Muhammad Javed Iqbal
2010-05-14 05:35:35 UTC
Lt.Gen Jagjit Singh Arora€ ’²s € ’±Dismemberment of East Pakistan€
’² Documents of 1971 Documnts Destroyed by the € ’³Brahmins-Hindus
Indian army€ ’´ -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) Comments
Piare Bhai Sahib Muhammad Shahbaji,
Aslaam O Alaikum!
This time again to expend my answer to your questions and reminder to
me on the Sikh leadership ot the 'leadership of weaklings' like
Prakash (Hanera/Darkness Badal, as Chief Minister and Chief, Akali Dal-
Badal Private Incorporation Limited, and a traitor like Manmohan Sinh,
a professional 'liar' and booklicker/Chalianc hutt of the 'Brahmins-
Hindus' , although I have not received a reply from you.
Piare Bhai Sahib, the problems of the Sikhs of the Landless Nation
Punjab and the great people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are
'common' to a certain extent. We both have a common enemy, the
'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy. We, the Sikhs
have far more problems than Pakistan, especially more than 76%
population of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, surrounded by a 'weak'
administration of 10% or 25% Zardari and his 'joe boys and joe girls'.
I do, however, wish you the very best on behalf of the Sikhs (Awam) of
Punjab, the backbone people and the Sikh Diaspora.
Our problem, the problem of the Sikhs is that they have been made
'alcoholics or the slave of alcohol by the Prakash Sinh Badal
administration. More than 70,000 Sikh families have committed suicide,
since the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and its armed forces waged an 'Undeclared
war on the Sikhs of Punjab, in the form of a brutal "Operation
Bluestar" of June, 1984. The brutal military operation took a toll of
more than 260,000 innocent Sikhs and Punjab was made a 'Concentration
Camp' in the post-"Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, days. The
question is why did the Sikh village folks committed suicide? They
were in debts heavily and the Punjab State administration heavily
taxed them, despite helping them and considering that the
administration of Punjab belong to the people of Punjab.
Further, Punjab's agriculture is heavily dependent on the
'electricity' . which is hardly provided to the people of Punjab.
Punjab's produced electricity is provided 'free' of cost to the
'Brahmins-Hindus' NDA (New Delhi administration) . They do not
adequate 'irrigational water', which comes from the rivers (3 in
Punjab and two in West Pakistan). Punjab's river water is highly
polluted and a problem for the Punjab farmers to use it for their
livelihood. Further than this, Punjab's River water and by-products
are provided absolutely free to Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and
elsewhere. Todate, the NAS owe more than Rs 70,000-cror to Punjab; but
the Punjab administration is deliberately keeps its mouth shut before
the 'Brahmins-Hindus' . I do not think that you, my dear brother
Shahbaz ji, do not experience this problem from your federal
administration. I do know, however, the west Punjab's farmers are not
happy with the Zardari 10% administration. Pardon me for my writing
that the € ’±non-Punjabis are the worst enemy of the Punjabis,
regardless where they are. We, the Punjabis, have these problems.
These non-Punjabis are and will not the friends of us € ’±PUNJABIS€
Our young generations future is not for the € ’±vulgar culture,
vulgar songs, dances, nudeness, lack of higher education, etc. Our
future is in the Punjabi, Sikh culture and our Punjabi traditions. The
present generation of the Sikhs holy and historic Homeland is being
destroyed everyday by € ’±spineless Sikh leadership€ ’². This
leadership is the enemy of the € ’±House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib€
’², Sikhs€ ’² Holy and Historical places, Sikh history from the Sikh
point of view and the Sikhs€ ’² Darbar Sahib Complex and the Supreme
Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib. The schools in Punjab are
without teachers and teaching aids. The enemy of Punjab must be thrown
out the earliest.
Please correct me if I am wrong, the river RAVI has dried up near
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan€ ’²s Punjabi farmers need €
’±water€ ’² for their farming. Your problem is, like the Sikhs of
Punjab,€ the € ’±Brahmins-Hindus€ ’² have been building € ’±dams
and diverting water€ ’² of the river water originating from the
Indian-occupied Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir.
Do you think that the Zardari 10% or 25% administration will € ’±aid
€ ’² in the problem of the west Pakistan€ ’²s (Muslim) farmers? My
answer to the question is a big € ’±No€ ’².
Brother Shahbazji, we both know the past. We should not get lost based
on the past. We have to look jointly for the future, € ’±future of
farmers of West Pakistan€ ’²s PUNJAB and the Sikhs of the Sikhs€ ’²
holy and historic Homeland, PUNJAB/ The Sikh Nation (Landless)/Sikh
Raj (under the € ’±occupation of the € ’±Brahmins-Hindus alleged
Indian democracy€ ’².
Further, let the people of € ’±Jammu and Kashmir€ ’² not beat around
the bush. The € ’±Brahmins-Hindus€ ’² are all out to swallow them.
Would they like to be € ’±swallowed€ ’²? The answer will come from
the people of the Jammu and Kashmir jointly. The 9 donkeys and 1-Lion
democratic system is not € ’±fit€ ’² for the people of PUNJAB. I
need not to elaborate on this any further.
May the Khudawand Bakhshinda shower His blessings on the € ’±people
of Pakistan and Punjab€ ’².
Janab Muhammad Shahbaz ji,
Piare Bhai Sahib Shahbaz ji,
Aslaam O Alaikum!
Thank you very kindly for your frank but blunt reply. In fact, you are
the 'first' person to comment on my write up. Further, no Sikh except
Giani Harvinder Singh Alwar ji has commented on the 'Talibanized
Brahmins-Hindus alleged democracy's fiasco of 1971, in which Pakistan
(now the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) was dismembered by the Indira
Gandhi's New Delhi administration (NDA).€
Dear brother, I could not agree more than what the points raised in
your reply (see below). Besides, your reply, I would like to state the
1. Master Tara Singh, a Brahmin convert to the 'House of Guru Baba
Nanak Sahib', then the leader of the Sikhs (what leader? I question
now that ONE man destroyed the future of the Sikhs of PUNJAB in my
opinion. He did not sign even a single document before the partition.
Do you think he deserved to be a leader of the Sikhs? No, he must have
been kicked out well before the partition of the PUNJAB, annexed' by
the British Empire took place. However, he was not. However, this
Master Tara Singh back 'stabbed' the 'uncrowned' king of Sikhs, Baba
Kharak Singh, who led a procession/demonstr ation of more than 500,000
citizens of the 'annexed' PUNJAB, on 29th December, 1929 (see The
Times London, Front page). The newspaper carried the comments that
"Such a huge peaceful demonstration never seen in the history of
2. Indeed, the 'Brahmins-Hindus (chor, dakku, Rehzan, Ghulaam,
Scondrel in Persian, Arabic and English disctionaries) were the
meanings) leaders like JL Nehru, his father , the son of Giasydin
alias Gangadhar Kaul, and other 'Brahmins-Hindus' played their cards
against them. Leaving the Sikhs aside, because of neiveness of their
nature and weaking of the leadership, no one had understood the games
of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' , which included a 'naked faqir', described
by Sir Winston Churchill, had understtod their psyche than Janab MA
Jinnah, the Father of Pakistan. The latter knew perfectly well as to
what were the 'Brahmins-Hindus' were up to, despite their political
3. I agree with you that the Sikhs deserved and deserve what they have
been getting since the day these 'Brahmins-Hindus' clique 'robbed' the
Sikhs in a wide daylight 'robbery' and made them a 'Landless Nation
PUNJAB (divided) and further divided in 1966 by Indira Gandhi in 1966
into PUNJAB, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana, to divide the Sikhs as much
as possible.
4. You controlled yourself to express more, but I have to say it that
none of the Sikhs' elected representatives, except Sardar Hukam Singh,
Bhupinder SinghMaan and Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS, MP, MLA and National
Professor of Sikhism, has have been playing in the hands of the
"Brahmins-Hindus' parties, like Congress, BJP, Rashtriya Sikh Sangat
(Sikhs' BJP), Hindu Maha Sabha (mother of all evils), all other non-
Sikh political parties. I would not leave the Akali Dal-Badal Private
Limited Incorporation, led by Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal,
his clan and Badal's "joe boys and joe girls", simply to hang on to
their 'Kursi or the political power and let the Sikhs go to hell.
Indeed, I am thankful to Giani Harvinder Singh Alwar, as he had the
courage to tell the truth to the Congregation of the Gurdwara Bangla
5. Had we not have the religious and political leader like Shaheed-
Bilas Saint Soldier Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale in 1980s, supported by
his staunch supporters, advisors and followers, the Punjab of Sikhs,
their Holy and Historic places like the Darbar Sahib Complex, the
Supreme Seat of the Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib, Amritsar, and
all Gurdwaras and villages of Sikhs Punjab would have been
'Bulldozed'; and the Sikhs, whatever the left, would have become the
'Brahmins-Hindus' . This would have been the same way when Ashoka laid
down his arms and the 'Brahmins' swallowed the Buddhism, which took
its birth in the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy.
6. Brother Shahbazji, the Sikh academics in Punjab and Chandigarh have
their lips sealed and hands put in the 'handcuffs, and the€
'Brahmins (2%)-Hindus (10%)'€ have been made so helpless. This is
the present state of the 'Sikh leadership' of€ Prakash Sinh Badal,
Manmohan Sinh,€ Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi
administration (NDA). The latter is 'not' an elected Member of
Parliament, from any constituency of India, but he is a€ Prime
Minister and the 'rapist' of the democratic system€ of
administration. This is democracy.
7. In democracy, if you have 12 donkeys in one side and 1 lion on the
other, the government will be formed by the 'donkeys'; because the
majority rules the democracy.
8. The Sikhs are 'Fighting their Battle, strugging for their
Sovereignty, Independence, and Political power since 14th March, 1849,
and we will continue our fight until our last drop of 'blood and
breath'. It was not any Sikh General, who peed in his pants/uniform,
but it was a 'Brahmin (Kashmiri)' who wetted his pent, drank the
'soapy water' to run away from the front of Battlefield, i, e.,€
Nehru's Debacle of China in 1963. It was the Senior mot Sikh General,
Lt. Gen Bikram Singh, COC of the Western Command, whose life was
taken, with his other Sikh colleagues, in conform of the anti-Sikh
policies of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' . I deeply regrett that the Sikhs of
Punjab and elsewhere do not follow the teachings of Guru Baba Nanak
Sahib in Guru Granth Sahib:"Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Khaii Hath
Chhurri Jagat Kasaii." The meaning is 'Brahmins is the Butcher of our
9. I could go on and on, but I have to finish my writing. Please learn
from the Sikhs on the Eastern side of your border, and 'Save'€
Pakistan from the international affairs. If you do that, in that case
we, the Sikhs and Muslim brothers, can corner the 'Brahmins-Hindus'
and put them into their right place.
With best wishes and warmest regards.
Your brother,
Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)
’² Documents of 1971 Documnts Destroyed by the € ’³Brahmins-Hindus
Indian army€ ’´ -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) Comments
Piare Bhai Sahib Muhammad Shahbaji,
Aslaam O Alaikum!
This time again to expend my answer to your questions and reminder to
me on the Sikh leadership ot the 'leadership of weaklings' like
Prakash (Hanera/Darkness Badal, as Chief Minister and Chief, Akali Dal-
Badal Private Incorporation Limited, and a traitor like Manmohan Sinh,
a professional 'liar' and booklicker/Chalianc hutt of the 'Brahmins-
Hindus' , although I have not received a reply from you.
Piare Bhai Sahib, the problems of the Sikhs of the Landless Nation
Punjab and the great people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are
'common' to a certain extent. We both have a common enemy, the
'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy. We, the Sikhs
have far more problems than Pakistan, especially more than 76%
population of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, surrounded by a 'weak'
administration of 10% or 25% Zardari and his 'joe boys and joe girls'.
I do, however, wish you the very best on behalf of the Sikhs (Awam) of
Punjab, the backbone people and the Sikh Diaspora.
Our problem, the problem of the Sikhs is that they have been made
'alcoholics or the slave of alcohol by the Prakash Sinh Badal
administration. More than 70,000 Sikh families have committed suicide,
since the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and its armed forces waged an 'Undeclared
war on the Sikhs of Punjab, in the form of a brutal "Operation
Bluestar" of June, 1984. The brutal military operation took a toll of
more than 260,000 innocent Sikhs and Punjab was made a 'Concentration
Camp' in the post-"Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, days. The
question is why did the Sikh village folks committed suicide? They
were in debts heavily and the Punjab State administration heavily
taxed them, despite helping them and considering that the
administration of Punjab belong to the people of Punjab.
Further, Punjab's agriculture is heavily dependent on the
'electricity' . which is hardly provided to the people of Punjab.
Punjab's produced electricity is provided 'free' of cost to the
'Brahmins-Hindus' NDA (New Delhi administration) . They do not
adequate 'irrigational water', which comes from the rivers (3 in
Punjab and two in West Pakistan). Punjab's river water is highly
polluted and a problem for the Punjab farmers to use it for their
livelihood. Further than this, Punjab's River water and by-products
are provided absolutely free to Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and
elsewhere. Todate, the NAS owe more than Rs 70,000-cror to Punjab; but
the Punjab administration is deliberately keeps its mouth shut before
the 'Brahmins-Hindus' . I do not think that you, my dear brother
Shahbaz ji, do not experience this problem from your federal
administration. I do know, however, the west Punjab's farmers are not
happy with the Zardari 10% administration. Pardon me for my writing
that the € ’±non-Punjabis are the worst enemy of the Punjabis,
regardless where they are. We, the Punjabis, have these problems.
These non-Punjabis are and will not the friends of us € ’±PUNJABIS€
Our young generations future is not for the € ’±vulgar culture,
vulgar songs, dances, nudeness, lack of higher education, etc. Our
future is in the Punjabi, Sikh culture and our Punjabi traditions. The
present generation of the Sikhs holy and historic Homeland is being
destroyed everyday by € ’±spineless Sikh leadership€ ’². This
leadership is the enemy of the € ’±House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib€
’², Sikhs€ ’² Holy and Historical places, Sikh history from the Sikh
point of view and the Sikhs€ ’² Darbar Sahib Complex and the Supreme
Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib. The schools in Punjab are
without teachers and teaching aids. The enemy of Punjab must be thrown
out the earliest.
Please correct me if I am wrong, the river RAVI has dried up near
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan€ ’²s Punjabi farmers need €
’±water€ ’² for their farming. Your problem is, like the Sikhs of
Punjab,€ the € ’±Brahmins-Hindus€ ’² have been building € ’±dams
and diverting water€ ’² of the river water originating from the
Indian-occupied Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir.
Do you think that the Zardari 10% or 25% administration will € ’±aid
€ ’² in the problem of the west Pakistan€ ’²s (Muslim) farmers? My
answer to the question is a big € ’±No€ ’².
Brother Shahbazji, we both know the past. We should not get lost based
on the past. We have to look jointly for the future, € ’±future of
farmers of West Pakistan€ ’²s PUNJAB and the Sikhs of the Sikhs€ ’²
holy and historic Homeland, PUNJAB/ The Sikh Nation (Landless)/Sikh
Raj (under the € ’±occupation of the € ’±Brahmins-Hindus alleged
Indian democracy€ ’².
Further, let the people of € ’±Jammu and Kashmir€ ’² not beat around
the bush. The € ’±Brahmins-Hindus€ ’² are all out to swallow them.
Would they like to be € ’±swallowed€ ’²? The answer will come from
the people of the Jammu and Kashmir jointly. The 9 donkeys and 1-Lion
democratic system is not € ’±fit€ ’² for the people of PUNJAB. I
need not to elaborate on this any further.
May the Khudawand Bakhshinda shower His blessings on the € ’±people
of Pakistan and Punjab€ ’².
Janab Muhammad Shahbaz ji,
Piare Bhai Sahib Shahbaz ji,
Aslaam O Alaikum!
Thank you very kindly for your frank but blunt reply. In fact, you are
the 'first' person to comment on my write up. Further, no Sikh except
Giani Harvinder Singh Alwar ji has commented on the 'Talibanized
Brahmins-Hindus alleged democracy's fiasco of 1971, in which Pakistan
(now the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) was dismembered by the Indira
Gandhi's New Delhi administration (NDA).€
Dear brother, I could not agree more than what the points raised in
your reply (see below). Besides, your reply, I would like to state the
1. Master Tara Singh, a Brahmin convert to the 'House of Guru Baba
Nanak Sahib', then the leader of the Sikhs (what leader? I question
now that ONE man destroyed the future of the Sikhs of PUNJAB in my
opinion. He did not sign even a single document before the partition.
Do you think he deserved to be a leader of the Sikhs? No, he must have
been kicked out well before the partition of the PUNJAB, annexed' by
the British Empire took place. However, he was not. However, this
Master Tara Singh back 'stabbed' the 'uncrowned' king of Sikhs, Baba
Kharak Singh, who led a procession/demonstr ation of more than 500,000
citizens of the 'annexed' PUNJAB, on 29th December, 1929 (see The
Times London, Front page). The newspaper carried the comments that
"Such a huge peaceful demonstration never seen in the history of
2. Indeed, the 'Brahmins-Hindus (chor, dakku, Rehzan, Ghulaam,
Scondrel in Persian, Arabic and English disctionaries) were the
meanings) leaders like JL Nehru, his father , the son of Giasydin
alias Gangadhar Kaul, and other 'Brahmins-Hindus' played their cards
against them. Leaving the Sikhs aside, because of neiveness of their
nature and weaking of the leadership, no one had understood the games
of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' , which included a 'naked faqir', described
by Sir Winston Churchill, had understtod their psyche than Janab MA
Jinnah, the Father of Pakistan. The latter knew perfectly well as to
what were the 'Brahmins-Hindus' were up to, despite their political
3. I agree with you that the Sikhs deserved and deserve what they have
been getting since the day these 'Brahmins-Hindus' clique 'robbed' the
Sikhs in a wide daylight 'robbery' and made them a 'Landless Nation
PUNJAB (divided) and further divided in 1966 by Indira Gandhi in 1966
into PUNJAB, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana, to divide the Sikhs as much
as possible.
4. You controlled yourself to express more, but I have to say it that
none of the Sikhs' elected representatives, except Sardar Hukam Singh,
Bhupinder SinghMaan and Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS, MP, MLA and National
Professor of Sikhism, has have been playing in the hands of the
"Brahmins-Hindus' parties, like Congress, BJP, Rashtriya Sikh Sangat
(Sikhs' BJP), Hindu Maha Sabha (mother of all evils), all other non-
Sikh political parties. I would not leave the Akali Dal-Badal Private
Limited Incorporation, led by Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal,
his clan and Badal's "joe boys and joe girls", simply to hang on to
their 'Kursi or the political power and let the Sikhs go to hell.
Indeed, I am thankful to Giani Harvinder Singh Alwar, as he had the
courage to tell the truth to the Congregation of the Gurdwara Bangla
5. Had we not have the religious and political leader like Shaheed-
Bilas Saint Soldier Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale in 1980s, supported by
his staunch supporters, advisors and followers, the Punjab of Sikhs,
their Holy and Historic places like the Darbar Sahib Complex, the
Supreme Seat of the Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib, Amritsar, and
all Gurdwaras and villages of Sikhs Punjab would have been
'Bulldozed'; and the Sikhs, whatever the left, would have become the
'Brahmins-Hindus' . This would have been the same way when Ashoka laid
down his arms and the 'Brahmins' swallowed the Buddhism, which took
its birth in the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy.
6. Brother Shahbazji, the Sikh academics in Punjab and Chandigarh have
their lips sealed and hands put in the 'handcuffs, and the€
'Brahmins (2%)-Hindus (10%)'€ have been made so helpless. This is
the present state of the 'Sikh leadership' of€ Prakash Sinh Badal,
Manmohan Sinh,€ Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi
administration (NDA). The latter is 'not' an elected Member of
Parliament, from any constituency of India, but he is a€ Prime
Minister and the 'rapist' of the democratic system€ of
administration. This is democracy.
7. In democracy, if you have 12 donkeys in one side and 1 lion on the
other, the government will be formed by the 'donkeys'; because the
majority rules the democracy.
8. The Sikhs are 'Fighting their Battle, strugging for their
Sovereignty, Independence, and Political power since 14th March, 1849,
and we will continue our fight until our last drop of 'blood and
breath'. It was not any Sikh General, who peed in his pants/uniform,
but it was a 'Brahmin (Kashmiri)' who wetted his pent, drank the
'soapy water' to run away from the front of Battlefield, i, e.,€
Nehru's Debacle of China in 1963. It was the Senior mot Sikh General,
Lt. Gen Bikram Singh, COC of the Western Command, whose life was
taken, with his other Sikh colleagues, in conform of the anti-Sikh
policies of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' . I deeply regrett that the Sikhs of
Punjab and elsewhere do not follow the teachings of Guru Baba Nanak
Sahib in Guru Granth Sahib:"Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Khaii Hath
Chhurri Jagat Kasaii." The meaning is 'Brahmins is the Butcher of our
9. I could go on and on, but I have to finish my writing. Please learn
from the Sikhs on the Eastern side of your border, and 'Save'€
Pakistan from the international affairs. If you do that, in that case
we, the Sikhs and Muslim brothers, can corner the 'Brahmins-Hindus'
and put them into their right place.
With best wishes and warmest regards.
Your brother,
Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)