imams for not submitting to them, and even
killing an Imam in Iraq for simply denouncing them.
And just a few days before the brutal terrorist assault in Paris, ISIS
launched a coordinated terrorist attack in Beirut, killing 43 and
wounding 239 people who were primarily if not exclusively Muslims.
However, in contrast to Paris, American media outlets barely covered
the Beirut attack. Apparently Muslims being killed by ISIS doesn't
attract enough ratings for U.S. media outlets to justify "full team"
or even quarter team coverage.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

2015-12-16 13:00:26 UTC
Post by Topaz
UN: Proven Ties Between ISIS And Israel
so is it a CON-spiral-cy or CON-pirates-sea? or CORN-para-c perhaps?
The Inquirer

The most unbiased and independent participant on Usenet. I whack both
sides of any debate with my questions. If there is a 3rd, 4th, ... etc
side, I will also whack!
2015-12-17 01:09:41 UTC
Here are some quotes from "The Shadow of Zog" by Israel Shamir:

Jeff Blankfort writes, "Ardently pro-Israel American Jews are in
positions of unprecedented influence within the United States and have
assumed or been given decision making positions over virtually every
segment of our culture and body politic". And he quotes Benjamin
Ginsberg's "The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State":

"Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and
they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decade's corporate
mergers and reorganizations. Today, though barely 2 % of the nation's
population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The
chief executive officers of the three major television networks and
the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the
nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single
newspaper, the New York Times".

Is it a conspiracy of Jews to steal the Republic? No, no conspiracy is
necessary. In Jules Verne's juvenile novel, Children of Captain Grant,
a villain leads the captain's ship astray by placing a magnet brick
beneath the compass. The magnet does not conspire: it constrains the
compass. The sheer mass of self-involved Jews in the media acts in a
similar way and draws the superpower off its normal course. For the
media is the nerve system of a modern state. Modern democracy in
practice in a very complicated society can be compared to a
sophisticated computer. Its machinery can function successfully on one
condition: there is a free flow of information across the system.
While every input is instinctively checked and sieved on one
criterion, whether it is good for Jews..

Thus, concentration of Jews in the media created the distortion. A
takeover of every other part of industry or trade would be noticed and
reported in the media; but there is no remedy for media takeover...

Gandhi could be condemned as 'racist', for he 'noticed' the privileged
position of the British in India. By PC logic, a good American should
reply to Mahatma: yes, there are some rich and powerful Brits in
India, but there are also poor Tommy Atkinses, governesses, honest
administrators, writers like Kipling and Orwell. On the other hand,
there are powerful and rich Rajas, important Brahmins. How do you
dare, sir, to demand 'de-colonisation'! This is sheer anti-English

An old Indian Air Force officer Joe Thomas actually reminded that,
"while the population of the US today is approximately the same as the
population of India a century ago, the British in India never numbered
more than 50,000 and still ruled India. They did not rule India by
force but by dominating Indian discourse. Indians fought for the
British and put down rebellions. During the two world wars, millions
of Indians fought as volunteers for Britain. If such a tiny group
could control India, then it is not strange that 100 times that number
can influence the United States"...

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

2015-12-17 14:11:10 UTC
Looking at these girls, they are matured and beautiful that are worth every
cent to be our wives. They are virgins too.


"AleXX" wrote in message news:n4p9qh$813$***@dont-email.me...

All these cruel fighters will jerk off and forget who is Allah and their
promised 72 virgins.
Jan Panteltje
2015-12-17 14:24:16 UTC
On a sunny day (Thu, 17 Dec 2015 22:11:10 +0800) it happened "Jun"
Post by Jun
Looking at these girls, they are matured and beautiful that are worth every
cent to be our wives. They are virgins too.
Are you sure? I though Kim had at least one of them?
Post by Jun
All these cruel fighters will jerk off and forget who is Allah and their
promised 72 virgins.
2015-12-22 10:04:22 UTC
It doesn’t matter who has and who has not. They are fine ladies with
beautiful nubile look that is compatible standard to high society looks.

"Jan Panteltje" wrote in message news:n4ugig$jsn$***@news.datemas.de...

On a sunny day (Thu, 17 Dec 2015 22:11:10 +0800) it happened "Jun"
Post by Jun
Looking at these girls, they are matured and beautiful that are worth every
cent to be our wives. They are virgins too.
Are you sure? I though Kim had at least one of them?
Post by Jun
All these cruel fighters will jerk off and forget who is Allah and their
promised 72 virgins.
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