These lawless savages have been acting without accountability to anyone, because they are largely enemies of America, who cowardly run from responsibility in America to defend their own brothers and sisters - GODPOD INCLUDED ! ! ! So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes.
2016-09-08 20:17:42 UTC
Leading the Free World - Winnipeg police are complicit in mass murder
CNN CBC FOXNEWS ARE LYING DEMON ENEMY BETRAYERS TO US HUMANS: DEMAND JUSTICE FOR COPS - DEMAND JUSTICE FOR GOD - OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE FOR AMERICA ! ! ! - HANNITY interviews JOHNNY AMERICA - "Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish religions in belief?"
2016-08-05 02:39:20 UTC
the late Jennie Kinal, the town slut of Winnipeg