2016-08-01 04:35:02 UTC
By Aviroce
Catholics and Muslims are alike in their beliefs. Both believe in the holiness of Jesus. Both believe Jesus is a Prophet (See Gibran Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet.”) Both believe that Jesus was conceived by Mary, the Virgin Mary. For Catholics, Jesus was conceived by Mary and the Father God. Muslims go around that by saying “Allah blew on Mary and Mary got Pregnant and was a Virgin all along.” Keep in mind Allah, God, can do anything. Thus Jesus is not the Son of Allah as Allah is perfect and does not need a Son. Both Catholics and Muslims believe Jesus talked at birth asking people to worship God, Allah, the Father. No wonder Catholics considered Muslims as Christian Heretics.
A Muslim woman was not different from a Catholic woman in their conservatism. Both were reserved and both believed in marriage the only way to have family and children. Both believed man should be the provider.
Now things are topsy-turvy.
On the other hand, Jews believed in Yahwa or HaShem as a God of the Jews. As far as people are concerned, the Jews believe they are God of the world the reason why they think Jews are the only Humans and other people are non-Human, other people are beasts. Jews have had thousands of prophets reported in their Torahs and Telmuds though Muslims believed that only Moses, David, Solomon, Joseph are basically the only prophets. By then, prior to Islam, people were not aware of the Babylonian Telmud. Muslims had no knowledge what that Telmud had in it. After it was deciphered by a Spanish Jew, Muslims were upset to see the Jew raw beliefs. To Jews, Jesus is a Wicked Bastard Sorcerer whose Mother Mary was a Whore. Jews despise Jesus and feel that he was rightfully punished. There is therefore a wide difference between Jews and Muslims and between Jews and Christians.
Do not get taken by the many churches that seem to forget how Jews treated Jesus and what Jews think of Jesus. These churches are political religious groups led by Jews claiming to be Christians to avoid discrimination. The Evangelical Church is from Jews for Jews. Now a jew is a member of a race called jew race. Recently, the word jew has been degraded to become Zionist and when talking about a Jew you will be talking about a political figure called Zionist. But jews do not forget the Tax-Exempt status they can enjoy as a religious belief. So when it is a matter for IRS, a Zionist is merely a Jew worshiping God although a Jew is normally a non-believer in God but money talks and the dollar sign is in the eyes. Zionists are the most dangerous group within the United States of America and it constitute the Zionist Nation which is against the American Nation which is 96% of the People of the United States
By Aviroce
Catholics and Muslims are alike in their beliefs. Both believe in the holiness of Jesus. Both believe Jesus is a Prophet (See Gibran Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet.”) Both believe that Jesus was conceived by Mary, the Virgin Mary. For Catholics, Jesus was conceived by Mary and the Father God. Muslims go around that by saying “Allah blew on Mary and Mary got Pregnant and was a Virgin all along.” Keep in mind Allah, God, can do anything. Thus Jesus is not the Son of Allah as Allah is perfect and does not need a Son. Both Catholics and Muslims believe Jesus talked at birth asking people to worship God, Allah, the Father. No wonder Catholics considered Muslims as Christian Heretics.
A Muslim woman was not different from a Catholic woman in their conservatism. Both were reserved and both believed in marriage the only way to have family and children. Both believed man should be the provider.
Now things are topsy-turvy.
On the other hand, Jews believed in Yahwa or HaShem as a God of the Jews. As far as people are concerned, the Jews believe they are God of the world the reason why they think Jews are the only Humans and other people are non-Human, other people are beasts. Jews have had thousands of prophets reported in their Torahs and Telmuds though Muslims believed that only Moses, David, Solomon, Joseph are basically the only prophets. By then, prior to Islam, people were not aware of the Babylonian Telmud. Muslims had no knowledge what that Telmud had in it. After it was deciphered by a Spanish Jew, Muslims were upset to see the Jew raw beliefs. To Jews, Jesus is a Wicked Bastard Sorcerer whose Mother Mary was a Whore. Jews despise Jesus and feel that he was rightfully punished. There is therefore a wide difference between Jews and Muslims and between Jews and Christians.
Do not get taken by the many churches that seem to forget how Jews treated Jesus and what Jews think of Jesus. These churches are political religious groups led by Jews claiming to be Christians to avoid discrimination. The Evangelical Church is from Jews for Jews. Now a jew is a member of a race called jew race. Recently, the word jew has been degraded to become Zionist and when talking about a Jew you will be talking about a political figure called Zionist. But jews do not forget the Tax-Exempt status they can enjoy as a religious belief. So when it is a matter for IRS, a Zionist is merely a Jew worshiping God although a Jew is normally a non-believer in God but money talks and the dollar sign is in the eyes. Zionists are the most dangerous group within the United States of America and it constitute the Zionist Nation which is against the American Nation which is 96% of the People of the United States