Post by BykerFortunately, China ignored their noises and proceeded to built the dam
that took 20 years to complete at 13 billion USD.
I would bet on a serious collapse within 20 years. It was
too ambitious, constructed too quickly and built on some
unsteady ground. The groundwater infiltration has upped
the chances of a huge earthquake too.
Given the sheer volume of water behind it, when it goes
the few survivors will imagine themselves to be a modern
Noah for a time ..........
Hydroelectric is a GOOD idea and if you have places you
can put a (safe) dam then go for it. However I think China
would have been served better by two or three smaller
dams at various spots along the river. Cheaper to build,
less disruptive, easier to build RIGHT.
Oh, and I see Pakistan has canned aboout a third of
their airline pilots for having fake licences and/or
cheating on their various exams .... so do not fly
in a Pakistani airliner over the 3-Gorges dam :-)